
Lunacy, prophetic, high on drugs or really something gonna happen?

Below is an interesting article for Sunday reading pleasure.

Green Light Issued by US Military for Mass Arrests to Begin

Military poised to take action by 4th of July according to sources

News | June 28, 2012 | www.miraclesandinspiration.com/news_green-light-issued.html

Reported by Scott Mowry

As we approach our annual Fourth of July celebration, major historic world events continue to unfold which may be signaling an Independence Day like no other is about to occur.

On Wednesday evening, June 27, 2012, major breaking news lit up blogs, chat rooms and alternative news media sites across the internet landscape. It originated from a source named Drake, a purported Pentagon liaison who for months has been reporting of impending mass arrests of the major players in the world’s dark cabal is imminent.

Drake has proclaimed himself to be a quasi-spokesman for a burgeoning group of Pentagon white hats rumored to be extremely close to unleashing plans to rescue our country, if not the entire human race, from a complete New World Order take over. He further claimed that as much as 80% of the Pentagon is on board with these plans.

Over the past three months, Drake has become both a folk hero sensation and controversial figurehead after an exclusive interview with David Wilcock went viral over the internet within days after its release on March 28, 2012.

Prior to their interview, Drake and David Wilcock compared notes and determined that much of their information arising from various insiders categorically confirmed a mass arrest scenario was in the offing in short order. Yet, despite their shared enthusiasm and numerous inside sources, nothing has materialized into the public realm to date. (See David Wilcock’s Mass Arrests / Divine Intervention: New Briefings (Finally!) and ARREST WARRANTS: Liens Filed Against G7 Central Banks for further information.)

Admittedly, many of his followers, including Drake himself, had been growing increasingly frustrated with the military’s apparent lack of action regarding these rumored arrests, despite a number of deadlines that came and went. This has generated a fair share of criticism towards Drake and his folksy, Southern way of communication. Granted, he has frightened some with talk of executions and military intervention, which was followed by his belief of the direct involvement by extra-terrestrials into the equation.

However, on the night of June 27th, Drake arrived in a celebratory mood armed with a series sensational reports he had just received. Upon entering the radio broadcast, he confessed he could hardly contain his enthusiasm due to the “extraordinary intel” he had been given over the last few days which he claimed came directly from high levels within the US military. He termed “enormous” and was anxious to deliver it all to an eager audience.

“What I am going to tell you is going to rock your world a little bit,” he prefaced his comments before delving into the meat of his breaking news.

Below is the gist of what Drake was asked by the military to convey:

– A) “The calvary is coming”, or in other words, the military is set to strike and are announcing their arrival.

– B) Should the military need assistance with the mass arrests and the protection of vital public services (ie, power plants, telephones, cell towers, etc.), the militias and civilians will be notified. However, the military stated they likely will not need militia or civilian participation.

– C) “The United States military says ‘sit back and watch the fireworks.’ Ladies and gentlemen, they are gonna try to give us the best 4th of July we have ever had! In other words, the cavalry is on its way, things are in process, thehappening is happening now!,” Drake concluded.

For weeks, Drake had promised to inform his followers when the military had arrived at what was termed a “green light status” and for all intents and purposes that is precisely the overall message he delivered. He acknowledged the lack of action he had anticipated in the past and suggested this time the military is deadly serious.

He even went so far as to claim he was informed of the exact date action would officially begin and stated the time frame would be “this week” or at the latest by July 4th. “I have been working on this stuff for twenty years and it’s finally happening,” he declared.

He also reported that spies within the recent Rio+20 Summit (United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development) from June 20-22, 2012 in Rio De Janeiro, had leaked vital information that members had agreed on the formulation of a global constitution that would directly lead to the implementation of Martial Law in the US and other countries.

The Rio+20 was disguised as an environmental symposium but rather intended to draw up strategies to enact oppressive and costly “green tax” laws, known as Agenda 21, to be administered by the UN. Agenda 21 was to be the final push for the New World Order agenda hammer to drop down upon the US population.

Instead, the conference organizers failed miserably in the objectives as revealed by Lord Christopher Monckton. Yet, nonetheless, Benjamin Fulford reported that $513 billion was pledged by 100 nations to fight poverty and environmental destruction.

In conjunction with those leaked reports, it was discovered that as many as twenty false flag operations had been planned around the country with the possibility of St. Louis, Missouri first on the list. Highly visible military maneuvers have been rumored to be underway in that city during this past week.

However, Drake reported that 99.9% of these false flag operations thus far, have been outright stopped but a very, very small percentage have yet to be neutralized. He also briefly commented on the Neil Keenan lawsuit against the cabal on behalf of the White Dragon Society and Asian resistance movement.

Further updates were provided on Thursday, June 28, 2012 at Drake’s official website, AmericanNationalMilitia.com

In addition, Benjamin Fulford reported that intense negotiations are well underway for the formal surrender of the New World Order legion directly with Rothschild, Rockefeller and other prominent family cabal members and the White Dragon Society.

Word emanating from a recent G20 Summit in Los Cabos, Mexico on June 18 and 19, 2012 indicate that China was quite forceful in their insistence of the introduction of a new economic system.

Historically, the Chinese people are keenly aware of the importance of energy or “chi” (also known as “qi”) in daily life. Therefore, their philosophical viewpoint is that a business deal should work in the best interest of both sides, unlike the West, where deals are often constructed around the idea of a winner and a loser.

Notice this quote from the June 21st China Daily news article on the G20 Summit in Mexico: “(Chinese President) Hu (Jintao) pointed out that the G20 members have to continue to uphold the spirit of unity and win-win cooperation, work on securing growth, increasing jobs and promoting stability.”

Very prophetic words, indeed, signaling that a wholly new cooperative spirit is being forged that will carry long into humanity’s future.

On other fronts, financial institutions all over the world are finding their usual practice of stealing from the pockets of the people is simply no longer working. They are being caught red handed as in the case of Barclays bank in England who are accused of rigging interest rates. A further 20 banks are now under investigation for running the same fraud racket.

The big five banks in the US –– Citigroup Inc., Bank of America Corp, JP Morgan Chase & Co. and Morgan Stanley –– have drafted “living wills” under provisions of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law designed to end too-big-to-fail bailouts by the government. This likely due to the stipulations of the Basel II and Basel III accords which require financial institutions to operate in a much more transparent mode in preparation for a whole new financial system.

Even cable news channel CNBC got in on the act, openly admitting on air that the central banks of the world entrap the human race as virtual economic slaves. Bear in mind, what a startling admission this is by a mainstream news outlet.

Meanwhile, mainstream news ratings continue to be in a free fall as viewers shun shun corporate controlled information sources in record numbers and seek out alternatives on the internet. CNN, for one, has seen a major drop-off in viewership that reached a 21-year low.

And one last bit of ironic news, British bookmakers are offering 1000-1 odds that a UFO will appear above the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympic Games in London on July 27, 2012. Let’s hope someone wins that bet!

Obviously, this is all adds up as fantastic news. Whether Drake’s schedule of events is to unfold as he has outlined remains to be seen. Yet, we can conclude he is on target regarding the need for a strong military hand to be intimately involved in this process.

The bottom line is, we must realize that we, as a species, are in a war. We are in a war for our hearts and minds. The world as a whole has now reached a critical junction. It is ready –– or perhaps more apt to say, demanding –– to evolve to the next level.

On the one hand, an old way of life, or an old paradigm is desperately hanging on for its very existence. On the other, a whole new glorious world is emerging right in front of us –– a Golden Age, if you will.

One of the main obstacles standing in the way of our evolution is an insanely draconian and corrupt economic system. It has held the people of Earth in a state of slavery for as long as money has been around. It has reached the end of its life span and now must be quickly put to death.

Make no mistake about it, the so-called financial crisis holding the world hostage has been totally engineered by the international banking cartel, the Federal Reserve and their co-conspirators within the US government and European Union. It was designed to wreck the world’s middle class thereby destroying the US and other countries from within.

Fortunately, a very powerful resistance movement has emerged led by China, Russia, India, Brazil and South Africa (BRICS), along with many other nations who have aligned themselves with them. Now the US military is about to enter the fray in a major way.

We have reached a critical point in our collective evolution where we must expand ourselves. We must grow up. The powerful families who run and own the world’s monetary system are desperately holding on to their authoritarian positions are very, very reluctant to let go. They have outlived their usefulness. It is time for them to step aside and allow humanity to thrive.

The criminal cabal’s time is up. The world is demanding change and the Divine has heard the cries and pleas of the people and is answering their collective call from the very source of the Creator of all life in the universe –– the Divine Father.

This is where the US military arises to the occasion to truly become the heroesmany have believed they are and honor theirconstitutional oath of enlistment ”to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Other than a force of ET’s, the US military is the only entity on Earth that can pull together the resources necessary to stop the cabal dead in their tracks. And, it is highly likely that the military has had the cooperation of a number of ET factions.

At this point, the military’s duty is to identify the key people in the cabal, carry out the arrests with assistance from local law enforcement and Federal Marshals, incarcerate the criminals and install a temporary transitional government for a short period of time until new elections can be held.

Then, a massive re-education campaign will be introduced over the television airwaves and internet channels to reveal the truth the people of the world. Somewhere within that complex scenario a new monetary system will be unveiled including a revaluation of most of the world’s currencies, the obliteration of the Federal Reserve, IRS, BIS, European Union and many, many other corrupt institutions.

Clearly, this is an enormous undertaking, beyond anything ever attempted in the history of humanity –– ever. The military needs our prayers and support. This is NOT to be Martial Law nor a military takeover nor a violent revolution by any means whatsoever. Although, we have to acknowledge when it gets rolling, at times it may appear that way.

Unfortunately, for the last 100 years, the United States military has been used as the supreme police force to enforce the voracious and powerful New World Order agenda. These plans were formulated right after the Civil War, chiefly by a former Confederate General named Albert Pike, who was nothing less than a 33rd degree Mason, a top leader in the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and an unabashed Luciferian.

Architect of the One World Order –Albert Pike (1809 – 1891)

It has been rumored that Pike possessed a special bracelet which he used to summon Lucifer, with whom he had constant communication. He was the Grand Master of a Luciferian group known as the Order of the Palladium (or Sovereign Council of Wisdom), which had been founded in Paris in 1737.

Pike’s evil plan called for three great world wars to totally dominate and conquer the planet –– World War I, World War II and now the so-called “war on terror,” which has been designed to lead us directly into World War III, if we are not there already. The objective was a final Armageddeon-style battle in the Middle East pitting the US, Russia and their allies against China and the Asian continent, all in the name of some warped view of Biblical prophecy.

In order to stop the New World Order take over from being fully implemented, we quite frankly need the US military to play a major strategic role. Their apparent bold decision to basically switch sides is absolutely key to the liberation of planet Earth. The US military will provide the ultimate trump card to the One World Order envisioned by Pike and his Illuminati and Jesuit conspirators.

And that trump card is about to be played –– big time!

The fallacy of supporting the old

The rationale for having more babies or more foreigners is to fit a retard economic formula that a country would need so many young heads to support an old head. It sounded logical and was logical before. And many people have been listening to this song for so long, and like all unthinking Sinkies, just keeping crooning this song without knowing that it is obsolete, or at least in present Sinkieland context.

The number of young workers needed to support an oldie is based on the assumption that the oldies would be jobless, retired, poor, penniless, and in most instances, retiring at 55 or 60. See the point? Most of these factors are no longer applicable here but with the blind leading the blind, it is still believe to be so. The whole economic and demographic structure of our society has been changed effective now. The old structure and its relevance may last for at most another 10 years and be history.

What is our new status? Oldies will work until they die, maybe 70 or 80 years. So really, don’t even need for minimum sum or CPF savings as they no longer retire. They work till the last day of their lives. There could be some exceptions.

They may be poor but not penniless. With the huge minimum sum set aside for their retirements, many will be financially richer than when they were alive. At 70 or 80, other than the huge medical and hospital bills, they are no longer able to squander their money with earthly desires and wild parties. Exceptions again for those who love mei meis or want to be emperors in Batam and Bintang. But with the delay and small payouts under the CPFLife schemes, there is no way they could empty their savings overnight.

And don’t forget, many of the oldies are filthy rich and could even offer to give to charities. Some have wealth that would last for generations after they were gone.

The formula for X number of young workers to support an oldie is irrelevant in modern Sinkieland. Wake up and stop talking cock. Most oldies will be financially independent and economically active for their whole life. No longer retiring at 55 or 60.

It is unbelieveable that this kind of obsolete logic and belief are being thumped to the people. The people maybe unthinking, but super talents cannot be unthinking. Otherwise the case of the blind leading the blind will become a reality.

The premises and assumptions for the old formula have changed.


The farce of going green

Save Gaia, save the environment, protect the earth, go green. All these beautiful slogans are good only as slogans. Many people are crazy enough to use less water, save on a piece of plastic bag, a few empty cans, and think they could save the earth while on the other hand the big boys, the industries, the govts, are wasting precious resources without battling an eyelid in the name of growth and progress.

How many cars are scrapped in good working conditions daily? And think, how many plastic bags or tin cans needed to be saved to replace a good working car that is being scrapped?

How many handphones are being dumped or thrown away daily? Again, how many plastic bags and paper bags and tin cans are needed to produce one of these handphones that are thrown away? How much water and electricity needed to be saved to manufacture one handphone?

Look at the number of high capacity engine cars running around and burning fuel when a smaller engine car would do the same trick. How much resources and petrol are consumed unnecessarily to produce such high power cars? Are they necessary except to be toys of the rich?

Think, how many good condition blocks of flats that could last another 100 years are being pulled down only to be rebuilt? How much resources and energy are needed to build, destroyed and rebuild when it was unnecessary?

Think, how much food and resources would be needed for consumption if another 1m people are brought into the island for growth? Want to save some more plastic bags, paper bags and tin cans?
In order to really save the world, one main thing to do is to control population growth. Each person brought into this world is going to consume lots of energy and raw material, much more than to produce millions of plastic bags. The main destroyer of mother earth is population growth. And a corollary to this is economic growth and wasteful production for economic growth. A lot of economic activities are wasteful and unnecessary, even the new botanic garden.

Who is kidding who about saving the world? If this island stops importing more people, it will save many thousand or million times more than what it needs to do to cut on savings of plastic bags or tin cans or other equivalents.


The baby thing is in the air again

Looks like all the policies to encourage the reproduction of more workers did not work. Singapore will be ruined if it cannot find more workers to feed the system. And the people are increasingly getting angrier with the influx of foreigners into this piece of rock. What can the govt do to induce more babies from our women who don’t think it is their responsibility to produce more digits to please the statisticians and the govt?

The babies are not for sale. They are not another piece of machine to be bought for an inanimate purpose call the economy or growth. They are human lives, to be cared for, to be loved, to be given a good life, not to become slaves to an economic system.

What is happening today is that both parents are busy trying to feed the economy, to pay endless mortgages for homes and cars, to save to pay the hospitals when the time comes, to put aside money for the sovereign funds to invest, to keep paying and paying ahead for the time when they could not work anymore even when they are designed to work till they drop dead.

Many just do not have time for babies, to love and care for, and enjoy them. Babies will be farmed to the maids who would see them as another chore, another machine that generates jobs for them. What kind of babies will they be and how would they turn out when they become adults? And the maids are essential not only to the parents but also to the economic system as they generate a lot of revenue for the govt. Maybe that is the reason why the govt refuses to offer incentives to the grandparents to care for the babies, a much more healthy, safe and secure, and desirable for bringing up children when parents have to live an existence like worker bees. But incentivizing grandparents would undermine the needs for maids and remove a major source of income.

With the maids playing an important role in the lives of babies and their upbringing, it may be a good thing as they will imbibe the values, cultures and philosophies of life from these foreign talents. There will be more diversities and creativities among the future generations which will be good for the workforce and economy.

Who still wants to do national service and produce more babies to work the system, to feed the demand for goods and services, to pay for all the taxes, direct, indirect, disguised, so that the state can continue to exist as a glorious state? What is the baby for other than becoming another economic tool? NS men!

What about the monetary cost of bringing up a baby to adulthood? This is easily $1m till completion of tertiary education. Another million to buy a home, another million to buy a car during his useful life, another million to set aside for medical and hospitalization, another half a million for all kinds of minimum sums in savings. And these did not include his daily living expenses and things needed to amuse himself while being alive. Maybe another million for litigation.

A human life will easily feed at least $5m into the economic system. That is a lot of money counting another 5m or 10m people in ballpark figures. Now you see why a baby is so important for the survival of the state and the economy.

Demise of the stockbroking industry is imminent

With the trading volume petering off other than non commission generating computer trades, broking houses are finding it tough going to cover their overheads. Remisiers too are sleeping on their jobs literary with hardly a phone call daily. Many would have qualified as low wage earners going forward and should be entitled to workfare subsidies.

Someone would have to bear the operating costs of brokerages and pressure has been put on remisiers to push their clients to trade more or they would have to cough up the difference in operating cost. Some houses are dangling the carrot to induce sleeping clients to start trading.

All these are meant well measures but failing to understand the real cause of the dying market and are futile efforts, grasping at shadows. Not many investors have much money left to feed the big funds and their gambling computers. When entering the market is a certain loss, who would want to trade even if it is for free? Unless the real cause of the systemic flaws in the market are recognized and removed, the stock market will collapse in increasing speed.

Within a matter of months there could be an exodus of remisiers out of the industry. More would be applying for taxi driving licence as the last resort. Employees of brokerages are bracing up for the red letters as retrenchment is on the card when revenue fails to match operating cost.

How could a healthy and lucrative industry reach such a pathetic plight? Actually the writings were on the wall several years back when all the changes were introduced into the market. Anyone in the industry would know what is happening but no one would want to do anything, and the slide to the bottom and self destruct is only a matter of time.