
How daft can Sinkies be? V1.1

Their forefathers came to build this little colonial outpost to what it is today only to be told that they lacked talents. Then comes the importing of foreigners who could not help their own countries, runaway from their own countries, to come here to rule the Sinkies.

And with the most advanced and highly rated schools in the world, with the best facilities, the daft Sinkies claimed that they are daft and needed the talents of half broken down schools in third world countries to come here and help them.

And being the most advanced financial centre in the world other than the European cities, we could not produce any talents to run our banks and needed to import foreigners who came here to learn the ropes, to run our banks. To add insult to injuries, the banks that we have today were built by the so called no talent locals. And now, after they have built the banks to such a size some declared locals are not good enough to run them. And foreigners who have not run them, never built a bank, are deemed good enough, better than the locals. They are still wearing their blinkers and not seeing that western bank managing methods and processes are mostly fraudulent, gambling and taking high risks on fictitious products and derivatives that will risk the bank going bust.

And we formulated policies in favour of foreigners and detrimental to the locals without even knowing it until the daft Sinkies could not take it any more and started to vote against the govt.

And whenever there is a problem, money will be thrown around the world looking for foreign talents to come and solve them. Our parks, resorts, golf courses etc can only be managed by foreigners or they will be in ruins. Big corporations too. NOL is selling its flagship HQ because it is running into the red with foreign talents. Who else is making big losses with foreign talents running the ship?

And now all the half baked foreigners are strutting around despising the locals, and the daft locals really believe that they are inferior. Who can blame them when the foreigners have ended up being their bosses and bossing them around?

Socially, the foreigners also feel so free to beat up the locals at their whims and fancies and what did the locals do? Everyone turn the other way, very happy that the person being beaten was someone else. They are safe without knowing they could be next.

And the locals pledged themselves to serve and protect the country and the foreigners and their super expensive properties while they live in small but expensive public flats if they are lucky. If not, they would not even be eligible to buy public flats to live in. And more ridiculous, some locals ended up having to rent a room from the foreigners to stay. Brilliant inclusive policies that are Sinkies first, foreigners last. The daft Sinkies did not mind being discriminated in their own country. Sinkies with no homes because govt policies excluded them while foreigners are happily buying homes to rent out to them. Can you believe it?

Tell me, how daft can the locals be? The daftness is at the top or at the bottom, or at all levels?

Wah Lan, BTO making losses

We used to have one guy shouting till his throat went sore that housing prices were affordable. Of course no sensible person will believe him no matter how long and how loud he shouted. Then Khaw Boon Wan came in to try to hold down the prices and started to build flats for the people in double quick time. It was obvious that Boon Wan does not believe in the other person’s shouting.

Yesterday in Parliament Ellen Lee came out with statistics to proclaim that BTO schemes are making losses to the tune of several tens of millions per project. She quoted the HDB building 1016 units at a cost of $279m while the sales proceed was only $240m because of generous subsidies, thus making a loss of $39m. At the rate this is going I think HDB will go bankrupt soon and would not be able to pay its staff lavish bonuses like before.

The statistics must be real, the truth, no bluff one. Since there is such a good set of statistics being flashed in Parliament, it would be good if the breakdowns could be given to prove that HDB is indeed subsidizing the buyers. If that can be done then there is no need to keep shouting until face red red. And can stand up to scrutiny, no need to turn away when someone ask for transparency.

Parliamentarians should take this opportunity to ask for detail breakdowns of this set of numbers. Not only the opposition candidates. Those from the ruling party who have independent mind or claim to have independent mind and can speak freely will have a real chance to speak up on this issue.

Let’s see how many can be independent minded and will speak out for truth and transparency.


They can still kill you

While many who supported the abolishing of the death penalty are celebrating their victory that many in the gallows would be saved, there is this article in Singapore News Alternative screaming, ‘They can still kill you.’ For a moment I thought the criminals or murderers could still kill their victims. But no, I was mistaken. The author was saying that despite the changes in the death penalty laws, the murderers and criminals can still be hanged. It was a kind of being short changed, that the death penalty is still in force, not abolished.

So some criminals and murderers would still have to meet death for killings and murders. And this is sad and bad. And in the view of Matilah and his very intelligent friends, it is only right that criminals and murderers be given the opportunity to make a decent defense before they are hung. That is only fair.

The next Huang Na or female jogger being dragged into the bush, raped and killed would only see their murderers at most serve a life sentence as the intention was only to rape them and their deaths would be treated as incidental. No intention to commit murder.

The next question is whether the rapist murderers gave their victims a chance to defend themselves, a chance to plea for their lives before they were killed, with or without intention? Why should murderers or killers be given so many chances to save their own lives and their victims were not given the same chances in their hands before being killed? Did any one hear the cries and pleas of the next Huang Na or female joggle, please, please, don’t, please stop it, please don’t kill me, while the rapists/killers totally ignore them just for a little lust?

Did any of the drug peddlers give their drug addicts a chance to say no? Did the drug addicts, in a state of grave deprivation, go robbing and killing just to get the dole to buy more drugs, and in the process kill their victims. Did they give their victims a chance to live?

While society and do gooders are so kind to the killers/murderers, can they spare a thought for the victims of the killers/murderers who were innocent and have lives to live for but ended prematurely and cruelly in their hands?

Yes, they can still kill you, I mean the killers/murderers can still kill the innocent and helpless victims. Where were the kind and compassionate do gooders, when the victims were being killed in the most frightening and nightmarish way, when they were in fear, alone, helpless, begging and pleading for mercy, and for a chance to live? They have not done wrong or harm to the killers and murderers.

Thank God there are so many kind and compassionate people around to help and save the killers and murderers, to share their pains and griefs, to make this world a better world, for the killers and murderers. And perhaps some may walk out of prison, to live again, and to kill again.

Gambling – It is for your own good

‘Singaporeans and permanent residents who visit casinos more than five times a month may need to show proof they are not in financial distress or face restrictions, acting Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports Chan Chun Sing told the Straits Times newspaper.’

Checking their finances and bank accounts is a good thing as it will force them to reveal all their monies kept in Sinkie banks and overseas, or with their mistresses, to show that they are financially sound. Make sure they attend an interview and tell the truth. It will definitely help the Tax dept to collect some taxes as well. And those who are trying to catch money laundering can also tap into this revelation or confession.

I think this is a wise and good thing to do. But to make it more effective, Sinkies who frequent the casinos more than 5 times a month should also produce a certificate from the psychiatrists that they are mentally sound and able to control their gambling habits. I am sure the shrinks will love to share their problems.

With the change in mandatory penalties to protect the criminals, and now to protect gamblers, the govt is showing how caring it is in taking care of its people. We protect orang utans in our zoo, we protect exotic plants in our latest high tech sci fi botanic gardens, next on the list will be wild boars.

It is for the good of the citizens and the animals that these measures should be taken before these silly Sinkies and animals/plants destroy themselves. Sinkies should call the govt papa.

Death penalty – buckling under pressure

Under pressure from the protector of criminals group, the govt of Sinkieland has given way to moderate its tough position on the death penalty. Putting on a brave front by staying the penalty, the knees are wobbling. Judges are now given more discretion to spare the lives of serious criminals in this tough weak stand.

The onus and responsibility, and conscience, have now been passed to the poor judge who will now be hounded by his values, religion, by the public pressure on him to be a nice guy instead of the cool disinterested party that is there to see that the law is executed. It is no longer the politician’s problem.

Criminals will now breathe easier and more desperadoes will take the gamble, knowing that death is not a certainty. The drug lords will game the system and carefully choose the pathetic and pitiful cases to be their runners knowing that the kind judges with the kinder tough laws could give way with a few sob stories. The poor ah mah and ah kong or the little boys and girls could just do the trick as the perfect runner.

While more criminals will be spared the gallows, would it also lead to more victims of drug abuses? If it does, then society will become fairer and more inclusive in a way, with drug criminals enjoying more kindness and fairplay while drug abusers finding it easier to get their drugs. The drug pushers, the drug addicts and the drug criminal protectors will be happier. The govt too will be more comfortable without the criminal protectors breathing down their necks. It is a win win for all parties.

Another way to pardon those that deserved the death sentence would be to make them confess and to reveal their handler, get the latter convicted and exchange a life for a life. The main task of the enforcers must be the bigger drug lords up the chain of command. Pardoning the low down courier should be a good exchange for someone higher up. Anyone down the line could have his life spare if they could assist in the hanging of someone above them, hopefully all the way to the top.

Just like the loan shark curse, all the time the people being caught are the little runners. What is the point of catching the runners when the real problem is at the top of the chain? The system should be tweaked only to facilitate the arrest of the biggies. Then the softening of the death sentence against the runners can be justified. Otherwise a weak stance is a weak stance and would compromise the effectiveness of using death penalty as a deterrent. When a deterrent is no longer a deterrent, might as well do the popular thing and do away with it altogether.