
China - 74 years after liberation by the PLA/CCP


16 minutes of flag raising ceremony and hundreds of thousands of Chinese celebrating peacefully together as one people in TianAnmen Square.

74 years after the Chinese people expelled all the foreign invaders, China has rebuilt and recovered from its past glory to become a rich, strong and respectable nation state. The CCP saved China and the Chinese people from being colonised and ruled by foreign savages and uplift the lives of all Chinese people, totally eradicated poverty in the country and raising the standard of living to the envy of others. The Chinese now have good jobs, have good homes, have enough to eat and have dignity as a proud people from an ancient civilisation, are proud of being Chinese and would not be bullied by any country anymore. 

The Chinese people did not forget the years of humiliation, poverty and suffering and have stood up not only for themselves but also to share their good fortune with the rest of the people in the world, helping every country that asked for help to rebuild their countries and economies. The Chinese are so busy rebuilding their country and now rebuilding countries around the world, not involved in any conflict of war, and living a good life of plenty.

But they are still being provoked and smeared by the evil Americans and their cronies as an aggressive and expansionist state when these labels should be pasted on the faces of the evil Americans and their warmongering crony states. China can only continue to live in peace and prosperity if the Chinese people are united, and also uniting the rest of the world to put up a strong defence against the American terrorists and warmongers. The American and their cronies have been defeated economically and are heading towards bankruptcies and eventual collapse and they think the only way out for their demise is to start a war to destroy China.

While China and the Chinese people are celebrating their 74th year as a united country, free from foreign oppression, they must be ever ready to fight to protect their good life at any moment.


Anonymous said...


Virgo49 said...

Hear the Song of their National Anthem of China.

Started with a Military Note and Rallying Call Music.

The Lyrics are calling for their Awakening and Rise.

Stand up stand up!

This would be the Daily Reminder NOT to be trampled upon again and must be United together as ONE with non stop progressing.

George Galloway latest MOSTs even had the Kweilos singing their National Anthem in their Language.

That's their Never ending Theme of Kept On Survivals that are drummed into the PRCs.