China fires at Vietnamese vessel
It was reported that Chinese ships fired and chased away Vietnamese fishing boats in the Paracel Islands. This is exactly what a super power should do when little countries tried to be mischievous and to infringe on its territories. The Americans will do so, the European powers will do so, the Indians too will do so. It is a simple and clear message to Vietnam and little countries like the Philippines that China would not tolerate their nonsense and stupid claims against its territories.
China cannot continue not to act in the face of repeated challenges, incursions and violations by these little pesky countries. The more it tries to appease them and restrain itself, the bolder will these countries be and the more incursions will take place. A tight slap is all it takes to put them in their right place. Not doing anything will be seen as a sign of weakness and the Americans and its proxies will say, see, the Chinese are weak, keep going at them.
Big powers must behave like big powers to be respected, if not, to be feared. Only then would China have peace in its islands in the East and South China Sea.
Occupy Singapore Operations Plan
What I am writing is fully fictional, bordering on the side of insanity. So please read with care, better with Parental Guidance, and have a sanity check once in a while before reading on. Some of the ideas were borrowed from the Japanese Imperial Army in the early 20th Century when they formulated the East Asia Co Prosperity Sphere, ie, conquering the whole of East Asia under Japanese rule. But this plan is small in scale and only applicable to small countries or islands. The occupation plan is to take over a small country peacefully, without firing a bullet or a drop of blood.
Let me elaborate. Immigration is the first step. Take advantage of the loose immigration climate and the falutin theory of a borderless world when cross national emigration is encouraged. This is particularly easy when there are countries coveting for other country’s talents instead of developing and nurturing their own. So, encourage your people to work in the targeted country as workers or anything, just get them into the country like claiming a beach head to prepare for the landing of the main force.
When there is critical mass, get the more able to capture top positions in the industries, starting with MNCs. MNCs are easier to infiltrate than national companies. Seize the CEO positions and the HR Dept and start to recruit your own people to fill up top management positions, especially division and dept heads. When these are in place, it will be a systematic replacement of the locals with your own people, but make sure some locals are still around so as not to frighten them and reveal the plan. Ease them out slowly.
After seizing the MNCs, go for the big local or national institutions. These are the choice organizations as they are closely linked to the Govt of the day. Controlling them is like controlling the Govt or at least be accepted as part of the Govt. Take up citizenship if necessary to give the impression that it is another Singaporean taking over the jobs.
On the ground, seize territories by buying up properties, as many as possible. Buy up whole condominiums and streets of houses, form your own enclaves and community networks to self support each other.
Build your own schools to educate your own children so that their national identity will not be diluted by the locals. Send some to the local schools to blend with the locals as one people, to be accepted or integrated.
The final stage is to take over the govt and govt agencies. This one will need more of your people to take up citizenships and claim to be a local, a citizen. When this stage is reached, the take over is complete and the constitution and other govt policies can gradually be amended to turn the country into one’s own country. By then most of the locals will know that it is too late, they have lost their country and will reluctantly emigrate to make way for the new owner.
The plan looks very simple and easy to execute. But two conditions must be present. The first is a daft population that does not think much about ownership of their country and willing to let foreigners in without complaints. A country of migrant origins is very conducive for such thinking. They think they are still migrants and have a soft spot for migrants. Another, the most important, is for a willing govt to collaborate and assist in the takeover. This is possible when the govt thinks that giving foreigners citizenship is as good as the foreigners becoming one of them. They could not see the difference between their own people and the foreigners. All they could recognize and believe is a piece of paper called citizenship. So whether the citizens are new, foreigners or locals, natives, it does not matter. With such govt in place and such mindset, taking over such little countries is a piece of cake.
The whole process can be over in one generation or 20 to 30 years at most. And the local military whose role is to defend the country from being taken over would not even know the difference as the enemy looks exactly like one of them. And the enemy was invited in happily and even integrated with all the assistance and encouragement of the govt of the day.
Of course this is fictional, too easy, and would not happen and definitely would not happen to a well governed country like Singapore when the people have been taught to sing ‘This is my country, this is my home’, and also to pledge to defend the country.
I quote PM Lee Hsien Loong, ‘From time to time, we hear reports of terrorists in our region wanting to attack Singapore…We must never let our guard down.’ With such assurance, Singaporeans can sleep in peace, that their paradise island will never be taken over by a foreign country.
May Day Rally – What is it about?
Gilbert Goh was unable to attract 200 people to his regular talks at the Speaker’s Corner in Hong Lim. Things took a dramatic turn on Feb 16. Under heavy rain and a muddy field, the Singaporeans came, mothers and fathers, little children and all, they came to listen to Gilbert and his friends. Some were just there to give the moral support for a cause that vibrated in their hearts. Why did they come in the most inhospitable circumstances was intriguing.
The White Paper on a 6.9m population was the theme of Gilbert’s Rally. It was all about Singaporeans and Singapore, about Singaporeans wanting to protect their country and the lives of Singaporeans. There was fear, concern, misplaced or whatever, the Singaporeans were worried of their future, the future of their country and their children. There was nothing political about the event. It was a Rally of Singaporeans who came as one people to want a better Singapore for themselves, their children and NOT about foreigners. What is a country or govt when it neglects its very own people?
Subsequently some fuck heads sneered at the slogan ‘Singapore for Singaporeans’ as empty slogans. But no sooner, the MPs were echoing this call in Parliament, calling for more to be done for Singaporeans and protecting jobs for Singaporeans. So, are these MPs also blurting out empty slogans, falutins, like the fuck heads?
Another Rally is being organized on May Day. Gilbert is expecting a bigger turnout this time, 10,000 or 20,000. The events that followed the first rally, the disclosure of more and more foreigners flooding into the island, the high cost of living and the most disgusting issue of all, foreigners ganging up to discriminate and victimize Singaporeans for jobs and in the work place, this last bit must be the last straw that breaks the camel’s back. How could these ugly foreigners come to our country to bully our people, take away our jobs and live better while our very own citizens ended up jobless or under employed, replaced by questionable foreigners?
What would be Gilbert’s main theme for the May Day Protest Rally? Is the 6.9m population a dead issue? Would more Singaporeans turn up and what would they turn up for? I saw the first Rally as a precursor that set the tone for this follow up Rally. The Singaporeans will come to reclaim their country for themselves and their children. This is our country and this is our land. There is nothing about being xenophobic but being owners of our country and our future. No one should take this country from us and give it to undeserving foreigners. Such an act is treason. Any politician that thinks it is ok to bring in the foreigners to replace the less able citizens got to think very carefully in what he says or does. The politicians must be there for the citizens, to improve the lives of the citizens, not for the good of foreigners. The Rally must be one to tell the politicians what the people want, do the people want a 6.9m population, or 5m or 4m, it is the people that should decide. Do they want more foreigners to be here to take over their jobs, to kick the citizens around? The Singaporeans must be at the Rally to make this point clear. They cannot continue to sleep around, boh chap, and let the politicians do as they like.
This Rally must be about Singaporeans and about the kind of Singapore that the Singaporeans want for themselves and their children. This must be the rallying call. It was 4,000. It could be 10,000 or 20,000. And if the Govt is not listening, the next round could be 100,000. But this can only happen if the Singaporeans feel threatened, feel as one people, with the same destiny, to make this country a better place for Singaporeans, not for foreigners. The presence of foreigners must be incidental and must complement the existence of the citizens, to make the lives of citizens better and not worst.
The Rally must make this point clear to the Govt and the foreigners, the latter are welcome, up to a point but not to take the generosity and hospitality of the Singaporeans for granted. Singapore is for Singaporeans. Foreigners can come and share our growth, not to deprive Singaporeans of a better life in Singapore. Foreigners must know their place in this country. There are also OB markers for foreigners and politicians.
Sleeping your way to the top
I honestly confess that I have not been following the high profile cases in the courts involving great guys and great women, all very successful in their careers. Just by reading the headlines and a couple of paragraphs would give one the full story of how success can be had in this wonderful land of opportunities.
Sleeping your way to the top is now a management secret recipe being shared around by the corporate climbers. Just study carefully and see which guy is able to give one a lift to the top. It doesn’t take much effort, just be more observant and be nicer and more willing to please. That is all it takes to be successful, for the feline kind. It doesn’t need much intelligence, at worst, just pretend to be intelligent is all it takes.
Of course not all dignified ladies with some pride in themselves and knowing their own abilities would want to take a lift from the dominant guys. But the thought is sexy and attractive and many weak minded and unthinking ones will easily subscribe to such a philosophy of success in the corporate world.
Who says sleeping on the job is bad? The squeaky clean image of this uptight city is in need of a rework to fit the new realities.
Questions about China’s role in Africa
Yesterday there was this mischievous article by AGENCIES in the Today paper on Africa. It quoted Botswana’s Ian Khama and Nigerian Central Bank chief Lamido Sanusi ‘questioning whether the trade relationship with China has benefitted Africa as much as it has China’. China’s trade with Africa doubled since 2007 to more than US$200 billion and with a US$20 billion investment by China in the continent.
It is amazing that these stupid African leaders could know how to question the trades benefit to each country and who benefits more. How is this measured is a matter of great science and art. Both parties may be making a dollar each, but one could save 70c while another could squander the whole dollar. So who is benefitting more?
But that is not the main issue. China went to Africa to invest and trade and both parties negotiating their terms of trades apparently must be doing it in favour of themselves before signing on the dotted lines. China did not bring in the armies and the fire power or to put a knife at the neck of these African leaders? So what is there to question who benefitted more or less?
Looking back to the colonial days, the silly and daft African leaders could not even negotiate or question what they were going to benefit from the White men’s presence. The White men came, put a gun on their heads, and took everything, including their women, pride and dignity. Many were hunted down as slaves for the Americans and Europeans. Everything overnight became White men’s property, whole countries and continent. Were the African leaders in a position to ask for a penny? Where were all the western media to report on what happened when the White colonialists invaded Africa and robbed the continent of everything?
And now with China going there as businessmen, investors and even philanthropists, donating generously to Africa, and treating the African states and leaders as equals, what question is there to trouble these thinking or unthinking African leaders?
May I suggest that China skip Botswana and Nigeria since they are so unhappy with their trades with China? Or should these two countries return to the fold of their former colonial masters to get a fairer deal? With China they could negotiate for a better deal as equals. They could sell their raw material to anyone that offers them the best price. Or they would rather let their ex colonial masters have them for free?
There are many such mischievous reports coming from western media painting China as the bad guy without carrying a knife, and the colonialists as the good guys that robbed and raped countries, every country in Africa, took what they wanted without paying a cent. And there are many jokers reading such articles without understanding the history and background of African nations and will jump at China for cheating the Africans as if the Africans are still illiterate and ignorant fools.
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