
The true perspectives of turmoils and wars in Palestine and Middle East created by evil white men headed by Anglo-Saxons United States & UK


Aggressions, fighting, invasions and blood shed are in the genes of all evil white men. It is in their DNA. It is the same with their unsatiated greed to steal and rob off other people's properties and belongings, other people's lands, wealth and riches and rich mineral resources like oil, gold, diamonds, silver, platinum as well as copper, tin, nickel, uranium, lithium and many more other metals. Their penchant for unprovoked wars and invasions is well recorded and reflected in their literature. So how can the world have peace unless the evil savage white men and the Jews are tamed by God to be more civilize and peaceful in their villainous wild psyche and venomous behaviour. 

Western or white men's wars of aggression in the last five hundred years are an extension of the ancient Greek and Roman empires wars of conquests. The Greeks under Alexander conquered much of Asia minor and went as far as occupying northern India. The Roman armies conquered north Africa fronting the Mediterranean Sea and proceeded to invade and occupy the whole of the Middle East inclusive of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon. 

These successive waves of white men's aggressions against Asia and the Middle East were interrupted and stopped from the 7th Century to the 17th Century by the rise of Arab and Turkish Islamic military might which defeated the Greeks and Roman empires and went on to occupy and rule much of southern Europe inclusive of Portugal, Spain, Serbia, Croatia, Greece, Romania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Albania, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia. But with the subsequent weakening of the Arab and Turkish Muslim empires in the 17th Century the vile militant Christian European expanionists, colonialists and imperialists renewed their aggressions and invasions non-stop with great vigour and ferocity up to the present time with no respite at all. 

Palestine and the Middle East scenario. 
Bringing fast forward to the Palestine and Middle East scenario. Much has been written about the Anglo-Saxons and Zionist Jewish wars of aggressions in Palestine in particular and the Middle East in general. This article here will reveal the true perspectives of Western and Zionist Jews plots headed by the Anglo-Saxon United States to suit their geopolitical agenda of acquiring the whole of Middle East which includes Turkey and to bring the whole region under white men and Zionist rule headed by the United States. 

After taking the whole of the Middle East the Anglo-Saxons US, UK and the Zionist Jews will then proceed to colonize and occupy the whole of continental Africa which will then be brought under the rule of white men and the Jews headed by the United States. 

In my previous articles I had already mentioned the historical perspectives why the Anglo-Saxons and the Europeans wanted to establish a Jewish country in Arab Muslim Palestine which is really anachronical since there was never a Jewish state in Middle East for over 2500 years as practically all the Jews had moved out of the Roman ruled Middle East after their rebellion against the Roman government. The Jews then emigrated to all parts of Europe to every European country including Russia and England. 

For over two thousand years since day one of their crossed over to Europe the inimical Jews had never stopped to cause trouble to their host countries. So one of the reasons for establishing a Jewish country was to get rid of the Jews. So it was unfortunate for the Palestinians and the Muslims that white men especially the Anglo-Saxons for historical and geopolitical reasons chose to plant a Jewish state in Palestine. It is for sure the planting of a Jewish state in Arab Muslim Palestine was absolutely illegal as it did not have the consent of the Muslims and the Palestinians who have been living in Palestine for over 2500 years since even before the rule of the Romans. 

Also the West especially the Anglo-Saxons US and UK have found the Middle East is blessed and bestowed with almost limitless reserves of mineral oil and LPG or Liquified Petroleum Gas as well as other mineral resources, so they have always planned to conquer and colonize the region either directly or through deception and subterfuge. Thus we see the true reason the true perspective of why they planted a Zionist state of Israel in Arab Palestine and created endless wars in Middle East to subdue the Arab Muslims. 

But what gave impetus to the present rigorous heightened American and Jewish aggression in Palestine is the discovery of huge reserves of oil and LPG in the Palestinian part of the Mediterranean Sea which embraces the whole of the Palestinian state sea coast. The despicable American rogue president the abominable Trump claim of taking over Gaza strip to turn it into a holiday resort similar to France Riviera in Nice is only a front to cover and justify the shameless and lawless American and Zionist claim to Palestine for their illegal possession and exploitation. 

The Anglo-Saxons US and UK and the Zionist Jews had long time ago made plans to colonize the whole continent of Africa after they had settled with the Middle East. They realize that the oil, LPG and other mineral and agricultural resources in Africa are many umpteen times far more richer than in the Middle East and moreover it is still vastly untapped. 

In the late 1880s a rogue British robber baron Cecil Rhodes a vile British Jew imperialist claimed that the black Africans are semi-human and are not fit to own richly endowed Africa. He and other Anglo-Saxon elites claimed that their Christian God had destined that the rich oil, gas, gold, diamonds, copper and other bountiful mineral resources in Africa are meant for white men to possess. They have every intention to eventually get rid of the whole African native population as in the way they had done with the native Americans through massacres and genocide and to eventually colonize Africa with white and Jewish populations. 

In these modern times can the countries of the South still tolerate to see how the evil savage white men, the Anglo-Saxon Americans and British, the French and the Jews trample and ravage our fellow brothers and sisters in the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and elsewhere with indifference. Or must the countries of the South unite and adopt a policy that consider if any one country of the South is bullied and attacked by the wild savage lawless West it is also an aggression against all of the South and therefore all countries of the South have to resist and fight them as one united solidarity body to defeat them and destroy them into oblivion. The world can only be safe in the utter destruction and demise of the Anglo-Saxons, the wanton Americans and the god damned hateful Zionist Jews. 

Southernglory1 Sunday, 9th February, 2025.


Anonymous said...

Too bad Hitler didn't finish his job.😪

Anonymous said...

Too bad Mao Tse Tung also did not finish his job regarding the KMT.