Joke of the Day
The world's most irresponsible Empire telling China to be a responsible player.
Was the invasion of Vietnam, killing hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese, maiming millions, destruction of the land and ecology, a responsible act?
The invasion of Iraq on a false charge and killing/wounding millions of Iraqis and destruction the land, infrastructure and economy a responsible act?
The killing of innocents in Pakistan and Afghanistan a responsible act?
Approving toxic financial products into the international financial system a responsible act?
Unrestraint printing of money, flooding the emerging markets with liquidity, devaluation of the US$, a responsible act?
Mismanagement of the domestic economy and destructive manipulation of the world's financial system leading to its near collapse a responsible act?
Support dissidents to create social and political unrest in other countries, interfering in the domestic affairs of foreign nations, a responsible act?
Threatening sanctions and regime change a responsible act?
Selling arms and weapons everywhere a responsible act?
The Choenan Incident a responsible act?
My god, America, how many people still believe in your belligerent policies and acts as benign and peaceful?
Myth 226: Govt - please tell us what you want
I have been hearing this nonsense again and again as if no body is telling the govt what the people want. What is all the kpkb for? When the property price shot through the sky, we only heard that it was market forces at work or high property price is good. And the best part, the govt cannot do anything about it, cannot meddle with market forces. Then we have foreign hoards marching in or being invited in. And all the high costs, price hikes etc etc.
Not easy to make deaf frogs listen, I think.
Let me try again. We don't want the country to be flooded by foreign talents. No, cannot. They are here to save you.
We want our CPF money back. No, that is for your old age.
We don't want any of your money sucking schemes like Medisave, CPF Life etc etc. No, they are good for you.
We don't want sky rocketing property prices. No there are very cheap. We are only being polite to say that they are affordable. Can't afford, don't buy.
We want better jobs with better pay. No you can't. You will become uncompetitive. Jobs will go away.
We want oppositions in Parliament. That is ok. We have provided for 9 oppositions already. How many more do you want, 20, 30 or 40?
We don't want money to be wasted on foreign sportsmen. No, we need to win medals.
We can't afford high hospital and medical fees. Sure you can. Just buy more insurance then you don't have to pay a cent.
What else is new?
USA – The biggest threat to world peace
The USA has been accusing China and any other country as a threat to world peace, a trick which it used successfully for decades to direct negative attention to everyone except itself. The European countries know about the trick but play along as it will benefit them indirectly. The silly Asian and African countries, unfortunately, believe everything the Americans said and proclaiming loudly, like a good boy, that the American is a benign and benevolent power, a saviour of the weak and smaller countries, a saviour of human rights and political oppression, a defender of freedom in the world. What a joke!
The Americans have been instigating, starting and fighting wars everywhere, and killing the innocent civilians by the thousands daily. No, it is not reported in the news and nobody would want to believe this nonsense. If the Americans have been killing civilians everyday, even today and tomorrow, the great western press will be there to report them! Holy shit! The western media is part of the conspiracy.
And the Americans are exporting weapons to every country to feed the American economy and provide jobs for the Americans. What rifles do you think the terrorists are using? AK47 or M16? And the sophisticated aircraft, naval crafts and missiles and bombs, mostly made in USA.
And it is supporting dissidents everywhere to oppose the incumbent govts of countries not in its good list. Yes, if you are not with the Americans you are against the Americans.
And now it is engaged in the worst destabilising exercise of all time, financial sabotage and printing of the greenbacks to throw at all the emerging countries across the world. The result is obvious. Financial breakdown and collapse of the world economy. And it said no, it is China’s fault, for not revaluing the Yuan. That is the root of the problem, not Americans overspending and over printing of the American dollar.
The biggest threat to world peace is pointing the finger at everyone except itself. And with a bankrupt economy, with a mountain of debt, it is still engage in wars everywhere, operating the biggest armed forces that can take on the armies of the whole world combined. And still spending time and resources to form a mafia gang to contain China, whose main interest is economic development and providing cheaper products to the world and to the Americans.
It just announced that it will increase its military presence in Asia so that it can react ‘robustly’ against those that were seen as enemies of the Empire. It is frantically signing up military alliances with Asian countries to fight Asians and to turn Asia into flames. And silly Asian govts are roped in as their willing accomplices.
Again, which country is the greatest threat to world peace?
Is our govt selfish?
Saturday there were several pages of reports on how the poor foreign workers are losing their pants for patronising the casinos. They could lose half their salary in a few hours or several months of their salary in a few days. The amount may not be big, $500 or $2000, but still big money to them. And some are in debt and their families back home are desperate.
Singaporeans are well protected by the $100 entrance levy. I have been prevented from entering the casino and lose my money because of this levy. Our govt is very good and protective over Singaporeans. Singaporeans must say thank you for such a paternalistic govt. Singaporeans are in safe hands.
Should the govt also apply the levy on foreign workers as well? This group of people are very poor and cannot afford to lose. They are already in debt for coming here. Now with the casino they are going to incur more debt.
Can our god protect them as well, be merciful and impose the levy on them to keep them out of the casinos? Or is our god so selfish, only protect the chosen people and let the rest suffer for their own foolishness?
This is time to beg for mercy and forgiveness, and a helping hand from god. And don’t forget that a financially troubled foreign worker is likely to resort to crime and the protected Singaporeans may end up as victims.
Please don't bring down property prices
With so many people kpkb in the internet about high property prices, I mean so many people which is false as there are 80% of flat owners all wanting their property prices to go up, Hsien Loong is also worried. He is quoted to have said, 'the red-hot property market is causing consternation.' Dunno what that means. But for all the property speculators and investors, they will be fuming if the property price falls.
We have been entrapped by this high property price that just happened, beyond our control, and let it be known that it must not come down, and cannot come down. Or else bodies will be falling from the sky. High property prices is a good thing as it makes all property owners feeling very rich. The more properties they have, private properties better still, the richer they will become.
Let's work harder to keep the property prices higher. We don't want anyone to jump from their flats because their properties become negative assets like in the late 1990s. We have learnt our lessons, that we cannot let property prices drop like coconuts.
No consternation. Just maintain the high prices to make property owners happy and everything will be alright. Sure win the next election. The kpkb in the internet is hogwash. Don't believe in them.
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