
Cheng Bock was the Chosen One

Given the choice, the people will want Cheng Bock as their President. His marginally lost in the election is a technicality. The number of candidates was the main cause of his lost. A straight fight will give Cheng Bock the 30% won by Jee Say and Kin Lian. These are hard core anti PAP votes that will never lend on Tony’s lap and will give Cheng Bock a very comfortable 65% victory.

The polls in mysingaporenews are telling. There is still this corner of the population that is very unhappy with the new President. I do not see how Tony can bridge this gap to endear to this group of people. And this group consists of the hard core 30% plus a big portion of those who had voted for Cheng Bock.

Just ask around, anyone in the street, many will express their disappointment. It is not a contrived argument but a statement of fact. The PAP camp may claim 70% or 100%, the truth is that, unfortunately, Tony is not their desired President of choice.

Time for an Ombudsman

The way the CPF savings are getting further and further away from the people is no laughing matter. The delay in returning the money to the people, the inflating of minimum sums in CPF and Medisave both means that the owners are finding it more and more difficult to get in touch with their hard earned money. And you have jokers ridiculing the people’s stupidity by claiming to be very happy looking at a monthly statement saying how much is in there. In a way it is telling the people to be happy with the piece of paper even if the money is not touchable.

The most distressing part is that the people’s life time saving is now part of the nation’s reserve and can be invested by people who did not need to ask permission from the rightful owners of the money. The smell of blood, sweat and tears are in the CPF money. Who is so irresponsible and outrageous to think that it is ok to take the people’s money to ‘invest’ and claim credit, pay themselves insane bonuses when luck is with them, but if the money is lost, just pat their backside and simply walk away?

The very thought of taking the people’s hard earned money against their interests and will is evil to the core. It is irreprehensible for anyone to think that it is alright without any sense of guilt. It is morally wrong and criminal.

It is time to appoint an ombudsman to look into the people’s life time saving and find ways to return to them while the money is still there. There can never be any good reason, nothing, that can justify depriving the people from their savings.

I say again, anyone with designs on the people’s life savings is evil and wicked. They shall be punished, and it is only a matter of time. If there is no human law to deal with them, they will still have to answer one day. In the mean time, keep playing with the people’s money. There is no where to run from the guilt of conscience.


Nathan’s conscience is clear

Why was his conscience pricked and he has to make it public that his conscience is clear? In my view, Nathan is the most perfect President according to the terms and conditions of the Constitution. He played the role to the T. No one can fault him for not doing his part as the Elected President or overstepping his role to try to do things outside the Constitution.

Next National Day Nathan will be given the highest award of the country. And his place in Kranji has already been reserved.

On the issue of conscience, only those who took too much and did too little should have to think about their conscience. This shall include those who will be doing nothing and taking millions from the people.

Nathan has done a lot of work as the President without crowing about it. He is always under pressure to perform. The most obvious sign of pressure is his weight. The psychiatrists will tell you that people who are under pressure tend to over eat, took to food as an escapism, and put on weight.

Let’s wish Nathan a good retirement and with less pressure in his life. He may start to lose weight and his hair may start turning white too.

PE – 100% endorsement for the govt

Some said the PAP got only 35% of the popular votes, some said 70%. I say 75%. The numbers are very interesting and alive, and can be interpreted anyway one wants to look at them. It may be flattery, self deception, cynicism, foolish thoughts and anything but the truth. So reading numbers and interpreting numbers are not so objective and scientific after all. It is an art for the spin doctors.

Why did I say PAP won 75%? Tony, Cheng Bock and Kin Lian were all PAP before. Have they really left the PAP? Who can vouch to know the absolute truth? And I also say that the govt or establishment won 100% of the votes this time, a complete endorsement. Why not? All of them worked for the govt at one time or another. All has govt blood running in them, and govt thinking, including involvement in govt policy making and execution.

Don’t be surprise if all were invited to a tea party by the PM and all say a big thank you to the voters together. Then those who share this view of mine would say, see, all together with the PM, must be of the same camp.
Feeling cheated? The truth is still out there. And the truth is different in the eyes of everyone. The PAP is being conservative and a little shy to claim that it won only 70%. They could have won 100% for all you know.

Time to call for celebration for the great victory. What wayang? No it is the truth.


Notable quote by Redbean

Half in and half out

We have heard of that before. Now the latest catchphrase is 'One third in, two third out'. Redbean.

Is that the reason why so many people are simply disappointed?