
difficult to implement gst

There have been many calls to exempt basic and essential services/products from GST. And many countries have deemed it fit to do so to help the poor. But in this brilliant country runs by brilliant supertalents, such an effort is found to be too cumbersome, too much effort, too difficult to do. And by doing so it will help the rich more. Sudah lah.


en bloc, where is your right?

A couple lost their case against en bloc sales because the majority voted in favour of the sale and they lost money from it. Just too bad. The majority can vote away your rights and interests. And no, they did not lose any money. According to the reasoning, CPF money lost in the transaction is not considered a loss. I can't believe the logic and cannot believe any authoritative definition of what constitutes a financial loss and not a financial loss. I only know that a loss is a loss no matter how clever is the argument or imagination.

of press freedom

'You'd lose all credibility if you are known to censor or fabricate news. To maintain your credibility, you have to develop a reputation for reporting, not distorting, the facts. When you become a journalist in Singapore, you have one of the most difficult jobs.' Kishore Mahbubani Kishore talking about the myth of press freedom in the US and the myth of lack of press freedom in other countries. He also commented about the Iraq world and how the press reacted to it. 'Instead, he found a culture of silence. There was little debate. Indeed, there was a tremendous amount of intimidation.' Now that sounds very familiar.

a nation of threats?

Are we turning into a nation of threats? Recently we saw a video clip of a commuter threatening violence against a bus driver. Then we have people being threatened in court and sued to pay damages. And now redbean is being threatened with consequences. For the commuter it is a case of someone who is ready to use his fist to strike at another, even threatening the bus driver with more violence. But in the other cases, they were more from people either with money or power that they used to threaten ordinary Singaporeans. Some of these people even have connnections, either with some big establishment or knowing some demi gods or holding some membership cards of clandestine organisations that they can flash around. Are we going to see more of such well connected people going around threatening ordinary Singaporeans? The is kacang puteh man would like to see some of these well connected men and their backgrounds, and their demi gods, being exposed for abuses of power, position and connection. This kacang puteh man is waiting to see if the threat is taken up.


nkf story - End of Chapter One

Applause to Shanmugam and Allen and Gledhill for a job well done and bringing honour to the legal profession. Shanmugam and his team from Allen and Gledhill not only did their homework thoroughly, they are donating the cost of their labour to the new NKF. They are not profitting a cent from the whole process, to return the loot to the rightful owner. Who says that everyone must work for money or for a fee? After what they have uncovered, the verdict was beyond doubt and is only a matter of time to call it a day. And Shanmugam graciously offered the defendants a way out and save them further embarrassments from more revelation of the ugly truth. What's next? Would the old NKF Board of Directors and management make a public apology to the people of Singapore and the patients that suffered under their watch? Or would they still think that they have not done wrong? Or would an apology compromise their position in the coming criminal trial? With so many admissions, this civil suit is like a trial run for the state prosecutors. And so many facts and evidence are now laid bare that there is really no where to run. Would anyone now say that there is no criminal case or there is insufficient evidence to put up a prima facie case against the potential accuse?