
Competing estates

Stop snatching away my estate in the name of progress. Stop destroying our history in the name of convenience. Stop violating my right to rest in peace. These are some of the cries rising from the ground of Bukit Brown. The estate of the dead and their descendants are being encroached for some stupid road to smoothen traffic flow and convenience.

The critics would argue, what is more important, the flow of cars or the history behind the once people buried there? Every one of them was a part of our history, something gone but preserved only waiting to be bulldozed away.

The livings are now competing with the dead for their estates. And the dead obviously would lose unless they unleash their unseen spiritual power to make the livings go down on their knees. This is what we called disturbing the peace. Why can’t we let them live in peace?

We do not have to come to such a state if we have been more prudent, less greedy, and more sensitive to our past and our future. The human greed of today, in the name of progress, is going to destroy everything that will allow the human beans to live a little longer. Destruction of mother earth, unrestrained consumption of resources and livestock will deplete them doubly fast. We are still clamouring for more.

We want more progress. Progress is good. Don’t you want progress? The sheep sheepishly say yes without knowing what progress means, what progress entails. In its simplest form, it is like a glutton eating himself to a faster death with all the associated illness of fat, obesity, high blood pressure and cancerous growth. That is basically what this material progress is all about.

It is not a wholesome thing. It has nothing spiritual, nothing about the general well being of the people and the land. It is stupidity at its highest unthinking level. Progress to them is material acquisition, material well being, money, concretes and every little invention that are really worthless to a holistic and fulfilling life. What is so great about owning the latest ipad or iphone, to play games and watch TV? What is so great about that expensive pet? What is so great about the tenth luxury cars? Things in excess become meaningless. Gates and Buffett knew.

Living and the meaning of living, the well being of the human beans is not just a mad scramble for money, for economic growth, for more concrete infrastructure, for lesser space to live on.

If we have stopped this crazy progress thing earlier, we would not have to quarrel with the dead for their little piece of real estate. There will be plenty to go around. Now we say not enough. And at the same time we keep bringing more people to stake their claims for more space and real estate.

Progress is really wonderful when you don’t think about it. Unfortunately the dead could not offer their real estate at market price. They and their descendants should sell the piece of real estate en bloc to the highest bidder and benefit from the profits of the sale. Why should they give up their real estate to benefit the motorists in the name of progress?

Robbing the dead or disturbing the peace?


Real Estate Ransom

Real Estate/Monopolies 4 Ransom


The above video clip is posted here by Political Beng. It tells of the problems that we are living with, and the problems that could destroy everyone of us except the minority real estate owners. And the real estate owners know where their interest lies and how to abuse the system to perpetuate their gains and perpetuate the misery of the ordinary citizens. It will get more difficult.

Though the clip is talking about Australia, it is applicable to us, every inch of it. All daft Sinkies and clever Sinkies who are making decisions to exploit daft Sinkies are highly recommended to view this video clip. It is a problem that is being created by those with vested interest in real estates.

All daft Sinkies should spend a little time to view this clip for their own good, to understand what is the problem that they failed to see.

Hougang will test the intelligence of opposition parties

I read that Goh Meng Seng is considering sending Nicole Seah to contest Hougang to take revenge on WP for muscling into the Kallang Moulmein GRC in the last election. The thinking is rational and logical and will be good, as they say competition will end up with the consumers getting the best deal. And with the popularity of Nicole, she stands a good chance of winning some votes.

NSP is perhaps the second strongest opposition party after WP. They should challenge WP for the position of being the top opposition party and pave its way to win a GRC in the next GE. A good showing in Hougang will seal that fate. I must say that opposition politics is very healthy and their thinking to out fox each other is very fertile and needs to be encouraged. They are quite predictable in a way.

My assessment is that the opposition should gain around 60-65% of the Hougang votes. And Nicole should easily command 30% and the WP another 30%. These will be reasonably good results for the NSP and it can tell the WP not to take it for granted in the next GE.

As for the PAP, it can sleep walk into Hougang with its hard core 35-40% supporters without having to do anything. No need any big name minister to blow the trumpet. Just let the opposition fight it out and do the job for them. PAP’s strategy can be very simple. Blow the ego of the opposition parties and let them stand up to prove who is the better loser.

I like what I am hearing. Go opposition parties. Go and prove that you are the better of the second best. And I have better reasons to say that. Give the voters more choices. And Nicole is a star and sure got chance to win a lot of votes. And there are many excellent independent candidates like Jee Say to fall back on. Hougang will be an interesting circus in the making.

I think Hsien Loong must be smiling quietly to himself. He may be encouraged to hold a by election quickly given the bravado of the opposition camp.

Time to regret the high property prices

Medical bills in tens of thousands are increasingly common. How many average Singaporeans can afford to cough out this sum of money at one go? And bills of several hundred thousands are just as common in terminal cases or cancer treatment. What to do, everything is getting more expensive. And the medical professionals are humans too and need the money to pay for all the expensive things they need for a good life. The rentals for their office space do not come cheap. The $20m bungalow is something that they need for a more comfy life, and so is the $1m Lamborghini. It is not their fault and there is nothing wrong with them wanting the good life.

When the cost of everything goes up, especially housing, properties, the good life, someone must pay for it. And in professional services, the cost will be passed to the consumers, plus more profits added for good measures, or for the next property or the next car. The inflation game will be nice to play if money is available to everyone, especially the average Singaporeans who form the bulk of consumers. Unfortunately their income does not grow in the same rate and every little increment will be eaten up by the little increases here and there. And when a big medical bill drops into the mail box, it will clean up everything, and some may end up in debt.

Gan Kim Yong is going to make medicare more affordable. No one will be deprived of medicare. The cost will be manageable. Don’t be shy to ask for help. Don’t be shy when they mean test you. They mean well and you may be lucky the govt will provide some assistance through Medifund. And for the fortunate, the bills may end up as arrears in the hospital’s account. Did the patient abscond, in debt and unable to pay, or simply die? Whatever, it is a happy thing that so many people cannot pay their medical debt. Maybe the hospitals will close an eye. Surely they will not paint O$P$ on the debtors’ doors.

And since people have more money in their Medisave Accounts, more will be made available to pay for their affordable medical bills. This reminds me of the money in people’s Ordinary Account. Since they have so much money, HDB prices will be made affordable for them to pay through their CPF savings, and so affordable that nothing much is left for retirement.
I thought a better solution will be to stop people from accumulating too much savings and have more money to spend on other things. If the affordable bills will inflate according to the fattening of the Medisave Accounts, I am worried that it will end up like the empty Ordinary Accounts.

Every time the word affordable is mentioned, it sends a chill down my spine.

God is might, Japanese version

The cocky Japanese and their warlike nature cannot be concealed for long. No Asian country that suffered the unprovoked invasion in WW 2 and suffered the beastly Japanese atrocities can ever forget what the true nature of the Japanese was and is. Today it is hidden under coat and tie and a superficial external manner of politeness.

Do not be deceived that the Japan Defense Force is for defense. It has all the capabilities to invade another nation and the Koreans would be easy meat. The North Koreans are now being targeted as a possible little boy to be whacked. Japan has declared openly its intention to shoot down the North Korean rocket delivering its satellite to space. And the excuse, similar to the Israelies and the Americans, it poses a threat to Japan’s national security. And it has the backing of the international mafia gang of the US and the UK shouting the same slogan.

The rocket sending the satellite to space can be converted for military use. So can any aircraft/ships the North Koreans intend to build eventually be turned into long range bombers and warships. And if there are uranium ores found in North Korea, it cannot mine them as they have potential for making nuclear bombs. This is the logic of international gangsters.

On the other hand, it is alright for the mafia and the war mongering nations, and those that have been conducting aggression against other smaller countries, to own all the nuclear weapons and big invading forces. Those who own the big guns can then dictate to those without the guns, how to behave, what they can or cannot do. And in the name of its national security, no matter how far fetch, it gives them the right to attack another country, in this case to shoot down a satellite carrying rocket.

Yes, God is might and weaker countries must acquire nuclear weapons and a big armed force to avoid being dictated and treated like semi colonies of big powers. Their only road to freedom from oppression by the big powers is exactly the acquisition of nuclear arms and more arms, to keep the international mafia at bay.

Every country has a right to its own defense force and the judgement is not by pointing a finger at the other party of possible intent. It is the act of aggression, naked aggression that makes a country guilty of crime against another country. The mere acquisition of weapons is no crime and not necessarily an act of aggression. But when one has all the weapons, and acts like God, it is all a different matter. God is might and God is right when it has might.

Japan is thinking that it can still bully the Koreans and master over them like their old colony. It is inviting the wrath of God if it dares shoot down the North Korean rocket. It is an open act of war, unprovoked. And let the North Koreans rain down all they have on Japanese soil. The Japanese love war and have no fear for war and destruction. Another few Hiroshima and Nagasaki are small matters. Such an open war cry is nothing different from that of the Israelies.

Let God be the judge and deal the aggressors the judgement they deserved.