
Enough of western myth


They are still spreading it like wild fire and many Asia leaders and so called intellectuals and analysts are lapping it up like honey without thinking what the stuff is. I am talking about the myth that China is going to start a war with the USA, and underlining this silly myth is the assumption that the Chinese are stupid and did not know that such a war would invite the termination of the Chinese civilization by the American nuclear arsenal that have enough nuclear warheads to wipe out China hundreds of times over. How would supposedly thinking and clever people be blinded by this dastard truth, that any country, including Russia and China, would court self annihilation in a nuclear war with the Americans and any sensible leader would avoid a war with the Americans at all cost, unless being forced to do so?

Nevermind, the myth has been spoken too long and is now part of the psyche of the unthinking Asian leaders, intellectuals and so called analysts. They forgot that the Chinese too have common sense, the North Koreans too, that they would not invite total disaster to their country and people by having a war with the Americans. But the simpleton leaders and pseudo intellects and analysts would be harping at this silly notion till the cow comes home.

China would want to replace the Americans as the world hegemon or at least the Asian hegemon, and China would do so to attack American military forces, and stupidily these ‘thinkers’ forgot to think a bit further, that it would mean China’s own destruction. Now why would China want to do so when it does not need to start a war and already gaining influence and recognition as a superpower that would overtake the Americans in the long run, if there is no war and China could continue to develop and grow peacefully through trade and infrastructure development all of the world?

This is not the only reason why China would not want to have a war to replace the Americans as the Number One super power. The unthinking ‘thinkers’ too knew that China had no reason to do so and they would give all the real reasons why China would be courting death for doing so. Their reasonings in this area are logical, at least they are not completely dumb and blind. The Chinese military is decades behind the Americans in sophistication and destructive power. And a war with the Americans would likely see the Americans triumphant or at least the Chinese forces would be defeated. How then and why then would a militarily weak China want to challenge and start a war with the Americans? Silly logic isn’t it? Only dumb thinkers and analysts could keep on screaming that China is the expansionist and aggressive power that would start a war with the Americans.

What is the truth? What is China doing and what are the Americans doing all over the world? The Chinese are building infrastructure all over the world to facilitate transportation and trade. The Americans are building military bases and forming military alliances all over the world, including conducting provocative war games at the doorsteps of targeted countries. And the Americans are engaged in wars for the last 5 decades all over the world, including now with their mighty military presence in the wars in the Middle East. How much of these are not spoken, or blind to the dumb thinkers and pseudo analysts?

China is progressing very well and getting richer and stronger without the need for war. China needs peace to progress, to get rich and bring a better life for its people and for the people of the world through trade and investment, not through wars. And when China is rich and prosperous, when China is the richest nation in the world, why would China want to start a war with the Americans to destroy everything that it has built and achieved? What kind of foolish thought is that?

If there is a war between China and the US, it is likely to be provoked by the Americans in desperation to cling on to their Empire and to continue to be the Number One hegemon in the world by military might. China is rising, by economic and peaceful means. Not by military might and the need for war.

It is time to put an end to this silly western myth perpetuated by the West and continued to be spread by silly Asian leaders and so called intellectuals, thinkers and analysts, that China is set to want to go to war with the Americans. China will rise peacefully and needs peace to rise peacefully, to be the richest nation on earth. War will destroy everything, will put an end to the China Dream.


Anonymous said...

I dont quite agree with RB s post. RB might want to provoke some differentiating opinions by putting nuke war as the scenario. No one will jump so far like lapsing to world end: game over. There are plenty of fun for the gamers like Carter of US. Carter had recently signaled the 3rd phase of asia "rebalance" in which little dot hen attended. The signal was more high tec weapons for asia. However, the reward asians wanted the TPP was no promise. Philippines knew it and turned it back. Little dot had smarter sense and lapsed forward like wild dog lapsing for shit. This is the results: trade men suffer only, no nuke war foreseeable.

But the scheming to build up IsIs seems failing. Russia is the culprit. Russian bombers smashed IsIs cheap oil sales to Turkey while US bombed Alsad s troops on account as bombing IsIs. The world is watching. What happen now? IsIs is habis.

The impending attack on Mosul by Iraqi forces is a big question mark. Will US bombers make mistakes to bomb Iraqi forces?

But the attack by Syria troops on Alepo is likely to succeed. Hopefully there is no bombers throwing at Syria troops this time.
Both wars will be high on civilian casualties.

When talk about US in war fronts, never discount Russians present. Russia had a 40millions civilians civil defense training last week on avoiding death during nuke war. If people think Putin is fool, they may not be the smartest of them all. The nuke war is a possibility. But it will be based on locations where the nuke falls upon.

Here in little dot, it is the front line with China war front. When US trigger a war, can China Xi jump under the bed cover his ears with blanket? Under the China Constitutions, PLA is vested the power to protect its territories. What do u think PLA will do?

The likely war is probably next year waiting for US vs China if Carter is still around with Hillary the likely president. It is real when Hillary is president. Not only Thaad will be deployed in SK. High end weapons using nuke heads will likely be followed.

With nuke weapons sleeping next to NK and China, can Xi still hide and pretends his main job is to make trade with US to earn their money?
US failed to create a monster IsIs, but had succeeded to push large number of refugees to Europe. Its the stupidity of France, UK and EU to follow US to stir up middle east. At the end, EU is at the brink of collapse. This is not a powerful nuke war similar?

Carter signaled the next is Asia. The likely massive refugees will be from NK. China is not stupid, comparing to France and Germany. What will China do? Make money?

Hermit said...

Your daily dose of China related news from the Red Bean.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Whatever I posted there will be people who agree, people disagree, and some in between.

For those who agree, my views would confirm what they already know.

For those who disagree, they will continue to disagree. Hopefully my views will knock them off their balance a little and jolt them to rethink their premises and beliefs.

For those in between, they will get a different perspective and hopefully it will help them to balance the two views and form their own views more objectively instead of relying on western myth and propaganda and western perspectives.

Anonymous said...

Sg singer after the China international singing contest called on Sg kids to learn their Mandarin As they would never know when they will need it in the future. Good advice and far sighted indeed!

Anonymous said...

This advice maybe too late. China is not going to welcome Singaporeans if the SCS saga continues with Singapore still claiming the kangaroo court in Hague is UN backed and even upgraded to a UN tribunal.

Better to start learning Indian. Singapore is going to open up India after teaching China how to do it. Singapore is going to teach India how to do it now.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:09pm
That s great news:"Singapore still claiming the kangaroo court in Hague is UN backed and even upgraded to a UN tribunal."

Singapore foreign diplomat will request UN Assembly to force China to comply to the UN backed Hague Judgment. When is Singapore going to do it? China must give up the 9 dashline and disown all the islands, nono, they are rocks. The Taiping rock will be belonged to the great Philippines or Vietnam, not Taiwan or China. Singapore must go for this final step to nail China chinese ownership into the dead end. South China sea is open to US Singapore and Japan only.

Anonymous said...

AI Fukuhara speaks fluent Mandarin was trained in China also well liked there. It shows that sports and charisma can go above geo politics!

Veritas said...

The one occupy most Spratly island is Pinoy, followed by Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

What about the silly Singaporean myth that voting PAP is good for Singaporeans?

Anonymous said...

/// If there is a war between China and the US, it is likely to be provoked by the Americans in desperation to cling on to their Empire and to continue to be the Number One hegemon in the world by military might. China is rising, by economic and peaceful means. Not by military might and the need for war. ///

If there is a war between Singaporeans and the PAPigs, is it likely to be provoked by the PAPigs in desperation to cling on to their Empire and to continue to be the Number One hegemon in Singapore?

Unknown said...

There is a faction within the communist party that argues for isolationism. They think that globalization will in the long run disrupt the unity of the country. I tend to agree with them. Their views are similar to the paleo conservatives in the US.

Anonymous said...

Whatever I posted there will be people who agree, people disagree, and some in between.
RB 10:07 am

Tiok. And unlike some bloggers, you are really a nice and open minded guy who seldom or didn't delete comments that criticise or make fun of you.

By the way, seems like a long time you have not written a column for China Daily, or else you would have also posted in your blog, tio bo?

Anonymous said...

What about the silly Singaporean myth that voting PAP is good for Singaporeans?
12:57 pm

Not say is good voting PAP, but rather less bad, as compared to voting for opposition.

Seriously, who would you prefer as PM, Teochew Ah Hia, Aung Juan Soon Chee or Pinky Ah Loong?

Anonymous said...

Seriously, who would you prefer as PM, Teochew Ah Hia, Aung Juan Soon Chee or Pinky Ah Loong?
October 10, 2016 1:23 pm

Either Teochew Ah Hia or Aung Juan Soon Chee is good.
It's time for a change in political party leadership.
PAP has been on the job for too long.
Becoming part of the problem rather than the solution.

Anonymous said...

Last time Singapore banned Singaporeans from visiting China. Needed special approval.
This thing may turnaround, role reversal and China banning Chinese from visiting Singapore.
Today China does not need Singapore anymore. Singapore got nothing to teach China anynmore and if Singapore wants to kwai lan with China, China would just shut the door on Singapore.

Anonymous said...

Singapore got nothing to teach China anynmore and if Singapore wants to kwai lan with China, China would just shut the door on Singapore.
October 10, 2016 1:30 pm

Maybe PAP got nothing to teach Singaporeans anymore and if PAP wants to kwai lan with Singaporeans, then Singaporeans should just vote out PAP.

Anonymous said...

...if Singapore wants to kwai lan with China, China would just shut the door on Singapore."
Anon 1:30 pm

Not really lah. China, like other countries, can dump its lousy and rubbish people but disguised as foreign talents into Singapore. In fact it is happening already.

Because good foreign talents either stay back in China (because China will take care of them well) or they emigrate to western countries eg USA, Canada, Australia. Go to Singapore, no! Or rather just treat Singapore as a stepping stone to other countries only.

Anonymous said...

@ AI Fukuhara speaks fluent Mandarin was trained in China also well liked there. It shows that sports and charisma can go above geo politics!

So you are saying it's china's influence or her own japanese culture her own self discipline her own charism ?

b said...

China does not want war. China is not a fan of expansion. China does not like barbarians so built a wall to avoid conflict with them. China only wants SCSea. 8 countries used the SCSea to invade China in the late 19 century that also lead to ww2. Many lives lost and broken. China only wants to protect herself and the people. Chinese cherish peace and harmony most. Most countries only stand to gain with a strong and peaceful loving China. The west will provoke China to sell more weapons. Destabilization has always been their games. Only can create mess but not cleaning up mess. China is helping them to clean up the mess in africa. They should be grateful.

Anonymous said...

" ... China would just shut the door on Singapore "

If she do that. Who will want to trust her anymore.

Forget it lah. Still calling threats , Puah Hung ? China think of new game more realistic.

b said...

The international court should not even be in Den Haag or NL. NL is a drug and alcohol hub and prostitutes sell their services thru windows like chicken in the chicken rice stall in singapore. They even created car parks for girls to sell their services in the cold (-20degree). They have no respect for humankind, womenkind and kids.

Anonymous said...

" ... China only wants SCSea. 8 countries used the SCSea to invade China in the late 19 century that also lead to ww2.... "

Sure or not. In that case , If she declare officially to forfeit any oil and gas in SCS, as a big gift to all the surrounding Asean countries. I quiet sure many will ally with her.

Definitely she can stationed on SCS as a guard permanently ?

Anonymous said...

As long as china is on the path of growth with its huge population even though it is ageing.

War is inevitable. It is the same case in Japan and Germany when they both decide to expand for resources.

In China's case, the demand for resource is many times greater.

Even Donkeys (a delicacy in china) in Africa is quickly snapped up by China and a ban is in process. Likewise water supply in south west bordering India will be a tricky border issue.
Not to mention SCS resources.

At the end of the day, you got to find more and more resources to feed the world's no.1 population whether it is rice, poultry, seafood, energy, medicine or manufactured goods. The list goes on. The situation will only get worse as China becomes even more affluent. Even milk powder and yakult also jialut.

Anonymous said...

Whether whoever forfeits any oil and gas in SCS, it is still up to the west to supply the hardware to develop the field.

And only during peaceful times will there be no embargo. A good eg is Iran.

Can china develop independently any offshore gas fields themselves? It is the same like airbus and boeing supplying the jets with rolls royces/PW/GE supplying the power plant?

A lot of people do not understand the in depth mechanics.... To rub salt into the wound, i think Singapore being the asia hub ( still need to go back to HQ for design queries) of such high valued manufactured product goods whether it is aviation or oil and gas understand this very clearly.

Anonymous said...

Singapore's contribution to China's trade is like a peanut.
China's contribution to Singapore's trade is like a melon.

Singapore thinking it can punch above its weight, to punch China in the nose?
Seow tin tong.

Anonymous said...

China will rise peacefully and needs peace to rise peacefully, to be the richest nation on earth. War will destroy everything, will put an end to the China Dream.

Just name me one country or nation or civilization who rise peacefully.

The end result will be the idiot who got swallowed mercilessly.

There is no such thing as you want to rise and do not want to be a bastard and want to be angel.

Some clowns here probably have living/working experiences more than half a century still do not understand this.

Anonymous said...

Singapore thinking it can punch above its weight, to punch China in the nose?

At the right time of punching, this punch will prove significant.

Remember in world affairs, there is no stage and no referee (even if there is a referee, it could be biased). This is not a one to one match or class to class match.

Should china punish Singapore now? If there is a smart one in China now, he will not punish Singapore/SK or taiwan now? The more united these countries are now with china, the more US will puke.

Now Wang Yi is super quiet.... I hope he and his boss learn their lessons well. The mess he created in SK/Taiwan/ SCS is irrecoverable. Sometimes not to speak is better to open your shit hole. It is all about right timing (brain) and not so much of having money or loud voice. Previous Chinese leaders display remarkable intelligence handling such delicate world issues despite having no resources (except human being).

Anonymous said...

The Discussions on Singapore s role on South China Sea issue was conclusive on China s HK TV. The expert concluded that Singapore did submit a paper to the NAM meeting intended to put the issue on resolutions.
The expert concluded that it was the intention to embarrass China for doing that. There was no compelling reason. It reflected Singapore s official position against China s interest.

This concludion and those published in Global Times for a few days are sufficient to reach the entire China about Chinese s official position on Singapore s actions.

No doubt and do not hope China Chinese officials and private companies will buy from Singapore or Singapore s products unnecessarily.

Tourists will be reduced in Singapore automatically. No China Chinese will want to be claimed to be unpatriotic to China.

Anonymous said...

'There is no such thing as you want to rise and do not want to be a bastard and want to be angel.

Some clowns here probably have living/working experiences more than half a century still do not understand this.

October 10, 2016 3:50 pm'

Don't know who is the real clown?
Got eyes cannot see. China has risen. It is now standing side by side with the US as the undisputed superpower without firing a single bullet. China has overtaken the US in many fields in trade, manufacturing, in infrastructure devt, in being the number trading partners with more countries than the US.

Not in war, not in conducting wars.

Keep on taking your drugs, then the truth would not be so painful.

Anonymous said...

This is called the ostrich mentality. Just buried the head in the sand and keep talking to ownself, no, no sun, no sun, it is dark here.

Did RB said stupidity has no cure?

Anonymous said...

Nevermind sg to take in tourists by the thousands from Myanmar and India to spend here to frustrate China efforts to impact sg tourism like what it did to Taiwan . Wow so reliant on tourism and gambling now!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, who would you prefer as PM, Teochew Ah Hia, Aung Juan Soon Chee or Pinky Ah Loong?
October 10, 2016 1:23 pm

Between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump;
I prefer the populist Donald Trump.
Because voting for Hillary means more of the same shit.
Nothing will change.
Nothing will get better.

With Donald Trump, there is hope.
With Hillary Clinton, there is no hope.

Anonymous said...

Look at the aviation, oil and gas technology for offshore field development?

What has china taken over? You mean in cheap labor production which will be taken over by robotics or a cheaper nation or when it has become more expensive?

Just because they are developed as it meant in their property development (now so expensive - so later gen cannot buy)? Will the county be stagnated if there is no technology innovation. Nowadays people dun talk so much about productivity gain.

Look at their carrier which is still steam turbine. US carrier/ships are all nuclear or gas turbines (at least). Guess why they dont use gas turbines? Oops... technology gap again?

2nd carrier does not have even a steam catapult which affected a lot of other areas. They boast so much of their electro magnetic catapult which turn out to be a hoax. Same like the Dong feng missiles which can sink a moving carrier, a recent failed satellite launch revealed it was meant for tracking us carrier. All hoax at the end of the day.

Where is J20? at least come out for testing show otherwise it is all bullshit. F35 now even start to arm foreign armed forces?

And do you know why they can build their 2nd carrier so fast where ford carrier takes such a long time? Because they dont think (just copy blindly) and just build blindly..... where everything will hit back later. Absolutely no QA and QC.....

Ask yourself this question, why China peak again this china national day in no. of China tourist visiting japan? Because china found that they can never copy the same thing back in their country despite the land size/man power/money being so much bigger than Japan. Even China disney land sucks....

Well Japan has to thank china (like other countries) for this China national day tourism donation, they will use this money to buy more F35, develop their fighter program and also to start their nuclear program (at least officially or unofficially).

Who is the ostrich here?

Veritas said...

You should ask after USD400 billion where the fuck is F35.

Anonymous said...

You should ask after USD400 billion where the fuck is F35.
October 10, 2016 7:08 pm

What about our reserves?
After 51 years, where the fuck are our reserves?

Anonymous said...

Absolutely no QA and QC.....
Who is the ostrich here?
October 10, 2016 6:01 pm

No QA means ownself check ownself, tio bo?
Who is the ostrich here?

Anonymous said...

China has one of the biggest shale oil and gas in its west ( estimate can supply them 200 to 300 years ). Yet don't want to put in hard work to extract it.o

Regardless of oil price or cost , they will have to .

Anonymous said...

No QA/QC means building its to everyone deemed standards. You know or do not know what is QA/QC? what own self check own self.... Do you know what welding/NDT standards they follow? you think they are stupid?

You building a carrier or sampan?

Go and find out the real state of china shipyard building standards, name any ships/tankers/tugs/supply vessel/FPSO etc that builds according to china design and not from blueprints from Norway or the west?

Look at the recent reports of china fighters accidents (reported and not counting those not reported). They are not like Japan F15J who has been in service for at least 20 years. These are brand new jets just come out after year 2005 or 10 onwards? As predicted earlier, their engines can work but are not reliable after hours of service.

Look at the indonesian Chinese made missile - choose to fire by itself 5 min after button pressed. How to trust them to fight a war against US and Japan during critical times?
These are supposed to be new missiles and not something belonging to our grandpa times.

Many such stories will surface as time goes.

In China west shale gas, Chevron is already there producing . Ask yourself why if it has such huge volume need US giant to be there.

The reason is that area is very difficult to find and extract the volume for commercial production and you need the west expertise and equipment to do the job. Otherwise no chance for china at all same like China offshore developments. So much equipment/service personnel are there.

So what happens next if OEM parts for critical components are embargoed if tensions rise further?

Anonymous said...

Previous Chinese leaders display remarkable intelligence handling such delicate world issues despite having no resources (except human being).

I remembered i read somewhere where a western media journalist ask a chinese ?FM about whether china has many prostitutes?

Obviously, this journalist is trying to shame china. Guess how this FM answered? HE replied, yes china has many prostitutes and they are in Taiwan.

One answer killed 2 birds....or more birds.

Smart and witty answer that i think the answer choke the west.

Anonymous said...

6:01 pm ostrich, Why don't you complain that China did not have someone that could breast feed you like your mama because your mama is the best?

Remember, China is challenging the USA for world Number One in everything. No one comes near to be Number Three. You think Singapore, Japan or India stand a chance to come near to challenge China as Number Two?

Go and get breast fed and grow up to talk like a well informed man and not living in self delusion.

Anonymous said...

@ October 10, 2016 7:17 pm

What is the meaning of ownself FUCK ownself?

Is it giving PAP a blank check?
Is it voting for a PAP approved President?
Is it voting for PAP?

Anonymous said...


It is not even close likewise other nations. A small trick will cause China to triple its defense spending in years to come same exact way to bring down the soviet. It is forcing China to spend more on research... where previously it did not spend much. By doing so, what impact do you think it will bring to china overall economy and to the communist system - one party or one man system?

And that is the reason why Singapore understand this exactly where we are also a one party system. Up till now, Singapore is so "successful" but yet we cannot produce anything innovative.

So no need to talk so much and just go and tour along the plants that service the aviation and oil and gas service factories and you know the answer. Why the need to redevelop paya lebar area? Why is it all here despite not having its end service client here.... Singapore not cheap all along in Asia. You think Singapore stupid? Their money calculator is super solid one.

Breast feed? Nowadays it is a better way. I think you had too much on China milk powder and your brain cannot think.
You cannot even provide any facts and come here and talk nothing. Absolutely no substance? Go and have more safer milk and start growing properly (maybe too late as brain deforms) before spouting rubbish... hehehe....

But anyway, same like China way of bulldozing your points without any facts and disregard of the reality of what is happening on the ground. Now you know the reason why china tourist overall are despised overseas despite being so wealthy?

Anonymous said...

12.05am is a silly twit. haha.

Anonymous said...

Some people are confused and resistant to changes.

I bring two egs. to highlight the extremes.

For eg. When then the Sg govt decided to open up the property market in the 90s, prices went up and cause huge problems 20 years later for later generations. Singapore so small and we also cannot forecast correctly the supply and demand.

Now what is next for Singapore in order to move forward when land prices already went up too high? Any innovation ideas to move forward which is bloody important as the population is ageing? Latest move to allow online SG pools gambling baffles a lot of people. In short, it is all about money.

I take it to the extreme for US. To cut it short, they are facing all these problems as well and are moving in the direction of exploring new planets suitable for human habitation. In short to get more resources from places outside earth. How to do that? You tell me?

Anonymous said...

The greedy folks see immediate gains and care noot the consequencies. The wise are those that care for their successors. The vain cares only for themselves.
Leeders that are technocrats having strong affinity to machines and technogies are those that leave or abandon the humanities. They ultimately become soulless and become machine liked. These folks will not make good leeders in society.
The US and Sgp are two countries that will eventually qualify as freak nations.
The US is unlikely to last 500 years and Sgp a 100 years as nations. One will break up and the other will be sold.
The ancient civilizations of India and China are over 5000 years by virtue of strong foundations build
on humanities. There were much strife, struggle and infighting in the histories of both. They were mainly between two factions; one seen as bad and evil with the other
faction fighting to rid them. There were continuous cleansing to purge
their societies of bad elements.
The cleansing keeps their civilizations in a virtuous path that keeps them survive thousands
of years because they value humanities.

Anonymous said...

What rubbish and lies again?

Sg was not expected to last 10 years since independence if it continue its entrepot trade in the region. If it did not open up the trade line to the west, it will be taken over by mobs without jobs after the withdrawal of British... Everybody including our muslim brothers say we would die. Same like China who laughed at HK who provided all fresh food and water supply.

By virtue, what has China changed since its emperor days? One party system?

I put it plainly, when there is human being. There will be power struggle. When there is power struggle, there will be killings.

Simple as it is, there is no such thing as peaceful rise of a nation/empire. There will be collateral damage as two or more factions clash. You want to go up to the top, there is no way to be angel. This is the rule of survival.

Mao's close door cultural revolution close door event for communist made so many people died and so many intellectual have to go kampong to grow corn or rice/potato. Same thing over Tiananmen square incident.

If you do not focus on technological innovation, you would only fasten the phase of clash and hasten the decline of a country.

For eg. with robotics, there will be less reliance on human labor. As such labor intensive jobs will be replaced. With the new shuffle, trade deficit will be reduced and lowering of the possibility of conflict. Otherwise, both side will def nuke each other if the scale is tipped too much to the other side.