
Vote for Continuity!

I think this will be an excellent slogan for the next General Election. Vote for more prosperity, more continuity, and more of the same, and more of everything that we are having and enjoying today.

Notable quotes: LKY

'A society can only survive if there is a sense of equity and fair play. ' Lee Kuan Yew
Singapore role models Be proud of every cent that you earned. Be proud that every cent you earned is justified by the effort put in. Do not take any cent that you have not work for it. Be ashame, and feel ashame, if one is paid, or over paid, for not doing any work to justify the money being paid. These are the qualities of what role models should have. And the best role models who fulfil such basic decent criteria are the ah peks and aunties cleaning tables and washing plates in the kopitiams. They put in their full effort to earn every cent that they get paid for. They should be proud of what they are getting, never mind it is only a few hundred dollars. It is not how much money they are taking, especially when they don't have to work for it. And Singaporeans should feel proud of these role models. The people who earned their keeps.

The people are getting angry

With the high cost of living, with every dollar being stretched (says who? who's dollar being stretched?) some are crying out against the news of more gantries and higher tolls. A letter written by Karen Tan in Today complained why the timing, why now? A little congestion for a cosmopolitan city is normal. In fact you need traffic jams to show the world that you a busy city. How would the city look like if there were only a few cars? Is the introduction of gantries and toll hikes a strategic move or an insensitive one? Or is it another case of fanatics at work, where they think that they are always right and no need to care about how others are affected by it? Maybe it is done in preparation of the people towards higher costs in driving a car. The people needs to get use to it and soon they will accept it. Then it would not be so painful. Buy SMRT shares quick.


Leaders must inspire!

I was a young officer in the civil service working under the first generation leaders. The standard demanded by them was very high. Any report that I submitted must be 100% free from factual or typo error. Not even a comma or full stop in the wrong place was acceptable. I shivered at the thought of sending out a report with a comma or full stop missing. That was the standard set and demanded from the leaders. And we knew what that standard meant. We were inspired to achieve those standards, tough as they were. And for those who could not inspire, or down the line who were not inspired, there was the element of fear. Other than inspiration, there was also the element of punishment. The fear of making mistake and the fear of facing the music. Some will respond to inspiration, some will only respond to fear and punishment. Fast forward today, the Mas Selamat case was not a problem of a missing comma or fullstop. The mistakes were ugly. Imagine what would have happened in those days if such mistakes were to be made? Everyone would be trembling in their pants, maybe wetting as well. Today it was just Jack Neo shooting his movie. And can we expect people to learn from the mistakes? Yes, people will learn, that it is ok to slack, to be complacent, to make mistakes, and to walk away with a slap on the wrist. The message of complacency being acceptable has gone down the line. And what happened at the Magistrate with prisoners in the lockup walking out so easily spoke for itself. If leaders cannot inspire, they better be feared. If leaders cannot inspire, and still want to be nice, that is a recipe for more complacency.