
Protection from Harassment Bill, all the good intentions

The anti stalking and harassment Bill looks so innocent and angelic that the victims of such acts would be all too glad to receive it with open arms. And factually many innocents have fallen victims to the aggressive behaviors and acts of their harassers and stalkers and badly needed a law for their own protection. We have laws against physical body harm but most of the time the laws were proven useless as the victims of physical abuses are left to seek justice in the courts if they have the money to do so. No money means they should quietly accept being beaten, resign to their fate, it is a private matter.
So, we have this great bill, like the white knight coming to the rescue of people in distress. Would it be so or would the victims ended up like those being physically attacked and have to buy justice with their own money? No money no justice.

The other aspect of this Bill can prove to be more hazardous other than the tediosity in its implementation. You would need an army of police and judicial officers to enforce this Bill. And there will be the battles of definition as to what constitute harassment and to a lesser extent stalking. An example of the definition in the media, ‘ Speaking or acting in a threatening, abusive or insulting way such that a person becomes harassed, alarmed or distressed’ looks more frightening than good. A thin skin asshole will see himself being harassed, alarmed or distressed even by the look of another person that he disliked. He would feel ‘very threatened’ even by the person’s voice or singing or the sight of his post. How is the law going to protect the other party who actually did nothing to harass such a thin skin ass who could probably be faking?

The other danger provided by this law is for the so called ‘victims’ to harass and threaten the innocent party by invoking this law. It is so damn easy to fix anyone for harassment with the slightest and skimpiest excuse. This law could prove more deadly and dangerous to the innocents than its intent to protect the real victims of harassment. The men in blue will be very busy as every asshole that has an axe to grind, a hatred or grievance or dislike of another can go to the police post to make a police report. Would the police be in a position to throw out the wanton and spurious accusations? Would they be in a position to sieve out the nonsense? Or would they simply do the necessary to assist, facilitate and perpetuate another form of harassment using the police report as the tool? Would the police and the judiciary become the accomplice of harassment?

And, just another point without being exhaustive, is that this law could be the law that is needed to curb and gag the social media. Any damn thing spoken can be an act of harassment. It is only a matter of whose opinion and who feels harassed or ‘hurt’. There shall be no more criticism of the govt or any policies as that would tantamount to harassment. Political satire too would be harassment as someone would act and feel like a victim and seek redress from this law. How is this law going to differentiate fair discussion on social political issues without being slammed by this law?

With its comprehensive and wide ranging coverage, even covering the spurious, what is the real intent and purpose of this Bill? We will need another Bill to protect the victims of this Bill.

Kopi Level - Yellow

US militant doctrine of permanent warfare to dominate the world

US Terrorism And Its Militant Doctrine Of Permanent Warfare To Dominate the World.

USA evil plans for world domination    (    PART   ONE    )

After the Second World War the world thought that at last  there would be lasting peace led by the Americans. From the first day of German and Japanese defeat and even before the eventual  German and Japanese surrender the Americans laid broad plans for world domination and conquests.Their strategy was to use the bogey of  fighting communism to preserve freedom and democracy. It has been seven decades and more, does American concept of freedom and democracy achieve any positive result and peace for the world. No, American  focus on peace , freedom and democracy means only one thing and that is every country big and small should be brought under the aegis of American rule and control. And American control means not only complete and total military domination of land and space but also domination and control  in the  political, economic, scientific and financial lives and activities of all countries in the world. In its attempt for world domination US uses all kinds of evil stratagem to bear on its design and this can be seen in its most wanton terrorism in every corner of the globe using its military might to bomb countries via drones into fear and submission. This evil American terrorism has brought great and countless deaths and endless suffering all over the world.

In Europe the Evil Empire - USA, almost succeeded in bringing every European country under its control via NATO which is under direct US control and manipulation. Under NATO US has the final say in all military, political,  economic and financial affairs. However, when comes to Russia, the Evil Empire meets more than its equal and was checkmated by Russia.

US tries to bring down Russia by establishing a string of military bases all over Europe. The CIA and Pentagon the two most vicious and destructive arms of the Evil Empire would infiltrate into many small neutral or pro Russia countries and stirred up internal problems and strive to create choas and uncertainty. The Evil Empire would then step in to break up these countries and establish ultimate control by setting up pro American stooges in power. The Evil Empire has broken up Yugoslavia into three or four separate countries and Albania into two smaller states.

US then focus its strategy on establishing a strangle hold on the Middle -East Arab countries. Here it adopts a three prone strategy. Almost all Arab countries are under just as evil  theodocracy dictatorial regimes. These Arab theodocratic dictators treat their subjects especially women like slaves and rule them in a servile manner. The Evil Empire is able to see that the Arab dictators do not feel safe from its own people and so it signs alliances with the numbskull Arab dictators to help them preserve their dictatorships. Having eased into the favours of the Arab kings or rulers the Evil Empire took no time in establishing an economic strangle hold on all the rich oil producing Arab countries thus controlling practically hundred per cent of their oil resources. The unsuspecting Arabs were then asked to sign a trade treaty based on the use of US dollars as a standard unit of monetary transaction. It must be pointed out that US had earlier scrapped the international Bretton Wood's agreement on using gold as a standard support and back up for all international trade transactions. In trying to impose the American dollar as a standard unit of international exchange the US has an evil intention to manipulate the US dollar with impunity to cheat and swindle every trading nation that the Evil Empire conducts business with.  Thus with the effective control of the US dollar the Evil Empire had for many decades were able to peg the price of Middle East oil at only $US5.00 per barrel. Under the same agreement even if the Arabs sell the oil to other countries they must only accept payment strictly in US dollars.

Just imagine how much US squeezed the Arabs and the world when it imports thousands of billions of barrels of oil almost for free when it then in turn sells these barrels of oil to other countries or international markets at many multiple times its original cost of $US5.00 per barrel. For years and decades US has been shipping billions of tons of cheap Arab oil to dump into disused old underground salt wells as reseerves for future use. However the game was up when Saddam Hussein of Iraq and Gadaffi  of Libya refused to continue with the unfair spurious treaty which binds the Arab hands . Saddam would accept payments for Iraqi oil not only in US dollar but also in other major countries currencies. Gaddafi did the same thing and also try to establish a pan African gold standard for trading purpose and in payment for Libya or Arab oil. It was the last straw for the Evil Empire which saw Saddam and Gaddafi as a threat to American control not only of the Middle East but also the whole world. The result was that the two countries were attacked and destroyed and Saddam Hussein and Gadaffi were killed and murdered for trying to do the right thing for their countries and for the Arabs in general. The main enemies of the Arabs are the theocratic rulers of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait , Jordan and Tunisia who for their own selfish ends connive with the evil Americans to thumb down on their own people.These evil Arab theocratic rulers must eventually be destroyed for the good of the Arabs and for the world.

The next strategy US used to have a strangle hold on the Middle East is to make use of its deputy sheriff, Israel. US and the West have been helping Israel to build up a strong and mighty military state so that it can act as a deputy sheriff to help US and the West to control the Arabs. Israel military power is second to none in the Middle East and it has been able to constantly carry out wars of aggression against the helpless Arabs with impunity. With a strong and powerful Israel US and the West feel safe of its continuing dominance and control of the Middle East.

What does control of the Middle East mean to the world and to China ? It implies that US and the West can block or cut off supplies of oil to countries which they wish to sanction or contain. China view this American control of the Middle East very seriously and will endeavour to make every effort to help Africa and the Middle East countries to break off these evil and insidious American dominance.

Tuesday,4th March,2014


Kunming, 29 killed and 143 wounded

10 Xinjiang separatists dressed in black with faced hooded, went on a killing rampage in Kunming Railway Station. They went killing anyone in the station. The Police managed to shoot and kill 4 of the terrorists, wounded 1 and hunting for the rest. It was reported that the terrorists were Uighurs from the Xinjiang region demanding for self rule. 
Xinjiang has been part of China since time immemorial and the Uighurs minority group is getting more violent in demanding to break away from China.

In many countries around the world, the minorities are challenging the central govt and wanting to form their own govt. Some of these minorities have been there for centuries. Some minorities are new to the land, especially those in Europe and the Americas. As the minorities grow in number and strength, there is a natural tendency to want to be their own masters. The fragile states of Central Asia, China and Russia, even Myanmar, Thailand, Philippines and Malaysia, are countries plagued by the presence of a more vocal and demanding minorities. Violent protest and violence as a means to achieving their political goal, often with external support, will only embolden the separatist movements.

Would Europe and countries that practiced free immigration laws end up with a substantial minority population that would make demands for their existence, for territorial and sovereign rights or political representation from the adopted countries? When their populations are small, they are like benign cancerous cells. When they grow in size, many would turn malignant and become a social and political problem of their host countries.

When would the pressure from the substantial presence of foreigners as new citizens in Sin City become a real problem and to challenge the original citizens for a bigger say, representation and the economic pie of the state. When would these apparently very nice people turned to become not so nice or even violence when they feel their interests are not satisfied or their expectations not met?

Are we planting the seed of communal violence for the future by bringing in so many foreigners into our midst? We have managed to keep the lid on for the last 40 plus years with the 3 major racial groups and a smaller Eurasian community living in relative harmony and co existence. With the new intakes, this delicate balance is going to be challenged and we can’t be so naïve not to foresee what the future has installed for us by our reckless immigration policy.

In the Kunming incident, it looks like China will no longer be acting nice to the terrorists and separatist movement. A dragnet is likely to be cast over Xinjiang and the strong arm of the law will inflict pain on the reign of terror of the separatists. Historically China is like an ocean of people and even the larger minority groups like the Mongols and Manchus ended up as Chinese after their conquest of China. The minority Uighurs would hardly stand a chance to think they could separate themselves from China. They are asking to be whacked real hard on their butts for their violent and wanton killing of the innocents. There should be no pity should the perpetrators and their supporters be dealt with in the same way they killed the innocents in Kunming.

Sinkies need foreign recruitment agencies to get jobs here

The proliferation of recruitment agencies owned by foreigners is not something to be trifled with. We have crazily, under the notion of free market forces, to issue all kinds of licences to foreigners to compete against our own citizens. Insurance agencies, student recruitment agencies, housing agents, and recruitment agencies, all that can be run without much talent is given freely to foreigners. In the case of recruitment agencies, there appears to be an unwritten modus operandi, where the employers choose to work with these foreign owned agencies, or new citizen owned agencies, and the target group of employees is foreigners, has led to a situation where jobs are given to foreigners instead of citizens.

Not only the citizens are losing out on jobs, the citizen owned agencies are having a tough time getting a share of the recruitment pie as their local data base with mainly local applicant CVs are not in demand by employers, local and foreign. The talk is that if one is thinking of getting a job, the chances of success are better with a foreign recruitment agency. The catch is that it is very rare that a foreign recruitment agency would want to job match a citizen. There seems to be a lot of under table practices that made it so lucrative to place foreigners than to place citizens and that made the latter not a worthwhile effort.

A free market system, a ‘meritocrazy’ policy that only naïve little boys and girls think will work, are working against the citizens in all areas and making them look like fools, hapless, unwanted, and with no one to turn to except to look for a taxi licence when all things failed. The failure of the govt to ignore the plight of its citizens for good jobs will be translated into negative votes for sure. The citizens may be daft but not daft to the extent that they did not know who they should vote to Parliament to look after their interests.

The nearly cooked citizens will feel the pain soon, other than those that are already cooked. When they start to jump out of the boiling water, things can be ugly. The lethargy, the lack of will to change the nature of things to their own advantage, the stupidity to believe that it is all their fault, that the foreigners are smarter and more deserving than them, have kept the daft Sinkies in a state of resignation and despair.

Either they wake up their ideas or they will be the new beggars in this super rich island of super opportunities that are going to the foreigners. Is there a conspiracy that jobs should go to foreigners, that employers rather work with foreign recruiters than the citizens to recruit foreigners? Or is it how the system has been designed and allowed to do the citizens in?

What price to pay for being daft and to be treated as daft even by foreigners? No one knows what is going on, really?

American war plan against China is called ‘JOAC’, pronounced joke

While China is making plans to deny the access of American warships patrolling its coastal seas, the Americans are countering this plan by a war plan called ‘JOAC’ for Joint Operational Access Concept. Obviously the Americans do not meant it to be a joke. The Chinese area access denial plan is a defensive strategy to keep the enemies away from its shores and for doing this, they are being accused to being provocative, if not, aggressive.

The Americans have been strutting their military hardware along the Yellow Sea, East China Seas, right at the door step of China and telling China, what can you do about it. And when China declared its first ADIZ in East China Sea, another defensive act, the Americans aggressively flew 2 B 52 nuclear bombers heading straight into China. Such a hostile act could easily trigger a nuclear war as the nuclear capability of the bombers cannot be ignored. China could have shot them down if they came a bit closer to the firing range of their nuclear weapons.

The arrogance and hostility of the Americans and their intent for war have been taken for granted by the West who spoke about it as if it is their right to attack anyone they like. And China’s acts to defend itself with ADIZ and area access denial missiles are read as aggressive and war mongering.

So the Americans are serious about this joke, oops, I mean JOAC. What is this plan all about? According to Geoff Dyer in an article published yesterday in the ST on his book, The Contest Of The Century: The New Era Of Competition With China, this plan is being devised to counter China’s area access denial plan to keep American warships away from Chinese soil to prevent them from launching strikes at China mainland. How it works? The plan calls for a massive strike against all the missile targets in China to disarm Chinese missiles from hitting American warships. And they made a few assumptions, 1, the Chinese would not doing anything and allow the Americans to launch the strikes without hitting back, like the cruise missile strike against China’s embassy in Belgrade. 2, it assume that the strike can be a limited war and China would not dare to launch its nuclear arsenal against the US mainland.

The probability of a massive counter attack by China and an all out nuclear war cannot be ruled out. Which country would allow another country to strike at its heartland and resist from retaliation if it can do so and has the weapons to do so? The war crazy Americans cannot be so mad to think that a massive strike against China could be done without the Chinese hitting back with all they got. They could not be more right to call their plan a joke.

While they are planning to counter the Chinese defensive strategy with a hostile and aggressive war plan, do they believe that the Chinese would stop at their defensive plan and would not be planning to counter strike should the Americans carry out their joke? This is very similar to some countries that think they would have a big advantage to have a first strike strategy without thinking that the enemy too could have the same first strike strategy against them.

Just pray the Americans are joking and continue to have more jokes up their sleeves. The idiots still think war is an option between nuclear capable super powers and are risking for war. And they are claiming that the Chinese may flirt with adventurism when they are most guilty of this act. The Americans could be adventurous against smaller and military weaker countries. They should plan to have peace with other nuclear powers if they are sane in their heads.

Kopi Level - Yellow