
Too much of goodness and TLC

Singaporeans are the most fortunate people in this world. It has a world best govt that is providing them with so much goodness and tender loving care. Singaporeans are living in a country with first world infrastructure, world class homes, and living in a resort environment, world class entertainment, schools and medical services. And the govt does not stop at that. It continues to plan for their retirement and their final days in this world to ensure that all the Singaporeans will be amply provided for without a single day of care and worry in their golden years. All the Singaporeans are expected to live to a ripe old age, maybe 90 or 100, with a lot of money in their savings. It is truly a paradise on earth. Now isn't that a beautiful dream? Why should Singaporeans, or some Singaporeans, be crying for mercy? Why are some pleading to the govt not to be so good and so kind to them? Why are these Singaporeans begging the govt to let them be, let them live their lives the way they want, let them make the mistakes in life so that they can learn, let them fall and pick themselves up, let them have some freedom in how to use their pocket money to have a few wild weekends out to do the things they want to do? All these Singaporeans are asking is for the govt to loosen the apron string, and allow them to grow up and look after themselves. Is that too much to ask for? Every child will grow up and want to grow up. And when they start to work and earn a salary, they would want to manage their own finances, spent a little, indulge a little and mess up a little. And they only ask the govt to have faith in them that even if occasionally they become naughty, pain the town red, they will manage their money carefully. After all they have been given a world class education and should know how to be sensible. Please can we have our money back? Please don't ration my pocket money. Please let me grow up. I am now 80.


When paternalism becomes suffocation

Where to draw the line between paternalism and coercion? The word paternalism always connotes something positive even if a little highhanded, like a father taking out the rod to whack a child. Still it is seen as acceptable as long as it does not borders on cruelty, no tearing of flesh or blood dripping everywhere. Thus people happily used the cover of paternalism to commit crimes against their children, and even get away with it. To be paternalistic sounded so good, so righteous and so good hearted. When does paternalism ends and evil or wickedness takes over? When can a parent be sued for cruelty for stuffing a child with too much food? Or when does paternalism becomes over protective and takes the form of forced imprisonment of a child in a house? When can a parent be seen as robbing his children of their money by keeping it against their will and decide when and how much to return to them at his own mercy? Is there a limit to paternalism before it is called something else?

Not secular nor theocratic but Negara Islam

Abdullah Badawi in a written reply to Lim Kit Siang wrote that Malaysia is Negara Islam. Lim Kit Siang said after receiving the reply, 'We had hoped he would exercise restraint on Islamisation, but all those hopes have now been dashed.' He told The Straits Times, 'There is a general sense of unease and concern over this,..."

Trouble at Pasir Gudang?

Heard this rumour this morning Some riotings in Pasir Gudang and the soldiers were called in. Anyone hear anything about this?

A new ministry needed

Between having a minister just to look after the ageing population, I think it is more urgent and important to have a minister to look into the rising cost of living. His job is how to lower the rising cost of living and not just to monitor for fun and ended saying nothing can be done. BSE not accepted. It will be cost effective and money well spent to spend another few millions on a minister who can arrest the runaway cost of living and help the lower income group in general. If he can't do that, fire him and replace with another until one who can do the job comes a long. And the report card must be handed out annually, not wait for 10 years to see the result.