
Ho Kwon Ping – A Rebel is also a human bean

Ho Kwon Ping delivered his first Nathan Series lecture under the roof of the Institute of Policy Studies in a much unexpected tone. He was a young rebel turned business tycoon and many people were wondering what his thoughts were over the years and the changing role and lifestyle he has taken on. How much of the rebel is still in him or left of his youthful idealism of the past.

His lecture was on the next 50 years of the PAP. I could not see any trace of a rebel left in the man but so much deference to the PAP, and, saying all the right things. Maybe he was trying to be polite, after all he was giving a lecture as a fellow of S R Nathan lectures. Anyone expecting some flashes of fire and some unwitting snipes must be disappointed. It was all so tame and so familiar.

First, he expects the PAP to be still a dominant force and still be in charge in the next 15 years, untouchable. Of course it was only his opinion and gazing at his own crystal ball. No one is wiser what tomorrow shall hold for the PAP. But this is a pleasant note to the establishment.

His second point, no opposition party would want to wake up the next morning winning 80 seats in Parliament, even if in a freak election. This is a strange thought in my view. This is a moment that all oppositions will relish and have been waiting for all these years. And why should a winning by the opposition party be called a freak election? Are the people all freaks when they choose the opposition and all sane when they choose the PAP? Of course this is classic establishment rationale. The people are smart when voting for the ruling party but mad if they vote otherwise.

And more, the opposition party would be booted out duly in the next election. The assumption of course is that the opposition is not ready or did not have able leaders to run the country and cannot do good for the people. Only the PAP can. This is also very establishment thinking and very condescending. Only the PAP is able to run the country. Opposition leaders are half bakes and can only drum and make a lot of noise, no substance really. Even after winning an election they would fail miserably and would be kicked out by the people summarily in the next election, as sure as the sun will rise. Really?

And the PAP will play by the democratic rule. The soldiers will not be marched out of their camps to seize power in the event of a freak election. Smell the deference stench? Of course not. This is a democratic country and everyone will play the democratic game, no cheating, no abuse of power, no gerrymandering, no fixing of opposition. And the soldiers will stay out of politics, and a new party will be welcome to rule by the will of the people.

We cannot be worse off than the Indonesians can we? Yudhoyono is the perfect gentleman of a politician. He has shown all the 3rd world leaders how to hand over power gracefully in a democratic system. Are we up to it to learn from the Indonesians, to admit defeat when the people have decided? Or we can be the scoundrels of a 3rd world pretending to be 1st world polity but behaving with the predictability of 3rd world thugs when the time comes.

And, this is classic PAP mantra. No one wants to change the govt. Really, really, really? Ho Kwon Ping said he has spoken to many people and no one really wants a change of govt but everyone wants to vote the opposition. What does he mean by that? I have spoken to many with a totally different set of answers.

There is no trace of rebellious blood left in this senior citizen. Maybe he was just trying to be nice and saying all the right things that people want to hear. Let’s forget about Ho Kwon Ping the young rebel. Everyone grows old with time, very few exceptions. Rebels grow old too.

Kopi Level - Green


Return My CPF - Ravi's demand letter to NPark

Below is an extract of M Ravi's demand letter to the NPark to withdraw its cancellation of the permit for this Saturday's protest rally at Hong Lim. The full article is posted in TRE.

'In response and acting on behalf of Hui Hui, lawyer M Ravi wrote to the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation of NParks, Dr Leong Chee Chiew, today (23 Oct) to voice his objection to the cancellation.

Mr Ravi told the Commissioner that the reason given by NParks for the cancellation – to assist the Police with investigations into an incident which occurred during #ReturnOurCPF event on 27 Sep – constitutes a breach of Hui Hui’s rights of freedom of speech and assembly.

Such rights, explained Mr Ravi, is guaranteed under Article 14 of the Constitution, and is ultra vires Regulation 8(3) of the Parks and Trees Regulations (Cap. 216. R 1). That is, Article 14 of the Constitution is beyond the legal power of Regulation 8(3) of the Parks and Trees Regulations.

Mr Ravi further explained that the act of assisting the Police “does not constitute nor can it be construed as an implication, assertion or proof of guilt of any offence, nor does it constitute evidence of a breach of any law or of the terms and conditions of approval for the Return Our CPF Event”.

“There is therefore no rational basis for the revocation and it is wholly unreasonable as being based on irrelevant considerations,” Mr Ravi said.

“Furthermore, our client emphatically rejects your characterisation of the fact that she has been interviewed by the police and has been assisting them in their enquiries as constituting a ‘case‘ against her, and it is submitted that this is in itself an error of law that vitiates your decision,” Mr Ravi said to the Commissioner.

The restriction for Hui Hui to speak is likewise a breach of her rights of freedom of speech and assembly under Article 14 of the Constitution, Mr Ravi said.

“Depending how long the Police investigations take, the restriction may last indefinitely. It is an indeterminate, wholly disproportionate and oppressive ban (on Hui Hui to speak),” he argued.

“The purpose of Speaker’s Corner is to provide an arena in which free speech is allowed to be exercised and it appears wholly out of keeping with this purpose for the residual authority given to a Commissioner of Parks and Recreation under Regulations to effectuate the Parks and Trees Act to deny and place a ban on free speech in the very place where it supposed to be allowed.”

Mr Ravi emphasized again that the ban, essentially for an indeterminate period of time, is in principle, a profound threat to Hui Hui’s Constitutional rights.

As such Hui Hui, through Mr Ravi, is formally requesting that the ban by NParks be lifted immediately.

Mr Ravi told the Commissioner in the letter that if the ban was not lifted by 1600 hours tomorrow (24 Oct), his client, Hui Hui, reserves the right to apply to the Court for relief without further notice to NParks....'

Kopi Level - Yellow

No more ‘hanjians’ for China and Hong Kong

The history of China has been peppered with many traitors(hanjians) through the various dynasties. In the early days of the Republic of China and the dying Qing Dynasty, hanjians were everywhere, thinking only of their selfish interests and willingly selling off country and their fellow men.

Many hanjians were killed or purged when the Communists took over and reunited a poor and tattered country that was more like a bag of bones. In less than 60 years, China has recovered and risen to stand shoulder to shoulder with nations of the world. Do not for a moment think that this is easy. China is even challenging the USA as the Number One super power and as the richest economy in the world. Under the present trajectory, these two goals are not wishful thinkings and could be a reality in the near future. Anyone thinking of these notions 30 years ago will become a joke himself as the prospect of such an eventuality was practically nil.

Today, the Chinese people as a civilization have never been looked at in the same light as before in the last two centuries. Some may still grudgingly sneered at the progress and richness of China, but no one would think that the Chinese as a people are daft, stupid, mindless, inscrutable, useless, faceless and unproductive peasants. China has stood up. The Chinese people have recovered their dignity as equals among equals. Even the poor communists are now courted by the West as rich communists and welcomed with red carpets.

There is still a long journey for the Chinese people as a civilization to regain its ancient richness, culture and refinement. Many are still boorish, ‘lao tu’ and very unrefined in mannerism when they travelled the world. What can you expect from a people of peasant origins, growing up in communes, were poor yesterday, to behave like the rich bourgeoisies and aristocrats of the West? Give them time to learn the finer things about living a good life that money can buy. The West took a few centuries to turn from pirates, robbers and mass murderers to gentlemen.

What is all these all about? The success of China and its continued growth and prosperity is hitched to the country remaining as a strong and unified nation. The country must not break up and return to the times of turmoil, internal strifes and civil wars. The country must not be distracted to spend wasteful time and money to deal with insurgencies and fake democratic movements led by hanjians.

If China is allowed to be messed up by hanjians and broke up like the Soviet Union, and ruled by warlords all over again, the Chinese as a civilization would be turned into rubbish and assigned to the rubbish dump all over again. The Chinese as a civilization will become a laughing stock of the world, to be spitted at, despised and kicked around, even become victims of racial discriminations and genocide.

The Hong Kong students should wake up their ideals and know how good life has become and how good life can be and not be misled by hanjians, to bring down China and the Chinese civilization as a whole. Hong Kong has more democracy than Singapore. Sinkies would never be able to demonstrate like the Hongkies, in the main streets, in large numbers. Our democratic right to demonstrate is confined to a small field in Hong Lim. And demonstrators would need to apply for a permit and the permit can still be cancelled. Have any of the demonstrators in Hong Kong been subject to long hours of police interrogations for illegal assembly?

What is this nonsense about electing the Chief Executive? Sinkies also did not have the right to elect their Prime Minister. Many democracies also did not elect their Chief Executives. Singapore’s Prime Minister is elected by the party. The Hongkie students must see through the façade of deceit initiated by foreigners and hanjians with a bigger agenda. If China is in trouble and break up, the Hongkies could be subjects of colonial powers once again. And yes, some will be happy to be knighted as Sirs and Dames, but with no rights to determine what is good for their little island and people. Democratic rights could also be withdrawn and the highest police officer would not be a Hongkie Commissioner but a sergeant Ah Sir. The Commissioner and all the senior officers would be kweilos. And the Chief Executive will be a governor appointed by Her Majesty’s Services, another kweilo. Chris Patten may come back to rule Hong Kong.

No more hanjians for China. No more hanjians in Hong Kong. The Hongkies must not become the sinners that caused the break up of China and destroy the Chinese civilization, and bring down the Chinese people to become the pariahs of the world. The issues at stake are not some idealistic democracy norms. Do not become the pawns of foreign powers and bring about your own humiliation and destruction.

Kopi Level - Yellow

Roger Zhang – Is he pro PAP or against PAP

To many of the netizens reading TRE they must be familiar with the name of this blogger called Roger Zhang. He claimed to be a foreign talent, a grassroot leader and intensely supportive of the Govt and the PAP policies. He is all praises and would argue and challenge netizens of a different view.

I have read some of his postings and comments and am having second thoughts as to the real person behind this Roger Zhang. Is he really pro PAP or indirectly saboing the PAP Govt?

It is true that he is always saying good things about the Govt and its policies, particularly those in favour of foreign talents that he claimed to be one. But if one is to read carefully what he is saying, without saying, his deliberate attempts to sound funny and silly, and his half past six English, one begins to wonder where is he coming from. Is he trying to tell the people that the quality of foreign talents is like what you see in him which is quite a joke really. He can’t be serious and can’t be a good poster boy for the Govt to wave at the people saying, this is the type of foreign talents we are bringing in to replace you.

I am really not sure. Perhaps you can read what he posted and make your own conclusion on this Roger Zhang and unmasked him to see who or what he really is. Below are a few samples of his writings. There are plenty more in TRE. The first is an article he wrote and the latter are two comments he made in TRE.

1. Stupid for Singaporeans to chase FTs out of S’pore
October 21st, 2014
Sporeans who chase FTs out are stupid because if the FTs go out & work for other countrys, those other countrys will become stronger & better than spore.
So in end, spore is the one suffer. How can spore compete with world if we got no foreign talent inside our economy?
That day IMF already warning our economy can suffer if we stop foreign talent coming in. SM Goh also say same. Actually is true foreigners here never take sporeans’ jobs. The jobs are not want by sporeans since they want high pay and easy job.
Companys can’t pay too high salary because they will become not competitive. I got read many books of economy, business invest & leaderships, there is only one person we can blame for so many foreigners work here inside sg: GLOBALISATIONS!
The world change & become smaller, so foreign talents from other countrys can easy enter our economy.
Roger Zhang

2. Roger Zhang:
October 21, 2014 at 6:03 am (Quote)
As grassroot people, the writer shd not anyhow pass rumors. Minister Chan is new, just only in politic 2011, so he need go visit all part of sg slowly, one grc this time and then another grc next time.
His purpose & agenda is meet more residents there, get deep understanding of residents’ problems & wishs, honest feed backs of policies & ideas how improve their lifes and living environments.
So woodland residents please pass the good news round, make sure residents aware Minister Chan going visit them. He still young and got alot future & opportunties infront him!
Woodland is happy place & got little complains since they got all the good facilities build there already. But if you all got hear any big unhappy complains of some residents, please don’t shy, just bring up for Minister Chan attentions. He already solve many problems bring to him when he visit other grc.

3. Roger Zhang:
October 21, 2014 at 6:36 pm (Quote)
This why I invite by my company here: CONTRIBUTE MY TALENT HERE.
Not only I contribute in my company, I also contribute in grassroot as VOLUNTEER without take any salary.  My wife who only a PR citizen (not a true blue sporean like I) also contribute in a spore’s famous school WITHOUT take any salary!  I & my wife also even help CCC organise cooking contest of residents for them taste other countrys’ foods so that true blue sporeans can integrate with foreigners here. Just only free help, we never take money from PA or gov.  So my talent is not only just doing job in company, I also got talent integrate our true blue sporeans & foreigners. This not easy. I last time from China & since China people are friendly, good temper, patiently & open mind kind people, we know how integrate with any foreigners anywhere. We come here just want help sg successful & compete other first world countrys.

Kopi Level - Yellow

Tan Jee Say – A poignant letter, a challenge to hard truths

Jee Say has written a letter to the President, Tony Tan, to address “the very serious charge” that “the Internal Security Act had been used for political purposes”.

He was referring to the Operation Coldstore and the charges that the Barisan politicians were communists and is using declassified British documents kept at the British National Archives in Kew, London to prove his point. The details of his letter can be found in TRE under the heading, ‘Mr President, I urge you to seek the truth about Operation Coldstore and Battle for Merger during your State visit in the UK’. Below is an example of his quotes:

‘I referred to recently declassified British Government documents relating to Operation Coldstore which revealed that Lord Selkirk, the UK Commissioner to Singapore at that time, reported to Duncan Sandys, secretary of state for the colonies, that:

‘there is no important new evidence of subversive activity on which arrests at this juncture can be justified. We could not substantiate a charge that they are planning to use violence. In the absence of specific evidence of subversion the arrests would be construed as an attempt by HMG to stifle legitimate opposition.‘ (Geoff Wade)’

He is demanding that the President gives him a reply following the President’s challenge issued during the 2011 Presidential Election TOC TV Forum that Jee Say must back up his charges against the Govt. Jee Say also said, ‘You(President Tony Tan) owe it to the people of Singapore to do so particularly when you asked for evidence to prove that the ISA had been used for political purposes.’

Would there be a reply or would nothing be said? The charges by Jee Say are very serious indeed and could change historical facts in our history books. And criminals could be set free while their accusers could be put behind bars. Black will become white and white becomes black.

Whatever that would happen following this open letter, one thing is clear, Jee Say is not a stooge and he meant business. He is going for the jugular.

Kopi Level - Yellow