
Singaporeans, use your votes wisely

The Real Singapore is an aggregator and has been reposting some of my articles there when they found them suitable. I am reposting one of their articles which I think Singaporeans should read and know. Singaporeans must learn to protect themselves from the invasion of foreign talents that are infesting the banking and finance industry, academia and IT too. You do not want to panic like when the rats are running all over Bukit Batok to say enough is enough. It may be too late then. Actually it is already too late. Here is the article titled,

‘Deutsche Bank hires many Indian nationals in high paying positions.
Yesterday, we wrote about Sambath Kannan who came from India to Singapore to work in a high-paying position but derided Singaporeans and said he pitied them. He was later castigated by other Singaporeans and it was also found that the bank that Mr Sambath works at also hires many Indian nationals in high-paying positions.

Mr Sambath Kannan came from Pondicherry in India and is a Vice President at Deutsche Bank.

Yesterday, he wrote a comment on the People's Action Party Facebook page.

"Let us not wait for others to do everything for us. Let us each do our part and give it all that we can," he quoted prime minister Lee Hsien Loong as saying.

Then he chided Singaporeans….

He lamented about how Singaporeans complain about housing and jobs.

"I am really concerned and at times I pity them," he said of Singaporeans.
He then added, "Those born, had education and experience in other countries migrate to Singapore, utilise the opportunities available, create the opportunities for Singaporeans, they grow, they help Singapore to grow. Some of them consider Singapore as their home."...

After the backlash against his comment, he has taken down the post and clarified that he is a Singaporean. Mr Sambath is also a new citizen.

But he also criticise Singaporeans.

"But, some of the Singaporeans are yet to realise the opportunities available and yet to realise their own potentials. They waste their time and energy by criticising the government," he said.

This got many Singaporeans riled up.

Other commenters did not take to Mr Sambath's words kindly.

"So, you are a new citizen, Sambath Kannan? You come here, enjoy the fruits of the hard work of native Singaporeans which made Singapore what it is today and you want to pour caustic comments on us?" one commenter said.

"Do you even know how the bottom 20% of Singaporeans live?" another asked….

This led Mr Sambath to say, "Please try to understand I am not blaming any body. I feel hurt when the public make negative comments about our ministers or Singapore govt."

Indeed, Mr Sambath earns a good salary in the Deutsche Bank and might not understand the plight of ordinary Singaporeans who earn much lower salaries….
What is more, netizens later discovered that many of Mr Sambath's colleagues at Deutsche Bank are also many Indian nationals who hold positions of vice-presidents and directors, like he does.

This angered even more Singaporeans.

Questions have been asked about why Deutsche Bank hires so many foreigners in their high posts and why the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) hasn't yet taken action against the bank.

It is known that the financial industry in Singapore is being taken over by foreigners and replacing the jobs that Singaporeans use to fill….’

Singaporeans should not get angry unnecessarily. Singaporeans should not get angry with this Sambath Kannan. He and Deutsche Bank are just symptoms of the disease affecting this island. Think carefully about what all these meant to Singaporeans and their children and vote wisely. Only Singaporeans can help themselves and protect their children’s future. Singaporeans must decide and decide quickly if this is good for their country and children. No one is going tell you the truth on how this will impact them in the negative and will hit them flat on their faces. Your future and the future of your children depend on what you think should be done to this high population problem and where you want it to go.

Kopi Level - Blue, thank you

Dr Goh Keng Swee resurrected

A forummer Edmund wrote this, (full article in TRE under the title, ‘Dr Goh did warn about dependence on FTs for growth.’)

‘Yes, Dr Goh did warn about Singapore’s dependence on FTs for growth way back in 1972. At the time, he was speaking in his personal capacity at a symposium.
He had previously discussed and sought the advice of his adviser, Dr Albert Winsemius. Their views were similar. So, Dr Goh felt that it was his duty as a Minister to air his views as a common citizen.

He warned that if Singapore was too obsessed with the rapid growth, this would result in a state where it would be out of control (not sustainable and probably irreversible).
Dr Goh asked then, “To be precise, at what point should we stop importing foreign workers and cease to encourage foreign entrepreneurs and capital to come into Singapore?”

“Because of our limited land area, industrial expansion together with population expansion that goes with it, will produce overcrowding to increasingly uncomfortable limits,” he added.

How prescient Dr Goh was in his prediction back in 1972. Some 40 years later, Singapore is exactly in the situation Dr Goh has described – “overcrowding to increasingly uncomfortable limits”…..’

Goh Keng Swee might not say anything about jumping out of his grave, but by revisiting what he said, his warning of the future, ie today and forward, is as good as him standing up to talk to the Singaporeans to heed his advice. What he said in 1972 is very relevant today and the seriousness of his thoughts about the consequences is there for all to see. Only fools will ignore his wisdom and that of Dr Winsemius. Our children will pay dearly for ignoring Dr Goh’s warning.

Yes, Dr Goh Keng Swee has stood up again. Ignore his words at your own peril. The problem is that his advice and warnings have been ignored for the last few decades and the problem is now so huge and intrinsic that it cannot be reolved. We will all have to live with this self inflicted problem. The only way to avoid the problem blowing up in our face is to kick it down the road. Keep inflating the population to have fictitious growth and ignore the consequences, don’t look at them, don’t talk about them.

The govts in the future will have to face this problem squarely and would have to take very drastic actions to save our country and future from an implosion.

Kopi Level - Blue, thank you.


What is a political party?

The question is basic, but needs to be asked again as daft Sinkies are still too daft to understand what is a political party. To the daft Sinkies there is only one right political party and the rest are bordering on being anti establishment, anti country and anti people, or simply irresponsible, reckless and fools. A political party is a legal institution protected under the Constitution. The Constitution also provides for freedom of association or joining an association like a political party, and freedom of expression.
A political party is not a criminal party or association. A political party is not anti country or anti state unless it is stated in the party’s manifesto. A political party is not an enemy of the state or govt. So is a member of a political party.

Joining a political party or being a member of a political party is not a crime or an offence against the law. Organisations or institutions forbidding its staff from joining a political party are acting against the Constitution. It is not funny when the PM and ministers and all MPs and civil servants, except those running as independent, are or can be members of a political party and organization but institutions, got the gumption to forbid its staff to join political parties. There could be some exceptions but with very exceptional reasons to be exempted under the Constitution to do otherwise. It is not a crime or an offense to join a political party.

Why are some parties/party members be viewed, perceived or treated like they were enemies of the state, or criminals, by virtue of the fact that they are political parties or members of political parties? Any political party can be the ruling govt if they win a GE, and the incumbent ruling party would have to step down and be one of the many alternative parties. All political parties are equal under the provisions of the law and have an equal right to contest for political office to form the govt.

The perceptions that alternative political parties and membership to political parties are negative or anti establishment, they are enemies of the state or criminals, or meaning to do no good must be put right. A political party is there to offer itself to serve the people and country with alternative policies. And it is the right of the people to choose whichever party and their policies to run the country. No political party has a special birth right to be the ruling party of the country. This right must come from the people, must be given by the people, with the consent of the people.

Kopi Level - Blue, thank you.

Globalisation – It’s all coming back home, Charb knows.

The Paris attack on a controversial magazine, Charlie Hebdo and killing its editor Stephane Charbonnier, is taking the western world to a new reality. They can never hide under the name of freedom of expression to ridicule and humiliate the poorer and military weaker countries. Globalisation has a price to be paid especially by the bullies who think they can bomb another country, conduct regime change, or as the killing of Charb has demonstrated, you can’t go around abusing other people, their culture, race and religion and their political leaders with impunity.

Globalisation, when the enemies are living with you, a better comprehension of asymmetrical warfare and a zealous motivated individual are enough to turn a country upside down. Walking down the streets of Paris, London or New York is no longer safe. Safety cannot be taken for granted. The West may want to reflect upon this menace they have created by oppressing other people, religion and states. It will all come back home to settle scores. The battle field is still uneven and heavily lopsided, but it is not invincible, impenetrable and impervious to suicide squads.

At the national level, taking pot shot at other countries like the roguish cruise missile strike against a Chinese Embassy in Belgrade would no longer be tolerated and accepted as a price to be paid for weakness. It will be war and American Embassies will be struck if a similar shameless attack is repeated. The highhanded and criminal invasion of Iraq and the recent unprovoked attack on the North Korean computer system will see a return of the favour in a matter of time. The USA and the West may think they can continue with their reckless exploitation of their military and technological superiority to coerce and attack other nations and people. The reality is that the victims can hit back and will strike back.

Let the Paris attack be a lesson to those haughty and cocky western criminals that they cannot hide and cannot run if they throw stones at other people. The stones will come crashing back.

PS. Matilah and Veritas, please be careful with your expletives and insensitive comments on other people and religion. You would not know when they will look for you. You are as safe as Charb.

Kopi Level - Blue, thank you.

Wrong Medicine at Singapore Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

TTSH Allowed Possible Human Contagion without Quarantine

A Radiographer nursing staff [Facebook nickname “Edz Ello”] of Singapore’s Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) posted inflammatory threats to “kick out Singaporeans” and “prayed (wished) for Singaporean deaths” on his Facebook has been placed on administrative duties, pending police investigations.  The Hospital decision apparently ignored a pattern of similar derogatory anti-Singapore remarks on his Facebook.

Pending the outcome of a purported Police investigations, the Standard HRM practice is to suspend the staff and bar his presence from the Hospital for up to 7 days (as allowed by labour laws) while convening a separate Internal Inquiry which would carry out a forensic analysis of his work station, including official and personal computers, personal papers, case files, as well as conduct interviews of co-workers and friends. Any past incidents should be flagged eg. Mails, posts, graffiti and quarrels involving Singaporean patients, co-workers, visitors and vendors should be re-examined.  Should he be deem a flight risk, the Police should detain him under protective custody and/or retain his passport.

While on suspension, the Staff could prepare and collect whatever evidence to support his purported defense [“Someone hacked his Facebook account”]. Given the pattern of similar derogatory anti-Singapore remarks on his Facebook, his defense seemed incredulous.  Nonetheless, the Staff is entitled to due process in Singapore where we apply the Rule of Law even for the more hardened social and criminal offender.

It is a Major Mistake to allow the Staff to return to the workplace amidst the negative publicity against him, and to provide him opportunities for the possible tampering or removal of evidence against him and/or threaten co-workers and other persons against incriminating him.

Furthermore, the words specifically used on his Facebook, and previous postings, [“pray(ing) for “disastors” to strike Singapore and wants to see more Singaporeans die”], if indeed attributed to him, would clearly make him a potential danger to hundreds of Singaporean TTSH staff, Singaporean patients as well as thousands of Singaporean visitors to TTSH daily.   

It is a monumental lapse of leadership judgment to allow the Staff to be in the Hospital, to continue dealing with Singaporeans whom his words [if attributable] had so murderously directed at, before the final determination of the threat assessment that he posed to public safety and security, especially to the Hospital patients, staff and visitors.

As Singapore’s Top Communicable Disease Center, TTSH should know that a contagion MUST be quarantined and contained.  Suspending and Barring the Staff from the Hospital where he could pose a danger to others, and also for his own safety, would not violate any of his civil and due process rights.   

This is straight-forward human resource and national security problem.

At worst, we have discovered a potential serial killer who harbours murderous thoughts for the deaths of all Singaporeans.  At best, the Staff was merely suffering from a mental defect or disease resulting from prolonged working in Singapore far from home.  If the former, the Police would deal with him accordingly.

Should the Staff be diagnosed with a mental defect or illness against Singaporeans and all things Singapore, just remove him like a virus from the environment that “caused” or “feed” his affliction – Singapore.  The obvious solution then is to deport the Staff and bar him from entering Singapore for his own mental health recovery. 

TTSH as a highly respectable public healthcare institution should have managed the case in a more professional and serious manner instead of merely transferring the Staff to administrative duties (seriously?) and allowing him to walk freely around the Hospital as a potential danger to patients, staff and the public who are Singaporeans.

Read more:

Kopi Level - Blue, thank you