Japan imprisoned US Marines
Two US Marines were imprisoned for several years for beating up a Japanese taxi driver. In our recent case a few months back, a drunk US marine beat up a Singaporean in the car park. It was not a seizable offence and the Singaporean would have to take up a private suit to sue the American. If he has no money, he would have been beaten and the American gone scot free.
Similarly, if a Singaporean is beaten up by another resident, he will have to fight his own case in court. It is a civil case. Maybe it is time that this non seizable offence law be modified to protect the citizens from being beaten up either by foreigners or another Singaporean.
The state needs to protect its citizens and maintain law and order. Leaving it to private individual to sue is not the best solution. It would mean that justice comes with a price. No money no talk and no justice.
Or the bully and rich can beat up the poor and the poor has no recourse for justice because he cannot afford to sue.
Myth 182 - When human rights is not right
Walter Woon warned against following the cult of human rights believers, when championing human rights becomes a religion. Constance Singam wanted more human rights fanatics to push the boundary of human rights.
Walter Woon has his concerns as human rights has been used as a tool by the West to serve less than rightful purposes. It is only human rights when it serves their interests, and violating human rights when needed without any inkling of guilt. No hypocrisy? No?
Human rights is all wrong when it is adulterated by politics. Human rights is rubbished when pushed by evil people who were violators of human rights. The plight of the Myanmar typhoon refugees could have been better handled if aids/human rights do not come with all the conditions for political interference.
Human rights when pushed for its own sake could be much more palatable. At least it is an ideal to live and fight for. But when human rights is used to bash people for one's political ends, then it is all a big farce. Having said that, it is also wrong to pooh pooh away human rights per se.
We are to a big extent violators of human rights ourselves and these should not go on without any condemnation. We shall start at home, to treat our people better, fairer and more equitable. Oops, not only our people but every human beans, even children of lesser gods.
What it could have been
A clean and good looking young professor packing his two kids into his car and driving them to school on a bright morning. On the way to the college he drops his wife to work. Back in campus, standing in front of bright eyed and eager students delivering his lecture, and the young ladies swooning over him.
A lawyer in court mesmerising the judge and his opposite counsel with his brilliant oratory skills. And at the end of the day drinking at the Cricket Club with all his peers to make merry.
These could be the wonderful lives of Dr Chee Soon Juan, JBJ and Gopalan Nair. Life could be so beautiful and easy. All these are gone now.
Is it worth it? They have paid very heavy price to want to participate in the political system of the country. And not only they are suffering, their families are equally badly affected. The wives and children don't deserve all these.
Paradise can be hell for some.
Quality FTs coming
(SINGAPORE) Thousands of job cuts in US and European banks - a fallout of the sub-prime mortgage crisis - are forcing bankers in those countries to seek jobs further afield. And they are showing interest in a region still relatively insulated from the crisis: Asia, particularly Singapore.
'It used to be difficult to get any senior finance professional in the US interested in moving to Asia. Now we are getting way too much interest!'
This is the best news for Singapore. Real and quality FTs from the US are coming here. Let's start to be more selective and pick the best instead of any donkey that carry a foreign passport. This is a great opportunity for the banks to upgrade their mediocre talent pool and transform themselves into real international banks.
As for the not so talented locals or those not so talented FTs who are already here, please make way or seek employment elsewhere. The best are coming.
When no one wins
ldzmyiiqThis is my observation on the civil suit against Chee Soon Juan recently. The Chee siblings lost, simple as that, and had to spend a few days behind bars. Did the plaintiffs win? They only won the judgement of the court. Otherwise they lost in all counts in the court of public opinions.
The big loser is the Judge if what was heard in the gossip corners and cyberspace were to go by. Oh there is a bigger loser, make your guess.
There is a common saying that one can win a battle and lose a war. This is an unnecessary skirmish that should not have happened. Not worth a minute to be spent on it. But people can have different opinions and think it is important and the show must go on.
This is at best a hollow victory with an immeasurable price.
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