
Notable quotes - LKY

On CPF money 'And if anybody thinks he can do better, he's welcome to take his money and go to a fund manager and try and do better.' Lee Kuan Yew.

15 years retroactive Treaty

Indonesia wants the Extradition Treaty to be back dated by 15 years. This means that anything in the past can catch up with anyone. It is the same kind of thinking that destroyed Malaysia's credibility when they introduced new property ownership laws retroactively. If Singapore will to do so, it will create huge upheaval to our legal systems. This is a precedent that it cannot oblige. It is something that is too crucial to attempt. Shouldn't even think of it.

Mobile phones are dangerous

The ease at which mobile phones can be converted to IEDs, Improvised Explosive Devices needs to be thought through carefully. Maybe it is time to ban the sale and of mobile phones.

No questions from Singaporeans?

MM had a forum with the students at NTU and out of 9 questions asked, only two came from Singaporeans. And he asked, 'Are there no Singaporeans who want to ask questions?' Now, should he be worried or happy that Singaporeans don't ask questions? Does he know the answer or does he not? It is common knowledge among Singaporeans that they are being watched. The lack of participation in this forum speaks loudly of how Singaporeans feel about speaking out. And it is better to be safe than sorry. And this is an unique quality that Singaporeans shall cherished as it has taken us so far, so progressive and materially comfortable. We shouldn't be worried about Singaporeans not thinking and asking questions. The govt is doing all the thinking for them.


Jonathan Lock is saved once again.

This time he does not even have to pay his lawyers. Apparently the two parties were so happy with the legal tussle. And the High Court did not like what it saw and threw everything out of the window. And one of them will be placed under disciplinary investigation for 'breach of professional duties' and putting his clients to 'unnecessary monetary risks and adverse legal consequences'. Maybe I should repost this in the column Signs of Progress.