
Singapore turning into a rubbish dump

When a country is silly enough to bring in all the rubbish and rejects of third world countries and called them talents to replace the highly educated Singaporeans from world best universities, you know that something is very sick.

Once all the Singaporeans are replaced by the rubbish or have to work and report to the rubbish, you can bet that Singapore will turn into a rubbish dump.

The transition is rapid and before you know it, Singapore the rubbish dump would become a reality.

Singapore is becoming a country that does not believe in its people but in the rubbish third world rejects they brought in by the plane loads to replace its very own people whose parents built the Singapore of today. The rubbish from the third world will inherit the Singapore built by the early Singaporeans and turn it into another rubbish third world country, knowing what these third world rubbish's capabilities are, con, cheat, bluff, lie to get what they want.

The day to a Rubbish Singapore is around the corner.  You can see it everywhere, read it everywhere, there is no hiding. You can even smell it.


Anonymous said...

Yes it's curry everywhere which I love. Also seen many Indians with Chinese wives so local Chinese men can only bang balls, suck thumb and get five sisters relief out of his own hand๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ

Anonymous said...

Blame our terrible situation on the 69.9% lah . . .

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

The PAP government used to be selective and only talented foreigners were welcomed. Now the PAP government is like the karanguni man who makes money from discarded trash. It cares more about the levies to be collected. The citizens are left to fend for themselves and they have to rummage for crumbs to survive as the human rubbish dump continues to be piled up by the PAP government.

Anonymous said...


sg is like that liao.......

just look at the so called 4g leaders.......

you seriously think they can lead sg?????????????????!

where are we now........where are we going to.........

no vision....not clear....not clear.......

better 3Ms....yes 3Ms if you want to survive here.......

no choice....sg is like that liao........

no u-turn liao........pap......tooooooooooo BIG to FAil........

good luck everyone........


Virgo49 said...

As i sat on our void deck with my dog after a walk, a wisp of Foul Odour attacked my nose.

Loud chatting and with haughty arrogant looks of a family of nearly ten foreign trash likely from Vietnam kept staring at me and my dog in their Vietcong dialect.

Every farking day have to endure their odour in the lifts and common areas.

My unit of four in a lift landing were occupied by three units of trashes from Vietnam, India and the chow ang mohs.

Sinkies deserved to lose their country in a M.O.T. These so called Foreign Talents were been briefed that they are here to help the locals who are been deemed Dafts by their government.No wonder they always gave you an haughty looks.

The farking gian png sinkies who leases out their properties for extra income for their funerals will pay dearly for their children to be beggars in the very near future.

Lately, the Pay And Pay sounded that the Economy is sound and needed to have plane loads of them here.

My son will be joining the RTS brigade end of month.

RTS- Roam The Streets.

High time to venture to Matland.

Equator said...

You can pay rent or pay your employees what they are worth, rarely both!

Anonymous said...

The 70% had OK-ed at the last GE!

What can you say?

Some forecasted 80% at the next GE!

Possible? Why not! This is SINGAPORE style!

The national hobby of kpkb kpkb and kpkb but when come to voting, PAP!

Anyway, it is good at least still can kpkb kpkb and kpkb!


Anonymous said...

/// Singapore is becoming a country that does not believe in its people but in the rubbish third world rejects they brought in by the plane loads to replace its very own people .../// redbean

Do you think this is because Singaporeans believe in PAPigs and do not believe in their fellow Singaporeans?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Singaporeans voted for it, as PM Lee Hsien Loong has openly said when interviewed by foreigners.

So, do not make noise. Just tolerate the smell.

Anonymous said...

Yes Sir.

Anonymous said...

Foreigners from India and China come to Singapore to start up enterprises and employ Singaporeans. What is bad in that? the PAP has done a great job in providing housing for the Singaporeans and good schools for the children. Best universities and a fair and meritocratic society. Singaporeans are never satisfied and always grumble and kpkb. Please be thankful that you have the best government in SE Asia.

Anonymous said...

Unsolvable' exam question leaves Chinese students flummoxed

An unsolvable exam question on a Chinese maths paper has left both students and parents flummoxed.

Primary 5 students (11 years old) at a school in the Chinese district of Shunqing were faced with this question on a paper:

"If a ship had 26 sheep and 10 goats on board, how old is the ship's captain?"

Possible Answers:

"The captain's age is ... I don't know. I can't solve this."

"The captain is at least 18 because he has to be an adult to drive the ship,"

"The captain is 36, because 26+10 is 36 and the captain wanted them to add up to his age,"

"This question makes no logical sense at all. Does the teacher even know the answer?"

"If a school had 26 teachers, 10 of which weren't thinking, how old is the principal?"

And the best answer is:

"The total weight of 26 sheep and 10 goat is 7,700 kg, based on the average weight of each animal,

In China, if you're driving a ship that has more than 5,000 kg of cargo, you need to have possessed a boat license for five years. The minimum age for getting a boat's license is 23. So the captain is at least 28 years old.."

Education officials said the question was not a mistake, but meant to test the students' "critical awareness", the ability to think out of the Box!

Singapore voters who have elected the PAP again and again to screw them again and again must be those who are able to THINK OUT OF THE BOX?

Hard To Swallow Truth said...

No, Singapore voters mostly cannot think and some deliberately do not want to think. So they leave all the thinking to the government. So much so the government thinks that it is the best thinking machine in the world and whatever it decides is good for Singapore (Qualification: Provided the Ministers can become Multi-Millionaires overnight).

That's why LKY branded Singaporeans as DAFT, SPINELESS and have a CLUTCH MENTALITY!

That's why GCT started to scheme and pay himself and his ministers the World's Highest Obscene Salary plus exhorbitantly and unconscionably 12 to 22 months annual bonuses.

Moral of the story:

If you do not think for yourself, others will take full advantage of you.

Anonymous said...

Last time parent advise to children....
If you don't study properly, you end up doing security jobs, cleaning jobs, taxi driver and etc

Now children advise to parents..
If you don't vote properly, you will end up doing security jobs, cleaning jobs, taxi driver and etc

Anonymous said...

When many Sinkie oldies started collecting cardboards, then clearing hawker centre cups n bowls, then clean toilets n more n more Sinkie middle aged professionals drive taxis then become security guards, n then more young Sinkie poly n uni graduates become chefs, hawkers n even drivers n delivery men n under-employed. A vote for Pappies is a vote to screw your children n millions for themselves n their familees.

Anonymous said...

About 10 years ago, I worked in Jurong Island, and happened to drive a vehicle with an old Anmo from UK sitting beside me, I asked him how was London and SoHo then there, he SHAKED his head - he though he was in a city of other country, when he was actually in London. Of course, he did not tell me why he come to work in our country.

Already 10 years from then, Is our situation looks similar? who to blame? if people still not yet waking up?

Anonymous said...

I keep it short and crispy - Sinkies are dumbest of the dumbs. American has a saying - "If you conned me once, shame on you, and if you conned me twice, shame on me".

Anonymous said...

Sinkies are not only dumbest of the dumbs, the eat shits and drink urine. The govt converts sewage waste water into NEWater and pump it through the reservoirs into their taps and they happily use this water to bathe and to drink and cook. They never boycott nor protest. Such is the worst of the worst humans ever exist on planet Earth. They deserve to be extinct!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

The present 2 generations of Singaporeans just can't take a little discomfort or hardship. They also don't know what to do when their "dream" collapses.i.e. They have no plan 'B', and no skills in managing negative emotions.

I'm speaking in general, of course. There are a significant number of Singaporeans who are absolutley making a killing. The startling fact is that these productive ones are just way too busy to complain๐Ÿค‘ ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™‰๐Ÿ™Š

BeWay said...

It's not only ASEAN people that believe that Singapore is the best albeit it's less freedom. Even Taiwanese voted Singapore as their favorite nation.

So how?


Virgo49 said...

Taiwanese like the Malaysian Chinese LOVED SinkieLand because they can took FULL advantage of Sinkies Stupidity in exploiting their weakness.

Once, in Taiwan at the checking out immigration, a Taiwanese woman was boasting to her friend in line that her children on FREE scholarships as sponsored by our taking the people's backsides flesh for their faces government are coming back after all the FREE lunches and suppers.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Incentive driven behaviour:

Please lah, those Taiwanese et all are all responding to incentives i.e. "free shit given away for nothing in return".

So I don't really blame them 100%, although everyone is still responsible for their situation...regardless of whose fault it is. (Complete ownership of your life lah)

I thought I'd better mention the many Singaporeans who emigrated to Western Welfare States like UK, Canada and Australia (the most generous ones) so they could get "free welfare stuff" for themselves, their kids and their aging parents.

The blame rests squarely on the politicians. If they don't sign off on the money bills (why worry? OPM what?!?), then no incentives will exist, and people will just have to rely on themselves and each other to get through life. Hey, what a fantastic concept....I wonder if it's been tried before? ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚

b said...

Sinkies are silly. Dumb rubbish at them also treat them as treasure and keep on voting for the people responsible for making their lives miserable. Take away their houses and cars and give them small rental flats and share bikes in return also cannot learn. Really no cure.