
Bloggers who have nothing to say

Agree that bloggers blogged for many reasons, but in social political blogs, generally there are three types of bloggers. The first and natural bloggers are those that blog because they have something to say, something they want to share or get it off their chests. Just that, and may enjoy just doing it. The second big group will be those belonging to political parties or are supporters of certain political parties, have political inclinations. The third group are not bloggers or bloggers of the unwilling. These people don’t blog and do not want to blog. They blog because they are paid to blog, like paid workers, mercenaries. They really have nothing to blog about.

The first group is what blogging was designed for. It is a new way of conversation, a way of talking to the world, share views and chit chat with other people, maybe making friends. If every blogger is just a blogger blogging for his interest, things can be quite innocent and the blogging world will just grow for as long as the interest is there.

For the second group, blogger is a political thing, a way to support their parties, to convince others to their political ideas and to gain influence and votes, which is quite natural for political animals.

The third group, the nasties, or bloggers of the unwilling, is the pest in social media. They are not blogging. They are paid to be destructive, to attack bloggers and can be very personal and bitchy. This is the most disgraceful group of people that exists to attack people they don’t know, for no reasons except because they are being paid to do so, like paid assassins. No, assassins will be too honourable a title. They are willing to sell their conscience for a fee. They are like the computer viruses, best to be terminated.

The three groups are just simple generalizations. Some may criss cross over groups as their interests could stray or expand to other areas. Blogging can be a big thing in the socio political platform. Many are blogging for a passion, not being paid, but contributing good stuff to educate and inform their readers. We need more and well informed bloggers to contribute to social media to make it a force to be reckon with, a respectable alternative to the main media, to break the stranglehold of news and views of the main media. Social media is the place where people can speak openly, honestly and freely of what they think, and what they feel of things that are happening around us and what is becoming of the country.

The people who pay for thugs to attack people in social media are just as shameless and despicable as they are the ones behind the shameful act. It used to be just some wild individuals who have an axe to grind to be cursing and swearing at their victims. Now we have people paying thugs to do the same, cursing and swearing at bloggers just because the bloggers have a different view of things.

Boston bombings, failure of American intelligence

What is glaring about the Boston Marathon bombing incident is the total lack of intelligence from the American intelligence services that this was coming. In the 911 case, there were intelligence reports of something big brewing but not this one. There was absolute silence until it happened. Now all the security service personnel are running around like bull arse flies, turning over every stone, opening every letter going to the American President and Congressmen and screaming threats of all kinds. This incident will keep them busy for a long while to come.

Why is America getting such brickbats every now and then, and why is it that the Americans, including Obama, are so innocent, claiming that they did not know why America is a target of terrorist acts? It seems that Obama is probably thinking that he is Angel Obama and so were his secretaries and those of the previous regimes. They are all angels and walking with a halo on their heads. Who would have problems with angels and wants to bomb the homes of angels? It is simply unimaginable and unspeakable. The rest of the world must be insane, the terrorists must be insane to want to blow up such nice American people. They are the most peaceful and peace loving people, spreading love and kindness all over the world, a benign and benevolent super power….really?

One day after the Boston bombing, Obama was up to his antics again to lambast the North Koreans threatening this and that, that he would not tolerate the North Koreans for their provocations. And he also claimed that the North Koreans were still incapable of mounting a nuclear device on their ICBMs, and cannot hit the USA. So, why the hue and cry of threats from this little poor country? Are the North Koreans conducting war games simulating an invasion of the American mainland with Mexico or Cuba or with Canada? No? Are there any North Korean military ships or personnel within 1000km from the American coastlines? No?

Why are there so many American soldiers at the borders of North Korea, conducting war games to simulate an invasion of North Korea? Why are there thousands of soldiers there ratcheting and beating the drums of war? Why are nuclear capable war planes flying around North Korea? Are there for a carnival, American way of making friends or saying hello? Are these acts not provocative, no hostile, not unfriendly? Should the North Koreans sit back, fold their arms and watch the show and do nothing while the Americans and the South Koreans are rattling their sabres in their front yard?

The Americans cannot see how hostile, belligerent and warlike they have been, how provocative and aggressive to other countries. The Americans cannot see the hundreds of thousands of innocents being killed, maimed, children and old people being crippled by their soldiers and their bombs delivered by drones. The lives and suffering and pains of these other people are meaningless. The lives and pains of Americans are real, so painful. Maybe the Iraqis, the Libyans, the Syrians, the Afghans are droids, have no feelings, no sense of pains, would not feel anything when their limbs are blown away by shrapnel from bombs.

The American people must put a stop to their evil and wicked administration in connivance with the arms merchants and manufacturers to create a perpetual state of fear, of wars to server their interests. America is the source of all wars on the surface of the earth. Every war that is fought, or going to be started, is the result of American provocation and initiative. If the American regime and administration do not stop starting war, and refuse to acknowledge that they are the cause of wars, the Americans will continue to be the most hated people in the world, and likely more bombs will be planted in the soils of America mainland, and there will be more 911s and more Boston bombings. Only the Americans can put a stop to this carnage and suffering of its own people by putting an end to their hostilities and acts of war against other people and nation.

The American administration is evil to the core. They acted like an Evil Empire, starting wars every where to sell more arms and to control and manipulate the peoples to become subservient to the evil Empire. They agitate and provoke others and claim to be innocent and others as evil. The Americans may need more bombs on American soil to have a new awakening to their evil and wicked deeds. There are good reasons for the bombs and the bombings. Obama should wipe the stupid and innocent smile from his face and tell the truth.


The free ride is an historical break through

Since the 1960s when many things were free though the country was poor, with very little or nothing in the national reserves, it is a big thing today to have free travel on the MRT even with conditions. In those days, there were free medical and dental for students and the citizens, some enjoy free school fees, some had free food, free tuition by volunteers, free movies, not having to pay to visit Pulau Blankang Mati, free visits to the museums etc etc. Many things were free then.

The free travel on the MRT must have taken many by surprise, and many must still be skeptical and wondering how the Govt will be taking back from them through some other ways.

I was skeptical too when this was first proposed by Janil Puthucheary. I was afraid that it would shift the jam in the train to an earlier hour when school children will be going to schools. My fear will be the hordes of foreign workers jamming the trains for the free ride. I can understand how important it is to them. Every dollar saved is a big deal and plenty of money to them.

The introduction of this free travel comes with some modifications which will target the cause of the morning rush hours, ie, office workers all going one way, to the heart of the city. The administrators have done some thinking and fine tuned the proposal to just address the office crowd going into the city. Commuters not going into the city would not benefit from the free travel scheme. This in a way will not lead to a mad rush when everyone will want to take advantage of the free travel and jam the train in the early hours of the day. Those travelling from the East to the West or vice versa or to other parts of the island will not be affected by this free travel in any significant way.

The solution is tailor made and hopefully it will help to relieve the problems of peak hour travel but not contributing too much to early morning jams for the early birds. The one year trial period should give the administrators time to review and tweak the system further to achieve its aim of freeing the train a little and give the commuters more breathing space.

What is important here is paradigm shift, a change in the thinking of the govt. You don’t need too clever leaders but leaders with ideas to improve the lives of the people. With so much money collected to ease traffic congestion, giving a little back in free travel for a good reason needs not be tabooed. Let the administrators or civil servants work out the details to make a new idea work. There is a separation of roles, with the leaders brainstorming ideas to serve the people and the administrators or civil servants doing the nitty gritty. It should not be the leaders or Govt meddling with the nitty gritty when they don’t really have the time for it, given the spread of their portfolios and the limited time they have on hand. Think housing…think immigration, think 6.9m, think economic growth….

And if this free train ride is successful, it only costs the govt $10m. Quite cheap for a solution to make travelling a bit more pleasant for the commuters. There are many things that the Govt can do to make life better for the citizens without incurring a walloping sum of money like hundreds of millions. What is $10m anyway?

Ban Ki Moon should strongly condemn US organised crimes of war of aggression and terrorism against other countries

Ban Ki Moon should strongly condemn US organised crimes of violence, terrorism and wars of aggression against other countries

Ban Ki Moon, the secretary general of the United Nations  condemned the Boston Maraton Explosions as an act of senseless savage violence and terrorism. And he is right and no body will dispute with what he said because any decent person will see this as obviously so.And he is also right to empathise with the victims. But he is very hypocritical and there is something very wrong with him. Did he ever condemn the endless acts of mass terrorism and violence conducted by the Evil Empire via CIA and the Pentagon against other innocent countries. The Boston Maraton Explosion is child's play compare to the senseless mass killings of thousands of innocent people carried out by sorties of American drones in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and  some other countries. The trouble thing is that when the Americans kill they never regret and show remorse but simply brush off their killings of innocent peoples as collateral damages. The little acts of terrorism in America may be carried out by small disparate groups of dissatisfied people which could be the Americans themselves who feel the great injustice of the American state. On the other hand American acts of violence and terrorism and mass killings of other peoples and countries are carried out by the American government. The American state will always justify their rights to do do evil things in organised state terrorism and senseless and endless wars of aggression against other countries. The American state started with mere thirteen small provinces. But right from the beginning of its independence from its forbears, Imperial Britain , it has never stopped its well organised acts of violence and terrorism and wars of aggression against other states and countries. It is through its wanton wars of aggression and annexation that America reach its present size. The present American state organised crimes of acts of violence and terrorism and wars of aggression is a historical extension of their dastardly acts of murder and genocide of more than eighty-five million or ninety-five percent of the native American Indians. By far they have been carrying out their killings and wars of aggression with impunity and they think they can continue to do so without retribution. Hope this time they will be mercilessly wrong for as the saying goes, "Push the tiger against the wall and it will fight back." Ban Ki Moon should not pretend to be a good man. He should condemn all American state organised terrorism, drone attacks and uncall for wars of aggression against other countries .  Ban Ki Moon should know that time is running out and unless he stops the Americans from creating and fomenting the Korean tension he must know that not only Korea will be totally destroyed but the resultant nuclear wars will destroy the whole world and humanity.


Can there be a better solution to the transportation problem?

The roads are congested, too many cars and too few roads. In order to ease the congestion, either the roads be increased or the number of cars decreased. All solutions lie in this two permutations. Car ownership, COE, ERP, ARF, parking, petrol taxes etc etc revolve around limiting usage or cars on the road. All the solutions implemented and suggested, including those of Prof Paul Barter, are workable for the same reason and logic. People who want to drive must pay for the convenience.

Is there any better way? No way. The only solution is to control the car population which is directly related to the population and size of the island. If the population continues to grow, 5.5m now and 6.9m in 2030, what would the situation be? It can only be worst. Car ownership and driving on the road is going to be more costly. This is guaranteed.

You need more space or lesser cars. If the population can be reduced to 4m, the strain on the roads will be lesser and the percentage of car owners versus the population can be higher. Bring down the population or increase land space and roads. There is no other solution other than increasing the cost of car ownership or usage. There is nothing clever about it. No matter how one tweaks the formula, it is still about paying and paying. The difference is who and how to pay.