
Jobs available - Coming full circle

After 45 years of independence, it is surprising that many of the oldies are coming full circle to where they had started as far as occupation and working for a living are concerned. Many were in the labour trade 45 years ago, the unskilled or semi skilled trades, the waiters, doormen, sales assistants, the maids or chambermaids, the security guards, the cleaners etc etc. They started at a time when getting a job was difficult and any job will do. They had no education and little skill. 45 years later they still had little education and little skill. And they are still out in the job market hunting for that elusive job that will only pay them enough to get by. Some things or people just would not change. The taxi driver that committed the vicious crime again Seng Han Thong is a living example of the living fossils of the past 45 years. They did not change or will hardly change while time slips away under their noses.

Guessing where is Mas Selamat

It is almost a year since this magician escaped from the cage. Now the question is where is he? All the theories of yesterday are still hanging in the air. He is alive, he is dead, he is here, he is not here, he is everywhere. Everyone is still guessing where he is and no one has a clue. Somewhere out there a party will be held to celebrate the first anniversary of the Mas Selamat Escape. And we got to thank god that nothing untowards has happened. Let's pray that he will not reappear again.


41,000 jobs available!

In the ST today, 41k jobs available. 20k in hospitality for croupiers, butlers, doormen, chefs, waiters, retail assistants and animal trainers. Health care has 6k jobs for nurses, assistants and physiotherapists. MOE is also looking for teachers and teaching assts. There are 4k retail jobs for sales assts and cashiers. And security officers and auxiliary police need 3.5k people. Singaporeans need not worry about being jobless when so much jobs are available.

Beggar Sect - Income distribution

Over the weekend I was watching the Condor Heroes again. This is a series of novels by the great Jin Yong. I don't think there is another equivalent in the western world of authors of this calibre. Ok, the story was a side issue. I was quite impressed with the organisation of the Beggar Sect and the way they distributed their income. The lowest few levels were the foot soldiers that went out to collect donations. This will then be pooled and distributed among the rest of the beggars. There were altogether 9 ranks in the sect, excluding the lowest and the chief. Each level was denoted by one pocket attached to the torn and tattered shirt. The most senior rank had 9 pockets. The distribution of the collection was thus very simple. One dollar to each pocket. 9 pockets $9. I am not sure how much the lowest rank, without pocket with get. Neither do I know how much the chief would get. He had no pockets. With 9 levels of sharing, the ratio is 1:9. The amazing thing is that our national income distribution based on official statistics is very similar to this. The lowest ten percentiles earn less than $1K while the top ten percentiles earn $10K. This is about right if we use the Beggar Sect's formula for income distribution. How more fair can we be?


The plague of big hospital bills

"Since Mindef's payments ceased in February 2007, his parents have chalked up outstanding hospital bills totalling $133,000 " - Today 13 Jan 2008. The parents of NSman Jeremy Tan Chia Whee have taken Mindef to court to pay for his medical bill. Jeremy was found unconscious in camp and the issue is whether his injury was incurred while in service or not in service. Under normal circumstances the issue could have been settled long ago by his parents IF the medical fee has not ballooned to this sum. This is the new plague of our first class medical services. The price tag is also first class. Sure, you want first class you must be able to pay for it. Maybe it is time the govt should ask the people if they want first class and whether they can afford to pay for it. Even with mean testing in place, many people would still not be able to pay this kind of ridiculous fees. Progress and compassion are very expensive things to pay for.