
Coming to terms with Orlando shooting

It is far away, but the killings were splashed across the pages of our papers like it was in our very own backyard. The world is getting so small, so close and events happening on the other side of the globe would be known in an instance. We could feel and share the pain, but not the pains of those being killed daily in the Middle East, with many more killed and wounded, daily, with many children going hungry and not going to school, forever on school vacations.

The Orlando killing is getting too close for comfort. The motive, other than being a part of the ISIS world wide terror war against the infidels, this one is more specific. It was about the gays, the LGBT that they have very little tolerance for.  And we just had a rousing gay party in Hong Lim Park, a great success, with many corporate sponsors, some foreign and getting on the nerves of the govt. No, the govt was edgy for different reasons until the Orlando shooting.

Now the govt has a legitimate reason to raise the alarm.  The Pink Dot Party could be another terrorist target for sure.  Shanmugam said, ‘te madness is not going to stop and Singapore must be prepared to respond “hard and fast” if such acts hit home.’ Uh, to respond hard and fast if it happens? Better make sure it does not happen. When it happens, say at a Pink Dot Party in Hong Lim with 20,000 people, no joke. The carnage could be worse than in Orlando and the news will be in the front page and centre spread of all the media in the world.

What is the govt going to do about it? The internet threat to the govt’s computer system is leading to a ban on civil servants from frolicking in the net. Would there be a ban on gay gatherings here? And how would the LGBT group reacts to such a ban? Or would it be another case of it would not happen here, like the Bangla terrorist cells?

Would anything change here after Orlando? Or would thing be as per normal?

The tactics of the ISIS is to attract lone wolf terrorists that are self radicalized through the net to attack whoever they want to attack, the infidels. These are highly unpredictable individuals that could be the best of friends, a model citizens but turned rogue overnight.  There is just no way of telling who’s who.  The danger is clear and present.

Shanmugam has called for all Singaporeans to come together as a nation and to be prepared against terrorist attacks. That is easy. The difficult part is that half of the population is foreigners. How to educate them and bring them together as a nation?  Maybe that is a non issue as all the foreigners coming here are good foreigners and would not attack Singapore and Singaporeans even if they are terrorists. They all have a soft spot for Singapore. Singapore is so good to them.

The danger comes from Singaporeans that are easily radicalized, not foreigners. See, so far no foreigners have tried to attack Singapore. Singapore is safe from foreigner terrorists?


Anonymous said...

The horror comes when the G supports countries like Uncle Sam & Israel in attacking Syrians, Palestinians & Afghanistan. That's when the troubles will hit SinkieLand & dafts will be in deep shit. No amount of rescue can help ...cos the deed is sealed..SinkieLand SG Secure reputation becomes at stake..whether self-radicalization or radicalism or whatever name u call it is still terrorism..chances of hitting SinkieLand is very real day by day & the G is wanting everyone to come join the club..there is a high probability tat this would hit SinkieLand by end of the year base on the upcoming movie prophecy of ID4...

Anonymous said...

You can bet on it that they are already here and everywhere.

Anonymous said...

/// The difficult part is that half of the population is foreigners. How to educate them and bring them together as a nation? ///

If our foreigners-dominated economy is a PAP policy;
then do you think the integration of foreigners is therefore a PAP problem?
And Singaporeans should not be troubled to pay for or help out with the solution?
Do you think this is fair?

Yew create the problem?
Yew fix the problem?

Anonymous said...

Where got problems from foreigners? Singaporeans create more problems than foreigners.

Anonymous said...

Rb, as you done another post on this topic, our CEC has another meeting last night at the karaoke room after riding to relax. We have to emphasise that we can not support activities that are against the order of nature.

While we do not intend to intervene in pink dot members affair, we have to state our position namely that we do not agree that they be assertive and expand their influence and recruit more members. This would be a disaster for humanities. Riding should be with the opposite sex whether it is doggie style or cowboy style.

Yew Kuang
Kuda Riding Club
Singapore Chapter

Anonymous said...

How safe are Singaporeans with so many foreigners that are terrorist potentials here and living among the Singaporeans?

Anonymous said...

Where got problems from foreigners? Singaporeans create more problems than foreigners.
June 15, 2016 10:37 am

Do you think it's more correct to say PAP create more problems for Singaporeans?
Like frequent SMRT breakdowns?
Leading to declining productivity and reliability of Singaporeans?
Leading to declining investments by MNCs?
Leading to loss of jobs by Singaporeans?

True or not?
Poor maintenance of trains and lifts may be linked to PAP style of cost cutting?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

The analysis (post mortem) of the Orlando shooting is a lot more nuanced and complex than what a few uncles with too much time on their hands can whip up in an internet kopitiam.

The shooter apparently was a closeted homosexual or had homoerotic leanings. Or at least perhaps bisexual since he was married. He also may have been radicalised. But whether or not he was, he is definitely from a Muslim background, with a very strict father who is open about his stance aginst homosexuality. In fact his father won't even use the word "gay" or "homosexual". Instead he uses the phrase "that way". i.e. Instead of saying "That person is homosexual", the old man says "That person is 'that way'".

This kind of denial of specific language gives us clues into what is going on in this particular individual's mind.

My "old uncle kopitiam theory" is that he just wigged out from the insufferable torment he was experiencing, probably deciding (by twisted, poisonous rationalisation) to carefully plan and hit the gay nightclub.

If there was such severe tension between sexual orientation/ preferences, and religious belief or dogma, then one could make the argument that he could have instead attacked a mosque in a similar way---depending on how his rationalision "pedulum" swung. Either which way, the individual is mentally unstable to the point of being homicidal.

The intolerance of religious dogma causes many believers of faith to experience unnecessary and sometimes unspeakable internal torment, suffering and anguish due to violently conflicting drivers.

Can't really blame people for just "snapping". Religiosity is just TOXIC. It Poisons EVERYTHING.

Anonymous said...

Riding should be with the opposite sex whether it is doggie style or cowboy style.

Yew Kuang
Kuda Riding Club
Singapore Chapter
So Yew Kuang is the horse and the jockey is the lucky cowgirl?

If cowboy style, does this mean Yew Kuang is letting a man ride him?
Is Yew Kuang gay?

Anonymous said...

Topic for dirty religious old man again lol

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Shanmugam via RB:

>> Shanmugam has called for all Singaporeans to come together as a nation and to be prepared against terrorist attacks. <<

A totally bullshit suggestion. Almost like a claim straight out of religion.

To this date, no terrorist attack has been prevented by the public being "vigilant".

This guy was watched by the FBI. His wife knew about the plan to attack.

And yet, the he was only stopped---by SWAT bullets---after his rampage.

Same with all the other attacks---Belgium, Paris, Djakarta...like fuck "public vigilance" is going to stop these attacks.

Anonymous said...

Sham should deal with the roots, which he has no clue or blinded himself, of terrorism


A new album by City Harvest Church featuring pastor-singer Sun Ho has reached number one on the Singapore iTunes chart.

The album, Draw Me, which was released on June 10, contains 13 tracks and features CityWorship. Ms Ho features in four songs.

Retailing for $13.98, Draw Me topped the chart as of today (June 14), beating Adele and local artist Gentle Bones.

- See more at: http://news.asiaone.com/news/singapore/sun-ho-city-harvests-new-album-beats-adele-no-1-spore-itunes-chart#sthash.djmCe9wH.dpuf

Legitimate funding! If you are going to keep terrorism alive, spare us the talk cock sing song sessions and just go collect your millions and buy yourself a better coffin

b said...

The elites are making use of islam to create mess and making people killing each other so they can make more money. Islam has a big weakness. It is something that promotes extremism and hence hate easily. People not aware will be easily taken in. The way to counter all this killing from Charlie, Paris, Brussels, Orlando and so many others is to acknowledge that big weakness of islam and restrict the preaching of islam to only a limited few.

Anonymous said...

The elites are making use of religionto create mess and making people killing each other so they can make more money. Religion has a big weakness. It is something that promotes extremism and hence hate easily. People not aware will be easily taken in. The way to counter all this killing from Charlie, Paris, Brussels, Orlando and so many others is to acknowledge that big weakness of religion and restrict the preaching of religion to only idiots

Anonymous said...

The Differences between the Straights and the LGBT SHALL BE
So long as it lasts, conflicts shall remain

Anonymous said...

And please pass laws to restrict any form of funding of religion(including tithes and offerings plus any form of sales of religious mechanidising). Otherwise. please go shove banana into your AH and let innocent blood be on your hands

Anonymous said...

....the SHEDDING of innocent be on your hands

Anonymous said...

....the SHEDDING of innocent BLOOD be on your hands

Anonymous said...

Make sure no one makes a living out of religion. After all, prayers are free

Anonymous said...

Religions do exacerbate the Conflict between LGBT and it's opposed. BUT. the Conflict exists amongst members of the Same Religions, Same Race and Atheists.
As such, the Conflict is between the LGBTs and the Straights in sexuality and the Acceptance and Rejection of sexual activity of human beings.

Anonymous said...

The Guy was a regular of the Club simply cos he was there to recce the Place as well as to witness the activities of the Community there.
He must have concluded that he had to end the Activities at the Place as they were not acceptable to him.

It goes to show that the Gunman in the Case was quite meticulous.

Anonymous said...

no money no pulpit no pulpit no dictators to control minds and behaviour. When they disappear from the main stream or from being a "business entity"(buying and selling of souls), a lot of hatred will be resolved. Not fool proof yet but for a start.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 433 (your post didn't appear here, but I have it in my email):

>> The ultimate goal is to spread the religion of liberalism so that people cannot resist western hegemony. <<

Sure, anyone can spread their ideas. But "others" still have to make up their minds to accept said ideas. If people don't accept the ideas of liberalism, then it won't spread.

Like I said, many times before, western liberal ideas are "sexy". They make people feel "shiok", and "hip" even if they don't understand the nuances and abstractions.

>> formulated by the academic elites at Havard and spread by universities and MSM. <<

Where do you think overseas students from Singapore, notably most govt scholars go to study? And what ideas might they bring home to Singapore, and possibly implement when they get into executive positions?

BTW, it is important to note which liberalism you are talking about. There is classical liberalism (as adopted by present-day conservatives and many libertarians---these are the "liberals" of Britain, Australia and Europe), and progressive liberalism---aka "progressives", which is "liberalism" in the American sense and is generally understood to be the case when we use the words "liberalism" and "liberals".

"Progressive liberalism" (aka "liberalism") itself has many hues and sub groups. For instance on one end of the (arbitrary) spectrum are the "cultural libertarians" and on the other end you have the "social justice warriors" (SJW), and these people are at constant war with each other.

It may have originated as a "western thing", but liberalism is already well entrenched in "conservative" Asian societies. It is ripping to shreds irrelevant cultural abstractions, so that now in once-upon-a-time conservative Asian societies and cultures are being confronted with ideas like feminism, non-binary gender identity (no more "male-female", got more genders...)....all sorts of ideas....even those which conflict with each other...it doesn't matter. "Liberalism" is not just one idea...it is a loud, often heated conversation...and it won't be stopping anytime soon.

Most young (under 30) Asians, Europeans and Americans now identify as "liberal".

Like I said before, and I'll say again: liberalism is SEXY, and seductive.

b said...

Liberalism is okay but too liberalism is promoting extremism. Only very wise people know the difference. Very wise people are also very rare.

Anonymous said...

It will surprise no one IF US TOP POLITICIANS AND OFFICIALS are themselves victims of violence.

The Land of Freedom is not free
from exploitation and felony. The Political Leaders did not take care
of the Americans, they are more involve in meddling of other nations affairs.

The Use of guns thus far had been confined largely to individuals. See the Carnage when groups are involved.

Anonymous said...

Take the money equation out of religion, you will deprive it of oxygen - the world will be a better place. Religious places of worship will even collapse or no need to waste resources for catchment of fools. Then the playing field will be more equal to atheism - free to believe all the nonsense you want minus fueling dirty money for mind and behavioural control which religion has an edge over atheism

Beliefs are free. No money involved.

Hence the roots of all evil is the starting point or inevitably live with terrorisation and more deaths.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 916:

It's IMPOSSIBLE to "take the money out of religion". People give money to religion because they think by doing so makes them "better" people, at the very least, and many go on to believing that giving money in the earthly life "guarantees" a favourable place in the afterlife, for themselves and their loved ones.

Belief is not a choice. As long as people believe, they will WILLINGLY give money. And when they give money, it strengthens their belief.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


As long as people believe and choose to act on their beliefs, they will WILLINGLY give money.

Anonymous said...

I am way ahead of you. The money game will change. Destine to change

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 936


I didn't know that was actually a "real" thing. ;-)

I'm an atheist. I don't want religion to go away. I want at least some of it to stay, so I can continue to have my jollies by shitting in its mouth, kicking it in the balls, and shoving sharp objects up its arse.

Anonymous said...

Beliefs can't go away. There will always be stupid people. We just need to remove their sting or one day, you will be next to get blown up, but then, you are already quite near the end of days aren't you? lol

Anonymous said...

Currently, there is a lot of religion in politics. You can't have your cake and eat it when the cake is poisoned.

Anonymous said...

There really is no other way. Go ahead and try. Your elites are not worth their salt. Try.

Anonymous said...

11.22pm, please do not change our fundamental position when our Chairman typed wrongly a word from cowgirl to cowboy as he already stated our CEC position clearly many times. Only an asshole like you will pick up his typo. I assume you are a gay and have enjoyed and experienced your ass being poked many times to feel so passionately on this.

So to restate, it's our CEC ( central executive committee) position that we only ride the opposite sex in karaoke room. So hope this clarify the situation to you motherfucker.

Alan Tan
Press Secretary
On behalf of Yew Kuang
Kuda Riding Club
Singapore Chapter
In association with Kuda Riding Club International

Anonymous said...

Ah Peks brigade in action again

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

There are so many misinformation coming out from the US, even from the White House, with the black man speaking like white men with forked tongue on this Omar Mateen case. He is everything but IS connected. His motive is anything but linked to IS. He is gay, pervert or insane.

Look at the picture of him and his wife and child. Listen to what his wife said. He is anything but gay. He visited the club to plan his attack, not as a gay.

The Americans would like you to believe he is not a product of American's step child, ISIS, and thus not their own creation to hit back at them. America is safe as there is only one Omar Mateen, and he is anti gay.

Anonymous said...

@ Kuda Riding Club International
June 16, 2016 6:52 am

Ride 'em cowBoy !!
Ride 'em hard.
Ride 'em well.

Anonymous said...

12.55 am hope your backside has not pechia after taking so many shots from so many people.haha