
The Legend of Bruce Lee

The interest in the story of Ip Man and the movie Ip Man 3 led me to google for more Ip Man stories in the net. And I stumbled onto this gem, Legend of Bruce Lee, 50 episodes starring Danny Chan. There are many versions of Bruce Lee’s life done by many producers using many different actors. I rate this 50 episode serial as the best in many aspects. Though there were many dramatizations, many of the characters were real and most important is the spirit of the serial. It dealt with how a rebellious young Bruce Lee grew up in an era of racial discrimination, prejudices and western stereotyping of Asians and the Chinese people as a civilization and how he overcame these difficulties to carve a name for himself.

The serial boasts a Bruce Lee lookalike, good fighting choreography and serious dialogue on his motivation and how a young man made his dream come true despite all odds. In the course of his pursuit he broke many rules and norms and humanly imposed prohibitions. He created his own style of kung fu, Jeet Kune Do, taught foreigners kung fu that was forbidden then, broke down Hollywood’s door, western discrimination and oppression of Asians and promoted inter racial tolerance.  The serial also touched in depth Bruce Lee’s philosophy on martial arts and the need to develop martial arts as an international art form to its highest form.

His best and loyal disciples were Japanese, Filipino, black and white Americans, including Hollywood stars. He called among his friends, Mohammed Ali, James  Coburn, Steve McQueen, Chuck Norris, David Carradine, the one whom Hollywood used to steal his role as Grasshopper in the serial Kung Fu, and his closest friend/disciples in Taky Kimuira and Dan Inosanto.

Bruce Lee’s achievements in his short span of life were to kick open the doors of Hollywood for Asian actors, broke down the discrimination and stereotyping of the inscrutable, meek and talentless Asians in general and Chinese in particular, took Hong Kong’s martial art movies to a new height, brought together the martial arts of different schools and from different countries, introduced Chinese martial arts in the westernized name kung fu to the world. In short, he promoted racial understanding, integration and goodwill among the people of the world.

His other notable achievements were an undying spirit to innovate and to defy established conventions, to strive for perfection and personal growth, a never say die attitude of discipline, perseverance and hard work, all great personal virtues to be emulated.

Media Corp should acquire and screen this serial to promote racial tolerance, understanding, harmony and integration among the different ethnic groups here.  It is a serious production with very serious acting and dialogue and philosophy and the development of martial arts. Would Singaporeans be privileged to view this serial in Channel 5 other than the soap operas? It is definitely a positive change, an educational and historical production much worthy than many of those shown in Channel 5. It would definitely boost its ratings and viewership with this well produced serial.

Bruce Lee made Wing Chun and Ip Man famous and familiar names in the international arena of martial arts and movie making.


Anonymous said...

Uncle, Knn this TVs series already been broadcast by channel 8 few years back lar. U did not notice? I watched it again via Internet. It's very good.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

My apologies. Didn't notice it. The English version is good for Channel 5 viewers. The dialogue and philosophy are very meaningful and not dialogue for the sake of dialogue.

It is still a good thing to have a rerun of the English version given the interest in Ip Man and martial art.

Anonymous said...

Since it is so good, is there anything the Sinkie opposition can learn from Bruce Lee, Ip Man and martial art? So that the Sinkie opposition can win like Bruce Lee and not every time lose one?

What do you think?

Anonymous said...

@ January 10, 2016 10:26 am

Since it is so good, is there anything the PAP government can learn from Bruce Lee, Ip Man and martial art?
So that the MRT trains can run like clockwork ... like Bruce Lee and not every time breakdown?

Anonymous said...

please note that we too has a well-known LEE here..........

but of course, not kongfu master bruce lee..........

aso a legend too..............


Anonymous said...

Legend or Fairy Tale?
- maybe Grandfather's stories

Anonymous said...

Should show the Legend Of Harry Lee. 10,000 episodes of how he fight with hatchets & knuckledusters. Bruce Lee no fuck compared to Harry. Bruce can't even fight against 200 at the same time. Harry 1 punch 5 million cry father cry mother liao.

Anonymous said...

Harry 1 punch 5 million cry father cry mother liao.
January 10, 2016 12:21 pm

Does Harry use punches, knuckledusters, hatchets or lawsuits?

Anonymous said...

it is lucky that Bruce lee make his fame in HK,not mainland china

Otherwise, those hypocrite Western mouthpiece would call him as " CCP propaganda" - stoke up crazy China nationalism against foreigner.

No single Western mouthpiece even dare to tell us

Why did bruce lee need to leave land of freedom and pursue his career in the tiny HK?

If rule of law exist in US, is there any need for him to leave US to pursue his career in tiny island?

Anonymous said...

If rule of law exist in US, is there any need for him to leave US to pursue his career in tiny island?
January 10, 2016 1:49 pm

It's called being close to your customer base mah.
Bruce Lee's first few fans & customers were Chinese; not Americans.

Furthermore, American film makers did not have the competencies at that time to film all the kung fu kicks and jumps.
Only Hong Kong film makers had the know how at that point in time.

Use brains lah!
The caviar you have been eating with your million dollar salary affecting your brain is it?

virgo49 said...

We need a charisamatic Bruce Lee as Opposition Leader to save sinkieland.

Now like the times under occupation by the foreign devils and country been overran and conquered by the rufugees.

Yet the sinkies are still napping.Sold out by their traitor leaders.

Come a day when signboards will read No sinkies and dogs allowed

Yesterday night at midnight after back from City that never sleeps.

Bring my dog for stroll and at one of our block which is occupied by 70% of trashes so much noises were generated by our foreign talents in their partying seeing sinkieland burning.

Not a single sinkie dared to ptotest or call the SPF.

Maybe they knew that the men in blue may be chased by the ah neys. So no point of calling them.

This happened practically every night. So better return back to our heavenly spot in Goh Tong Jaya. NO EYES SEE.

This is the stage when we need a Bruce Lee or Liow to save sinkieland.

Anonymous said...

"We need a charisamatic Bruce Lee as Opposition Leader to save sinkieland"
January 10, 2016 2:21 pm

Bruce Lee will not get more than 30% of the votes.

JB Jeyaretnam.
Francis Seow.
and etc.
We had the chance to stand up for them when they needed us.
We didn't.
So here we are.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

How about our own legendary HARRY LEE? He is the highest-ranking sifu-mentor of knuckleduster and hatchet shaolin, and sue-yew-until-koyak wing chun?

You laugh? Go ahead, he never lost fight 😂

Anonymous said...

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
You laugh? Go ahead, he never lost fight 😂

He lost 1 fight --- when he tried to sue Devan Nair in Canada. Canadian court told Harry to fuck off. And Nair got to keep his millions in pension --- although he lugi on free A-class medical as he was exiled to Canada.

Anonymous said...

RB // The Legend of Bruce Lee //


Anonymous said...

Sounds like 1950s, 1960s era ....?

Anonymous said...

Would it have as much audience ( and appeal ) in this SnapChat era?

Anonymous said...

If Lee is still alive, he would be 76 this year ....?

Anonymous said...

How many old oldies past 75 in their late 70s, 80s and 90s can connect with those in their teens, twenties, thirties ....., and speak in their "language"?

In other words, would the "brick-like" size Motorola 8008 handphones that sold like hotcakes as recent as the early 90s sell at all in the current market .....?

Would even oldies in their 60s like to be seen carrying such "brick-size and weight" 8008 Motorola handphone models around in public places such as MRT trains, buses, restaurants, food courts, coffeeshops, hawker centres, supermarkets, shopping malls and in front of their grandchildren etc?

The bottom line is would it appear incongruous and totally out of place in current ( social economic and political ) settings?

Who wants to volunteer doing a demo in MBFC or Raffles Place or Orchard Road carrying such a "brick-size and weight" handphone model?


Pls KEE CHIU .......

Anonymous said...

Would young people listen or want to listen to what a 90-yo is saying or even interested in his message?

Anonymous said...

Even one lao goa, now not yet past 75, at 74-yo "own self check(mate) own self" when he opens his mouth to speak publicly?

Anonymous said...

The biz of politics and mass communication is to reach out to a wide audience as large as possible?

Anonymous said...

The art is to capture the middle ground, and as much to the right and left ......?

Anonymous said...

Pitting Ip Man against "Iron" Mike in the big screen confirms people’s "scepticism" about all the choreographed fighting moves?

Anonymous said...

Wound any martial art expurt want to fight "Iron" Mike in real life and sign an indemnity "agreement" with the organiser for any ( serious or fatal ) injury?

Such movies are good to watch on big screen like any "nationalistic" movie made in the East or West not unlike "One-Man Army Rambo" taking on a whole battalion?

Having said that, such movies are nice to watch and enjoy in one's golden, twilight years in a humid, warm ( "and lethargic" ) late afternoon in the verandah, with warm breeze complementing the ceiling fan to keep one feeling comfortable and even dozing off into dreamland half way through such movies?

Anonymous said...

Why are so many young watching Ip Man 3?

Anonymous said...

To pit Ip Man in the character against "Iron" Mike is a bit "over-stretched" .....?


Teochew Ah Pek's rally oso many young people go watch lor .....?

Anonymous said...

What happened in the end?

Anonymous said...

What do the young really think in their hearts?

What connect(s) with them?

Do YEW think the ( many ) young are convinced "Iron" Mike is no match ( in real life ) to any martial art expurt. ...?

Anonymous said...

Chinese kung fu ( in particular Wing Chun ) is a good sports,exercise and self-defence martial art .....

But showbiz is showbiz?


Anonymous said...

Do YEW think many young who watched "Superman" really believe he can "fly"?

Anonymous said...

The bottom line is not about arguing about this movie or anything near that but not to veer towards anachronistic mindsets that distract what need(s) to be done to better our society realistically. .....?


Anonymous said...

A movie is for entertainment plus whatever messages it intends to impart. Some have messages some don't. Some are pure entertainment, some edutainment.

Anonymous said...

Likely candidates for Ip Man 4 ( if any )?

Anonymous said...

World Muay Thai Champion Buakaw Banchamek?