
Controlling the media, controls the minds and thinking of the readers

The Americans and Japanese have been drumming up the fears in Asian countries of China’s nuclear arsenal as if China is a real threat to them and the Asean countries. And with the control of the media, even the media of their proxy countries, they could regularly perpetuate the thought and belief that China is an aggressive and dangerous military power. The truth is far from this. Just look at the nuclear arsenals possessed by the USA, Russia and China and their nuclear doctrines.

The Russians have 8,000 nuclear warheads followed by the Americans with 5,000 and the Chinese with 800. The sheer size will say that China will be vaporized if it dare to engage in a nuclear war with any of the adversaries. And China rightly adopted a No first strike doctrine. China has openly made this doctrine know to all the nuclear powers that it will not be the first to launch a first nuclear strike on any country. But this was not enough as the Americans and western media continue to brand it as a dangerous nuclear power despite its No first strike policy. And for China, to make this policy more realistic, it does not seek to compete with Russian and the USA by amassing parity in numbers of nuclear warfare. China’s position is a deadly second strike that is enough to deter any country from launching a first strike.

Compares this position with the Americans, the US is only willing to say, without much commitment, that it would not launch a nuclear strike on any country that does not possess nuclear weapons. It tacitly reserves the right to deliver the first strike against China and any other nuclear powers. So, who is the aggressive and dangerous one? Who is more willing to strike first, and who has armed itself with the numbers to destroy the world? But because the USA is controlling the western media, and the media of its allies, together, they keep singing the same tune, that the USA is peace loving and China is dangerous.

The fact that China refuses to increase its nuclear forces is an admission that it will not be the dominant nuclear power and is only good enough to respond to a nuclear attack by retaliating. A country with a small nuclear strike force cannot afford to adopt an aggressive first strike position as both Russia and the USA have enough second strike capability to wipe China out of the face of the earth. In the balance of nuclear power, China has conceded to be the number 3 and with far lesser warheads than the Russia and the USA. This is a self imposed policy not to threaten the dominant positions of the two. China thus is in no position to challenge the military power of the USA and Russia and is not in a good position to think of being aggressive, expansive and world hegemony. With a very inferior nuclear arsenal, it is just not in the right position to do so. So how can it be threatening and aggressive when the USA and Russia could wipe it out clean?

The USA is still pointing the finger at China, just like it is implanting the belief on the rest of the world and to the American people, that North Korea is dangerous and would launch a nuclear strike at American mainland. This is based on the assumption that the North Koreans and their leaders are all lunatics. And this is what the American Administration wants the world and the silly Americans to believe so. In so doing, keep on spending more on more weapons and military equipment and military forces.

The hostile and aggressive doctrine of the American nuclear strategy is manifested by its refusal to state categorically that it will not be the first to use nuclear weapons, and also it’s amassing of a huge nuclear arsenal of 6 to 7 times that of China, while the Russians have 10 times more. And both the USA and the Russians are not aggressive, so innocent, but China, with a nuclear force that is far from what the Russians and the Americans have. This unilateral decision not to have a big nuclear arsenal is a clear statement of China’s nuclear defense strategy, a defensive stance vis a vis the two bigger nuclear powers. How then could a smaller power threaten two bigger powers, or how could an even smaller country like North Korean that may not even have the ICBMs to reach the USA, be a threat to the Americans?

But those reading western media and listening to the Americans crying wolf will believe the American story. China is dangerous, North Korea is dangerous. Their leaders are mad, crazy. The countries that possess 8,000 and 5,000 nuclear warheads and refuse to declare that they will not be the first to use nuclear weapons are not, are friendly nuclear powers. How silly the people of the world can be? Any wrong move by China will make China history. Are the Chinese that stupid to want to be history by launching a nuclear attack on anyone, on America or Russia?

The national leaders of China and North Korea are not mad. Only people who branded them as mad are mad, including those who believe in their madness story.

Two minutes interval train

Is this possible? Can our MRT train arrive at 2 minutes interval? No way, but yes. The last time someone brooded this subject that trains can travel at this interval to move more people I remember that it came with a price tag of $6b or some several billions of dollars. To achieve this remarkable and difficult task of 2 minutes interval safely, a highly sophisticated computerized time keeping system is needed to keep the trains safely apart.

Nothing has been heard of this possible multi billion dollar purchase of a top of the art control system. But if we want our train to operate at such peak intervals, this is the money that needs to be spent and spending with glee, after all it is OPM.

Lately, I am pleasantly surprised when I took a peep at the monitors at MRT stations and, yes, trains can arrive in 2 minutes interval, and sometimes within 1 minute. How could this happen? Has the MRT bought the multi million dollar control system and already implemented it? I doubt so. I think if such an expensive system would have been bought, the news would have spreaded across the front page of the media, and fares would have gone up definitely. Spending several billions for a more efficient running train system must be good reason, valid reason to up the fares.

Since nothing is heard, I can safely presume that the wonderful control system has yet to be bought. But then, how could the trains arrive in 1 or 2 minutes interval? The normal internal is 3 minutes at peak hours. And the 1 or 2 minutes interval did not happen all the times, only at some intervals. Even then, it can be done. And 3 minutes interval seems quite normal.

But it will be good if we spend the few billions to shorten the intervals from 3 minutes to 2 minutes on a regular basis with a sophisticated computerized system for peace of mind. It will be money well spent.

What do you think?


PM, please give us peace and security and not danger.

PM Lee's statement, "We cannot take peace and security for granted" . That is a strong statement with serious implications and it cannot go unanswered. Singaporeans want peace and security . But does the PM and his government share the same view of what constitute peace and what constitute security for Singapore. The Pappie government has created enough uncalled for internal problems which give the Singaporeans no peace of mind and burden the people with a great load of insecurity. The government has yet to solve and clear the internal problems to provide the people with peace of mind and security. But instead of doing just that the PM like his father is adding external problemsto Singapore by persuading and supporting the American insidious stance in Asia. Everybody knows that the Evil Empire, USA  has been creating trouble, choas , instabilities and wars at all corners of the world every year for the last seventy years since the end of the Second World War just to maintain its satanic supreme super power status to hold hegemony and dominate over all countries big or small. As an excuse for a preamble to start wars US will always create incidents , troubles and instabilities and blame them on the country or countries it intend to attack either directly by itself or through unsuspecting selfish proxies. We know the Evil Empire hold debts both internal and external to the astronomical figures  of several hundreds or thousands of trillions dollars. US has no intention to honour these debts especially to China which it owes the most . Therefore it tries to abscond with the debts to China by trying to start wars against China through proxies like the Japs, Pinoys and Vietnamese which it has been instigating and inciting all the time. Yet theven moree PM and his father for no unknown reason or reasons have always encouraged and persuaded the Evil Empire to stay in Asia to balance and contain China's peaceful development. By openly siding with the Evil Empire isn't the PM adding external troubles to Singapore for it will arouse the suspicion of our neighbours and thus post  even more insecurity to Singapore. What if a desperate US initiates a war against China , won't Singapore be a target for a nuclear bomb since US operates its navy and airforce in and out of Singapore as a military base. This scenario portends great disaster for Singapore and we Singaporeans shudder at the thought of it. So PM please think before you open your mouth and think before you and your government act to side with the Americans. Give us peace of mind and security and that is all what we people want.

My enemy’s enemy is my friend

Tamerlan Tsamaev, one of the two Boston bombers was under investigation by the FBI. House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul asked the FBI why Tamerland did not raise any suspicion after the Russians asked the FBI to investigate him two years ago? The Russian security service wanted Tamerlan to be investigated as possible Islamic radical.

The FBI said it had no further comment after saying it ‘did not find any terrorism activity, domestic or foreign, after speaking to Tsamaev and checking his travel records and internet activity’. And less than a year after being interviewed by FBI, Tsamaev did make a trip to Dagestan, a predominantly Muslim region where Islamist militants were active.

Now the American House of Representatives are asking a lot of questions and kicking themselves crazy for FBI not following up on this vital lead from the Russians. And the FBI is under the spotlight for its handling of this case. Why was the FBI so cavalier in its handling of this Chechen immigrant that was tipped off as potential Muslim radical? Is it because my enemy’s enemy is my friend and that this guy has potential to give the Russians more trouble in the future, an American asset to give problems to the Russians or to support the Muslim insurgency in Russia or elsewhere? Or is it that this supposedly top notch intelligence agency is slip shod and its professionalism in question.

The FBI has a lot to answer as the House of Representative is unlikely to let this matter rests. They are asking for all information the US Govt had on Tamerlan Tsamaev before April 15.

Count down to May Day Rally at Hong Lim

10 days to the protest rally and I have this nagging fear that the rally may not happen. The little activities last week, NPark also involved, so innocuously, advising the organizer to apply for permit, the hints of foreigners at the rally, part of the organizers, not sure if being there as spectators will count, is making people nervous. Would there be a last minute cancellation by the authority that no permit was applied and some members of the organizing team were PRs or foreigners? Or because a lot of foreigners will be at the park, some specially ferried there by tour agencies for a new experience of peaceful demonstration inn Sin City?

The call so far is for Singaporeans to be there, rain or shine. For safe measures, Gilbert may want to add another call, be there no matter what. Even if the rally is cancelled by the authority, Singaporeans can still be at the park, with no speeches or stage or shows. Would there then be a case when the park will be barricaded to keep Singaporeans out? It will be really weird won’t it?

The message from the people against the big population is loud and clear. Would the Gang of 77 hear or get notice of it? Would anyone of them be bothered to say, hey, the people did not like what we are going to do? Let me try to put myself into the Gang of 77 and try to sense or feel what are they thinking, if they do bother to think about it.

In the first place, are all 77 in full support of the 6.9m population? I hazard a wild guess that maybe 50% are not in favour but bo pian, got to toe the party line. They did not see it as a national issue that affects the lives of all Singaporeans and their children and grand children and more. They only see it as a party position. It is what the party wants. No care what the people want.

Actually, how many of the Gang of 77 are in support of it? 10, 5, 3 or 1? How many are really in favour of the 6.9m? Whose idea is it? Who really wants to push through this idea? Is there someone that has the omniprescient power of God to guarantee that this is the only way forward, there is no other way and Singapore will be finished? Or someone really believes that this is the mandate of heaven and his will is the way, all the peasants can kpkb, no matter. My way is the way. What I say goes?

Until today, it seems that this 6.9m deal is already cast in stone. No one would want to take a step back to say, hey, the people don’t want that, or at least a significant number of people are unhappy, shall we go and ask them again, maybe a referendum? Or it is case of ignoring the people as the people’s view are just not important, the people are daft and cannot see the goodness of the 6.9 position?

What does this whole episode say about the Govt? The Natcon is still ongoing, going into stage two. There are still plenty of opportunities to talk about this 6.9m. Or is this something that cannot be spoken about? Why is this issue so sensitive that it must not be discussed further, no room for discussion?