
Singaporeans are the smartest or dumbest nationals

When I say this, I am not referring to all Singaporeans but a certain select group of Singaporeans that really think they are the brightest people on planet earth. The things they believe in include an open door immigrant policy for the best and brightest to their island with no strings attached and no conditions. As long as the foreigners are good, they can take on any job or occupation, even replacing the Singaporeans if they can get rid of them by hook or by crook. In the eyes of these Singaporeans, when they lost out to the new arrivals, it is because of meritocracy, that the Singaporeans are less meritocratic.

These same Singaporeans are chiding and admonishing other Singaporeans for being soft and lazy, for wanting to be treated differently because they are citizens. Entitlement mentality, they screamed. They want Singaporeans to compete on equal footings with foreigners for all things, especially jobs. They also believe that Singaporeans are dispensable if they are not good enough. Move out if Singaporeans are not happy. They is a world oasis of people waiting to replace the unhappy Singaporeans. The Govt is full of choice on who and how many foreigners it wants to bring in, the whole wide world can come.

They want the best from the whole world to reside in the island and help the island to prosper, not Singaporeans to prosper. It is survival of the fittest, and they believe they are fit to take on the best in the world, on level playing field in their little island. They believe that they are really competing on equal footings with the foreigners without taking into consideration the cost of living of Singaporeans, with no consideration to the cost of living of foreigners, with no consideration if the foreigners are cheating on them, with fake qualifications, and ganging up against the Singaporeans without the Singaporeans knowing it.

And they believe that this is the only and right way forward, to progress and prosperity. The thinking of getting the best from the rest of the world is translated into official policies to import talents and do away with training own talents. They want table tennis players, they just import, footballers, badminton players and what else. They want IT and finance professionals, just import, everything can be imported and pay for as long as they are better than Singaporeans.

Is there a place left for Singaporeans with this kind of thinking? The genes of Singaporeans are degenerative I supposed, regressive genes taking over. Smart or plain stupid, ask Li Ao from Taiwan, he said it many years back. These Singaporeans will chase out their parents and children if they are simply not good enough, and call them lazy, and depending on the Govt for everything.

The Singapore Reservation

The US has special land set aside called reservations for the down and out native Red Indians so that they can be protected and continue to live as archaeological evidence that these were the original inhabitants of North America. So the reservation is a kind of protective place for people who are endangered, jobless, and need a safe haven to eke out a living, protected from the harsh realities of life and competition, a kind of living museum.

We have some quarters of our population that are down and out, but not deserving of living in reservations. No, Singapore does not have physical space called reservations for those whose existence are threatened. There is a new breed of citizens whose existence is actually threatened, the unemployed, not employable or not wanted. These are the oldies, defined as those above 45 or 50 years of age, retrenched or retired. Many have tertiary educations, degrees or diplomas, some with management experience, but could not find occupation in a rich country that has full employment and employing more than a million foreigners in PME positions. Unbelieveable but that is the situation.

So what shall the Govt do to this group of highly trained and experienced professionals? Or what should this group of people do to continue to live like human beans? Luckily for them, there is a protected profession for them to fall back on, ie as taxi drivers. I was told that only Singaporeans are allowed to drive taxis, no foreigners allowed. Not sure if PRs are allowed. Any way this is the only protected profession other than politicians/ministers that only Singaporeans need apply.

Isn’t the Govt kind and thoughtful and caring? It would be better, I may be asking too much, for the Govt to include a few more professions in the PME categories for Singaporeans only. Oh there is another one, the Presidency. But I know it would not be. Still it is good to have taxi driving as a protected profession, like the reservations in the USA.

There are merits to protect this job. The Govt must have carefully looked at the benefits before deciding to protect this job and the specie of people to be in it. Politically it is a wise move as it will keep a big group of people from being unhappy and angry to be dependent on the licence to survive. If they are contented, some votes will go the way of the Govt. Then there is the security issue. Some countries will allow the mobsters, drug addicts or new migrants to drive taxis and put their vulnerable women and children and the oldies in them. Here the Govt thinks safety is important and would rather put the safety of our citizens, the vulnerable group, in the hands of citizens. Of course it could turn out the other way when taxi drivers are often victims of bashing by foreign customers or even robbed and killed. In general, our people will feel safer with Singaporeans driving their wives and daughters and parents around.

The tourists will also benefit from the highly educated taxi drivers who could engage in a serious discussion on anything under the Singapore sky. The higher educated taxi drivers, and being more senior, are more respectable and reliable in a profession like taxi driving, both for them and their passengers.

Good thinking Govt, caring and inclusive. Our taxi driving reservation is definitely better than the reservations for Red Indians. Many PMEs will see taxi driving as a last resort, but it is still something to be grateful to the Govt. If some jokers decide to improve the service quality of taxi driving and open this profession to new migrants, our PMEs will have no where to run and no where to hide. The young and hungrier migrants, more eager and more willing to please, more hard working, will drive them out of jobs. Be grateful ya.


Angry man sells house to finance daughter's medicine study overseas

I just have to repost this letter from TRE here. The anger and sense of betrayal can be felt by every word in the letter. And this father is not alone. To make matters worst, many chao kar doctors from many dunno what universities are practising here and their academic credentials cannot hold a candle to the daughter mentioned in the letter. There are so many good Singapore sons and daughters being forced overseas, with parents having to sell house, pawn whatever, clean up their savings to finance their studies, only to realise that there is a great shortage of doctors and these sons and daughters of Singapore could have been trained to fill up the shortfalls. Instead, any chap palang doctors will do it seems.

Now please read on and feel the frustration of this father who can be anyone of us.

My daughter did fairly well in her ‘A’ level. She got 3As and 1B – B for Physics but scored As for the 2 most important subjects for medicine – Biology and Chemistry.

She applied to NUS and was rejected. Not even an interview. She has always wanted to be a doctor her whole life. Her studies in Biology and Chemistry were top-notched. She is very self-discipline and we never have problems telling her to do her homework or reminding her to study since young. When NUS rejected her, she cried day and night.

As parents, how can we see her cry like that? It really breaks our hearts. We then made a family decision and sold our 5-room flat to support her medicine study overseas. We moved back to my parents – imagine, both of us are now in the 50s and we have to live with my parents who are now close to 80s!

My daughter applied to the overseas universities and guess what, she was accepted by a few: Monash University, University of Western Australia, Imperial College. In the end, we chose University of Western Australia because it’s closer to Singapore and it’s also cheaper to study in Australia than in UK. Still, the tuition fee itself cost me at least A$200K+, not counting room and board. All in, it will be A$300K+. I’m glad to see her happily studying medicine in Australia now.

Reading this article (‘Doctor-to-population ratio improved through massive FT recruitment‘) even angers me further. Why are we taking in foreign doctors when we do not even want to give our own Singaporeans a chance? And to think that I’ve served NS, for what? Why is the government not taking care of our own people first??? The fact that my daughter was accepted by some of these good universities shows that she is absolutely qualified to study medicine. Furthermore, she is really passionate about it. Why is the government depriving her, our very own people, that opportunity? To add further insults, I’ve read here that these foreign doctors actually graduated from some of these dubious third world universities?

This is really a big screw up by our government. Instead of investing to train more Singaporeans to become doctors, we are recruiting more foreign doctors. This is totally unacceptable and I might add, a treacherous act by the government!

I’m actually quite apolitical but this incident of NUS rejecting my daughter to study medicine when other good universities are accepting her, has given me a new perspective. The fact that I have to sell away my house and move back with my parents who are close to 80s really hurts me a lot. At their age, I should be taking care of them and yet, they have to shelter my family! I have one more son, because of his sister’s influence, is more inclined to study biology and medicine. I really don’t know what to do if he decides to also study medicine and NUS rejects him too. I have no more houses to sell. The only left would be by then, I can take out my CPF and use it to finance his overseas study.

I really cursed this government!

One more thing I would like to add – Yes, I’ll be attending the May Day protest!

Angry father

PS. Can PAP survive 2016 when there is a groundswell in frustration and the feeling of betrayal?

Present Korean Tension must be seen with US overall Plan for Global Domination.

       The present Korean Tension must be seen with the overall US plan for Global Domination.
Clearly the Evil Empire, USA is the sole and direct cause of the tension in Korea. Since its independence from its Imperial forbears, Great Britain, US has perenially been on a war path attacking and invading other countries. You can say USA ever since has been an ingrained psycho war maniac country which no country  big or small will feel safe. It started its war of terrorism first by sowing seeds of dissension and instability among the different  self-governing native Indian states to the West . Then when these native Indian states were weakened USA mopped them up . All native resistance was brutally put down and a systematic machinery of wanton terrorism and genocide against the native American Indians was carried out non-stop to the dawn of the early 20th Century. In all eighty-five million or ninety \-five per cent of the native population was wiped out.  After swallowing all the self-governing native Indian states, USA cast an envious eye on Mexican lands. It created border incidents and tensions and blamed them on the Mexicans. By creating border incidents and tensions it signalled a preamble and an excuse for USA to attack and occupy Mexican lands. Thus between 1840s to 1870s USA invaded and annexed more than  one million six hundred and sixty-five thousand square miles of land from Mexico, a territory comprising the present states of Florida, Texas, Utah, Dakota, New Mexico, Colorado and California.. Subsequently it went on to invade the independent island kingdoms of Hawaii and Guam in the Pacific Ocean  in which hundreds of thousands of island resistance fighters were cruelly and wantonly slaughtered.

To understand the problem and tension in Korea we must view the historical wars of aggression by USA in perspective and its insidious phylosophy of conducting permanent wars to maintain power and control over other countries. USA has always maintained that it has the right to topple heads of states and conduct regime change of countries which do not toe US line or follow its dictates. After the Second World War USA tried to topple USSR making Russian communism as an excuse for its travesty. Similarly it went all out trying to topple the Peoples Republic of Mao's China under the same excuse that it was a communist country. CIA sabotaged and exploded a plane which it thought was carrying Premier Chou En Lai to the Bandung Conferfence in 1954. Fortunately Premier Chou En Lai was not in that flight. In fact the Second World War was in a way directly caused by USA which controlled and with held resources from Japan. Therefore to gain resources Japan struckout against a weak and disunited China. China though poor and disunited put up a brave fight under the strategic and wise direction of Chairman Mao and his Red Peasant Army which eventually tied down the Japanese and helped to defeat Imperial Japan.

After the war USA quickly coddled to the Japs hoping to use it in future as a proxy against China. The historical and political situations of the moment lend itself a great opportunity for the Evil Americans to carry out its insidious  plots and intrigues. Korea was split into two states with the North under a communist state and the South under US protectorate. US refused to recognise  North Korea as a state because it was communist .  US tried to sabotage North Korea by creating problems and tensions and distability to bring down the DPRK. The result was the Korean War , from 1950 to 1953. The dsesperate US air force bombed across the Yalu River into Chinese territory. That was the last straw for the Chinese which eventually was forced to fight with the North Koreans against the Yankee invaders. The Korean War resulted in a stalemate and an untenable armistice.

In the meantime US has not given up its aim of toppling Chairman Mao and replace the PRC with a pro US government. It illegally stationed its Seventh Fleet in the Taiwan Straiit to prevent the ultimate unity of Taiwan and Mainland China. It tried all ways and means to divide and destroy China. The CIA organised a clandestine Tibetan terrorist organisation under the spurious leadership of rebellious Dalai Lama which frequently helped Tibetan brigands to sneak into China to carry out sabotage activities. CIA also supported many splittist and separatist groups in China hoping to destabilise and destroy China. It openly supported the Uighur terrorists with finance and arms.

The CIA also took over the Vietnam War from the French  after the later's ultimate defeat at Dien Bien Phu. One of  the US warships rammed a Vietnamese boat at the Gulf of Tongkin. CIA blamed the Vietnamese for the incident and that gave it as an excuse to escalate into a full scale bombing of Vietnam. Even Loas and Cambodia's neutrality were not respected. Cia tried to assasinate Cambodis's neutral Prince Sihahouk many times but failed. In the meantime CIA organised and sent forays of remnant Chiang Kai Shek's Kuomintang troops from Burma into Southern China to stir up trouble.

During the Korean War US was tinkling with the idea of attacking China with atomic bombs. But the fear of Russian nuclear retaliation stopped that from happening. However, it never stopped trying to use Korea as a bastion for carrying espionage and sabotage activities against China. US constantly tried to  to prevent Taiwan and China from being united by continuously selling arms to Taiwan . US treacherously and illegally handed over the administration of Diaoyu Islands to Japan in 1974 without the consent of China, the rightful owner. This is part of its sinister strategy of sowing seeds of a future war between Japan and China over disputed territories.

The grand strategy of the Evil Empire is to organise so called allies and partners around the world to confront and contain the rise of Russia and China so as to keep US as the only permanent preponderant super power in the world. This can be seen in Southern Europe where US succeeded in toppling leaders in Yugoslavia and Albania and divided the two countries into many pro US states. The unsuspecting self satisfying politico religious leaders  of the Middle East were fools who fell into the evil trap of US intrigues. Many of the Arab states coddle to USA and the leaders are safe in their seats of power. However , the more progressive but non-pro US leaders in Iraq, Libya and Syria were targets for regime change and subsequently they were toppled and their countries came to ruins and their resources like oil come under US and Western control. The whole sinister aim of US is to try to deprive China from the oil in the Arab World in the Middle East.

US through its evil arms the Pentagon and CIA is always trying to create permanent wars so as to maintain its sole super power status in the world. Part of its strategy is to use its so called allies and partners to fight its proxy wars . Thus US has been stirring troubles and problems in China's periphery in the East China Sea and the South China Sea as well as in India bordering on China. US is encouraging the silly unthinking Pinoys and Vietnamese rats to lay spurious claims on Chinese islands and islets as well as Chinese territorial seas in the South China Sea. US is goading India to go against China . India which inherited some Chinese territories from its former imperial ruler England which illegally took large chunks of Chinese lands in South and South Western China has always refused to negotiate with China to settle the land dispute. It claimed what it inherited from Imperial Britain as fait accompli and thus India because of this stubborn illogical behaviour is now wearing the coat of east AsiBritish Imperial .

The fact now is Russia and China are too big and strong for US to take on alone and so it is organising the unsuspecting so called pro-US allies and partners to bite and nib at the Russians and the Chinese and hopefully to fight its proxy wars against China as clearly what is unfurling in Korea and the Diayu Island affairs. The same crooks and scoundrels that run the US government have their counter parts running the business and financial institutions in the states and in which they through their extreme greed has caused their economy and finance to cave in into economic and financial disaster , collapse and bankruptsy. In the meantime while the crooks and scoundrels in the White House, the Pentagon and CIA are creating wars and political troubles around the world , their counter parts in the business , the banks and the stock markets are cheating and swindling all countries in the world of trillions of dollars with fraud and dubious business and financial trasnsactions. The US government's magic in turning money from thin air by printing limiltless amount of money in trillions in so called quantitative easing is thus cheating and swindling the whole world.  The Americans are going round the whole world usings this banana money to buy solid assets and resources and to repay their local and foreign debts. Without saying without foreign support of the US dollar as a standard of exchange the US dollar will automatically collapse with dire consequences for US business , finance and economy as well as for US military and Pentagon and CIA mischiefs to plan wars and trouble all over the world. Saddam Hussein of Iraq and Gadhaffi of Libya were murdered and regime changed for daring to move away from the American Dollar as a world standard of exchange for its oil resources. Russia, China , India, Brazil and South Africa are slowly moving away from adopting the US Dollar as a standard of exchange. These countries are too big and too strong for the White House, The Pentagon and CIA to carry out direct overthrow of their governments so they resort to clandstine activities of using cold war tactics of divide and rule, creating proxy wars and using fraud in international business, banking and financial transactions as well as in rigging and mass cheating in the world stock markets. The Evil Empire is on the verge of political and financial collapse. It is only a matter of time.  Its last business bastion is the war factories , so it has to create perrmanent wars to create markets for the sale of its war machines. Thus in creating permanent wars US hopes to maintain its only super power status forever. In short US has always been governed by hordes of maniac warmongers with traditional ingrained vicious aggressive war instincts.


Foreign Indian Talents integrating well with Singaporeans

According to the Hindustantimes, the newly arrived foreign talents are integrating well with the Singaporeans. The media quoted the Dep PM Teo Chee Hian as saying, ‘Indian professionals in Singapore have taken a lead in integrating with the city-state's populace and contributing to the development of the local Indian community, Singapore deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean has said. "I would like to commend their initiative and welcome more of such efforts by business leaders to contribute ot the community.” Said Teo in his keynote opening address at the IIMPACT 2013 global conference which opened on Friday.(5 Apr 2013)’

This is a very positive development for the Indian community here. It only shows that the rich high caste Indians are willing to integrate with the no caste Singaporeans and the lower caste Indian community in the island. I am not too familiar with the Indian culture in India and the caste system, but it is indeed good news that once in Singapore, do as the Singaporeans do, put aside the caste and everyone becomes equal.

And apart from organizing dialogue sessions to facilitate engagement between the business sectors and the govt, they are also raising funds to contribute to Sinda, an association with a mission to help the local Indian community. According to IBR Chairman Girjia Pande, this is one way for the newly arrived Indian professionals to give back to the community especially the local Indians.

The local Indians should benefit from the generosity of the affluent foreign Indian community, many of whom have either taken up citizenship or PRs in the island. And with their effort to integrate with the local Indians, relationships between them should improve despite the barrier of caste and wealth. The Govt must be very pleased with this development and their effort to attract more rich and professional Indians to become Singapore citizens and PRs will get a big boost. And there will be more and more Indian business setting up office here. They have already replaced the PRC Chinese as the biggest business community in the island.