In the name of economic growth…Sinkies must accept.
Sinkies must accept more foreigners if we want economic growth. Without foreigners, salaries will go up (is this bad?) and cost of living will go up as well. Has the cost of living come down because of the foreigners or has it gone up?
Sinkies must accept higher property prices, because the queues to buy properties, from private to public housing, are so long and growing longer, because we must have 6m people and may be more and more. It is a must, no buts, that foreigners must keep coming in, a necessity for our survival. Really?
Sinkies must accept that higher building cost means nursing home cost will not only go up, but no land to build them. More land is needed to build homes for the growing population and maybe a few avatar gardens and for dinosaurs. We must thus accept that our oldies must move to JB or Batam or Bintang.
Because the cost of living is going up and up, our savings will not be enough and our oldies must accept to work till they die.
Sinkies must also accept to have more of our savings locked up in minimum schemes, schemes that Sinkies never ask for, that Sinkies didn’t have a say at all, because some benevolent, wise and compassionate leaders think it is good for Sinkies to leave their savings with them so that Sinkies will have a lot of money when they stop work. When are Sinkies supposed to stop work?
We must accept the high salaries paid to our ministers because they are the most talented and if they don’t become ministers then the country will not be well run, or they may work for the competitors.
Sinkies must accept to travel in crowded trains because we need more foreigners and the transport system is just like that.
What else must Sinkies accept? Everything the govt done for the Sinkies is good and Sinkies must accept as good.
Containment of Japan
There have always been talks about the containment of Communism and China as if this is something only the Empire and its allies can do. Why don’t the Russians and Chinese do the same and starting with the containment of Japan? Russia, China, Taiwan, Honkong and Korea, all have problems with Japan and were victims of Japanese aggression in the past.
The above countries are not dependent on Japan anymore and can do away with trades with Japan. All they need is to cut down on their trading activities with the Japanese, boycott or sanction Japanese goods etc to strangle the Japanese to go on their knees.
Crippling of the Japanese economy will force the Americans to extend its helping hands, but being a bankrupt country there is really nothing the Americans can offer except its military might. Neither can Europe be of any help. If there is anything that the East Asian countries want to do against Japan, this is the moment.
The combined forces of China and Russia, plus Korea and Taiwan would be something to keep the Americans wary and not to do anything foolish.
Hey, the containment game can be play by other parties too.
Survey results on the future of Sin
A sociologist conducted a survey on a group of Sinkies on their views of the future of Sin. This was done through questionnaires and interviews with the participants. Below are some of the findings.
1. They would like to see a population of 20 million for growth and prosperity.
2. They wanted their HDB flats to fetch $3m and landed properties $100m each.
3. They didn’t mind paying $200k for a COE.
4. They were looking forward to having $1m in their minimum sums account in the CPF.
5. They thought congestion is a sign of prosperity.
6. They believed the future would be very good for the young of today.
7. They believed that only through population growth could there be economic growth.
The sociologist concluded that given the participants’ character traits, the findings were reasonable, understandable and expected. It was not easy to remove the madness in the participants that were from a mental hospital. Their vision of what was good was peculiar to their own insanity and hardened beliefs. The survey simply confirmed that madness could be a serious sickness as the participants did not know of their conditions. So what they perceived as good was as good only with respect to their mental condition and conditioned views of things using their own coloured lenses.
And they sincerely believed that their views were the only right views. And there was no other alternatives available, as, in their madness, they thought they were the best and no one could thus come up with a better solution. Of course this survey is simply fictitious. But it is good to know how mentally deranged people perceived things and their one track thinking process. Don’t expect them to think out of the box.
Do it and think/plan later
The title is about summed up the philosophy of this govt. This is what Lim Hng Kiang had to say regarding seizing the opportunity even when we are not ready, don’t have the capability or trained manpower to do the job. Just grab the job and import the labour. "If you train Singaporeans to fill up the sector before you launch the sector, you may lose the opportunity, and you take too long," he said.
Singapore is adopting the strategy of bringing the sector in and allowing the companies to hire foreign talent and workers while it train Singaporean workers to fill up the jobs.
"If you tell Rolls Royce, wait until we train all the workers and technicians, I think we would have missed the investments," …”
It sounds very aggressive and very positive. But it means taking very high risk and opening up unnecessarily by grabbing anything that moves and that can fill our immediate needs. As a private enterprise, entrepreneurs taking high risk with his own money and willing to gamble with anything, and with not a care of how it would impact the people and country, well, by all means. Cowboy antics can be good at times.
Does a govt need to make this kind of decision and take this kind of risk? Is this the reason why the SWFs are so afraid of missing opportunities and hurriedly jumped into any bankrupt company or fire sales that nobody dares to touch or willing to risk their good money, all because we are so frighten that others will move ahead of us to grab the shit?
Our SWFs have been burnt many times and losing hundreds of billions by not waiting and not wanting to miss opportunities even when they are not ready. When successful, it will be back slapping and congratulations all round. But if it fails, it is OPM. Never mind, wait for another golden opportunity to grab before other’s grab it.
Would companies like Rolls Royce just jump into bed with any beggars or incompetents? If we are not ready, could there be anyone that is ready in such a high tech venture in the region? Is it really sound to jump to bed whenever there is an urge or when a fair lady passes by?
Are we rubbing off too much from the two casinos to think and behave this way? Look at the infrastructure and housing mess that the people are facing? Eat, shit, and clean up later. Or let others face the shit.
I always think that our govt is very conservative, calculative and careful in deliberation before making a big decision involving high risk and a lot of money. Looks like our govt is really very entrepreneur and a high risk taker. We now have many mavericks in charge.
Teo Ser Luck: Singaporeans must accept F1 race as a necessary event
Is this true? No mistake, that Teo Ser Luck said this. Singaporeans must accept F1 as a necessary event! Does it mean that if Sinkies do not accept, something bad is going to happen? Our woman folks will become maids or something like that? So the F1 is being raised to the same status as foreign immigrants. Sinkies must accept more immigrants as a necessary thing or there will be no economic growth?
So the future well being of Sinkies is now dependent not only on foreign immigrants to increase our population, but also F1, another savior. Would the F1 organisers and drivers now also can thump down Sinkies as without them, like without the casinos and foreigners, our economy would go on a downward spin?
What else are necessary and Sinkies must accept other than the super talented govt? Keep more money in the CPF that is untouchable? I think this one is also something Sinkies must accept as necessary. High property prices must also be one. High cost of living nothing to say. And congestion, crams and jams everywhere, and not being able to afford a car are the few unnecessary things Sinkies must accept to live with as quality living.
And Sinkies got to be very grateful. With a house full of super talents, only a few things are necessary and must be accepted. If the house is not filled with super talents, Sinkies would have more things to accept as necessary, like cleaning toilets or working as foreign workers or foreign maids, with a degree from one of the world’s best universities.
Be grateful, be very grateful.
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