
Notable quote by Tan Chuan Jin

Discriminatory practices have no place in Singapore

- Minister of State for Manpower and National Development, Tan Chuan-Jin

Life under Gaddafi's rule

I am not sure how many of the statements below are true. This article has been circulating in the internet for a long time. If they are true, are the Libyans better off now? Also, are the Iraqis better off now?

Here are the claims of life under Gaddafi's rule.
1. There is no electricity bill in Libya; electricity is free for all its citizens.
2. There is no interest on loans, banks in Libya are state-owned and loans given to all its citizens at 0% interest by law.
3. Home considered a human right in Libya – Gaddafi vowed that his parents would not get a house until everyone in Libya had a home. Gaddafi’s father has died while him, his wife and his mother are still living in a tent.
4. All newlyweds in Libya receive $60,000 Dinar (US$50,000) by the government to buy their first apartment so to help start up the family.
5. Education and medical treatments are free in Libya. Before Gaddafi only 25% of Libyans are literate. Today the figure is 83%.
6. Should Libyans want to take up farming career, they would receive farming land, a farming house, equipments, seeds and livestock to kick-start their farms – all for free.
7. If Libyans cannot find the education or medical facilities they need in Libya, the government funds them to go abroad for it – not only free but they get US$2,300/mth accommodation and car allowance.
8. In Libyan, if a Libyan buys a car, the government subsidized 50% of the price.
9. The price of petrol in Libya is $0.14 per liter.
10. Libya has no external debt and its reserves amount to $150 billion – now frozen globally.
11. If a Libyan is unable to get employment after graduation the state would pay the average salary of the profession as if he or she is employed until employment is found.
12. A portion of Libyan oil sale is, credited directly to the bank accounts of all Libyan citizens.
13. A mother who gave birth to a child receive US$5,000
14. 40 loaves of bread in Libya costs $ 0.15
15. 25% of Libyans have a university degree
16. Gaddafi carried out the world’s largest irrigation project, known as the Great Man-Made River project, to make water readily available throughout the desert country.

Money can buy anything

Money can literally buy anything, even happiness. But some will disagree. There are some kinds of happiness that cannot be bought by money. At the national level, states also think that with money they can buy anything. So Singapore is going to buy power with its money. Nobody can resist a willing customer with loads of money to want to buy power from them.

While we tend to get carried away with our greatness and the large coffers we have, let us remind ourselves that our money cannot buy everything. Maybe can, if we are going to pay all kinds or ridiculous price, like a few billions to get our football team to the World Cup. But no need to look that far. Our money cannot even buy cheap commodities like sand and water from our neighbouring countries. And these are abundant resources, while water will just run into the sea if not sold to us. No, some will not just sell you anything for money. Just because we have this mentality that we can sell everything away to anyone, even strategic resources, it does not work the other way.

We are buying gas from Indonesia. And recently there were calls to stop selling gas to us from the Indonesians. And with oil or energy becoming rarer, and more strategic, the possibility of countries refusing to sell to us or at a prohibitive price will be a matter of time. It will come, sooner or later, when the earth’s population hits 15b or when our population hits 10b and energy is vital to our continued growth. So will be water and gas.

As we grow bigger and consume more, we need more energy and more water. Our reservoirs will not be enough unless we convert Orchard Road into another reservoir. What all these mean is that we will get ourselves into a thick bind. We have just extricated ourselves from the water vice grip and free ourselves from being dependent on external water supply. Our growth strategy will bring us back to a more precarious situation, whereby we will be more dependent on water again, plus energy and gas. And we could end up being held ransom once more.

We may have the money, not counting that it can run out, but not everyone is going to sell strategic resources to us just for money. Can our money buy everything we want and we need?


Great opportunities for Iskandar

Today’s ST is hinting that the Medisave, currently with a minimum sum of $41k will not be enough. What it means, very likely, is that Medisave will have to go up to $100k or more. An admission for a major operation would easily cost a few hundred thousands. So what is $41k?

The ridiculous cost of medical fees here is running out of control. The average Singaporeans will never have enough to pay for one admission to a hospital. Keep raising Medisave minimum sum is like raising COEs or ERP charges. It is a fictitious solution that Ah Long also knows. There must be a cheaper alternative.

The problems of Singapore present great opportunities for Malaysia in Iskandar Economic Zone. If only Iskandar can offer an equivalent medical facility and standard and charging in ringgits, a large portion of Singaporeans needing medical care and major ops will have no choice but be in Iskandar. And this is high skill services which the Malaysian govt will be most interested to set up to compete with Singapore. If Malaysia can capitalize on their comparative advantage, lay down the red carpet, make immigration and travelling efficient and smooth, there is no stopping Singaporeans going over, which means a sophisticated medical hub in the making.

But they must make their policies clear and not be confused and dragged down by parochial politickings. It is likely that political tension can be drummed up, like Singaporeans clogging up their roads, Singaporeans raising the cost of living, Singaporeans buying up the houses, Singaporeans taking advantage of cheaper medical services in Iskandar, etc etc.

When Iskandar is successful, there will be more foreign investments and presence in Iskandar and Johore and competing for goods and services. Is that something that the Malaysian govt wants and can live with? If that is what they want and will not be pressurized by domestic politics, a medical hub is the way to go.

The average Singaporeans will definitely welcome such an alternative. And there could be many alternatives that the Malaysian govt can provide, cheaper and even better than Singapore, if they are clear in what they want.

60 years of rebuilding a country and nation

It took 60 years for China to rebuild a broken up country that was bankrupt of everything. It started from scratch in 1949, a war torn country, bankrupt in the treasury through payments of war reparations to the imperial powers of the West and Japan, bankrupt of intellectuals and ideas, a backward economy that was agriculture based, with no industries in the modern sense of the time. The whole govt institution and infrastructure had to be rebuilt with an empty state coffer.

Up till 1978 when Deng was returned to power, the country was experimenting with agrarian and industrial revolution on its own, with little foreign aid or assistance. The Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, the Korean War, the Vietnam war, were very costly and drained further the limited resources of a third world nation.

It’s rightful place in the United Nation was occupied by Taiwan, calling itself the Republic of China and representing greater China on both sides of the causeway. Of course its legitimacy was only as legitimate as the support of the Americans. The farce of ROC representing the whole of China came to an end when the Third World countries stood against the Americans and voted in the PRC to its rightful place in the family of nations. The pretender, ROC, was booted out of the UN.

The path back to nationhood was never easy with many countries still living under the influence of Western literature and Western truth, that China was a belligerent, expansionist and aggressive emerging power. This continues till today, without China fighting a war except for self defence, with no Chinese occupation troops in any foreign land, while its territories are claimed and occupied by foreign powers. Hongkong and Macau were returned at the end of the 20th Century. Many of China’s territories are still in foreign hands. And China continues to endure the embarrassment and indignity of not being able to reclaim its lost land, taken away when it was weak and helpless. How’s that of an expansionist and unreasonable power?

Today, 60 years later, even small little countries are making claims to Chinese territories in the South China Seas, with the tacit support of the Americans. While China is still relatively weaker than the US, but immensely more powerful than all the Southeast Asian countries combined, China adopts a position of weakness in its foreign policies, encouraging these small countries to embolden their claims, even attacking and capturing Chinese ships in the high seas or in Chinese territories.

China’s failure in warding off such adventurism and irritating claims from the small countries in a way was due to its eclipse and years of living in the shadow of the big powers. It does no wish to engage in warfare, and chose a policy of appeasement, of friendship and accommodation. Any little acts of assertiveness for its rights and territorial integrity would be blown up as vindications of an expansionist and fearsome power.

The literature and propaganda of an expansionist and hostile China have been perpetuating and influencing the minds of the Asian and Southeast Asian states, and the world for decades. And all these years China was a struggling nation, poor and weak both economically and militarily. The image has set in and difficult to change no matter what China did. No matter how defensive is China’s stance, it will not change anything. In fact the weakness of the Chinese stance has created more problems for China than if China has taken a tougher stand. When it did in the Korean War, again the border intrusions by India and Vietnam, it was cast as the aggressor by the West. And the world believed in those stories.

In short, notwithstanding China’s olive branch, it will always be portrayed and viewed in distrust. The other countries believe that they will be better under Pax Americana, a known devil.

While China did not have much choice in the past to risk a devastating war with the Americans, and be flattened into the oblivion, the situation is now different. As much as America is many times more able to turn again into the stone age, China could do likewise to America. It will be a no winner war if the two super powers collide.

Ruling out this possibility, as long as both countries avoided such an eventuality, it is time for China to review its foreign policies of peaceful development and appeasement. It is time for China to stand up for its rights as an independent nation, and to protect its own territorial integrity. Any wishful and baseless claims to Chinese territories and islands in the South China Sea must be told to back off. There is no need to be nice when niceties were seen as weakness and inviting more reckless and provocative claims.

China must now say no to all the nonsensical and unsupportable claims of small countries against its territories, and be prepared to arrest any ships that intruded into them, be it Vietnam, the Phillipines or India. The days of offering the other face to be slapped is over. The small countries must be put back to their rightful place or face the military and economic might of a new and more assertive China. They can provoke and risk being kicked in the ass.

The Americans can try to start more fires, and China must be prepared to put down the fire with no hesitation and refrain. Only in that way would China be able to ensure peace and stability in the East and South China Seas. A superpower must behave like a superpower, like the Americans. Do what the Americans did but not to encroach into another country, not to invade another country and nothing of the sort like regime change. Respect the rights of all nations and demand the other nations to do likewise. The simple message is, not to trifle with a super power and think that they can get away with it.

60 years of being oppressed and humiliated by the Western powers and bullied by small countries must come to an end. Red Star over China is now Red Star over Asia. Not that China should pursue the path of big power hegemony against its neighbours. But it must not allow the small powers to be pawns of America, to nibble away at its core interests and national integrity. Mutual respect and non interference must be initiated from both sides. If China does not act tough now, all the troubles will keep coming to its doorstep.

PS. If China does not dare to stand up against the American's bullying, another cruise missile will hit their embassy like the one in Belgrade, 'by accident'. Only when China dares to stand up to the Americans will such accidents be avoided and will not happen.