Amos Yee – The charges
Amos Yee and his parents appeared in court yesterday to face the following charges for his YouTube video clip. ‘Police said Amos will face charges in court today under Section 298 of the Penal Code for utterances against Christians with a “deliberate intent to wound religious feelings”. Other charges include circulating an obscene object and making threatening, abusive or insulting communication which is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress. The Straits Times’
Read carefully and you will notice how serious the charges are. ‘Deliberate intent to wound religious feelings’ means that the act was intentional and touching on a taboo area in the city state, ie religion and religious feeling. These two points are serious and not to ‘pray pray’ with.
The other adjectives used, ‘threatening, abusive or insulting,…likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress’ …to who? Amos’ offending words were in the YouTube. You know what is the YouTube? A YouTube is like a private document, not sold on the street sides, not forced onto the audience like the TV or Radio, demanding your attention. If you want to view the clip you would have to intentionally access it through a gadget or computer. You seek for the video or info. They don’t come breathing down your neck. Amos did not ask anyone to go to his YouTube to listen to him. The viewers seek to view on his own volition. The viewers trepassed into his video or a blog. He did not broadcast to everyone. Intent?
Perhaps all YoutTube postings or blogs should have a privacy clause, ‘The material or info is private, enter or view at your own risk’. Now, would this make a difference and protect the author from being accused of being intentional or threatening anyone, or harassment or causing alarm and distress to others? A YouTube or blog is passive. If a person does not intent to visit, the person would not notice anything or be offended by its content. Someone shitting in the toilet, another one enters and feels offended by the shit. The person shitting has intent to shit on him? So very funny. Actually it is not funny at all.
But in this city state, the law is the law. Just obey the law and know the peculiarities of the law that is uniquely Singapore. Enter at your own risk. I mean visiting YouTube or blogs.
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I am not law trained.
To me, law is very confusing.
TO me, law is very complicate.
But as Simon told me the Chinese word "官" has two "mouths".
Like what uncle rb said, law is law. Don't play play.
Enjoy another looooooog-weekend!
Amos is very pitiful.
He is not a Foreign Talent.
He is not affiliated to any elite, maybe his parents too are not.
He said and did things which were fine with most. BUT what he has done were like poisons to some powerful folks dead and alive.
There were Others who did worse than him(Amos), however, they were not treated liked Amos.
Maybe Amos is special.
Anyway, try not to swear and curse a dead man unless he had killed or done unpardonable deeds to the Country or and the People.
Screw up the person whilst he or she is alive. No point going after a dead person.
Chinese Saying 怨生不怨死 , meaning to say, do not blame the Dead. It is meaningless to blame, swear and curse a dead person.
Put up the History of the bad deeds of the Dead Ones to show their guilt and sin. However, il the Facts must be accurate, verifiable.or substantiable.
@ RB:
>> “deliberate intent to wound religious feelings”
Yup. aka "Fun" which comes from ridiculing nonsense, and serving up a good slap to those who choose to not only include said nonsense in their lives, but force it down the throats and up the arses of those who choose otherwise, or simply DON'T CARE.
>> But in this city state, the law is the law. Just obey the law and know the peculiarities of the law that is uniquely Singapore.
EXACTEMENT! If you seriously like your "freedom" and think it is the govts. fundamental DUTY to defend individual freedom, then you will need a different passport (renounce Singapore citizenship), or a resident visa for a cuntry which has LAWS to guarantee the rights you think are important.
If you really need to do that shit in Singapore, then for fuck's sake be as anonymous as you can. In Singapore, the 11th Commandment applies: Thou shalt not get caught, or in government-speak: "Don't let me catch you!".
Just about every western liberal democracy is a varying degree of "welfare sate", where taxes are high and labour is expensive. However most of them still hold fundamental "Renaissance values" at the CORE of their foundational legal documents: the PRIMACY of the individual, and the rights they have under the law and defended by law enforcement---all paid for by the high taxes you pay. I call it "entry and maintenance fees)
If or when you can afford to do so, my suggestion is to get a resident visa to one of these places, and fuck it---just pay their taxes!
"Freedom" ain't free. It can never be. It is valuable, so therefore, you will have to pay.
To me the most "offensive" thing which has occurred is the arrest and arraignment of Amos Yee.
If we support Amos Yee's right to free speech, should we vote Opposition?
@ 1122:
As a religious and political atheist, I don't vote, or if I'm forced, I vandalise the ballot thus spoiling my vote.
I also don't believe that "democracy" works---people are too easy to fool en masse.
You vote or worship who you choose, and believe whatever you like. Your life, your business. ;-)
P.S. I'm OK with whatever happens to Singapore. Don't worry, I can always find some "angle" to benefit from, regardless whether others consider the situation "good" or "bad". In fact, sometime the worse it is, the "better" for me :-))
"Ere he shall lose an eye for such a trifle... For doing deeds of nature! I'm ashamed. The law is such an ass."
English dramatist George Chapman in 1654 - Revenge for Honour:
Lee Kuan Yew Himself created more controversies when He spoke of the Muslim community in His book "Hard Truths to Keep Singapore Going". Of course He wasn't charged under the same hate speech law. (He's Untouchable.) He simply released a statement that "He stands corrected" without offering an apology. He also denied making a damning comment on Islam in a leaked Wikileaks cable. (try googling yourself)
If I were the state, I would drop the case against Yee right away...
What's religious harmony Act???
So many Pastors, Fathers had also criticized the Buddhists, the Taoists, worse remarks than Amos Yee.
Just because they are the Preachers?
That's even worse!!!
Remarks against other religions other than Christianity and Islam no police reports made. Let's move on- the favorite phrase.
A bit against Christianity and Islam. All Hell broke loose.
One man's belief is another man's no belief so what's the Hoo Ha???
If you feel insulted that others criticized your beliefs than you faith in yours and are insecure.
IMO, the really funny stuff began AFTER Amos uploaded his video to YouTube and FaceBook.
Don’t get me wrong, Amos’s “Lee Kuan Yew is dead—-FINALLY” had funny moments in its short 8 min run, but they are funny mainly in a foul-mouthed schoolboy kind of a way, with its references to “dick-sucking” (of the oblong variety) and calling people “motherfucker”, and shitting on Jesus. Please lah, young boys do this ALL THE TIME, no biggie. When kids get together, there is widespread freedom of speech and expression. If you don’t believe me, listen to their rap music and visit /b/ on the 4-chan network. :-)
It is only in the land of adults where “free speech” becomes a problem. Although kids tell lies all the time, adults take it to a new level and actually LIVE lives of lies, deception and delusion…whatever it takes to put on the “right face” or to keep from “losing face”. If a precocious kid turns the spotlight and exposes an uncomfortable truth to the adults, almost ALL of the time, the adults will slap this little shit down, simply because they are adults, and the little guy is just a kid…with a dirty mouth of course. Most adults will get angry if a kid called them “delusional”, “cock sucker” or “motherfucker”. In fact, more than a few will totally wig-out and flip their shit, especially if the kid (aka "cheebye kia") adds RELIGION to the mix.
The problem of not having emotional control, is that if you lose your shit, you are easily taken advantage of. Reactionary, emotional people who place a primacy on their emotions as THE guide to life, life’s choices and decisions, are the most easily manipulated. I know. I play on people’s emotions for a living——i.e. I get paid to “hijack” their brains :-)
Response from the government: TOTAL silence. Response from the people: clearly reactionary outrage.
So if you are the govt. HOW are you going to deal with this “problem”? (Actually, if you are mature and free of “hang-ups”, there’s no problem.). Since deceased persons have no rights and thus cannot sue (even by proxy, i.e. through surviving family or friends) for defamation, slander or libel, how to “lanyak” this Amos fella, and make an example out of him? Hopefully, whatever we do will deter similar behaviours and copycats…especially from those Hong Lim CPF beggar-cunts!
DING! (another genius idea from the PAP)
Let’s use those outraged (so-called) “Christians” as our patsy. These emotional fools have “lost it” and cannot think straight. Since they are so pissed off, let’s use their collective “butt hurt” to get Amos Yee. 20 police reports? Out of a population of 5.4 million? No sweat. We can work with it! And because we a kiasu, we can add another charge of “distributing obscene material”, namely that “obscene” cartoon on his blog and FaceBook page. Quick! Call the Attorney General's office!
My dear, dear, Christians, the govt has just played your collective backside…and you don’t even know it.
Happy Easter, dudes. Forgiveness much?
I still CANT figure out how Amos
had offended SOME christians
with his(Amos) use of the Word
The intolerance of Abrahamic religions is there since historical time. The pretence that they are peace loving is a disillusion.
@ 901:
In Abrahamic religions, the idea of "love" is twisted, perverted and dangerously TOXIC.
Their "love" (supposedly "unconditional") is based on some old guy, who loves his Imaginary Friend so much that he was willing to SLAUGHTER his son in ritual sacrifice to said Imaginary Friend.
But, in the Christian version of this saga, the Imaginary Friend did one better---he actually set up his son to be MURDERED, apparently "sacrificed" for the absolution of all "sin" of all humanity, for all time. Apparently this occurred on a Friday, which the flock (of sheep) now celebrate as Good Friday, which just so happens to be today, 3rd April 2015.
The inherent intolerance is give a further psychological boost by emphasising that there are 2 kinds of people in the world: those who believe in the Greatest Bullshit Story Ever Told, and those who don't---the one's who have been "saved" and therefore will live forever, and those who don't who also will live forever, but suffering horribly---which includes the people from the other 2 branches of Abrahamic religiosity, namely the Muslims and the Jews. Actually, the all HATE each other, which renders the joke of a "god of love" even more hilariously RIDICULOUS.
Easter is celebrated with a nonsensical mix of Easter Bunnies, Easter Eggs made from chocolate, and of course a once dead, but now arisen "saviour"/ "messiah". (Does that sound like a zombie to you?)
Happy Easter, folks!
@ 901:
In Abrahamic religions, the idea of "love" is twisted, perverted and dangerously TOXIC.
Their "love" (supposedly "unconditional") is based on some old guy, who loves his Imaginary Friend so much that he was willing to SLAUGHTER his son in ritual sacrifice to said Imaginary Friend.
But, in the Christian version of this saga, the Imaginary Friend did one better---he actually set up his son to be MURDERED, apparently "sacrificed" for the absolution of all "sin" of all humanity, for all time. Apparently this occurred on a Friday, which the flock (of sheep) now celebrate as Good Friday, which just so happens to be today, 3rd April 2015.
The inherent intolerance is give a further psychological boost by emphasising that there are 2 kinds of people in the world: those who believe in the Greatest Bullshit Story Ever Told, and those who don't---the one's who have been "saved" and therefore will live forever, and those who don't who also will live forever, but suffering horribly---which includes the people from the other 2 branches of Abrahamic religiosity, namely the Muslims and the Jews. Actually, they all HATE each other, which renders the joke of a "god of love" even more hilariously RIDICULOUS.
Easter is celebrated with a nonsensical mix of Easter Bunnies, Easter Eggs made from chocolate, and of course a once dead, but now arisen "saviour"/ "messiah". (Does that sound like a zombie to you?)
Happy Easter, folks!
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