
foreign talent, dual citizenship and globalisation

The issues of foreign talent and double citizenship are still hot topics and there were several letters in the Straits Times forum on these. And ICA has replied pointing to the concerns of identity and loyalty. And forum writers argued about the inconsistency of wanting to go global, wanting foreign talents and still clinging onto identity and loyalty. There are real problems of loyalty and identity which may not be vital in other countries. Take the example of our closest neighbours Malaysia and Indonesia. How are we going to rationalise loyalty to these countries and Singapore? Being close neighbours and deep historical relationships, the loyalty and identity of the people are quite confusing and blur. From the individual point of views, many with be able to tell clearly where their loyalties lie. But it is not the case to many others. Too close for comfort. And the issue for relaxing on citizenship laws especially for returning Singaporeans. We have this albatross called National Service to reckon with. A too free policy will mean that some will take advantage and stay overseas during NS years and return again. For those who have served their NS, it is good that the country welcomes them back whenever they feel like coming home. This is home, surely. The issues are not as simple, and not confined to these few points raised. Looking at them from one or two factors could make one to offer a simplistic solution. Whatever the policies, some will not be happy.

nep is about giving

'The NEP is about giving wealth to the whole country.' By Mahathir. This is only half truth. Half lies and half truth. The truth is about giving. The lies is giving to the bumiputras and not the whole country. Though the enlightened and more progressive Malay leaders knew that the NEP and its task of giving without having to work for it is undermining the bumis drive and competitiveness, they have no answer to this sickness. It is like a drug. If it is withdrawn there will be riots and back to May 13. Even Mahathir said so. Mahathir also commented, 'They are still after easy money....I have appealed to them, I've cried and I have done everything possible, but they won't change.' The only way forward is to keep giving.

better selfish neigbours than generous neighbours

Your neighbour can mess up your life. When going flat or house hunting, many people forget to take a closer look at the neighbours until it is too late. Bad or uncivil neighbours will share with you everything that you find offensive. Some may have a little civility to apologise for the shit and smell they sent into your living room or your bedroom, but that is as far as it goes. Look at the haze that our neighbour is sharing with us. Does it matter to them how we are suffering and bearing it? During the earlier days of more arrogant leaders, they even showed you a dirty look if you dare complained. Today, at least they apologised and promised to do something about it, that is if you foot the bill. No matter what, living in a rich neighbourhood with civilised neighbours is anytime better than living with poor and generous neighbours. The haze would not be allowed to happen in Europe. They have reached a level of civility and civic consciousness that they will not do such things to themselves or to their neighbours. It is just not the right thing to do. We have a very long way to catch up with the civilised west, at least in ensuring that our environment is healthy for our own good.


how to spend your cpf savings without your consent

How other people can spend your CPF savings without your consent, even your cash? Is it possible? Yes it is possible. And I don't mean your parents or immediate family member. I mean total strangers that have no blood relations to you. When you live in a block of flats and the majority, not sure if it is 70% or something like, voted to upgrade, sorry mate, you have to contribute like it or not. See, it is so easy to spend your money. And this is on top of all the regulations or new regulations that can hold on to your CPF money for your own old good.

a mischievious hate article

Below is an article I copied from www.littlespeck.com. I do not know the background of this WorldNetDaily and the people behind it. But the article revealed very clearly what it sets out to do, very similar to Epoch Times that is being circulated here for free. This is the kind of propaganda that Asian minds are being fed regularly and over time the subconscious begin to accept this as truth and the hatred becomes instinctive. North Korea's Ethnic cult Kim Jing-il kills off the 'racially impure' and disabled, refugess say. WorldNetDaily Oct 15, 2006 Refugees are reporting the killing of disabled infants and forced abortions of babies believed fathered by Chinese men in North Korea in an obsessive notion of Korean racial superiority. At a forum in Seoul, South Korea, several refugees from the north described a policy of state eugenics carried out with extreme repression. "There are no people with physical defects in North Korea," said Ri Kwang-chol, a North Korean doctor who escaped last year. Babies with defects are killed by medical staff and quickly buried, he told the London Times. Among the "physical defects" that will get a baby killed – even one in the womb – is being half-Chinese. Han Myong-suk, a 30-year-old woman who escaped twice and who was helped to find sanctuary in a third country by Helping Hands Korea, an American Christian group, had her baby forcibly aborted following her return to North Korea after being sold by traffickers to a Chinese farmer. Five months pregnant when the Beijing government deported her, Han was interned in a detention camp for women. "I defied the order to abort the fetus the prison authorities contemptuously called a 'Chinese Chink' and was badly beaten and kicked in my belly by a guard," Han said. She still remembers the guard's name. After a week of resistance, Han said she was taken to the prison clinic and "in a most blunt manner they extracted the dead child from my body." Other witnesses described pregnant women being returned from China and taken to a clinic where labour was induced and the infant suffocated or left to die in a box with other infants in front of their mothers. "Guards would say the mothers had to see and hear their babies die because they were Chinese," a report by the US Committee for Human Rights in North Korea said, noting that the murdered infants were known as "children of betrayers." These most recent reports confirm findings of the Korean Bar Association which reports that 58 percent of defectors its lawyers have interviewed claim knowledge of forced abortions in Kim's prisons. Experts caution against seeing the North Korean regime's cruelty as merely a relict of its proclaimed Marxist ideology while missing its cultish dimensions. Kim Jong-il "It's vital to recognise that 'juche' - the dogma of self-reliance - is not a theory but a cult and that Kim is worshipped as the leader of a religion," a veteran western diplomat who negotiated with the North Koreans on 19 visits told the Times. "These Koreans genuinely believe they are a master race and that the peninsula will be united under the rule of the Kim dynasty." Despite the organisational trappings of a communist state - a Supreme People's Assembly, a presidium, a cabinet and the Korean Workers' party - North Korea is a one-man military dictatorship founded on clan rule, blood ties, mystical ideas of racial superiority and deification of Kim, the diplomat said. This reality explains Kim's deepening estrangement from it's Marxist neighbour, China. The juxtaposition of Kim's mysticism and North Korea's apparent testing of a nuclear device this week has it's parallel in Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's belief that he has been chosen as the person designated to prepare the way for the Islamic messiah's second coming and Tehran's efforts to acquire nuclear weapons. Before the Mahdi, who supposedly disappeared down a well as a child in A.D. 941, can return, there must be chaos and a world apocalypse. WorldNetDaily.com See the trademark of where it originates?