
China should take the US to ICJ for CBT

After the defeat of Japan in WW2, the leaders of the Allied Forces, Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill and Chiang Kai Shek, stripped Japan of all the territories it robbed from it neighbouring countries. The Ryukyu Islands and Diaoyu Islands were handed to the Americans to hold in trust for China. All the leaders in Cairo and Potsdam were in no doubt that the islands belonged to China. Chiang Kai Shek was caught in a civil war with Mao Tse Tung and had his hands full.

The Ryukyus and Diaoyu Islands were held under the trusteeship of the US in the Treaty of San Francisco in 1951. By then China became the People’s Republic under communist rule, followed by the Korean War and the Cold War.

The treacherous Americans then handed the administration of the Ryukyus and Diaoyu Islands to the Japanese unilaterally for its own political agenda an interest in 1971. It did not have the right to do so as the Islands were Chinese territories. While China and Japan are now at loggerheads fighting to claim the islands, both have forgotten the disgraceful act of the Americans in failing in its duty as trustees of the islands and for handing the islands to the Japanese, doing exactly opposite to what were agreed in the Cairo and Potsdam Declaration and the Treaty of San Francisco.

This is a breach of faith, a breach of trust. And the Americans conveniently forgot about their shameful act and acting as if nothing had happened and pretending to be the peace broker. China should take the Americans to the International Court of Justice for failing in its international duty as trustees of the islands. China should also raise this dubious act of the Americans in the UNGA and demand the Americans to recover the islands and return them to China as they were trusted to do so by the Allies.

The Americans and the western media would not want to mention about the shameful and evil acts of the Americans. Today, with internet, it is only fair to expose the misdeeds and treachery of the Americans to give the masses a more balance view of what this evil Empire did and stood for.

No doubt the Americans had also did some good. This is the pattern of historical empires. They would first rape, kill and loot and destroy their victims. Next will come a phase of generosity, to help their victims. See what is happening in Iraq and the Arab countries? After the murders and the bombing, came the aid, the saviours, the angels and the white gods. What about the crimes they committed against the innocent children, the womenfolks, the oldies and the rest of humanity?

America, like all empires, has entered the last evil phase, a phase when it will do anything to hold on to its power. This is the last phase and will lead to its own destruction and the rise of new powers to replace this evil Empire. No, the Americans cannot see that they are evil. Neither can their allies and the world until it is too late. The halo of goodness is still staining the conventional view that the Americans are angels of God.

What’s wrong with our education system?

The British is going to learn from us. We sold ourselves as an education hub, definitely not because of the reputation of Middle Road but the reputation of our very own national education system and our world class universities. And many foreign students are here simply because of this. We provide quality education through our national education system.

Now we are saying our education system is rotten. Are we really saying that? Would this message get round and the foreign students got scare the shit out of their brain and scurry out for safety?

The recent reaction to changes in the education system is buckling under pressure for the wrong reasons. And the saddest thing is trying to appease unreasonable and unenlightened parents and resort to tear down something that is good and start meddling it like a piece of shit and believing that it is really shit.

I sincerely believe that many FTs that are here and strutting around with their noses in the air and bossing around with academically superior Sinkies would fail or not do well in our education system. Many would end up in the normal stream. But why are they seen as superior and acting superior to the locals? Simply because we made them superior, we called our local daft, we give them the opportunities and deprived our locals of the opportunities. We believe in them instead of our own kind.

We simply do not have faith in our people. This boils down to the feeling of inferiority, insecurity of our people at the top. They don’t even believe that our system is good. They don’t believe that our people are good. We turn this place from a third world country to first world and the leaders still think we are all full of shit. And now they place their confidence on the FTs who came from third world countries, who are unable to do well in third world countries, unable to lift their third world countries to where we are, and believing that these people will bring us to greater height, and help our people to be better.

See the silliness in the whole system and thinking, and the mantra of foreigners are the best and Sinkies are daft? How could daft people turn this country into a first world country? Or how could third world FTs turn this first world country into a better place and not into another third world?

Maybe this is where our education has failed? Or is it that we are not giving opportunities to our own people, our own children, but chose to throw our money and favour to the strangers that we don’t even know? Heard of the prodigal son that squandered the family’s fortune and inheritance?


Sea of Humanity

A piece of rar art.

Obama and the Evil Empire threaten war against Iran

Obama uses UN speech to threaten war against Iran
By Bill Van Auken
26 September 2012
President Barack Obama postured before the United Nations Tuesday as the champion of peace and democracy, while threatening war against Iran and demanding a crackdown against the wave of anti-US demonstrations that have swept the Middle East.
This, Obama’s fourth address to an opening session of the UN General Assembly since taking office in 2009, was saturated with hypocritical invocations of “American values” and lies about Washington’s actions on the world stage.
The US president delivered an unmistakable threat that the US is preparing to launch yet another war of aggression, this time against Iran, with potentially far bloodier consequences than those it has carried out in Afghanistan and Iraq over the last decade.
“Make no mistake: a nuclear-armed Iran is not a challenge that can be contained,” Obama declared. “It would threaten the elimination of Israel, the security of Gulf nations, and the stability of the global economy. It risks triggering a nuclear arms race in the region and the unraveling of the non-proliferation treaty. That is why… the United States will do what we must to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.”
Asserting that there is “still time” for the US to force Iran to cede to its demands by means of diplomacy, he added, “that time is not unlimited.”
The facts are that international inspectors have found no evidence that Iran has embarked on a nuclear weapons program or is doing anything other than developing nuclear power for peaceful purposes. Israel, which is supposedly threatened with “elimination,” has built some 400 atomic weapons while refusing to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and categorically rejecting any inspection of its secret nuclear program. If there is a threat of an arms race in the region and a breakdown of the non-proliferation agreement, this Israeli nuclear stockpile is its source.
Obama’s speech came one day after the US Treasury Department claimed to have uncovered links between Iran’s state oil company and the country’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, providing a pretext for escalating its unilateral sanctions against banks doing business with the company.
Meanwhile, the US has assembled its largest ever armada in the Persian Gulf, including two aircraft carrier battle groups, a new “forward staging base” vessel, and half of the US Navy’s mine-sweeping fleet, all of which are participating in joint exercises with warships from over 30 countries.
Much of the US president’s 30-minute speech was dedicated to the recent upheavals that swept the Middle East and predominantly Muslim countries in South Asia and Africa, with crowds attacking US embassies in over a dozen capitals. Describing the protests as “mindless violence,” Obama lumped them together with the September 11 attack by an Islamist militia on the US consulate and a CIA headquarters in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi that killed US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.
Obama declared these events “an assault on the very ideals upon which the United Nations was founded—the notion that people can resolve their differences peacefully; that diplomacy can take the place of war.”
What insolence! After a decade of US wars that have claimed the lives of over a million Iraqis and Afghans, the US president is the last person to lecture the people of the Middle East on how to “resolve their differences peacefully” and the advantages of diplomacy over war.
Obama added, “If we are serious about these ideals, we must speak honestly about the deeper causes of this crisis.” However, he did no such thing. Instead, he treated the anger against the US as merely the product of the crude anti-Islamic video “Innocence of the Muslims” and of those who promote “hatred of America, or the West, or Israel.”
There was nothing in the speech about Washington’s wars, its unconditional support for Israel’s oppression of the Palestinians, or its reliance on dictatorial regimes and absolute monarchs to secure semi-colonial control over the region and its energy resources.
Obama went on to present a potted history of US reaction to the so-called “Arab Spring” that began with working class uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt early last year. Washington, he claimed, had “supported the forces of change,” had been “inspired by the Tunisian protests,” had “insisted on change in Egypt,” and had “supported a transition in Yemen, because the interests of the people were not being served by a corrupt status quo.”
Anyone familiar with the recent history of the region knows that the American president is lying. The US government was so “inspired” by the revolt in Tunisia that it approved a $12 million military aid package to the dictatorial regime of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali to help it beat and shoot the demonstrators into submission.
It pursued the same policy in Egypt, seeking to the bitter end to prop up Hosni Mubarak, whose regime had been kept in power with US military aid and political support for three decades. Only after it was clear that the two dictators could no longer cling to power did the US shift policy, working to salvage as much as it could of the old regimes.
As for Yemen, the US-backed “transition” has kept in power a regime that is virtually identical to the old one, with the dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh replaced by his vice president, and with the US carrying out far more intense military intervention, with dozens of drone assassinations and special forces raids.
Obama presented the US-NATO war for regime-change in Libya as well as the attempt by Washington and its allies to topple the government of Bashar al-Assad in Syria as a continuation of this “Arab Spring.”
In Libya, he claimed, the US intervened under a UN mandate to protect civilians. In reality, it brazenly violated this mandate, waging an aggressive war that led to the deaths of tens of thousands of Libyans. The proxy forces it supported on the ground included the same Islamist militia elements that killed the US ambassador in Benghazi. Its aims, as in Iraq, were not humanitarian or democratic, but predatory—principally to assert US hegemony over Libyan oil reserves, while denying control to its rivals, particularly China.
Obama repeated his demand for regime-change in Syria while expressing concern that the current civil war “not end in a cycle of sectarian violence.” In reality, the US has done everything it can to stoke sectarian warfare as part of its scheme to mobilize the Sunni monarchies of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, as well as Al Qaeda-linked militias, in a campaign to bring down the Syrian government and thereby weaken Washington’s main regional rival, Iran.
The US president offered no proposal whatsoever on the Israel-Palestine question. Instead, he called for the region to “leave behind those who thrive on conflict, and those who reject the right of Israel to exist.” This amounts to a blanket endorsement of Israel’s illegal occupation and its continuous expansion of settlements in West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Echoing the bellicose rhetoric of his predecessor, Obama spoke three times in his address about “bringing to justice” those who attacked Americans abroad. It was a not-so-subtle reminder of the US president’s status as “assassin-in-chief,” holding weekly meetings at the White House to choose targets for execution by US drone attacks.
The hollow rhetoric, hypocritical sermonizing and bullying threats received a tepid response from the assembled delegates. The US president had not a single new initiative or original conception to offer. The speech only made clear that his administration will continue to employ military aggression, economic pressure and CIA destabilization to secure US control over the Middle East and its energy wealth, all the while posing as the patron of “democracy.”

The whole world should rise with one voice against the Evil Empire , USA and destroy it before it destroys the world.


Brain dead 死脑

A dead brain is a Chinese expression of the inability to think out of the box. One track mind, cannot think of anything else, or any new solution, a mental block. Are our top leaders having this problem that the only way forward for economic growth is by increasing the population? All our policies and policy statements are anchored around more people in the island. Funny they forgot to build more housing and increase the infrastructure in the island. Perhaps not. How can super talents failed to see this correlation, more people means more of everything, including problems. It is not only benefits.

Now why do we want so many people in such a small place that is having the highest density in the whole world, and all the signs of strains in the system are showing? Why do we need more people here to buy more flats, to buy more mobile phones, to buy more ipads, to build more shopping centres and more food courts?

Are these the reason for our existence as a country, to consume more goods and services so that we can put on paper, economic growth? So that our properties prices can go up higher, so that we can convert more land into buildings, so that we can tear down more old or not so old buildings to rebuild more buildings? Or so that we find ourselves unable to provide the basic essentials like water and electricity and giving us a good reason to go nuclear, and some jokers can then say, we must go nuclear as it is a necessity?

What the f is happening? We are at a phase of importing more people for the sake of importing more people because we must have more people for more growth. Can our policies be to promote economic growth without having to bring in more people, without having to waste our precious little land left to build more buildings to house more people? Can there be ways for economic growth minus the pressure on land and resources and the acute pressure for living space? Economic growth through more people that will eventually destroy the lives of the citizens is like digging a big hole to bury ourselves in it. Can we see that? How can, when the brain is dead.

We need growth policies that are sustainable and not for self destruction in the long run. And we need growth to provide a better quality of life for the people, not for useless economic activities like more consumers to buy more hand phones or computer gadgets or more people to patronize the food courts and shopping centres or to buy up more HDB flats and to use up all our available land.
I am sure they are not that daft. What is the truth? What is going on?