
Two major dangers facing China

The West is greeting the widening of the trading band of the yuan with glee. They want more, they want the yuan to be traded freely like the greenbacks and other currencies. They also want the Chinese to open up their stock markets and allow the western funds to move in and convert the trading system to those of the West, particularly the Wall Street model. The bottom line, they want the Chinese stock markets to trade derivatives, fakes and worthless papers instead of real stocks.

The loosening of control of the yuan, to become freely convertible to foreign currencies and to be at the mercy of the currency manipulators is the biggest danger China is facing. It is under tremendous pressure from the West to allow the West to do as they like, as they please with the value of yuan. When that day comes, the West will buy up the yuan with toilet papers that they printed in unlimited quantities and will use the yuan to control the Chinese economy. China will then be at the mercy of the Western financial oligarchs working in collusion, and be controlled by them. They could bankrupt China at will by their complicated financial products and manipulations and the extensive network of financial players working hand in glove together. It will be a bloodless war that will destroy China in the name of free market.

The other major front is the stock markets. The western stock markets have been transformed into an unrecognisable monster and are stock markets only in name. The stocks will eventually all be worthless if the stocks listed in western model stock markets are a clue to what is happening. Many stocks are trading for one or two cents or less. What kind of stocks or stock markets would trade on such worthless stocks? There is no interest in the real stocks but in toilet papers printed with the words stocks or derivatives or other financial jargons. The base point is that they worthless and are not stocks but stock killers.

While China is in a hurry to develop its own financial and stock markets, it must not be conned into accepting the western model of stock market system and mechanism which are nothing but contrived legalised casinos with gambling chips printed with money value on them. The fundamentals of stock trading have been flushed down the toilet bowl and the substitutes are not stocks but meaningless and worthless scrips of papers, fakes.

China should go slow, develop its own stock markets based on traditional principles and conventional system, where the fundamentals are right. There is no hurry to rush into a system of madness that is unsustainable and is being kept alive not unlike a ponzi scheme. It looks good superficially but has no real value add like what real stocks are. It is the greatest con job of modern history. And like all con jobs, the bluff will be called and the system will collapse, if it has not collapsed already.

China must conscientiously guard against being duped into a freak financial system that is waiting for self destruction. If China should stupidly appease the West and unthinkingly embrace the western financial system, it will help the flawed system to extent its life a little longer at its expense, maybe giving it a semblance of rapid growth for a while, like a flash in the pan, and everything will be blacked out in quicker time, with a bigger bang.

The collapse of the western financial system is near, given its unproductive and destructive mechanism and the unjustifiable high rewards for doing nothing constructive, useful or productive. And when it falls apart, hopefully China is not another sucker being sucked into it and pay as heavy a price as the decadent West. The fundamentals of economic growth are production, productivity, creation of goods, values and real services. The western model is not any of these. It is just paper shuffling, financial engineering or tricks, accounting frauds, a complex system of unproductive con jobs. It produces nothing of value. It is conning one sucker after another to prolong its existence and delay its final ending. It cannot keep going without real economic growth and production.

China should just go on its own steam, doing what it thinks is right, keep producing valued goods for the world, and frustrate the modern day robbers and thugs and not be robbed by them. Do not fall into their trap by playing a game that the crooks have designed.

The great subsidy game

In paradise, everything is subsidized by the govt. School fees, university fees, all subsidized. Hospital bills, subsidized. Polyclinic bills, subsidized. Housing, more subsidies in terms of tens of thousands or at least $60k for those earning $1000 pm. Dunno how much subsidies for the bigger flats, but must be big. Public transport, also subsidized, the latest $1.1b to buy buses and pay staff salaries. PUB bills, conservancy bills also got subsidies but called rebates.

If these are subsidies, that means the govt is paying a large portion of the bills. The cost must be genuine and that is why there is a need to subsidise. Can someone work out how much would all the subsidies come to that are paid by the govt? I think it is no small amount. Or this is already provided in the budget under Subsidies?

If one flat is subsidized by $60k, 1,000 flat would mean $60 million. And for bigger flats, the subsidies could be more. Imagine how much the govt has subsidized for 800,000 HDB flats? Add the rest of the subsidies, it could come to billions.

We should call ourselves Subsidy Paradise. I am thinking of setting up a Subsidy Club. Everything in the Club is subsidized including meals, services, retails etc etc for as much as 70%. Membership fee is $200k. Monthly subscription fee is $1000. I think this is an excellent concept. Forgot to add, Membership fee is already subsidized and so is monthly subscription fee. Members no need to worry. This subsidy concept is perfectly sustainable in the long run.

The great subsidy game is one of the key factors that allows the thousands of millionaires to live their normal lives. Without the great subsidies, the millionaires will have to tighten their belts and may go begging. Can our asset rich millionaires survive without the subsidies? This is perhaps the only rich country in the world where millionaires have to live on subsidies.

I remember that a figure was thrown out claiming that an average Sinkie would receive something like half a million dollars of subsidies in his life time. Foreigners must quickly opt to become citizens and become recipients of half a million dollars just by becoming Singaporeans. Where on earth got such a good bargain?


Faces of Agent Orange

This is a face that you can recognise in the documentary by CNA.

Channel News Asia (CNA) will be featuring a special documentary on the victims of Agent Orange in Vietnam next Friday, 20 Apr at 8 pm. It is a very painful story of what this pretentious magnanimous, defender of human rights, and the advocates against chemical warfare did to the poor Vietnamese during the Vietnam War. They were so hypocritical, so freakish, to launch a war to kill Saddam Hussein for amassing WMD, including chemical weapons, when it was the US that provided Saddam with such destructive weapons in the first place. And the US is still holding on to a huge cache of chemical weapons in its arsenal, waiting to use it generously on its next victim. And the world still believes that the US is such a kind and loving country, so caring and honourable.

The programme is a must watch to see what the Americans had done against what they preached.

CBF is better

The shock therapy of Lim Chong Yah is facing immediate resistance. It is flawed in many ways. In the first place it was not a sought after advice. Nobody asks for it. So it looks like a ‘keh khian’ or smart alec type of proposal. The saying in paradise is to be smart but don’t act too smart. And do not give advice if not asked for.

The second problem with the therapy is that it is free. There is no need to pay a million or two to consult a foreign expert to work on it. Things that are free are not good. And there is no angmoh element to give it some weight?

The third flaw, it seems, is that it is from a different camp type of thing. It is like everything from the opposition is bad. Only the super talents can come up with good solutions. I can bet the next salvo of questions will be something like, how is he going to pay for this therapy? Chen Show Mao already kenna from this kind of questioning. And Tan Jee Say also got it for his $6o billion restructuring programme. Both failed because there is no money to pay for them.

Come to think of it, giving 50% increment to the pay of workers is too far fetch a dream to come true. The workers will not accept it. The workers will prefer to go for CBF, cheap, better and faster solution. That is a sustainable solution in the long term. It has been in practice with full support from the tripartite arrangement or the holy trinity. Our workers only believe in the trinity and will not want the proposed 50%. They are happy as they are.

And the audacity to freeze the salary of top talents for 3 years is unthinkable. You want them to suffer, you want their life style to be painfully affected, you want them to be quitters?

The shock therapy is a no go from the word go. Now everyone will be asking for the blood of the good old professor. He should have done the politically correct thing, freeze the worker’s and raise the super talent’s salary by 50% over the next 3 years and receive all the praises and recognition.

Meanwhile someone may be thinking of lining up a team of super foreign talents with super consultancy fee to go with to counter this outrageous therapy. It must be done as the non economists and the layman politicians would not have the credentials or ability to shaft this recommendation down the longkangs in the usual way. This therapy must be exposed and every point rebutted to show that it cannot work.


A new ministry to look after PRs and foreign talents

With the govt starting to place emphasis on the goodness of being citizens and cutting down on the privileges of PRs and foreign talents, these people will start to feel what it is like for being neglected by govt policies. Lam Pin Min is quite pro active in seeing the plight and suffering of these saviours of Sinkies and would like to see more assistance to help them. Setting up some funds to help the lower income PRs and foreign talents is a good start but definitely will not be enough. There are more than a million of them here and the problems they are facing cannot be solved by piece meal solutions.

The interests and well being of 2 million PRs and foreigners, just my guess, would need a ministry and a minister, plus minister of state and parliamentary committees to do a proper job. 2m is a big number when the locals, ie citizens, only make up 3m of the population. And for the 3m of citizens, there is a whole govt with all the ministers and MPs looking after and caring for them. It is time that a proper ministry be created to do a good job. And don’t forget, our benefactors are not here to sponge on the economy, but to help us. They need to be well looked after. If not they will move on.

As for the new ministry, the work is already cut out for it. One of the key missions is to make sure that govt policies are favourable to the PRs and foreigners and any changes must take into account their interests. Can’t imagine what the economy will be like if they vote with their legs. They can’t vote with their hands yet. Scary.

Don’t ask me where the money is going to come from to start another ministry, to pay for minister, minister of state, parliamentary secretary, permanent secretary and the whole works. One possibility is to make the PRs and foreigners to pay some kind of welfare levy to support such a ministry created specially to look after them. Singaporeans could help by subsidizing a part of the cost too, to show appreciation and gratefulness for their contributions to Singapore and Singaporeans’ good.