
Serving for Life!

Public service is also called civil service or civil servants, a job to serve the people. Some stay for awhile while some serve for life. Political leaders too are in the act of serving the people, as long as they are not self serving. Some serve a few years, some serve for life too. Some may argue whether they are serving the people or serving themselves.

One thing for sure, the people will have to serve the retired politicians for life, and to live in abundance. Serving for life is taking on a new meaning.

The Age of Obsolescence

Everything comes to pass. In the Age of Obsolescence, the process just gets a little faster. Everything gets obsolete in double quick time. The handphone, the Iphone, the computer, all becomes obsolete the moment it is bought.

Ideas too get obsolete too. Democracy is good. Democracy is bad. Dictatorship is bad, dictatorship is good. Big is good, big is bad. Monopoly is bad, monopoly is good. Big income gap is bad, big income gap is good. Corruption is bad, corruption is good.

Today a hero, tomorrow history. Today spreading wisdom, tomorrow talking cock. Nothing last when everything is changing fast. Europe is going, so is America.

How long will paradise last? How long more before it becomes obsolete? Oh, some things last forever. Myths and falutins. Myths or falutins preached as wisdoms will revert to their true forms as fast as they are propounded, and will remain in their real forms, forever.

The virtues of ONE

This is probably the most profound economic political theory of all time. It emphasizes that for anything to work well, effective and cost efficient, it must be from the principle of ONE. One govt, one leader, one transport company, one bank, one voice, and one track mind. Singanomics is a mixed of political theory and economic principles.

Singapore is what it is today because of Singanomics. We are punching above our weight not because of foreign talents. That is a myth. We are what we are today because of one party and one man and an economic theory of ONE. We have practically one public transport system and having more than one, a system of multi transport operators will only lead to higher cost and inefficiency. Our transport system is so efficient and cheap or affordable because of this theory. It could have been worst if there are more operators.

Similarly, if we go the two party or multi party way, we will head towards total ruin. The most effective political system is a one party system, like the communist system in China. Everything goes when one party or one man says so. No dilly dallying like the western democratic system of multi parties. A waste of time bickering.

Soon in the not too distant future we will have only ONE BIG BANG, oops, I mean ONE BIG BANK. With one big bank, there will be great savings in cost with economy of scale. This is fundamental economics. We will have only one power station too, maybe a nuclear one.

What, did someone say it is too dangerous to put everything in ONE BIG BASKET? Too big to fail? No, that is a western fallacy as they could not produce the kind of talent we have. And as real good talent is rare, maybe one in 50 years, the Singanomics theory becomes more relevant. Such genius is not produced in abundance. So you can have one organization, one big corporation encompassing everything and be led by just ONE man. Supreme efficiency.

What happens if the Super One turns into a monster? No, cannot happen, will not happen, Never. Just believe me, this theory works like clockworks. We are a shining example of the virtues of ONE, of Singanomics. Who dares to say this theory does not work? It has worked for nearly 50 years, and still working, still kicking.


Rise of Asia still a long way off

Chinese jets crossed into Taiwan airspace was the headline that screamed across several major Asian papers. For such a headline to be splashed across western media is normal and expected given their anti China agenda. But the headline is just the headline and does not cover the details of the story. Why did the Chinese jets crossed over Taiwanese airspace, and only temporarily? No, the impression given by the ‘western’ Asian media is that China is provocative, violating the territorial integrity of its neighbour, conducting an act of bullying. Why not a headline, 'Chinese jets chased away American spy plane?'

The truth is that the Chinese jets were pursuing an American U2 spy plane skirting its airspace conducting reconnaissance mission. If the Chinese were to do the same to American airspace, the Americans would be screaming foul and may shoot it down. No worry, if the Americans continue to conduct such spying mission against China, the Chinese will return the favour when they are able and ready to take on the world’s number one bully.

The Americans have been conducting such spying missions against all countries, including the Soviet Union, since the Cold War, and are still doing it. The Chinese have demanded that it be stopped as it is unfriendly and provocative. The Americans insisted that it is their right to fly over international airspace. Let this be documented and make known to the world that such an unfriendly act is claimed to be an acceptable conduct by the Americans. They have sanctioned such acts and do not see anything wrong with it. Other countries should thus also be permitted to do the same over North America. And they better don’t complain.

What the Americans can do, the rest of the world can do also. The western media will be on the side of the Americans in reporting such incidents. So too will be the ‘western’ Asian media, reporting such violations as acceptable when committed by the Americans and will scream aggression if the Chinese or any other country will to do so.

The Evil Empire will continue to bully the rest of the world, and China. But the window for such aggressive bullying is closing. The game of tic for tac will be played across the American shores. The evil and belligerent intention of the Evil Empire is clear as daylight. They will continue to bully the weak in the name of peace.

Taking the people for granted

This kind of attitude must come to an end sooner or later. Though the trend is changing, that the govt had admitted that they did not have the monopoly of ideas, the other truth is saying otherwise. The political leaders are still shafting their ideas and policies down the throat of the people. They are still saying that one party govt, or the ruling party, is the only party that can run this country for the good of the people, forever. Opposition parties, multi parties, will ruin this country.

They cannot accept that there are better educated and talented people outside the ruling party and in the opposition parties. What is seen is only the surface. There are many able people that will come out when the time is right, to represent the people to run this country for the people.
The cries of over population by foreigners are simply ignored. We will think what is best for the people, and we will do it, like deaf frogs. This has not changed. More foreigners will be coming. So what can you do about it?

The policies of paying political leaders crazy will not be changed. The policies of making the people pay dearly for their homes, cars, transportation, will not be changed. There is no other better ways.

The policies of holding on to the people’s savings, increasing minimum sum, increasing Medisave, raising withdrawal age, increasing CPFLife, will be there no matter how much the people are complaining. There is no regard to how the people feel about their money being kept away from them. The govt think that it should be done, it is done.

And the political leaders will keep calling the people daft. Only the political leaders are bright and know best for the people. And the people, the daft Singaporeans, cannot do anything about it. They will continue to be daft and continue to vote the ruling party to rule over them, to decide everything for them, in their version of ‘for the good of the people’.

This will go on and on, as long as the people accept their station in life, to be taken for granted, as daft.