
60 men and a minor, a call girl

"The men include a senior banker, a company director, a senior vice-president of
a private company, lawyers, a senior police officer, a primary school principal who is married with a child as well as a scholarship recipient." - The New Paper Report

It is a simple straight forward case of committing a crime under the law of the land, having sex with a minor. But it is not to be so as the luminaries involved could be like the sky opening up. The appointments said that these are senior men in high offices and many could be very well known or related to the very well known or to families of very well known.

Now there will be many red faces and embarrassing moments for many that are related in one way or another. It is going to be very tricky how to handle a situation like this. In Diary of a Singaporean Mind, the views were quite diverse. Some wanting the law to be applied whether it is one man, one unknown man, or so many important people. The law must be fair and square. No one is above the law. Some were more compassionate and understanding and the fear the consequences on the lives of these dignitaries.

I am not any wiser either. There is the consideration of a law for everyone, king and commoners. There is the compassion and the also the sympathy for the violators. Some may not think so.

The human nature, the urge and the lust for the opposite sex, or just for the thrills of having sex, can be a very strong pull for men to err on the wrong side of the law. To err is human. What is surprising is that these are very senior and serious people. Is it the fault of human nature, or is it the failings of an individual, a character flaw, or something that is so irresistible that they are helpless and willingly committed such an act? Would these people be able to think rationally that the obsession is irreprehensible that they should pull themselves away from it?

Looking at drug addictions, the obsessive urge of paedophiles, the temptations seem irresistible. The psychiatrists could interpret these as abnormal behavior, a flaw in the personality, a mental disorder. 60 men are going to face the music one way or another. Given the seniority of their appointments, not thinking, unthinking or a moment of folly is not going to win any grounds. It is going to be real tough on every one of them.

I am not passing any judgement as I am no god or immortals. I am just an ordinary man that could also fall victim to all kinds of temptation as well. When this case goes to court, it is going to bring down the roof. The jaws will drop.

The lynching of Shimun Lai

Below are some of the 114 comments posted in www.temasekimes.wordpress.com in the thread ‘Shimun Lai apologises…’ The commentators are angry, furious and not forgiving her. Her apology apparently did not go down well on those she had offended. This is how serious a snide remark can cause in a multi racial society. Everyone must be extra sensitive in what they are saying, blogging, tweeting or posting in their facebooks. Your good friend could send the message out and it can go viral very quickly.

I am reminded of the US and the KKK and how vicious they were in lynching their victims on racial grounds. I am not sure what kind of punishment should be dealt to Shimun Lai before her offended victims could cool off. Lynching her is out of question. And the case is not really serious enough for the police to prosecute her in court. Neither would it be serious enough to sack her from the polytechnic. She has apologised, her polytechnic has reprimanded her.

She did said something disgusting for sure. Would those demanding for her blood like to visit 3in1kopitiam and take those saying 100 times more disgusting things than Shimun Lai to task as well? There is a time for forgiveness and the viciousness shown can turn ugly and hypocritical when overdone.

Do we want a society where every little offence will be reported to the police and demanding prosecution or hanging? I know of a neighbour complaining about the neighbour’s plants. The neighbour did not want to aggravate the situation and did not complain for all the incense dust that had fallen on their clothings and at their doorstep by the complaining neighbour’s incense sticks hanging at his door. And this makes the complaining neighbour think he is an angel, doing no wrong.

The Shimun Lai episode, not much different from Sun Xu’s case, demonstrated that there will be individuals in the midst that could utter strong words without thinking, especially among the young. But these are isolated cases. Racism has not taken root here and will not be allowed to do so as the majority are sensible and sensitive people. The govt and the law will not allow it to be so.

Viknesh Venga said
March 27, 2012 at 2:40 pm
say sorry for what? we are hoping u will get a serious punishment u sick racists ! lets hope u get expelled and a major fine .. this will send out a message to the rest . there is no place for racism in our society.
Ravin Ramakrishnan said
March 27, 2012 at 3:32 pm
does she think that a simple apology actually suffices?!?! sth so foul and insensitive is seen as sth so trivial.. if we get angry over that PRC calling us a dog, what about our own locals?!?!
Vasellia Subhash said
March 27, 2012 at 5:16 pm
She likens us to dogs, expects us to be segregated from society by suggesting that we be isolated in a separate train cabin and the PAP MP expects us to merely move on? She highlighted the fact that her account was locked. She’s only sorry she got caught. It’s very disheartening to be subjects of mockery on repeated occasions. The idea behind this is not an eye for an eye but more of creating a widespread caution to those who instigate racial unrest. Of course, the future will meet more people who test racial fragility but this incident will better equip others who want to stand up against the types of Shimun Lai.

Yiling said
March 27, 2012 at 5:50 pm
This whole saga is over-exaggerated and everyone is making snide remarks over the mistake she has made as though they’ve never made racist comments before. What she is said is indeed demeaning and she is already facing the consequences for that. But the fact that everyone is adding fuel to fire as though they’ve never made racist remarks before is equally atrocious. This incident serves as a lesson learnt for everyone to not make racist comments especially so on the internet, but that doesn’t mean that it will ease any racist sentiments in them.

Vasellia Subhash said
March 27, 2012 at 11:38 pm
This is the voice of a community; a community that is part of the four main races in this multicultural island-state. How is the voice of a community an exaggeration to you? Can you not sense the pent-up frustration? It’s collective, really. And, I find a pressing need to clarify this. No one is trying to saint himself by declaring that he has not passed a racist remark before. People make jokes; people mock. It is part of the human psyche to be critical. But, most of us practise responsibility and respect on where and how we express our thoughts/ideas. It is easy to misinterprete her intentions on a social network giant such as Twitter. We judge her based on her statements (a highly enraged one laden with profanities, while at that) It’s inevitable; don’t question.
Alex Wong said
March 27, 2012 at 4:11 pm
charan said
March 27, 2012 at 4:15 pm
I doubt if she’s real Singaporean or PRC..!!
Bernard Wang said
March 27, 2012 at 9:10 pm
How about Malaysian?
There are after all thousands of Malaysian students studying for free in Singapore.
Geetha said
March 27, 2012 at 4:18 pm
My question would be deriving from the PAP MP’s comment. The person who made such a racial comment is not a child who does not know right from wrong. She is a capable young woman who can qualify to be a PRC in Singapore, who is smart enough to get into a course in our local polytechnic. So to say that she apologizes n we should just let it be is an insult to our intelligence. Would it be a same reaction if an Indian PRC had made an exact comment on our Chinese PRCs? I’m not saying that we have punish this girl. But such incidents are happening too often. We need to make an example for future generations to understand that it is totally unacceptable to demean any race in our country. At the end of the day we need each other, & we are Singaporeans.
Hari said
March 27, 2012 at 9:04 pm
well according to the MP, we can make remarks and say sorry. Everyone will forgive and move on.

Roy said
March 27, 2012 at 11:30 pm
well said
Viknesh G S said
March 28, 2012 at 12:13 am
Exactly.You’ve got to love how there are double standards.Time to leave the country guys.

SIM said
March 29, 2012 at 6:47 am
SarasJeeva said
March 27, 2012 at 4:24 pm
Just because the derogatory comment was targeted at the minority race “we should accept it graciously and move on” huh? Wow.. Democracy indeed. It’s really disgusting that a harsher punishment is not being issued to her which will set an example to the rest to think twice before posting a racist remark anywhere. Don’t tell me she’s just going to be counselled cos she’s not a 5 yr old.
spotlessleopard said
March 27, 2012 at 4:28 pm
All racist should be punished regardless of Nationality….it is appropriate to note that “Classcism” by measure of WEALTH and POWER is however encouraged….the Class divide is widening at an alarming rate.
Kamal said
March 27, 2012 at 4:40 pm
Wondering If This Was an Indian Girl Talking Bad About Indians Will MP. Lim Tell This Same Think??
Kamal said
March 27, 2012 at 4:41 pm
*About Other Races in Singapore.
Kamal said
March 27, 2012 at 4:48 pm
I’m Sorry Let Me Post it another One More Time Because of the typo in my previous comment:
I was Wondering if Only it was an indian Girl who posted Racist Remarks about The Chinese or any other Community Will MP Lim Biow Chuan Say the Same thing..
“we should accept it graciously and all of us should move on.”
I Truthful Hate this Words From You Sir.

Hoaxsters should be dealt with by the law

The rumours and alleged attempts to kidnap children have hit the main media today. Police have conducted their investigations and 5 people have been hauled up for spreading hoaxes about the kidnapping. Police confirmed that till do date no children have been kidnapped.

The ST reported 6 cases under investigations and two have been confirmed as hoaxes. The other four are still under investigations and police are calling for more information on the cases of alleged abductions. Those with information should contact the police directly.

In the meantime parents should still be very careful and keep a watchful eye on their children. Don’t let them out of sight. Though no children has been kidnapped, the alleged attempts are still under investigation and could prove to be real. Until the investigations are over, it is better to be on the alert. The police have not confirmed that the alleged attempts were hoaxes or not real. No kidnap does not mean no attempts. The latter is waiting for confirmation.

Have no fear, or Fear Not

The appointment of Davinder Singh to the board of SGX has become a controversial issue with professionals commenting on the righteousness of the act itself. Davinder has since been redesignated as a ‘non independent director’ from an independent director. Still some are still arguing that there is a conflict of interest and it is just not the right thing to do. Narayana Narayana wrote an article following Prof Mak Yuen Teen on the same subject. In this latest article dated April 1 to the Business Times, Narayana quoted 'Quis custodiet ipsos custodes' or in modern parlance, Who will guard the guards themselves? I think he deliberately chose April 1 which is very meaningful.

The flogging of this matter boils down to a deep seated suspicion that people who are connected by some relationship should not be involved in fiduciary duties that might lead to a conflict of interest. And the assumption is that human beans are fallible and can be tempted as they are not godly. So it is best that such relationship should not be allowed to exist, to free the individuals from committing acts that could lead to unpleasantness. Even if they were to act righteously and honourably, sometimes little mistakes happened and finger pointing is easy, one plus one equals two. Thus it is prudent and advisable that no one be allowed into such a sticky situation to be compromised through no fault of theirs.

Why put oneself in such a precarious situation when anything wrong can be used as evidence to say ‘I told you so.’ It is like the Chinese saying, ‘Jumping into the Yellow River would not be able to wash away the accusation.’ The wise will not put themselves in such situation and waiting to be persecuted in a matter of time. Only the reckless will think it is okay, beyond reproach.

Such thinking or logics are only wise to the lay people. When one is above the law, when one is in a station that is unquestionable, such considerations are often unnecessary. Eminent lawyer like Davinder Singh has everything in the world, and his reputation is worth his weight in gold. He is absolutely trustworthy and would not compromise himself or act in such a way that would lend his name into ill repute. He is a rare breed of individuals that have attained such infallible credentials.

There have been many similar situations like this and nothing untoward has happened. This only proves that if you have the right people, the honest and highly reputable people, you can trust them not to do anything silly. They will uphold their names and reputation and will not cross the line to get themselves into shitty situation.

The call for caution in the Davinder Singh’s appointment is thus unnecessary. No amount of regulations or law can prevent a crook to be crooked. But for honest and upright men and women, you don’t need any law or regulations to keep them straight. 'Quis custodiet ipsos custodes’ is only relevant and applicable to the common folks that are weak in spirit and will easily crumble by the temptation of man.

Have faith, fear not, trust me.

Just an after thought. We have this brilliant policy of paying people enough to prevent them from corruption. We can actually extend this policy to prevent people from committing crime by paying them for what they want to stop committing crimes. Just set up a crime prevention fund and allow these potential criminals to draw or demand the amount they need to stay away from crime. We could become the first crime free country in the world, without policing.


Uproar in the Sports fraternity

Leadership renewal is the way to go and no one is allowed to hold office for more than two terms. And the local talents are crying foul. There are just not enough talents to round. Wrong, there are plenty of talents to go round. And if the locals are not coming forward there are many foreign talents available and eagerly waiting to fill their shoes.

Unlike the political leadership when foreign talents are not allowed to participate unless they change to pink ICs, why would people want to hold on to their leadership position forever? They can still be helping the sports if they have the passion to serve. Just create some advisory titles or senior this or grandmaster that and they can be in for life. There is no money there.

If these passionate souls want to serve for life, try politics. In politics, there is real and genuine short of talents and they can be in politics till they kick the bucket. Politics is a life long thing, with good money and pension to go with. Why would they want to serve in sports organizations when there is no money?

Passion for the sports! Oh, I can accept that. Idealism and good aspirations, and definitely a lot of sacrifice, spending own money and time. Good people but must give way to new leaders. Hopefully not tin cans. Those sports leaders with their experience and commitments, should seriously join some political parties and stand for political office. And maybe when elected to Parliament, they can change the policies that they think are not the right thing to do. One thing for sure, no two term problem. Can stay as long as they want.