
The right to give and to receive

The right to give and the right to receive With charity taking a new form, and with some gaining ill repute, it is best to leave it to the individuals to do what they think best. I am talking about the right to scholarship here. The right of the govt to give scholarships and the right of the recipients to receive the scholarships. On the right to give, a noble act which is often tied to rewarding the best and the most brilliant who would in turn benefit the country. This must be distinguished from giving bursaries, normally seen as a financial assistance scheme to help the recipients financially. Malaysia was giving only 20% of govt scholarships to non Malays for at least 20 years. 80% of govt scholarships were given to Malays, assuming the numbers are true. This is the kind of racial disparity dictated by Mahathir and UMNO. And Malaysia is paying for it today, for giving scholarships not to the brightest but according to racial birth rights. Singapore has another kind of problem, giving scholarships to non citizens. From the citizens' point of view, from the taxpayers' point of view, both are seen as unfair and unacceptable. The right to receive, in Malaysia's case, is quite evident. As taxpayers, as citizens, the non Malay students whose academic grades are excellent should be awarded scholarships based on their merit. What about Singapore giving scholarships to foreigners whose parents are not taxpayers or citizens? Or are they aid or assistance packages to other countries? Malaysia is now revising the percentage from 20% to 40% in favour of non Malays. The MCA and MIC deserve to lose the election for allowing this to go on for so long. How many Scholarships did Singapore gave to foreigners? What is the percentage vis a vis citizens?

Stoned right!

Sharon Stone may be stoned, but she is damned right that the big earthquake in China is a karmic retribution for China's role in Tibet. But she forgot to elaborate more by looking at the progress in the US, Europe and particularly Japan and Germany. Many people actually are confused about the law of karma. The true karmic law is like the law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest. The greater the evil, the better a nation or people prosper. China has not done enough evil, and that is why it is still a developing nation and suffering from national calamities. And that applies to the poor Asian and African countries. Compare to Europe, after they colonised and robbed the rest of the world their wealth and their dignity, and impoverished most of them, Europe is peaceful, graceful and rich. So did America. Look how great and rich the USA is? It is all karma. They reaped their good karma from killing and exterminating the Red Indians. They reaped their good life from turning Africans into slaves. And their good karma will continue if they keep killing the Arabs. China should learn from the USA, then it will become a richer country. Germany and the gassing of the Jews, concentration camps etc, see how good is the karma of Germany? It is now the most prosperous nation in Europe. The same applies to the Japanese. Remember the atrocities they inflicted to Asians when they tried to conquer and rule all of them, including the Rape of Nanking and the chemical factory using Chinese to test chemical and biological weapons, which they passed all the information and research material to the Americans, see how well off they are now? The law of karma says that a country and people must be cruel to beget good karma and live well. Now watch carefully as America and Europe start to decline and degenerate into the third world league as they become more human and care for human rights. Stone is right. She is stoned right. China was not evil enough to reap goodness!

Frivolous pursuits

Today I am running out of things to do or things to write. As I was fiddling with what to do, as I have a little time to spare, the thought came over my mind that I should say some good things about people. Maybe I should pick up some people I know and praise them sky high. Making people feel good is always a good thing. I often see the gladful smile on the faces of ladies when I greeted them with, 'You look so good this morning.' After all it is free compliments. But I am also cautious not to over do it as it may sound insincere or freakish. It is just a thought. All of you who have nothing better to do, please say something good about someone else. That will be a good start for the day.

No issues, so nothing to write

Surprisingly there are no more hot issues to write about. Mas Selamat case, settled and closed, Pedra Branca dispute over, high cost of living no longer an issue with govt handouts and now special one time bonus for civil servants. Singapore now regaining its top position as the 9th most expensive city to do business, and no riotings or protest with high cost of petrol and food. It means that the people must be happy. Tough that there are nothing else to write or talk about. Oh, maybe I shall join the party and praise Boon Wan for being the best minister Singapore ever got. Does he deserve such an accolade? Duh, who am I to say he is good or no good? Better to leave it to the people who are affected by his policies to tell their stories. Anyway, his policies do not affect me at all. I don't patronise govt hospitals. I can't afford such luxuries. The only thing that adversely affected me is that my money are stuck in Medisave. If I were to grade him on this point, I fail him. As for his mean testing policies, only the people affected will be qualified to comment.


Knocking on the door of Opec

Indonesia quits Opec. It has become a net importer of oil despite its huge reserves. So no point staying on as a member. Never mind, Singapore should register its interest to take over Indonesia's vacated seat. We have all the wherewither to be an Opec member now. We have the sea in front of Pedra Branca to explore our oil. We have our oil rig builders to build all the rigs that we want. And we have the oil refineries to refine the oil. And we have all the supporting services to go oil exploring and oil digging. A new company, maybe call it SinOil, will soon come into the picture when Singapore starts to produce its own oil. Boom town Charlie for Singaporeans. We will be able to finance all the retirement schemes for our aged citizens. Another 100 years of prosperity.