
Hsien Loong is going to build a fair and just society for Sinkies

I know this is a motherhood statement but what is wrong with it? It sounded like the PAP is running an election campaign and this is the key slogan for the party. It can also sound like the PAP has just formed the govt and is promising the people that this was what it wanted to do for the people. Wait a minute, this is our 48th National Day and the PAP has been running the country for the past 47 years and has just started to want to do this. What had it been doing all these years, building an unfair and unjust society? Should we say that it is better late than never, and Sinkies can be hopeful that going forward they can expect a fairer and just society? The worrisome part is that the Govt either does not know that it has built an unfair and unjust society or it has been doing so thinking it is ok.

And the PAP is going to ensure that every Sinkie will have a home when it did not bother, to have a stake in this country now when it was not important. Obviously there are Sinkies that have no home and no stake in this country. It cannot be like, how can Sinkies have no home and no stake in this country in the first place? Then what are these Sinkies doing NS for and what will they be defending, other people’s homes and other people’s stake, foreigners’ homes and foreigners’ stakes?

The high cost of living, high cost of medical care, the high cost of everything, the govt is going to tackle them all. Sounds good, really. The govt will be solving all these problems.  What sounds not so good or unpleasantly funny is that why and how did all these happen? Would it not be better if the govt did not allow all these to happen in the first place, nipped them in the bud like it always said? Would it be better if the govt and those who are responsible did not allow these problems to become problems to the people in the first place? What is the meaning of proactive?

And there are problems of public transport, problems of unemployment, problems of too many foreigners and many others. Who are the twits that created all these problems for the govt to take care of? Who are they that are giving so many problems to Hsien Loong and causing him many sleepless nights trying to solve so many problems at the same time? These must be people who are doing Hsien Loong in, right? I hope they are not being awarded any National Day honours for creating all these problems.

As the PM, his job is really tough, with so many people undermining him by making all the wrong decisions and policies and making him responsible for cleaning the shit. Hsien Loong should rightly deserve the highest National Day Award, the Order of Temasek(First Class) for cleaning shit and not blaming anyone for it. Why no one recommends him for the highest National Day Award?


The Revengeful Japs never forget US nuclear bombing of Japan and will definitely return the same favour to US some day in future

The revengeful Japs will never forget US nuclear bombing of Japan and will definitely return the same favour to US some day in future.

The launching of Japs new aircraft carrier on 6th August is a bad omen for America. It is a veiled threat that they meant to take  nuclear revenge against US some day in future.

Why is US coddling the Japs and inciting them to create trouble in the East China Sea against China? After an era of Western and Japanese domination and imperialism during the last one hundred and fifty years China was left crippled with lost of huge territories of land to invading Western countries and Japan and with her economy in shambles , China was critically weak and despised by the invaders. That was the time Japan thought it could invade and dominate China totally. But with intense patriotism the Chinese under the leadership of Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou En Lai and the Peoples' Liberation Army fought bravely against the Japs and defeated them. However , when the Japs attacked America's Pearl Harbour , they stirred the hornets' nest and brought the Americans into the war against the Japs. With America's atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki the Japanese war of aggression against China was brought to a stop. The Japs have always blamed America for destroying their only chance of invading and subjugating China not forgetting that even without America's nuclear bombing of Japan , China would definitely and ultimately defeat the Japs and drive them out of China. However, the revengeful Japs in launching the new aircraft carrier on the 68th Anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on Tuesday 6th of August is not a co-incident but is meant to carry out a clear signal and reminder to US that Japan will definitely take revenge on that infamy incident against US some day in future and in the same nuclear manner. Thus America should take the warning seriously and stop supporting and rearming an evil monster in the making. America should not side with the Japs but let China have a free hand this time round to deal with the Japs so that the Chinese can teach these Japs a fatal lesson once and for all and make sure  that they will never rise up again to give trouble to the world.


My National Day Message

The Singapore, our country, is there for ‘US’ to make. The “US’ are Singaporeans, not PRs, the people that made this country what it is today and will continue to make this country a liveable place for our children for generations to come.

Our Singapore, our country, its fate, what it should be, must by decided by ‘US’ and not by a few individuals who think they know best and what is good for ‘US’.

The Singaporeans must make this country and govt to serve the interests of ‘US’ the citizens foremost. And we can be generous and charitable to foreigners who come here to visit or to work. It must not be the other way, when we are second to foreigners and PRs and have to depend on their generosity and charity. The foreigners and PRs are here because we have built such a great city for them to live their dreams and make a good living. We allowed them, we gave them the opportunity, not the other way. While doing this, we must not sacrifice or compromise the well beings of our citizens to the extend that they become jobless and have to scrape for a living, with low paying and unwanted jobs, with no job security while having to cope with extremely high cost of everything.

We must be the owners, we are the owners of our country. We must be in charge and not foreigners in charge. The foreigners, including the PRs, are here with our consent and approval, enjoying our kindness at our discretion. The Singaporeans, the ‘US’, must not be dependent and at the mercy of foreigners for jobs and our well being. We are the host and they the guests. This must be the permanent formula and the host must not be elbowed out by the guests.

I wish all Singaporeans a happy National Day fills with hopes of a better tomorrow, for all Singaporeans and their children.


Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!

I just came back after spending the nearly the whole day out and cannot miss the well and colourfully dressed Muslim brothers and sisters everywhere. There is one place they are missing though, the foodcourts. But that is understandable as they will be having their feasts at home with their families and friends.

I was at this foodcourt and the only people I saw were mainly Chinese, some Indians and some foreigners. Having the Indians and Malays all eating together in the foodcourts was nothing unusual as they are part and parcel of this country, they are a part of every Singaporean. Now the foreigners are also becoming a part of us as well. Their presence cannot be missed.

Today I really felt something missing, without the signs and presence of Malays among the customers. It would likely be the same for a Chinese or Indian festival with the particular tribe making the missing act.

Once again, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

A single swallow justification

Now that the Hair for Hope event in support of the Children’s Cancer Foundation that led to the punishment of 2 girl students by their principal is water under the bridge, I would like to revisit the thinking behind the incident that let to the fiasco and public outrage. I quote the Principal Marion Tan “Can you imagine if I were to say yes, I’d have everybody coming to school with a bald head. Sometimes it’s a fad, so they would take advantage of the situation.”

She has her point in that the girls did promise to put on wigs if they participated in the event. And if she was in the army, the girls would jolly well wear the wigs as promised. That is how the army works, regimentation, and an order is an order. In this case, the demand for such an undertaking by the principal is misplaced as it showed a lack of understanding and appreciation of the Hair for Hope event. It is all about empathy and compassion for those cancer patients that have to go through the painful chemotherapy and the undesirable consequence of a bald head.

Let me return to the quoted statement above. This is like the proverbial saying a swallow does not make a summer but many would insist otherwise. And this is the thinking of the people in authority. They cannot release the CPF savings to the people caused some DOM had squandered all their monies on mei meis, or some have gone to the casinos. So it is best that the money be all locked up. Imagine if the govt would to say yes, every retiree would take out their money and feed the mei meis and the casinos. Jiat lat, all would end up with no money the next day and crying to the govt for charity.

The same justification for not allowing people with higher income to use lower class hospital wards with higher subsidies. If one is allowed, all the rich people will opt for C class wards, maybe people living in the Istana would also do so. Think HDB too, if one is allowed to buy smaller flats, all would want to buy smaller flats.

What kind of mentality is that? Do the people making decisions up there really believe in this logic? The stupid ones do, I am sure. The smart ones are only using this flawed logic for their own convenience and to serve their agenda and whatever schemes they are brewing. They are too smart to think that this is logical thinking.

Don’t take a swallow and claim that it is summer. Don’t think that seeing an albino crow and conclude that all the crows are white. Can this episode be a lesson to the policymakers to fine tune their thinking? Fat hope, this is a golden rule to rule the people and take advantage of the people, for their ignorance and passiveness towards authority. The authority is always right and always logical in their reasoning. Tio boh?

I remember, if we were to give the people a drumstick they will demand for the whole chicken, or something like that. Where got exception one?