
Slimy UN asking US to work with China to make peace in Gaza

 China will never be able to broker a peace deal between Israel and Palestine, even if it tries. Not when the USA is behind the scene supporting Israel and that is why it will never happen. And the USA will never give China the initiative to do that. That would mean a loss of face again.

The deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia was able to be carried out because Saudi Arabia was then getting tired of the USA trying to force Mohammed bin Salman into compliance like his father, pandering to the USA's dictate. The peace deal was brokered by keeping out the USA from the room during the negotiations. This young man has a mind of his own, and knows the kingdom had, all over the decades, been taking care of the USA's interest in the Middle East by pricing oil in US$.

That support by OPEC in pricing oil in US$ was MBS bargaining chip in the face of Joe Biden's slight by calling him a 'pariah'. Being called a 'pariah' was a really degoratory insult which MBS clearly was hurt very deeply. The consequence threatened against him was never put into gear, so far, as the US$ hegemony hangs in his hands with the Saudis as the leader of OPEC. Even in the face of repeated cutbacks in oil production, against the dictates of the USA, those actions shows the determination of MBS to cross swords with the USA.

When Saudi Arabia and Iran were enemies, we could perhaps surmise that the Arabs would not support the Muslims in the Middle East. But now for the USA and Israel to play that card is no longer feasible, with Iran and Saudi Arabia no longer in conflict. Just like trying to create tensions between China and Russia amid the Ukraine War, which did not materialise. It is heaven's will that Iran and Saudi Arabia are no longer in conflict. And it is all thanks to the USA pushing Saudi Arabia in the wrong direction as it did with Russia.



Anonymous said...

What I surmise from the MSM is the intent to cover up the decades of Israeli treatment of the Palestinians, and just concentrate talking about Hamas carrying out its attack on Israel without reason as the starting point. The things that went on before this is irrelevant. By hammering on this point, the USA and the West hopes the world, particularly the Arabs and Muslim countries will swallow the hubris and condemn Hamas. This is not going to happen.

This is exactly the same playbook they used in Ukraine, with the continuous attack by the Ukraine Military on the Russian speaking residents in Donbass beginning even before 2014, which is irrelevant in assessing who is on the right side of history. The whole narrative on who started the Ukraine War centred on Russia's recognition and liberation of Eastern Ukraine in February 2022. What happened between 2014 and February 2022 has never been taken into account. Every atrocity committed by the Ukrainians is brushed aside as if it did not happen.

With the USA getting its dirty hands in the conflict between Israel and Hamas, the prospect for a long lasting peace is evasive at best and impossible at worst. Just as in Ukraine, no one else involvement to broker a peace deal matters, and is not going to end the war in Ukraine, when the intent is to prolong the war using Ukraine as just the proxy of those whose intent is to benefit from the war geopolitically.

Anonymous said...

When the whole world and the Arab Muslim countries can see what is happening to the Palestinians and what the Americans and Israelis are in cahoot to terminate them and steal their land, you can expect the Arab Muslim countries to be working together to deal with these two terrorists.

Let's see how 6m Israelis and a few warships and warplanes from the US take on the whole Arab and Muslim world supported by China and Russia. This could be the war the American Military Industrial Complex is waiting for. A lot of money to be made when the Americans would throw in all the weapons they have, unlike a few pieces here and there for Zelensky.

Let the Israelis unload whatever they got to the Arab and Muslim states and the latter unload all they have into Israel.

Anonymous said...

China should never ever even think of working with the USA to bring peace to Gaza. It will never succeed. The UN should first ask the Palestinians whether they trust the USA to be neutral in the talks.

Asking a hardcore partisan party to work with a neutral party like China to attempt a peace deal looks like the UN is plotting to tarnish the good name of China, knowing the attempt is bound to fail.

And why asking the USA of all countries, a hardcore supporter of Israel and hated by the Palestinians, to work with China, knowing the two countries are not interested in looking at each other's faces.

Virgo49 said...

Now that that Bidamn is in Israel, Iran, Syria, Lebanon or even China and Russia should send a missle present to send him to HELL.

Oops sorry old map wrong location like what's you do to us in Belgrade.

Will pay for his funeral and coffin.


Anonymous said...

Laugh die me, asking Satan to talk peace. Pouring fuel into the fire would be more likely.

Virgo49 said...


What's hypocrisy!

Thought they always on the side of the Israelis.

Now they bluff bluff and still acted blurs blurs the atrocities of their good friends.