
Trump not taking assassination threat seriously

 Trump is probably not taking the threat seriously due to his deranged mind, which is like a spoilt child throwing tantrums and unaware of the consequences. Why is the USA fond of choosing demented and deranged people to stand for election to become President is something we honestly cannot understand. Is this the usual way forward of the fall of Empires which cannot be stopped?

Trump is dealing with really dangerous elements at home. John F. Kennedy stepped on the toes of people he should have avoided tangling with and paid the ultimate price. JFK's assassination was not a case of a single gunman carrying out a vendetta but was related to political reasons. Lee Oswald was just the scapegoat, and Jack Ruby was set upon to clean up the trail. The main culprits hidden within the CIA and FBI are never going to be revealed.

Many even believed that Jeffrey Epstein was also assassinated inside a prison cell to prevent him from incriminating very dangerous and influential people. Suicide was just a convenient cover up. And yet many also believe that Trump himself, through his association with Epstein, was among the list of devils masquerading as angels.


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