
We are Singaporeans

Sometimes I wonder if we are Singaporeans or only some people are Singaporeans and the rest are not or even worse, are enemies of some Singaporeans. Alternative parties and their members are also Singaporeans. They are not enemies of the country. They are there to provide an alternative govt. The real enemies of Singaporeans and Singapore are those that sold out the interests of the people to foreigners. Make that very clear.

Critics of govt policies, people who disagree with govt policies, bloggers, netizens, they are also Singaporeans. There are the soul and conscience of the people. They wanted the wrongs to be righted, they wanted the country to steer away from the cliff, from making irreparable damages to country and people. They are loyal citizens that are brave and willing to speak out. If there is no one to speak out for Singaporeans, it would be a sad day as they could be sold by rogue govts one day. The critics are not enemies of the country. Who made them enemies of the people, or what made them enemies of the people? Why are they treated like enemies of the people for speaking out against policies that they passionately feel are not good for the people and country? It is not a crime to disagree with govt policies. The govt is not always right.

I must admit that some people will regard the critics and alternative parties as enemies and would want to get rid of them by all means. When you make someone an enemy, they will make you their enemy as well. Why would people want to make enemies of other people when they could be friends or if not, worthy opponents in the political arena, without being enemies. It is a right protected by our democratic Constitutions to form political parties, to express freely without going into libels or defamation.

The days of revolution, when the contest for political power was by the barrel of the gun are over. If we have not progressed from that dark period of history and still live with a mindset of yesteryears, then we are asking to be buried by the old ways. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Many countries, even 3rd world countries, have developed a mature political system when the transfer of political power becomes part and parcel of their system, when politics is a contest of ideas and not gangland warfare waged by gangsters. They have moved on and become more civil in relations among rival politicians. They know that they have to be civilised to each other in a democracy. They know that their turn will come when they will lose power and would like to be treated decently by the new power of the day.

In democracy, political power cannot be forever, cannot be entrenched for life. Every politician will have to face defeat sooner or later, or have to step down from office. They cannot hide and be protected by the power of their office forever and think they can behave arrogantly or act like gangsters. They cannot afford to make enemies unnecessarily. Their good fortune must come to an end one day and they must face the consequences. If they make enemies, they will have to contend with their enemies in power. If they make friends, they can expect their friends to treat them kindly.

That is the politics of a mature society. Have we reached this new level of civility? Or are politicians of rival camps still regard each other as enemies and walking around with knives and daggers waiting for blood letting?

We are Singaporeans, and better to stay that way as family than enemies, all inclusive.


HongKong Stock Exchange heading for doom?

All that glitters is not gold. HongKong has resisted the glamour and glitz of the so called new vibrancy of western model stock exchanges in the likes of New York SE. It is facing great pressures from the western media, international investors and global banks to adapt the highly manipulative and dangerous trading systems of the west. They are putting pressure on HongKong to be like one of them, to allow them to manipulate and raid the innocent investors. And HongKong is caving in to meet the ‘international standard’ of the west.

China must step in to stop the wavering. What is glitter is not gold. The so called ‘international standard’ is a fraud. They have turned the western stock exchanges into casinos and waiting to go bust just like the collapse of derivative markets.

China has offered the Shanghai model as a safer trading platform to the flawed western model. HongKong must not be talked into accepting the western model, with HFT, algo and supercomputers and toxic derivatives. At the moment their resistance is weakening as if not becoming one of them is wrong, that the HongKong system is not up to ‘international standard’.

The question is whether HongKong Exchange is doing well? If it is, do not be lulled or conned or pressurized into doing something stupid. A very good example is Tiger Woods. He was doing extremely well and winning competitions after competitions and setting new records. Then some smart guy told him to change his swing. And he has never seen daylight after that. His game collapsed and he is no longer the fear and respected Tiger.

When things are working fine, do not fix it. The ‘international standard’ is a trap to destroy the HongKong Exchange just like it has broken and brought down the Singapore Exchange. Everything that looks good is but superficial, a façade and a mirage, a deception.

HongKong should follow Shanghai and do what it knew best and not be fooled to embrace the highly flawed western exchange model. Do not buckle under foreign pressure. Don’t believe in getting rich schemes. When someone is getting rich quickly, someone or many people are losing and getting poor quickly.

Immigration is a policy, prostitution is a choice

A prostitute has a choice, unless forced by some adverse situation or being victims of the mafia world. Many have resigned to the knowledge that they could not become ministers, professionals of knowledge based trades, and thus chose to be a professionals by trading their endowments. All they need to do is to dress up, powdered themselves to look good and they are in business, just a little skin deep packaging. And as prostitutes, they have little choice but to please. They have to accept everything from their clients who pay them the money. The moral of the story, if one chooses prostitution as a trade, you have no right to set the terms, the customers dictate and you adapt.

France and other European countries are having second thought on their immigration policies after the Hebdo Charlie shooting. Europe in general and France in particular, have a serious immigration problem, of having too many foreigners of diverse culture and faith in their midst. When the immigrants were small in numbers, it was easy to be generous, and the immigrants were easy to toe the line, to live in their little corners, not to be seen and not to disturb the peace. When the numbers are big, they want a say, they want to be accepted, they would not take no for an answer, and ridiculing them, making fun of them are not acceptable. When the host went overboard in the so called freedom of expression, to insult and shame the immigrants, they could be killed by the very immigrants they took in out of compassion and generosity.

The Europeans are now questioning if they should change this policy, that the immigrants adapt and be like them or they adapt and be like the immigrants as some said. They have a choice in their immigration policy, to open or close the door. If they choose to open the door, then they must accept the consequences, to be a bit more like the immigrants when the immigrants did not want to be like them.

Singapore too has a choice to open or close the immigration door. Actually it is not as simple as that. The political rulers decided for the people. The govt has a choice, the people did not. The people objected to the indiscriminate immigration policy and did not want the 6.9m in the PWP. The govt decided to go ahead with more immigrants against the wishes of many Singaporeans, like deaf frogs. But this is one major part of the immigration policy.

The second part, to open legs wide wide, like a prostitute, Singapore is in a way given up the right to dictate to the new immigrants how they should behave. There are just too many of them and Singaporeans are already a minority in the island. It is very difficult to impose the Singaporean way of life on a minority of new immigrants. It is futile to impose on them when they are a majority.

Singaporeans can no longer hope for the new immigrants to be like them but more to be like the new immigrants. And is there anything good in the new immigrants that are worthy to emulate or be like them except by being hungrier, looking hungrier and willing to work for a couple of dollars, to slog day and night for it. What is there that is so good that the Singaporeans should give up their first world way of life to trade with the 3rd world way of life? How about punching taxi drivers and hitting cyclists, shouting everywhere, shitting everywhere and smelling everywhere?

Why should Singaporeans want to be like the new immigrants, integrate with them and be like them when these people were running away from their shitty way of life to be like us, to enjoy our quality of life, our way of life? Are we stupid or what?

Are we that stupid? Or have we really become prostitutes and have to take everything the new immigrants offered, including VD, that we have no choice and must be grateful and say thank you to them, to become like them? Oh, I forgot, we are daft and they are the talented ones, coming here to help us.

Prostitution is a choice. And since we are good for nothing and have come to the conclusion that prostitution is the only way to make a living, we should not be complaining.

Huffington Post is unfair

How can Huffington Post be so unfair and published only articles written by Dr Chee Soon Juan, an opposition party leader? Even if the articles were well written, Huffington Post should be wiser and fairer, and be more balanced to post a few articles by leaders of the ruling party. In that way, the paper will be seen as more even handed, like our local media that published the govt’s articles and also those of Dr Chee. I did not check on this and so please forgive me if my information is not accurate. But quoting from a minister, Chan Chun Sing, who said that the Straits Times has been fair and has published Dr Chee’s articles, it must be true. Our ministers would not dare to lie in an official letter to a western media like the Huffington Post.

The ball is now in Huffington Post’s court. It would be seen as a biased news media if it does not publish some articles from the govt to give its side of the story, or the right to reply. I am also not sure if the Govt has asked for the right to reply or want to make any reply. Just curious, has the govt tried to rebut Chee’s points in his articles and rejected by Huffington Post? Huffington can take the example of our local media to publish two sides of a story, both sides count. I don’t think Huffington Post is that unfair and would only post articles from one political party and ignore the rest or selectively post articles that are irrelevant or inconsequential when it does so.

Or is Huffington Post exercising some kind of censorship, to print only what it deems fit and decide what its readers can read and what its readers should not read? There is a need for more transparency, accountability and honesty from a reputable media like the Huffington Post. If our local media can be transparent and fair, why can’t the Huffington Post?

Where is the fairness? Or is it that fairness is selective? Huffington Post has a good reputation and so has our local media, except of course the social media, the latter only spread misinformation and lies, and drumming, completely unreliable.

You people agree with my chastising of the Huffington Post? Ouch, don’t anyhow throw stones can?


Are you a ‘no body’?

Please don’t say yes. Being a no body is a very shameful and depressing thing, that you would be despised and looked down upon, maybe not in your face but surely behind your back. Some were too unfortunate that they were told right in their face that they are no body and better shut up and go hide in a corner. As a no body, as a failure, you should not even be talking to the public, to the world. Only successful people, people that are not ‘no body’ has the right and honour to blow their trumpets, to stand on high pedestal to lecture to the no bodies.

Some say failure is the mother of success. Many entrepreneurs, professionals, even world leaders, were no bodies until they achieved fame and glory over their failures. And many successful some bodies ended in oblivion, in shame, in disgrace. But that is not the moral of the story. The wise always say things to encourage the losers, the failures. Do not be dismay or despair if one is not making much headway in life. Life is full of up ups and downs, unpredictable. At your worst moment one could turn around and be helped by some fortuitous events to make it good. And they have been many instances of people born with golden spoons but ended in the gutters of life.

The moral of the story is that when you are down, you are not out if one is willing to fight on. On the contrary, when you are up and successful, be wary that you could trip and fall very badly. Nature likes to poke fun at people, especially very successful and arrogant people. The pride goes before the fall.

How many of you are no bodies? How many of you used to be some body? No need to kee chiu. We see you, especially the PMEs and the pioneer generations. Many used to bathe in glory, money cannot finish, chauffer driven, calling the hot and cold when they were around and sending shivers down the spines of those in their company.

Life is full of surprises and upsets. A little humility will go a long way. Don’t ever be cocky. Don’t write people off so easily. Do not be dismissive of people who are still struggling to make their mark. Until your last breath, there is time to right the wrong, to be successful after a life of failures.

Ha, my Sunday sermon.