
An armour of money

 The best postions to be in, needless to say it must be the political offices. Being in those appointments not only one is shielded from all the bad weathers and bad policies, one is even protected with a very high level of assurance that it is a life time appointment, like a job, with career development charted and if the pay is not enough, can always be promoted to higher positions or new positions.

While the people are feeling the pain of being jobless, being underemployed, being placed on contract or temporary jobs, being discriminated and replaced by foreigners, political appointments are walled up against such vagaries of life.

And being so secured in their positions, they can use the megaphone to yell that the City needs more foreigners and the practice of meritocracy, regardless of nationality, is the way to go forward. The citizens can be replaced by anyone from any corner of the world, as long as the employer thinks that new hire is better than the citizen. It is really laissez faire at an international level.

The politicians have nothing to fear of being replaced as they are safely protected by their own rules and being replaced by foreigners only apply to jobs affecting the rest of the citizens. And this is applicable to other essential things like housing, car ownership, healthcare etc etc. They have paid themselves so well that they have literally built a wall of money around them that high prices, high cost of living, high fees of anything will not create any dent in their protective armour of money. In fact the higher the cost of living and prices of properties, the better it would be for them as most of them are landlords. And high car prices, high parking fees and ERP charges are good for them as they will ease congestions on the roads for them to enjoy the free ways. The ability to write their own pay checks means that money not enough would never be a bugbear to them.

So they can happily support high prices of properties, of cars, or whatever, as the revenue will go to support their high incomes directly or indirectly. Thus, high prices of everything are a bane to the daft Sinkies but a boon to them. And many are merrily singing the song of more foreign talents to replace the citizens, based on meritocrazy, Sinkie style and Sinkie definition.

If the armour of money is not there, no one will dare gloat about higher prices, higher fees and more foreigners.

MH370 – Appealing to a few good men

After nearly 3 weeks, not a clue is found to confirm that MH370 has crashed into a remote corner of the Indian Ocean. The pictures of debris circulating are just that, debris, and no agency could confirm that they belonged to MH370. No bodies were found too.

All the theories suggested like a suicidal pilot, fire on board, etc etc were unsound and far fetched given the facts that have been made known. The facts point to a professional hit job and the aircraft had been flown away by very skilful people who knew what they were doing.

There is still reason to hope that the aircraft is hidden somewhere and all the passengers are still alive until proven otherwise. Every country must not abandon this hope and resign to accept that the passengers are already dead. This would embolden the perpetrators to dispose off the passengers knowing that the world has given up hope on them and not going to look for them. There is still the possibility that they are undecided as to what to do with them.

The act of killing all 239 passengers in cold blood, just innocent passengers in an aircraft, should put a lot of pressure and guilt on whoever is going to do it. There must be more pressure to be put on the perpetrators not to do so, assuming they have not done so. The world, the families of the victims, must appeal to the good conscience of a few good men among the perpetrators to release the passengers. There must be many people involved and there must be someone among them who would be pricked by his conscience to want to expose this heinous crime against the innocents. Appeal to that someone who knows what is going on to speak out to save the lives of the passengers before it is too late.

Do not give up on the lives of the passengers. Cry and pray for their return, alive. The world media must work together to make this desperate appeal for the lives of the passengers heard in every corner of the earth, in every media and home to reach out to that one person. Let the one that matters hear the cries and feel the pains of the hundreds of family members of the victims in his hand. Let him know how much pain they are causing to innocent people and to do the right thing, the conscionable thing to save lives that have no reason to be taken away. Let the goodness in these men triumph over the evil in them and in others.

There is no good reason to kill so many people. Let them live. Stop the killing while you still can. Do not let it happen and do not be a party to this cruel crime against the innocents. A crime of such evil nature will be revealed today or tomorrow. Do not regret for not doing anything or to participate in the killing and live a lifetime of guilt.

Kopi Level - Green


MH370 - Theory by Yoichi Shimatsu

Is MH370 The Latest Casualty Of The Pentagon's Pivot To Asia?
By Yoichi Shimatsu

The closer that millions of online sleuths come to tracing the trajectory and destination of the missing Malaysian Airlines jetliner, the likelier it becomes that the National Security Agency and CIA will resort to disinformation, including the planting of falsified evidence, to throw off their pursuers in what increasingly appears to be an electronic hijacking by those spy agencies.

More layers of the ongoing cover-up are being hatched now that eyewitnesses at the Huvadhu Atoll, a diving area in the southern Maldives,, have reported sightings of "a low-flying jumbo jet.: South of Huvadhu Atoll, the closest U.S. military facility is Diego Garcia in the Chagos Islands. The joint U.S. Navy submarine and Air Force facility has underground hangers huge enough to conceal B-52 bombers, a convenient hiding place for a Boeing-777….

Pieces of the wreckage spotted by US ally Australia further south of Diego Garcia could be a decoy site, salted with physical evidence of airplane parts that have been moved surreptitiously….

Malaysia Targeted by Air-Sea Battle Plan

The case of a MH370 has been solely focused on the possibility of a route diversion by the on-board crew. Completely ignored in press releases and news reports so far is the elephant in the room, or perhaps a better analogy of a Great White Shark in the bathtub - the massive U.S. Navy and Air Force presence in the seas and airspace surrounding Malaysia.

There is absolutely no way that a flying object as large as a Boeing-777 could evade the 24-hour watch over the South China Sea and the Andaman Sea by NSA-USAF spy satellites, high-tech AEGIS destroyers, the new class of Littoral Combat Ships and P3 surveillance planes.

The reasons for targeting Malaysia becomes clearer by examining the bigger picture of an aggressive military build-up in the Southeast Asia region by the combined armed forces of the US, Japan and Australia under Washington's "strategic pivot to Asia" policy. This geopolitical strategy is carried out by the Pentagon and its military allies through the Air-Sea Battle Concept, which disperses Navy and Air Force fighter jets across a network of civilian airfields and secret landing strips.

Beijing is not the only target of the Air-Sea Battle Concept. Malaysia runs a close second to China on Washington's enemies list. Flight MH370, destined for Beijing, is the literal embodiment of the economic alliance and political relationship between : China and Malaysia, making the airliner a most convenient target.

Pressuring Kuala Lumpur

Located on the geostrategic Malacca Strait, Malaysia is a predominantly Muslim oil-producing nation with a "Look East" policy allying itself with Japan and China. Last year the Malaysian and Chinese governments established an economic alliance, which includes Asian access to world oil reserves. In the eyes of Washington and its allies, these are sufficient grounds to treat Kuala Lumpur as an adversary….

Warnings from Washington were repeatedly given to Malaysia over the past few years. In late August 2013, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel flew to Kuala Lumpur last year to pressure the Defence Ministry to cooperated with the strategic pivot through joint naval-and-air exercises directed against Chinese forces in the Malaysian-claimed islets in the Spratley group. These spits of rock and sand located off of Sabah, the Malaysian state in northwest Borneo, have names longer than their diameters, for instance, Investigator Reef and Mariveles Reef.

At the same time, a mystery force led by a claimant to the title of Sultan of Saah send a group of Filipino gunmen, allegedly trained by a retired American commando, attacked Sabah with a series of shootouts with the Malaysian Army. US counterinsurgency troops happened to be operating in the southern Islamic-dominated areas of the Philippines, where the "sultan" recruited his desperado guerrillas….

How to Knock Out Aviation Electronics

The flight paths of MH370 were not across uncharted waters, as news reports suggest, but over some of the world's most heavily watched maritime channels. As soon as the jet lifted off Kuala Lumpur, its communications signals and radar image were picked up by US Navy signals intercepts officers stationed at Changi Navy Base and Sembawang dockyard in Singapore, which are effectively bases for the 7th Fleet. Triple coverage would have been provided by USAF listening posts at Halim Air Base near Jakarta.

The Malaysian airliner would then been picked up by the many USN ships patrolling the South China Sea, in and around the Spratley Islands. Besides AEGIS radar ships, the Navy has dispatched a new class of Littoral Combat Ships, including the USS Freedom, to the pivot.

Beamed from one of these ships, a powerful type of radar called X-band or narrow-aperture radar could easily have disabled all of the planes. The advanced radar system, now used in electromagnetic warfare to knock out missile and planes, led to the unintended blackout of Los Angeles Airport (LAX) in April 2004….

As reported in the news, MH370 was steered toward the Indian Ocean by the insertion of a computer command into its navigation system. Since at least the 911 incident and possibly earlier, Boeing passenger jets can be remote-controlled by the US intelligence agencies. Any recently built American-built aircraft can now be electronically commandeered and operated like a drone.

The only question is whether the American government is willing to engage in such a reckless disregard innocent lives. That point has already been proven in countless drone strikes against civilian compounds in places like Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, the Horn of Africa and many unreported locales. Though illegal and immoral, death from the skies is official policy. Without any effective restraints, the Pentagon can easily eliminate the passengers of Malaysian Airlines.

Perhaps it is not too late to save any surviving hostages, but that task would require a commando team capable of rescuing them from inside a heavily guarded U.S. Military base in the center of the Indian Ocean and flying them to India, the only coastal country in the region secure enough from a Pentagon counterstrike. Rambo, are you ready?

Flying Under the Radar

After its electronic systems were knocked out, MH370 made a sharp left turn toward the Kra Peninsula along the thinly populated and insurgency-troubled Malaysia-Thai border. The jet dove to 6,000 feet and possibly lower, enabling it to evade detection by flying below the ground radar. Its path, however, was briefly picked up from the northern side, where the Thai Air Force bases a fleet of Saab jet fighters….

Then MH370 crossed over the Strait of Malacca and the Andaman Sea, which is crowded with commercial vessels and oil tankers. That particular section of the strategic passage is constantly monitored by NSA-CIA surveillance stations assigned to protect Indonesia's Sumatra offshore oil platforms operated by Exxon and BP. Just north of Phuket is the Thai Navy's 3rd Headquarters, where American servicemen keep track of all ship and airplane traffic over the Andaman Sea.

It is impossible, in short, with so many radar facilities and airbases in that oil-rich sea for any jetliner, especially along an unscheduled air route, to go unspotted. So somebody is lying, and perhaps everybody is lying.

The Impunity of Criminal States

The cargo manifest for MH370 has yet to be released…
The other possible motive is the human assets aboard the jet. The passenger manifest does not disclose the occupation or rank associated with the names. Was there a VIP on board of extreme high value to Western intelligence agencies?

The lesson of MH370 is that the Great Powers act in secrecy and with impunity. Wars of strategic interest are no longer waged openly but are conducted by proxy armies, mercenaries with guns, propaganda agents placed inside of human-rights groups, media blackmail, social media manipulation and spies in the sky….

The all-powerful hunters will become the frightened hunted, as is starting to happen now as millions of online users narrow down the destination of MH370.

Yoichi Shimatsu, former editor of the Japan Times Weekly, is a Hong Kong-based science and technology writer.

PS. I have removed some of the elaborations to shorten this long article.

Little India riot – Alcohol main contributory factor

In today’s media it was reported that the main contributory factor to the Little India riot was alcohol. On further reading of the report with comments made by the lead investigator, Adam Fashe Huddin, looks like a talented new citizen, it appears that the main contributor to the riot is the amazon woman time keeper who bullied the petite and nice little foreign workers and rough handled them till they held a grudge against her. The other main factor is the ah pek bus driver who ‘was culpable because he did not shift the vehicle to free Mr Sakthivel from under the wheel, said Mr Adam’. And the other main factor is definitely the police.

The police committed two serious misdeeds. First, by pushing the crowd back to aid in removing the body under the wheel, they ‘inadvertently created the impression that they were more keen to protect their own in shielding the bus driver and time keeper from the rioters than treating the deceased who was trapped under the tyre of the bus’. If the police are not going to protest against this kind of remark, I will. Our police have been the most impartial force as far as discharging their duties is concerned. In fact if there is any accusation of the police force, it would be more on how they treated the foreigners better than the locals. My objection is that Sinkies are selfish asses that would protect themselves first than to protect their own kind. This culture transcends across the whole spectrum of the society. That is why they are being beaten and discriminated by foreigners in every corner of their country and could not do anything about it. To suggest that Sinkies will protect their own kind is the most ridiculous and laughable statement made here.

The second fault of the police was that they did managed the riot well and ‘it is possible that the rioters may similarly be emboldened if the police officers had moved in and taken action ineffectively, he added’.

The nice foreign workers were so nice that they were not at fault at all, and definitely not the cause of the rioting. And neither was the govt a contributor for allowing so many villagers from the 3rd World civilized countries to be here in the hundreds of thousands and allowing them to gather in a small area.

If this incident were to happen in Saudi Arabia or in the Middle East, would there be a COI like this being conducted and the rioters are not the main contributor of the rioting? Maybe yes, maybe no, as the rioters are so nice people and the Saudi’s too will be very nice and very fair to them.

Kopi Level - Green


MH370 – Malaysia needs foreign talents

In his article ‘Lessons from the MH370 tragedy’ in the Today paper, Devadas Krishnadas discussed the issue of incompetence of Malaysian leaders in the handling of the MH370 incident. He said that, ‘an abiding impression was created of a lack of competence on the part of the Malaysian authorities.’ He went on to say that ‘Organisational leaders and operational managers must be selected on the basis of competency and not political suitability. It is too late to learn on the job during a crisis.’ And his recommendations to the Malaysians are, ‘Competency agencies must have a deep culture of competency. This requires meritocratic selection of talent, transparency of performance and accountability of responsibility.’

Krishnadas is all good intention and Malaysia should take heed to his comments and recommendations. He stopped short of saying recruiting talents irrespective of nationality like what Singapore is doing. He understood that Malaysia puts the interests of its citizens first among all things and would not sell out its people and replace them with foreigners. This is a piece of shrewd advice. If he would to tell the Malaysians to bring in foreigners to replace the incompetent locals, it will be rejected outright without a second thought.

The replacing of citizens with foreigners in good jobs can only be practiced in countries where the citizens are daft and docile, or in countries that are not really countries but more like hotels. And we can see that taking place nicely and smoothly in the finance and IT industries and soon it could extend to stats boards and govt services, and maybe political leadership as well. And the result is remarkable. Singapore is so prosperous and successful because of all the foreign talents that it has brought in to replace the dull and not so talented Singaporeans.

This is the trick that Malaysia will not be able to learn. In fact many countries in the world will not be able to replicate this except for ‘chap cheng’ countries like the USA. Actually we are just following what the Americans are doing, a small carbon copy of the Empire. America is so successful today without the natives or with the natives decimated. 

We don’t need daft citizens. All we need is talents regardless of nationality.

Kopi Level - Yellow