
The reason for setting up this Poll

The main reason why I set up this Poll is to lure Sneaky Raymond to reveal himself that he is an IB. And he fell into the trap immediately. He could not stand the votes going against him and called up all his IBs to help him chalk up his scores. He did not only do that, he also showed a lot of things that he and his gang can do, like rigging the votes. More of this later.

So, anyone still has any doubt that this Sneaky Raymond is just another innocent blogger with just a different opinion, a loner? He has clearly demonstrated that he can call upon his teams of IBs to do what he wanted. And he confirmed without any more doubts that the IBs are there and very active and could do a lot of damage in social media. And you have not seen anything yet. He only revealed a small section of the whole IB team. It is an army out there.

What about this rigging of votes? Yes your votes can be tempered with. I mean the electronic votes here and not the votes in a General Election. Don’t get wild ideas. In the two Polls that I conducted, you can see that they can do vote stuffing. They could increase their votes at will, either by stuffing or by transferring your votes to become theirs. They can also deprive you of your votes, the votes going to you do not count. In short, they could guarantee that the counting will be to their favour, that they will win.

The other thing that this exercise revealed is the simplicity of their thinking, a bunch of kids. You could easily lure them out, poke them here and there and they will all fall into a trap laid out for them. That is the level of intelligence they are showing. Someone said they stuffed a vacuum in between their ears to ensure there is absolutely nothing inside their heads.

Well done Sneaky Raymond and gang, for showing us who you really are and what you are and how clever you are. And for confirming to those who still have doubts of the presence of silly boys and girls doubling up as IBs to heckle and harass netizens.

Thank you. Exercise over. I thoroughly enjoyed making Sneaky Raymond running about frantically and calling up reinforcement like he was being ambushed, and to see all his merry IBs scurrying here like bull arse flies. Dumb kids.

PS. The best part, now I have a list of the IP addresses of the IBs and know how many are out there.

Kopi Level - Green

Singapore in World Universities Ranking Fraud

Should we Risk Our Brand of Honesty, Trust-worthiness, Reliability, Integrity, Probity and Incorruptibility?

I have an unshakable belief in mySingapore’s Destiny and Place in the World.  Our reputation for honesty, reliability and trust-worthiness over half a century has earned us our rightful place among the few nations of integrity, probity and incorruptibility.  Our high international rankings attest to these, whether it is with Transparency International, the Political & Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC) or the World Bank.

SO WHY ARE OUR UNIVERSITIES Participating in Bogus Ranking Standards of Dubious Excellence?

Singapore Universities have secured top placing, with NTU ranked as the world's best young universities, according to London-based Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), one of three major international university ranking systems.

An Eminent Professor has called the QS rankings “a Fraud on the public.” Another Eminent Professor said: “QS simply doesn’t do as good a job as the other rankers that are using multiple indicators”. 

“University world rankings are pointless”, said University College London’s President, “because there is no definition of the ‘ideal’ university”.

An European Union Research Centre concluded that the Rankings was not statistically robust … and highly unreliable for inter-University comparisons.  Their different Ranking Methodologies are also fragile in their ranking approaches and often inconsistent in its treatment of objective data and subjective variables extracted from surveys. 

World Universities Rankings contain serious fundamental conceptual and methodological flaws to render Word Universities Rankings practically useless, irrelevant and immaterial for any serious educational policy purpose. 

In fact, the United Nations Education agency, UNESCO, has challenged the validity and reliability of University Rankings:
“Global university rankings are of dubious value, are underpinned by questionable social science, arbitrarily privilege particular indicators, and use shallow proxies as correlates of quality.”

Singapore universities should no longer participate in any “Global Universities Ranking” Fraud.  Singapore universities should maintain our Integrity and be honestly professional, and reject using the spurious World Universities Rankings to position our great Institutions of Higher Learning because of their lack of validity and reliability in Methodology and questionable measures of learning and research excellence.

We must continue to uphold the honest Truth before the World and ourselves, not because of laws and penalties but because this is WHO WE ARE.  Our High Standards of integrity and honesty reflects the Society we want to live in, and the values we uphold and hold ourselves to embrace.

Kopi Level - Green

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Support or Condemn Sneaky Raymond and IBs

OK everyone, we have seen how Sneaky Raymond and his IBs are working. I have just added another Poll of a similar nature. Let's watch and see how they behave. You will learn something at the end of this exercise.


The Poll now stands at 42 support, 19 despise and 46 condemn. Total 107

The Poll now stands at 42 support, 19 despise and 46 condemn. Total 107

42 people have voted in support of  what 'Sneaky Raymond and his despicable masters' are doing here, to hide under anonymity to engage in personal attacks. 19 have voted to despise them and 46 condemn what they are doing. So far we have about 40% of people thinking that such acts are fair and worthy of support.

5 more days to go to show the values and thinking of Singaporeans on such vile acts.

What is going to happen to community events and community living?

Roy Ngerng and Han Hui Hui will be charged in court for the following:

The Police is charging the six of them for “disrupt(ing) the YMCA event and caused annoyance to the public” and having committed the following acts:

1. marching around the general vicinity of the YMCA event
2. shouting loudly
3. chanting slogans
4. waving flags
5. holding placards
6. blowing whistles loudly
7. beating drums

If these charges are upheld, would it mean that all the community events held at void decks or public areas would become an issue? What is going to happen to weddings, funeral wakes, pasar malams, charity events, etc etc?

Would everyone feeling a bit annoyed or unhappy be rushing down to the neighbourhood police to make a nuisance report, to complain about the neighbours? And would the police be hauling up everyone to court to answer such complaints?

In a multi cultural and multi religious society like ours that is closely packed in our housing estates, when intolerance is encouraged and promoted, when people are encouraged to complain about others engaging in their activities, living together is going to be a very unfriendly and unbearable thing.

Kopi Level - Green