Why are we suffering like that?
Why must we be sharing away our lands to so many others? For what purpose?
Did the PM promised to make things affordable and look into the problems?
Where is this PAPi leading us into?
We do not need scholars to plans and dig into our accounts and deplete our savings?
What concrete benefits are the CECA signing?
What benefits to us for giving away billions of tax payers money to foreign students, almost 1 million a day?
Are we happier under the PAPi?
Why do we need this PAPi?
Where are we heading? What are we doing?
Deny 2/3, otherwise this country will be flooding with 10M displacing own children future.
We need to take serious action to tell them to stop it.
Print this out and bring it to the ballot box. Read this again and ask yourself, before you volt.
The above is posted as a comment in TRE to an article posted by a supervisor with a $3k income, wife doing part time job and may be losing her job, parents and a child to take care of. The supervisor was asking is the govt doing enough to lower the cost of living.
What do you think?
Here are some suggestions for the supervisor to overcome his financial drags. Be a patriotic citizen, like Trump told his bankrupt farmers, get his parents to clean tables in the food court, good income and good exercise, healthy living and no need to be a financial burden, financially independent. Forget about having a maid. Also, his daughter can stop school at O level or earlier. You do not need to get a degree to become a hawker or to become a taxi or bus driver. Can start work earlier as a food delivery girl using an Escooter. QED