
Did Putin blink?

It looks like Putin, the Russian equivalent of Rambo in the political arena, is backing down and trying to appease the Americans. Putin is asking the Assad Govt to surrender their chemical weapons to the Americans. The Western media gave the impression that the Syrians are outlaws, not a signatory to the banning of chemical weapons. But the western media did not say that the Americans and Israel and many other pro American countries are also not signatories and also in possession of huge cache of chemical weapons, no, Assad did not have the most chemical weapons that the western media would like the world to believe, it is the Americans and also Israel that are possessing the most chemical weapons in their arsenals.

Now you may want to ask why the Americans and the Israelis are allowed to hold on to their chemical weapons but Assad not allowed to keep his? The same reasoning, the Americans and also Israel are allowed to possess nuclear weapons while Iran and North Korea not allowed. The simple answer, they are stronger militarily and would attack or invade any country that dares challenge their dominance in the possession of nuclear and chemical weapons. Only they can have them and others cannot unless the latter can stand up to them.

Putin has capitulated and compromised the position of the Assad Govt. If they surrender their chemical weapons, they will be at the mercy of the Americans and Israelis who have chemical weapons and can use them against the Syrians. This concession by Putin, though a sign of weakness, has somehow pulled the rug under Obama’s feet. It could be a bargaining ploy from a weaker position. The Americans could attack Syria and the Russians could not do much about it. It is like Cuba once again. The Americans are dictating the terms and the Russians backed down.

In this case it does have some positive effects in the sense that it has taken the wind out of the warmongers in Obama’s camp whose only professed position is to stop Assad from conducting chemical attacks, which unfortunately he might not have done it but been framed for it. This is the ugliness of the Empire and how it schemes and fabricates situations to fix its enemies. Putin is playing the world’s opinion against the Americans and also gives the anti war Americans a reason to say no to the warmongers in the White House. The Syrian Govt has conceded defeat, there is no more reason to launch an attack.

Really? When the hawks in the White House have decided to attack, they will not abandon their cause and will continue to find excuses to attack Syria. The chemical weapon attack is just a ruse, an excuse. What they want is the removal of the Assad Govt even if they have to support terrorist organizations like the Al Qaeda against a legimitate govt of Assad.

The Evil Empire has many other agendas to want to attack Syria. Now it is up to the American public and Congressmen and women to haul back these war hogs. It is thus a fight in the White House without any real issues except to promote American military supremacy, to kill more or less Syrians, to show who is boss or the supreme international gangster.

The COE system is the best ever

I am so glad that the COE system remains practically intact with a couple of minor changes that have nothing to do with me, or neither would they affect my chances of getting my COE whenever I need to buy a car. You see, what I have is money. And I simply tell the car dealer to put in as high a bid as needed. Money no problem. And I know very well that I need not pay for the exorbitant bid that I put in. Bao chiat one. And I am very sure I will be paying the lowest possible that those losers can afford to bid for. This kind of bidding is really the best. And I need not bribe anyone to design such a wonderful system that favours me, the rich man.

Who cares if the premium goes higher and higher? I can afford what. Psst, don’t tell the losers that no matter how much I bid, I always pay the lowest, like them.

And also, LTA decided not to levy extra for my 9th or 10th car. Now if I buy my 20th car, I still pay the same low and very affordable COE. I hope the clever people in charge will keep this system for as long as they can. It is flawless really, near perfection I would say. Only the losers who cannot afford to pay or bid higher would be complaining. Not me for sure. I love it. Keep it up! Good work.

Thank God we have so many brilliant people supporting such a perfect system. I don’t think anyone can ever think of a better system than this. It is so good, so efficient that they can’t improve on it anymore. Should submit a patent to protect its copyright in case other countries want to copy it.

Now who dares to say this system is no good?

The mentality of prostitutes

There have been many comments telling foreigners to become citizens, to be one of us, to do NS etc etc. This is not much different from being invited by a prostitute to become another prostitute in a whore house. Our citizenship is so cheap, so shameless and unworthy, to be given away to anyone freely.

Isn’t citizenship, to be the citizens of a prosperous, safe and rich country something valuable? We are now saying anyone can come and be one of us. Some Sinkies even begged foreigners to be one of us. How cheapo can we be? Our citizenship is actually one of the most highly sought after item among the citizenships of developed countries. And silly Sinkies are treating it like a piece of toilet paper, like the pink (or is it yellow) card of prostitutes? Come, come, come and get it.

The other stupid thing that I am hearing is that anyone can come and serve in our military? Do we know who that person is, what is his agenda, where is his loyalty, and what he can do to the military secrets that he will be exposed to? Do we trust any stranger with our military secrets? Are we so trusting and gullible like prostitutes? Anyone can come here and screw us? Oops, my apologies to the prostitutes. I think the prostitutes are much smarter streetwise and they don’t offer themselves for free.
For goodness sake, Sinkies, have some pride in yourself, in your country and the citizenship. Be proud of them and treasure them and not to give them away like freebees. Stop behaving like prostitutes, with no pride, no identity, no values, except thinking of money.

Our citizenship does not come only with the right to be a citizen and the right to work here. It comes with a lot of perks and substantial monetary values. Getting our citizenship is like striking lottery to many. The HDB flats will bring them instant profit in hundreds of thousands of dollars should they sell it latter. And the innumerable subsidies in education, in national bonuses, angpows, subsidies for hospitalization, for conservancy charges, top up of Medisave etc etc, these are all real monies.

How silly can Sinkies be?

Foreigners should remain foreigners, at most PRs without the same privileges as Sinkies. And only foreigners that met our criteria of what we want may only be granted citizenship. Now we are flooded with all kinds of flotsams floating in the seas. Is that what we want?

We have louts, touts and thugs. I just viewed the video clip of the Ah Tiong threatening a Sinkie in the train. Do we need such aggressive country bumpkins of the 19th century? Maybe there is a reason to import such uncouth peasants to boost our dying and degenerating genes of Pampered, Meek, Effeminate and Timid Sinkies. 

Sinkies need to be assaulted, beaten, chased around by foreigners, to be yelled at in their own country. The Ah Tiong would not see the daylight if he is in any country where the citizens have some pride in themselves and believe that foreigners have to know their place in their country. In this Sin City, foreigners are here to kick the locals around.

Yes, make more of such talented peasants as our citizens and we will have a more gracious society, with nice people around.


The cursed Singaporeans – Part 3

This group needs no introduction or explanation. They are the so called Pampered, Mediocre, Expensive and Timid jobless Singaporeans. Very qualified, very experienced, some still fairly young, but cannot find employment in their home city that employed more than 1 million foreigners, because they are Singaporeans.

They can only fend for themselves by trying to be self employed in jobs that amount to under employment relative to their qualifications and experience. Many still have responsibilities to support children, family and parents and a mortgage to service. They must be cursing for wasting money and time getting that degree or diploma that they don’t need as a taxi driver.

This is what the saying goes, 吃不饱饿不死, eat not full but not hungry enough to die. And they have, yes, 30 or 40 years to be in this state of limbo. All their qualifications and experience going to waste!

Think carefully and don’t turn away. In this very expensive city when everything needs money, to go on in life without a proper job or income for 30 or 40s is no joking matter. We could be seeing a revolt of the silver hair, or seeing many of them turning into beggars if things are not changed. No job, no money, no savings, no children or children unable to help, all struggling to keep themselves alive.

And many are now faced with a more frightening and real situation, finding enough money to pay for a medical insurance they don’t need, did not want, cannot afford to pay, but it is compulsory for life man! There is no running away. Are they expected to pay for life? Yes, paying an insurance scheme for life! So many idiots could not see the implications of this paying for life thing.

By the time they are 70 or 80 they would not have a single cent left in their Medisave Account, not even in their CPF account, except those that are mandatorily held back by legislation or arbitrarily decided by their keepers.

The oldies are going to need a lot more money to live on as they grow older and older. Is this real? Can this be true? Only the destitute in the charity homes or those abandoned can be exempted from paying.

Medishield Life – What affordability?

The unthinking Sinkies are behaving like sheep without a mind of their own. The agenda has been set and all have dutifully following the cue to talk about affordability. They have forgotten that affordability is worse that a four letter word when misused or abused. What is affordable to a king is not affordable to a pauper. So they are all hoping that Medishield Life premiums for the oldies and the grand oldies will be affordable. Is there such a thing?

The few latest articles of real situations when medical insurance premiums have shot up to $4k and will continue to go up by some 40% annually is a good case study. The examples given were of people likely to be economically active and in their 50s. And they are screaming hell about affordability. Try imagine what kind of premiums would those in the 70s, 80s and above would have to pay.

And the other simple fact, most of them would be unemployed and have nothing left except a few dollars held hostage by the minimum sum schemes. Even $1 is unaffordable to oldies without an income and who have nothing left in their savings. Who are these jokers talking about affordability? Oops, sorry, my apologies, there are many oldies that have million dollar pensions to pay Medishield Life premiums even if it is $10k or $20k. Small matters really.

And oh I almost forgot. The Medishied Life thing can be a good thing also. You see, many of the oldies by then would have $50k or more in their Medisave Minimum Sum Scheme. And many of them would not have the chance to spend them. With the compulsory Medishield Life Scheme, they need not worry. They can now spend them without feeling it. As they said, money not spent is not yours. So the govt is smart to introduce a scheme to help them spend their coffin money. They can spend them happily.

After all my grumbling, come to think of it, Medishield Life is a good thing after all. The oldies need not waste their coffin money in the Medisave Minimum Sum Scheme without spending them. They can spend every cent they have. Why didn’t the silly Sinkies think of this? Why didn’t I think of it? Affordability is not an issue. The oldies got a lot of money in their Medisave Minimum Sum to pay for it.

Okay, can continue to talk about affordability to stretch the money in the Medisave Minimum Sum Scheme to make it last.