The Korean Tension and US policy of Permanent Wars
The Korean Tension and the US policy of Permanent Wars
There is no need to look far and wide for reasons pertaining to tensions in Korea and for that matter tensions in the Middle East, ,East China Sea, South China Sea and all over the world. The Evil Empire, USA creates all troubles and incidents and just as it used traditionally in the past it is always quick to cunningly and hypocritically accused others of creating troubles and tensions. Historically US has a warped mind set of carrying out wars of aggression against other people and countries. Its compulsive and impulsive ingrained warmongering maniac instinct is inherited from its forbears Imperial Britain. Wherever England went, from North America to Africa, Australia, New Zealand, India, China , Burma and Middle East it went on a systematic rampage of murder, killings and genocide, leaving long trails of destruction and wanton human suffering. US as a country was founded on war, violent terrorism , murder , mass killings and almost complete genocide of over ninety-five percent of native North American Indians or over eighty-five millions of them. The trouble and dangerous thing is that just like all European invaders of the Americas in which US is descended from such as Britain, France, Spain, Portugal and Holland, the white American invaders historically have never feel any guilt or remorse of their wanton and dastardly acts of murdeer, killings , torture and genocide of the native Americans.
When the first Europeans went to the Americas five hundred years ago, around 1620s, they were well received by the friendly natives who helped them and provided them with food and lodging. But as the white European invaders swelled in numbers they began to treat the natives contemptuously as uncouth savages and went of to strip the natives of their lands. The natives were caught off guard and were unable to fight off the European hordes who had superior arms. Had the natives known earlier that the Europeans were wild, aggressive and cruel , they could have annihilated them because they had greater numbers then, , but they didn't because of their spiritual beliefs in not taking innocent lives. The natives had thus paid dearly for their strong beliefs. Up to this day the savage European Americans still portray the native Americans as savages as reflected in their writings and history texts though clearly they themselves are the soulless and most wanton and cruel savages.
The Americans are blood thirsty war maniacs and up to now they have always been lucky to get away with it. They like to feel and act as superior to all other peoples and countries in whatever they do. That is OK so long as they play it in a level playing field and put its own house in order. But there is something very wrong with America now and it is of its own doing. This is to be expected because America is run and governed by very sick and insane people, by rogues, crooks and scoundrels. Its psychopatic political and military leaders are obssessed with being number one in the world and spend humongous trillions of dollars annually in military war machines. Its business cum political leaders , in fact you can't differentiate them because their positions are interchangeable and they are so steeped in greed and avarice that when they manoeuvered their ways into positions as CEOs and directors of big business concerns like the banks, stock exchange, real estate , insurance and other industrial conglomerates they will pay themselves real mad in terms of hundreds of millions of dollars. When their companies foundered and collapsed they are considered too big to fail and so they got the government to step in to save the companies with tax payers' money. Since their companies are international with investment capital from other countries worldwide, they thus not only rob their own people and country but also the people and countries all over the world.
The total absence of morals and ethics and the extreme greed and avarice of the American business and political leaders have caused the American economy and finance to fall over the steep cliff with debts amounting to hundreds of trillions of dollars.It is inconceivable how they are going to pay back these debts both local and international which will be a heavy burden on many generations of Americans. Well, there is no way out. They have to resort to bluffs and cheating by getting money from thin air through mass printing of more paper notes of hundreds of billions of dollars to provide what they called quantitative easing. This paper printing and quntitative easing won't last for long for there is no real solid and intrinsic economic value. Therefore the only resort for the rogue, crooks and scoundrels of the American leaders is to adopt a policy of permanent wars to wrank up their war industries so that they can sell their military weapons to other countries. US has no intention to talk peace or negotiate real peace treaties with countries it is provoking into war. Its only tenet is countries which US doesn't like or doesn't approve must succum to US domination completely. When one group of countries eventually succumed to US military mighty power, it will soon pick up another country or groups of countries and trump up excuses with the same intent of waging war on these countries. The evil cycle of US aggressive warmongering never ceases. The world has to put a stop to this streak of American monstrous evil. Therefore countries big or small must be well prepared and well armed even with nuclear weapons to wage wars against the Evil Empire. US will either survive with the rest of the world or perish with the rest of the world. I hope and I believe every decent people in the world hope too that the general by and large American public will wake up to the sins and evils of their demonic and monstrous government and either convince it or force it to adopt a new path of world harmony in good will and cooperation instead of persisting in US hegemony. Until this happens there will be no peace in Korea, no peace in East Asia and no peace in this beautiful world.
Boon Wan thinking aloud about housing
In today’s paper, Boon Wan was quoted thinking aloud about
housing policies that were changed and the possibility of more changes. Two key
points were mentioned, to remove or not to remove the income ceiling and that
HDB should be the trend setter of price and not market forces. He said HDB may
not be able to influence fully the prices of private properties, but it could
set the price of public housing. Finally someone from the Govt got the common
sense to know this, that being the biggest developer of public housing,
actually a monopoly, the Govt can determine the prices of public housing.
Believe it or not, it is true. I am enlightened.
The issue of removing the income ceiling received the same
stupid comments from daft Singaporeans, that by doing so, it would mean that
there will be more competition for public housing from those earning more. Hey
Minister of Education, the education system has failed miserably to make
Singaporeans think independently. So far they can only think, now that is an
over statement, they can only parrot the official view impregnated into their
dull piece of grey matter in between their ears. Why should there be more
competition, or what is the cause of more competition when the ceiling is
removed? Supply, it is supply that is causing the problem, silly you. When the
Govt builds enough, where is the fear of competition from the wage earners?
Those who earn a few dollars more are still the average Singaporeans that need
housing. And the fact that they need public housing speaks well of their
finance. The rich are those that are selling their properties for $300m, $100m
or $50m.
This seed of false envy planted in the minds of daft
Singaporeans is very difficult to remove. We have average Singaporeans, all the
employee type that draw a salary excluding ministers, top civil servants and
top management, staring at each other with green eyes thinking that the other
wage earners that earn a few dollars more must be deprived from public housing,
must take up a million dollar mortgage to buy private. When would employee
grade Singaporeans stop bickering and fighting among themselves for public
housing when the fault is all because the Govt refuses to build enough,
especially over the last decade?
Boon Wan has slowly started to come around to his senses that
public housing is for all Singaporeans. No Singaporeans should be victimised,
discriminated from buying public housing flats. All Singaporeans are equal
under heaven at least in doing NS, in their rights to buy a roof over their heads.
Why are those, who are neither rich nor poor, be deprived from buying public
housing and made to defend this country in NS just the same? Can or should the
Govt deprived Singaporeans who have served NS, who pledged to fight and defend
this country, from buying HDB flats when new citizens who have not done NS be
allowed to buy?
The foul up in public housing is smelling and nauseating.
And Boon Wan is still defending his predecessor for a job well done. He refused
to acknowledge that his predecessor fouled it all up by over building and then
compounded the problem by not building. And the biggest or silliest mistake was
that the little excess was not excess at all when the immigration door was
swung wide open and horrors of all horrors, there were millions of foreigners
coming in, and even with the excess it was not enough. And Boon Wan said, one
must not be stubborn, when faced with the influx of foreigners buying up
everything, his predecessors still refused to budge and continued with his BTO
scheme and claiming all was well.
Was everything well, was public housing well? Don’t tell me.
The discriminating readers in social media
I have written quite a few articles and for the latest two, one on India Indians integrating with the locals and another saying that there is no discrimination against Singaporeans in Singapore, I am expecting readers to strongly disagree with me or even receiving brick bats from them. The position or conclusion of both articles would not go down well with the readers. I too don’t agree with them. But I cannot claim otherwise unless there is evidence to support a different assertion.
In the case of India Indians integrating with the locals, the best I can say is that they are attempting to do something. But integration is not a one day thing, not even one year or five years. It may take a whole generation or cross generations to integrate into a society. So it will be foolish of me to say that they have integrated well with the locals over a few days. It is just the first step in a long journey.
The point about no discrimination against Singaporeans is qualified by the MOM having a few cases and Chuan Jin and Tharman calling up some big organizations for tea. There were cases, and could be many. But where is the evidence? Where are the reporters reporting on them?
The Brompton Bike case and the AIM case would also be non issue if the netizen reporters did not dig and air the cases and the sticky stuff in them. The reporters, mainly the netizens, not so much about the main stream reporters, can play a big role in exposing the crimes and deceits of foreigners and foreign companies discriminating against Singaporeans. And they have the social media to publish what they have unearthed. There is no fear that no one or the main media would not want to publish them. We need to hear more of such cases, and whistle blowers there must be many, to step forward to defend fellow Singaporeans to make Singapore our home and for Singaporeans.
How well are the foreigners integrating with the locals, the India Indian, the PRC Chinese and the Pinoys? When they are few in numbers, they have to integrate and live with the locals. When their numbers are big, they can be with themselves, among themselves, ganged up to protect themselves and their life style. They don’t need to integrate with the locals. They have critical mass to be on their own. They can form their own enclaves, buy properties in select areas, and even discriminate and ostracise the locals, kick the locals out of jobs, deprive the locals of jobs to keep them for their own kind.
We do have a big problem with big foreign populations. The bigger they are, the bigger will be the problem. The problem today is 5.4m in size. It will be 6.9m and bigger in the future. The problem is here to stay and will grow and swallow up the locals if they are not careful, if they are complacent and think that things will be the same, that being the locals they will have a little advantage over the foreigners. When the foreigners outnumber the locals, the advantage will go to the foreigners and the locals will end up at the wrong end of the stick. It can be very pathetic if that day comes. Sad, it will come faster than the unthinking locals can imagine.
The world on the brink of total destruction
This week is an exceptional week. The stock markets in Europe and US continue to surge to new highs. This has led the Asian markets to follow suit, to make big gains as if the world is seeing an economic recovery and everything is looking rosy again. What many people on the street did not know was that the brinkmanship in the Korean peninsula could easily go awry and the whole world could go up in smokes. Both parties were stupidly upping the stakes and the hot button could be pushed to trigger a series of other hot buttons being pushed in the US, China and Russia.
The events that were happening in the Korean peninsula are not isolated incidents that are local in nature and can be contained. While the mad Americans kept on pushing the two Koreans into open warfare, thinking of taking advantage of the situation for their own benefits, things are getting clearer now that the Americans, the innocent Americans, will bear the brunt of an all out nuclear war and many big American cities would stand to fall. And the big cities in Japan, South Korea, China, Russia and Europe would likely to go too.
The basic position of the Russians and Chinese is that they would not allow the Americans to nuke North Korea. The Americans were calculating that they could wipe out North Korea and strengthen their foothold in the peninsula. This was just plain naivity. A nuclear strike on North Korea cannot be a local affair. In geopolitics, Russia and China would not accept a fait accompli and an upset to the balance of power in favour of the Americans. Also, the nuclear fallouts could easily spread across Asia to both Russia and China. They are not going to take that shit from the Americans. South Korea and Japan could too be under the nuclear cloud, depending on the wind direction. The Americans thought they could twiddle their thumbs from far away and be shielded from the nuclear disaster. They could be happily having their breakfast and reading their morning papers while East Asia burns.
The point is that the Russians and the Chinese would never let it happen. An attack on North Korea would be an attack on them and it will be a free for all. It was and is very likely that all their ICBM stations were on full alert last week. The Americans would be ready too, and so would be the Russians and the Chinese and the North Koreans, the Iranians and all nuclear power American allies. All it needs is for a crazy American to push the button and all hell will break lose. No, the North Koreans would not be crazy to be the first to do it. They know the table will be turned against them. They will be history for sure. Only the crazy Americans could think they could get away from nuking the North Koreans.
Today, some senses are appearing on the American side and the South Koreans as well. The provocation must stop, from their sides, not from the North Koreans. They are the ones trying to start a war. They may now know how silly they have been. The Americans must too have realized their own stupidity to think it is possible to do as they wish and the Russians and Chinese would allow a nuclear strike on North Korea.
Sensibility has returned and the South Koreans are urging the North to go back to the negotiating table. The irresponsible western media are still distorting the truths and not blowing the whistle on the Americans. It is time that the western media and the Americans point the finger at Washington for bringing the world to the brink of total destruction, to risk the good American lives, the innocent Americans that did not know what is happening and could become collateral damage in a nuclear war. Some Americans are speaking up. Some western media are starting to talk politely about the American provocations and miscalculation. But more must be done to stop the American madness and menace. Only the Americans and the western media, if they still have a little conscience, to rein in the mad men and women in Washington and allow the world to breathe a sigh of relief.
The tension is still high and no one can take any chances. The western media must call a spade a spade, and the main provocateur in the Korean Crisis is the USA. Stop lying and putting the blame on the North Koreans. They did not start all this.
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