
Improving Productivity: Try this PM, Tharman? – Cynical Investor

‘S’pore should try this if PM and Tharman and the govt is really serious when they say that “no stone will be left unturned” in the search to improve productivity. . But then it’s against the Hard Truth that hard work makes people happy.’

The above title and quote is by Cynical Investor in his post in TRE. He was trying to offer some suggestions to help Tharman and the govt with some good ideas for productivity and to improve productivity that has gone on vacation for the last 20 years.

My suggestion to improve productivity is very simple and easy to implement. Select a few role models like those communist countries used to do. Splash their photos in big posters all over the island. Erect statues would be better. Now can also use TV and internet and mobile phones, even betterer. Show their faces to motivate and inspire the people to work like them.

Stay away from those who preached ‘Shorter working hrs, greater productivity’. These are snake oil sellers. Work less and want to produce more? How can? There are many role models among the ministers and MPs that are excellent role models for the people to imitate. Shortlist a few that hold 20 or 30 job titles and appointments to prove that you need to work as hard and as long hours as them to be very successful. Earn millions by wearing more hats.

Come to think of it, if our ministers and MPs did not wear so many hats, we will need a Parliament 10 times the size of the present one. See how much money they saved for the country and how productive they are? And they trained themselves to do so many jobs and to be good in all of them.

There is no short cut to success. Take up 2, 3 or more jobs. If ministers and MPs can wear so many hats, take up so many jobs, the people sure can also. So, don’t be lazy, get off your butts and work, and work if your want to be rich, like ministers and MPs.

One good thing, if everyone takes 5 or 10 jobs, we don’t have to increase the population to 6.9m.

Who got better ideas than this? Want to be rich want to work lesser hours? Got shadow or no? This is ‘Improve Productivity the Politicians Way’. The ministers are all working their guts out to improve productivity and showing the way.

Kopi Level - Green

Salute to the Hong Kong Student Protest – Take your victory and fold your umbrellas

The Hong Kong Student Protest has reached an impasse and some were suggesting that the students walk away while they are on top. Some were saying that the students did not see any tangible results and could not walk away empty handed and would lose face. I would tend to subscribe to the first position. The students have done a lot to push for the cause of democracy for Hong Kong and the rights of the people in a democratic state. And I believe Beijing has got the message and would be extra careful to infringe on the democratic rights of the people of Hong Kong. There is now an understanding by both sides on what each can do in the event of any attempt to violate the rights of the Hong Kong people. They understood each other better and it is time for the students to walk away while they are still on top of the situation.

The students should know that they could put on a lot of pressure on the Hong Kong and China govts by filling the streets. And they also know that both govts have a lot of constraints and could not simply push them out of the streets. The students by now would also understand that removing the Chief Executive and the freedom to choose their own representative to fill this post is not possible under the present situation. The students too by now would understand that Beijing could not allow the possibility of a ‘hanjian’ to become the Chief Executive of Hong Kong and create serious trouble for Beijing.

Given this situation, and the fact that the Hong Kong govt and Beijing have exercised great restraints to allow the protest to go on for so long, and the patient of the people and businesses in the areas for their losses, the students should take the upper hand by declaring the Protest a success as they have given notice to the govts of Hong Kong and Beijing that their democratic rights must be respected. They should then take a victory march around the area, say thank you to the people and businesses for the disruption to their incomes and lives, say thank you to the govt of Hong Kong and Beijing for tolerating their protest, and then go home.

By doing so, they will earn a lot of public sympathy, support and understanding. The Hong Kong govt and Beijing too would respect their actions and treat them more seriously. And all parties would know that the students would be on the streets again if there is any violation by the govt and Beijing. There will be a lot of goodwill all round and the students would end up as champions and heroes of the Hong Kong people for fighting for their democratic rights.

There is no need to push the barrier further that would lead to intolerance and even some ugly scenes and carnage on the roads. Fold up your umbrellas and walk away with heads held high and be respected by all parties in and outside Hong Kong for doing what is necessary and know when to call it quits on a happy note.

Kopi Level - Green


Death threat against Redbean by blogger Raymond

Below are a few comments with a comment by a blogger called  Raymond making a threat against my life. I take this very seriously. If this blogger does not give me a reply to explain what he meant by 5 pm on 30 Oct 14, I will proceed to make a police report.
Redbean aka Chua Chin Leng
Anonymous said...
Dun like that lah

I worst than raymond

I xposed your daily activities .....

Okay... enuff tooday
October 29, 2014 10:16 am
Raymond said...
You're one seriously paranoid old man with a severe case of persecution complex.

You remind me of Robert Ho. Remember that guy? Thinks everyone is after him, watching him, etc.

Robert Ho eventually went mental and ended up in IMH. Sure looks like you're going that way as well. :)

As for who I am, don't worry. We'll meet some day--at your funeral. :) Please make sure your obituary includes a mugshot of your ugly face. :)

October 29, 2014 1:22 pm
 Anonymous said...
Yo Raymond, you sneaked out from IMH so late ah? Your masters very angry you let out so many secrets don't let you come out now you have to sneak out when they no see?
October 29, 2014 2:28 pm

The Making of Singaporean Dalits?

Veritas, a blogger, used to say that Singaporeans are on the road to become the Dalits in their own country. I thought it was amusing and an over exaggeration. It cannot be. How could smart Singaporeans be fixed by anyone to become Dalits, ie the untouchables in India? Veritas claimed they became what they are today by a systematic indoctrination and oppression programme introduced by the Aryans to make them stupid by first making them to think that they were stupid. Familiar? This was followed by not giving them good jobs. The programme went on for centuries, and today, the Dalits that used to be the elites in India, were highly intelligent beans, are now the lowest caste in India. The Americans did that to a few generations of Chinese, making them to think they were only good enough to be cooks and laundrymen in their Constitution.

Could the fate of the Dalits become the fate of present day Singaporeans? I attended a talk today, and the speaker was a young European guy in his early 30s. What he spoke on was nothing new, nothing extraordinary. What he could do, any Singaporean would also be able to do as well. The point is that this European guy would be better everyday by honing his skills, practicing his art, because he is given the opportunity to do so. And he would be someone bigger in the future, someone that could talk with some authority and be seen as an expert in the field. He could say he had done that. He was given the opportunity by our Govt. Why not the opportunity be given to a young Singaporean?

Distribute this guy to a spread of professions, eg IT, finance, medicine, law, lecturers etc etc. If young foreigners are given the chance to practice the trades and professions here, they will get better and betterer. On the other hand, if our young are not given the chance, made to work as temporary staff photcopying notes, making kopi, sharpening pencils, sorting out mails, what would they become in the future? Office clerks?

We have seen how the IT profession and banking have gone to the foreigners. We have seen how even the task of recruitment has gone to foreigners when Singaporeans looking for a job here have to sign up with recruitment agencies owned by foreigners to get a job here. We have seen even hawker centres and foodcourts have been taken over by foreigners. How silly and treacherous this can be?

Yes, if all the opportunities were given to foreigners under whatever stupid reasons, our young will degenerate when their talents are not used or challenged, when their mental capacities are under utilized. Give it a generation or two and the true blue Singaporeans and their children will become Dalits here. The process has already started with many silly assholes thinking that good jobs must be given to foreigners whom they think are smarter than Singaporeans, all because the foreigners have yet to take over their jobs.
This is stupidity is at the national level. Who is that stupid asshole that started this trend of making Singaporeans into Dalits? This is not hard headed policy. This is thick headed policy.

Just bring in foreigners as actors and actresses for MediaCorp. In two decades, you would not have a local good enough to act in any serials but as calafare at best. And all Singaporeans would be, at best, be backroom boys working in the banks, not even good enough to serve at the counters.

When would true blue Singaporeans become Dalits in their own country? This is a worse fate than becoming maids and cleaners if we stop giving good opportunities to our own citizens. The process has started. First they called you daft. Then they called the pariahs they brought in talents. Then they took your jobs and you become unemployed. Then you can’t find any good jobs.

You start to doubt about yourself. You start to think you are stupid, unworthy, even not good enough compare to fakes and people with poorer education and training. Then you believe you are NG. Then you resign to your fate. First become taxi drivers. Next, become collectors of tin cans. Then become Dalits with no resistance left. You believe you are no good, and Dalit is what you should be. You lose your job, your self respect, yourself. Then you lose your country.

Give the jobs to foreigners who are better than Singaporeans? Say that again! I say balls to you. The future generations of Singaporeans will curse you for it. Do not condemn the young of Singaporeans to become the Dalits of tomorrow. Yes, take away the university places and give them to foreigners. Tell them no need to go to universities. Go to ITEs, good enough.

Kopi Level - Green

A Poll to have fun with Sneaky Raymond

Before I post another article, let's have a little fun with Sneaky Raymond.

I have just put up another Poll, but don't take it seriously. I just want to see Sneaky Raymond bringing his battalion of IB boys and girls here to vote for him.

Or would he be fuming mad?
