As war looms with the US conniving with the Israelis to attack Iran, the rest of the pathetic Arab countries could only watch with disdain. The rest of the world pretends to look the other way. Where is the UN and why is the UN and western media not condemning such an aggression? Some of the Arab states have been targets of regime change and in a state of turmoil, some were semi colonies of the US, needing the Americans to support the regimes, and some were so under developed militarily that they were inconsequential.
These encourage Israel, with the US backing, to strike at any Arab state it likes, at its own time, even talking about it openly without fear. The shit Arab countries could not do anything as they were individually too weak to hit at the Israelis. The western media and western countries would report the whole show as if it was a virtuous war, a right thing to do, to hit at any Arab state, including the current target, Iran. Politically, militarily, economically, religiously, they have all the good reasons to hit at any Arab states to cripple them and prevent them from becoming strong and independent countries.
Now what can the silly Arabs do, splitted, divided, weakened, just like the rest of Africa, and facing the Evil Empire and a powerful bully with superior arms armed and provided by the Evil Empire? If only the Arabs were united, if only the Evil Empire does not arm Israel to the teeth, Israel would not be so foolhardy and confident to take on the Arab world.
The western formula of divide and rule is effective in the past and still effective today. While they divide their enemies, they stand united, like how they united themselves to wipe out the Red Indian tribes to take over their country, the continent of North America.
The Middle East is suffering the same fate, divided and at the mercy of the western powers led by the Evil Empire with Israel as the point man. The same formula is being introduced into Southeast and East Asia. The silly Asians must be divided just like the Arabs and be at the mercy of the Empire. Favour a few, dangle a few carrots, and make them dance, or unite them, like they did in conquering North America. This time it is to unite Japan, Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines, India and possibly the rest of the Asean states to launch a concerted attack on China. The call is now for Asean to stand united with the Empire to conquer China and turn it into another North America.
The future of Asean is very bright, to own a piece of China and be a member of the Empire. This is the course being charted for them by the Evil Empire. The temptation is very sexy.
The world, especially Africa and the Middle Eastern countries and also Asean, must watch what this Evil Empire is doing, how it is going to work, cloak and dagger, to wipe out Iran. And that is the lesson to be learnt, the true nature of the Evil Empire, attacking any country it so chooses, by giving it a tag.