
The enlightening rant of Yuriko Koike

She has an article in the Comment and Analysis page of Today. She started with the usual North Korea slant, a nation that is so poor that even its soldiers have not enough food to eat, a nation that is crazy for international attention, even blowing up Choenan and firing artillery shells into Yeonpyeong without any reasons or provocations. The rest you can just skip, as there were nothing new. Even Matilah can add more juicy stuff than her. The gem of her article is this and I quote: 'Much, then depends on the Chinese, whose self defeating regional diplomacy has managed to push a listless and defence-shy Japanese govt into closer cooperation with the US on security matters and has inspired South Korea to seek out strategic partnerships with other Asian powers, including India.' Here is the unintentional leak of what the US, Japan and South Korea are up to. So it is China's fault for the strategic alliance between the US and its two semi colonies, and now India coming into the picture. And China must join the alliance to condemn North Korea. Oh no, 'And China is keen to draw South Korea closer in the game of regional rivalries. The result could be a new round of efforts by China to manipulate regional suspicion - or worse.' Heh heh, they say pretty women are very innocent and harmless: ) So all the problems in the Korean Peninsula is created by China, and North Korea is a colony of China. China can tell North Korea what to do like the US telling Japan and South Korea, and its allies. How many of you believe so? And Japan is such a mild country, and it is growing its military force so huge that it can overrun Southeast Asia once again if it only adds on a few aircraft carriers. Japan is listless and defence shy!!!??? Remove the mask of militarism please. I really enjoy her rant. Looking forward for more of her writings. I am worn over by her pretty face.


Malaysia is the best thing to happen to Singapore

When the Tememgong signed away Temasek to the East India Company, it is likely to be under duress. The British probably put a gun at his head and said, ‘Sign.’ And that act gave away Temasek to the British Empire. The other possibility was some kind of bribery or trickery. How else would the Temengong sign away his land willingly? He might be a chief of a small kampong, not well versed in international laws or territorial sovereignty, but he was definitely not a retard. And the rest was history. The Johoreans are still sore over this part of history. Please don’t blame the Singaporeans, they are just part of the British legacy and have nothing to do with pointing a gun at the head of the Tememgong. When Singapore joined and became part of Malaysia, all things returned to square one. The two lands were reunited. The historical blemish was erased. All debt, robberies and injustice corrected. Then came the separation and Singapore was evicted. This time the Federal govt gave the consent to let Singapore free as an independent state. There was no more coercion from a foreign power. Malaysia was then an independent country and the British could not put a gun on Tengku’s head. And Abdul Razak was there to advise him. They decided that Singapore should be allowed to become an independent country, a nation of its own. Through unification and separation from Malaysia, Singapore became an independent country out of free will, and decided by mainly by Malaysia. No one can now accuse Singapore of being seized from Malaysia. It was legally separated under fair and mutually agreed terms and conditions between two independent govts.


Selling everything to foreigners is Treason

We need to have laws and systems in place to prevent rogue govts from selling away Singapore to foreigners. There must be laws to limit the selling of private properties to foreigners. Leaving the property market to the developers who have no other consideration except making money is irresponsible. The developers will sell to whoever have the money to buy from them. How many percent of our private properties are already own by foreigners? Do we have figures on the private properties that foreigners can buy and what is the percentage of foreign ownership, excluding public housing and landed properties? The data should show private residential properties and commercial properties as well It is to our national interest to limit the ownership of private residential properties to maybe 30% of any development project. We have too little land and too little properties to sell to foreigners. They have the money to buy up everything if we allow them to do so, in a free market environment. Without any restraints, gradually everything will be owned by foreigners. One day we may wake up finding that everything is gone, sold.


Another cock statement from Washington

US demands China restrain NKorea after 'premeditated' violation of Korean War truce WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration urged China to press North Korea to halt provocative actions against South Korea, after an artillery attack on the South that the U.S. called a "premeditated" violation of the truce that ended the Korean War. As the isolated North's only ally and main economic partner, China plays a "pivotal" role in reducing tensions and has a duty to tell Pyongyang that deliberate acts "specifically intended to inflame tensions in the region" are not acceptable, the State Department said. "China is pivotal in moving North Korea in a fundamentally different direction," State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley told reporters. "We expect China to be clear, like we are, as to where the responsibility for the current situation, the current tension lies. This is something that we feel strongly about." The Evil Empire is trying to pin the blame on China and scheming to use the incident to tarnish China. South Korea may be a semi colony of the US and will submit to whatever wish the US demand. North Korea is an independent country and not China's colony. It does not take directives from China. And neither is China America's whipping boy and would jump to America's every demand. China should tell the Americans to stuff it. If they want a war with the North Koreans, go ahead. But China reserves the right to protect its turf and starting fire in China's back yard will mean that China will step in when its national interests and security is violated. The US thinks that it can keep pushing the buck to China and make the world look at China as an evil superpower like it is. If the South Koreans and the US do not provoke the North by conducting war games in the front yard of North Korea, there will be no tension and shelling. The world must look at how this Evil Empire is trying to fix the North Koreans and China and make them look bad, and using it as an excuse to increase its military presence in the Korean Peninsula.

Good news or bad news?

When I read the mypaper this morning, the two news that hit me were, one, property prices could rise higher, and two, Singapore's household debt low. And these are front page news. So, what is the message? Low interest rate and high liquidity will push property prices higher. Nothing can be done about it. It is beyond our control, market forces at work. And the consolation part, Singaporean household debt is low. This means Singaporeans can afford to take on more debt, pay for higher price properties. Add the two together, what can we expect? Boom time Charlie for the developers and property speculators.