
The stages of decomposition

A forensic expert was relating this story to me on the stages of decomposition of the human body. A murderer could cut up a human body, packed it up nicely in a neat box, wrapped with gift wrappers to look like a present under a Christmas tree. The first stage of decomposition will be the stench of decay(ada ba woo). A little can be hidden by some fragrance spray. But it will only get stronger by the day and become unbearable. If the stench still did not get any attention, the next sign will be liquid oozing out of the box. This could be wiped away at the early stages but more will come out. Next little maggots will start to crawl out of the box, one at a time, and will get more and more. But don’t open the box. For inside will be a whole box of maggots. Though the gift wrappers may still look good, by this stage it is better to throw the whole box away. Beyond redemption! Oops, better burn it in the incinerator. The stench, the liquid, the maggots are all too unbearable to be left around. The stages of decomposition starts slowly be gain pace rapidly and will change whatever beyond recognition. Why am I writing about decomposition and decay? My apologies if it mess up your breakfast.


Creating a strawman

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Lawmakers say China's currency is unfairly cheap and passed a measure Wednesday that opens the door to tariffs that aim to help U.S. companies compete. The legislation, which authorizes the Commerce Department to impose duties on imports from countries with undervalued currencies, passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 348 to 79. The Senate, however, is not expected to take up the issue until later this year. The bill got support from both sides of the aisle, a rarity in recent sessions, with Democrats framing the legislation as a jobs issue.... China seems to be the cause of US failing economy. And to be specific, it is the Yuan that is causing the problem. By forcing the Yuan to appreciate, all the American problems will go away, jobs will be created, trade deficit will be in America's favour. And all the American heroes in the Congress are in unison, in one mind, to fight China, the new spectre, the new enemy. They have all united, Republicans or Democrats, just like they were united and stood shoulder to shoulder in their votes to invade Iraq. Fortunately China is not a pushover. Otherwise American warships will be in Shanghai like Commodore Perry sailing to Kyoto to open up Japan for trade. Well done America, the champions of free trade! Who is going to pay for this gungho, bravery and madness! The American public of course. Just like they paid with the lives of their children and public money for the invasion of Iraq. The Congressmen can thump table in the comfort of Congress and cheering everyone on. The American public will have to pay more for everything they import. No more cheap toys for Christmas.

Burn Europe/America, burn

Western Intelligence has uncovered the biggest terrorist plans targeting Britain, France, Germany and USA. The historical bullying, looting, plundering and suppression of the victim countries by these empires are going to meet its pay back time. But, but, it was all history. The bullying, destruction and killings were done by their predecessors. The people today are simply innocent, very nice people, have nothing to do with the cruelties and oppression of their forefathers. It was all in the past, forget it and move on. Would the descendants of the victims accept their fait accompli? The sins or mistakes of the former colonialists and imperialists were their inability to do the job completely and leaving behind hordes of descendants to avenge the wrong doings of the past. They only did right to the Red Indians. They were killed to near extinction and no way to fight back. Quietly spending time in the reservations to forget their sorrows and the injustice done to them. The beneficiaries of past brutalities will say, why bring out the past? It’s over. Tell that to the terrorists. America does not need to start fires everywhere outside Europe and the US. The fires are coming home, to stay.

LKY hospitalised for chest infection

LKY has to skip paying his last respect to Balaji because of his hospitalisation. He had a fall the day earlier but managed to appear as the key speaker in the Russia Singapore Business Forum. His mental faculty was still vivid, but his physical appearance was simply bad. Anyone watching the newsclip would know what I meant. I have never seen him in such a horrible condition physically. The point is that he is going to continue what he is doing, flying around and expounding his political wisdom. I am not against him doing it, but he should do it in the comfort of the Istana, probably in his most comfortable couch or a rocking chair. Let Mohammed come to the mountain and not the other way. Any political leaders wanting his advice or his views should pay a visit to the Istana. Even simple courtesy will dictate that the young and vibrant visit the elder who are less mobile. Unfortunately no one is able to tell LKY to stop doing what he is doing. Maybe Hsien Loong should take out an exclusion order to keep him from hurting himself. Biological age respects no one and will take its toll when the time comes.


In good men we trust

The GIC said its investment strategy has paid off, 'and it has significantly recouped most of the losses incurred during the global financial crisis.' Its annual report said that the 20 year nominal average rate of return pa of investment was 7.1% for the preceding 12 months ending March. This is better by 1.4% over the previous year. Real rate of return rose from 2.6% to 3.8%. How much do these numbers mean? How big is the portfolio, how much profit or was there any profit, assuming a positive rate of return means there is profit? Never mind, the money is in good hands and there is an official annual report. Good enough. And the report said everything is doing just fine. We trust the good men handling the good money, and plenty of money in any measures.