
Putin is not Gorbachev. The USA is never to be trusted

 Having severed the relatively good relations between China and the EU, the USA under Trump now wants to split the Russia and China close relationship as well.

Putin ought to look seriously at the problems of the EU and how the Europeans have been made used of and discarded like a soiled plastic bag by the USA. Is he going to be next? The USA is never to be trusted - as in the past, at present and in future. Trump will even sell his grandmother to fulfil his desire to control the world.

Putin also has to look back at how the breakup of the Soviet Union and its treatment at the hands of NATO, with Gorbachev having an agreement with NATO that the latter will not expand an inch Eastward, which had been ignored and brushed aside, resulting in the present situation in Ukraine. NATO had plans to expand into Russia's front yard to enable the USA to place weapons in Ukraine to threaten Moscow. Trump may be saying that Ukraine's desire to join NATO is not on the table now, to soften Putin, but what about the next USA administration? The USA playbook is always making use of such tactics to gain advantage and let the next administration walk back on the agreement.

Putin must also consider to what extent the USA would use measures to garner any advantage by hook or by crook. The USA had unilaterally pulled out of nuclear treaties with the Russians to discreetly expand its nuclear weapons program. The USA had forced the Germans to discard the completion of the Nord Stream 2 project threatening sanctions, and when the Russians completed the pipelines itself, the USA even went ahead to bomb the pipelines.

Putin must also not forget about the US$300 billion seized by the EU and USA and how to unravel the reciprocal seizure of Western assets in Russia that are now in Russian and Chinese hands. Putin must also remember that in this world, there are no permanent friends, only permanent enemies. Russia must not forget the indignity of being thrown out of the G7 and all the sanctions being imposed by the USA and the West. Now Trump wants Russia to rejoin the G7, which makes Russia look beholden in the eyes of the world and its destiny under the thumb of the USA.

So, will Putin take the bait and rejoin the G7? What does he expect to gain? Isn't de-dollarization and creation of BRICS his brainchild? Would he totally discard it after all the effort put in by others and all the standing and goodwill that he has gained among BRICS member countries and others aspiring to join the bloc? If he does so, he is going to be really isolated and branded an untrustworthy global leader to follow, his credibility totally destroyed.



Anonymous said...

There are weak leaders and there are strong leaders. Weak leaders can be threatened easily by the USA. Strong leaders do not bow down easily and are disliked by the USA. They will always be branded as Dictators, cruel, uncaring towards their people. Yes, Dictators come also in all shapes and sizes. Dictators in China today are vastly different from paid Dictators cultivated by the Anglo-Saxon Whites in some African countries.

That stamp of cruelty and uncaring template certainly does not fit into the narrative with respect to Xi. He lifted more people out of poverty than the whole USA population, more than two times over. Does that indicate Xi, a so-called Dictator, is cruel and uncaring? How about USA users of Rednote, now looking at the living standards of the Chinese in Mainland China and getting rather envious. And they are now looking at the state of homelessness, the cost of living and the USA Government's uncaring stance, which makes the comparison really shocking for those Rednote users. And they are comparing their democratic dream against a socialist state that had been demonized for decades.

Strong leaders like Putin, Xi, and in the past the late Lee Kuan Yew are no pushovers. The USA does not like them. The only exception is that Trump seems to like Putin. And, of course, he likes Kim Jong Un and wants to ignite their bromance. Kim is not in the mood for that anymore.

Trump knows Putin and Xi cannot be threatened into submission, unlike some others. He is trying to split the two, hoping to reap the benefits if that happens. Putin should be very wary of the trap being set for him.

Anonymous said...

Trump also respects Kim.

Anonymous said...

Gorbachev trusted NATO too easily. Got conned.