“To require him to make hard decisions on matters involving ethnicity will detract from his role as a unifying figure above politics.” CNA
Another big debate in futility over a new Act to grant the President more power to overrule the Parliament. It is passed as expected with 7 opposition votes against it and the PAP machine supporting it. So, is the President's power to overrule Parliament absolute and final? Or could a 2/3 majority vote in Parliament overrule the one man President vote? Is too much power being given to just one man?
The above CNA quote raised a point about a President overruling the Parliament and risking allowing an organisation or individual going free when they are under the influence of hostile foreign actor or govt. Sounds fair. Organisations and individuals can easily come under the influence of foreign forces for many reasons, especially pressure from the evil American Empire
What about the President? He is also a human bean, and only one man. It is easier to influence one man than the whole Parliament. What happens if the President is under hostile foreign influence? The President is not God and would be subject to the same weaknesses of human beans. Is this Act being too presumptuous that the President is infallible, a living God sitting in the Istana?
What do you think? Why is there a need to introduce such an act now? Parliament cannot be trusted to do the right thing? The man or woman in the Istana called President changes when his or her term is up, and a new person would be placed there. There is no guarantee that the President would always be as wise and just as God, would not be compromised or come under the influence of hostile or friendly foreign powers.
Anyway, God has spoken.
Good morning All,
Just like the UAssA damn Stupid DemoCrazy where the Prison-dent, oops President could just simply do what's he wanted even without through the consents of all their CON-gress and Senile-Nate and then whats for elected these Nuts for?
So Sinkieland with an Almighty President could do the same like the Americunts.
The only simple and clear solution is to VOTE OUT the PAPIES.
Or Alternately have Fifty (50) Percentage of Opposition Members in Parliament to counter any BS Bill into Law.
Whence the Ruling Party or Government could be over-turn in instant, then they would NOT dared to be so arrogant and protect their Status of Loftiness.
They would think twice or thrice before implementing any unjust laws for their benefits.
So be heeded
Just to add Today's we had that Sun Xueling stated that they shall use Fica,Pofma to counter media manipulation.
Comeon, which Country that are the Devils in all these Manipulations?
It's the UAssA!
You think China so free ah to manipulate your Little Red Dot?
All these WOGs aka Westernized Orienal Gollywoks Bananas are still so suspicious of the so called Assertive and Aggressive China.
Fully brainwashed by the White Barbarians.
This is just to give the papies a second chance in case they loose the coming election. Pineapple can just declare that foreigner had interfered in the election and as such all opposition win will be bo pa kay...new election need to be called again. If the opposition still win the new election, then you can be sure the pineapple & snake will use the police to start arresting political leader.
Even the UAss were to manipulate, you Dared to Pofma and Fica them ah?
Fat hope!
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