
What you said would not go away

‘Mr Prime Minister, we think that you are still going to be in your position. But when do you think you will retire?

A: As soon as there is somebody who is competent to take the job, I should not be here. It’s better for Singapore. If I hang on indefinitely, it will become more complicated.’

The above is quoted from an interview with LKY reported in the Asahi Shimbun in 1985. A blogger, Edmund, lifted the article and quoted it in his post ‘Why LKY continues to stay on till today’ in the TRE. Edmund made some interesting commentaries on the reasons for LKY to be still in parliament. What is interesting also is the above quote.

As early as 1985, the continued role of LKY as the PM was being questioned, and his departure from politics was a big issue. It was like the media asking LKY when was he going to let someone take over as he had been in politics for an unprecedented period of time. LKY’s reason or excuse to stay on in politics, as the PM, was the lack of an able person to take over the premiership. And he was like the guardian angel, to be there until the next guy was good enough, in his view, to go solo.

And, based on what he said above, when he is still around, it means that the incumbent PM is not good enough. When he has no confidence in the incumbent, he just has to keep an eye on him, like a goal keeper, just in case he needs to catch the ball from scoring. Another interpretation is that he had let go the moment he appointed someone else as PM, ie, since Chok Tong became the PM, he had found someone competent for the job of PM. This view will definitely invite alternative views.

Since 1985, we have two PMs, and LKY is still around. What does that mean? He is still needed to be safe as the two PMs were not good enough?.

There is another contradictory development to his staying in politics. There were comments that his presence in parliament would do more harm than good to the incumbent PM. People who shared this view are saying that he has overstayed and no longer welcomed. If this is true, his self assigned role as the goal keeper or guardian angel is going to be more negative than positive though his intention to guard the goal posts was admirable.

What if he has to step down due to old age in the next GE? Does it mean that there is someone ready and good enough that he is confident to leave the scene? Or would he die die want to stay on another term if the incumbent is still not good enough to him?

It is really pathetic that after two PMs, nearly 20 years of mentoring, no one is good enough. What is the reason? Poor judgement of the ability of the candidates or simply no talent available that is good enough? Or simply no one is going to fit that pair of big shoes? Maybe this time he would step down completely to affirm that he has found someone good enough to fill his shoes.

When God is concerned there can only be one God. No one else can be good enough.

Kopi Level - Green


Anonymous said...

"Since 1985, we have two PMs, and LKY is still around. What does that mean? He is still needed to be safe as the two PMs were not good enough?"

Since 1990, not 1985 lah. LKY only "stepped down officially" as PM in 1990.

Yes, he is still needed to be safe. Safety cannot be compromised, so the safer the better. And better still if there are 2 or more LKYs instead of one.

Better be safe than sorry.

Anonymous said...

Read many times before, here and at other blogs, that members in the first generation were far more competent. And their sacrifices and integrities were beyond doubt. Sinkies are praying that the current leaders could be the same.
So, why would sinkies want the best leaders such as Lee Kuan Yew, Toh Chin Chye, Goh Keng Swee, Ong Teng Cheong, Jeyaretnam, Devan Nair, Hon Sui Sen, Lim Kim San etc to give way for younger inexperienced and untested integrities.
Rb himself is all praise for the old guards. Those grand leaders desrve to be Senior Prime Minister, Minister Mentor, Prime Minister Adviser etc. There are lots of positions to create and keep them in political service and power. Why waste the better ones and compromise quality?

Anonymous said...

"So, why would sinkies want the best leaders such as Lee Kuan Yew, Toh Chin Chye, Goh Keng Swee, Ong Teng Cheong, Jeyaretnam, Devan Nair, Hon Sui Sen, Lim Kim San etc to give way for younger inexperienced and untested integrities."
Anon 11:15 am

Alamak, all mati liao lah, and some long ago. All except LKY.

U expect them to jump out of their grave to serve Sinkies?

That's why LKY, although also not much time left, is still serving Sinkies as MP, tio bo?

And u Sinkies still want to complain some more?

Anonymous said...

/// It is really pathetic that after two PMs, nearly 20 years of mentoring, no one is not good enough. ///

The banyan tree can be considered a giant of a tree in Singapore.
It's canopy provides very good shade.
But because of the shade, nothing big can grow underneath its canopy.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Oops, I mean 'no one is good enough.'

The first generation may not be as smart as the new generations with their strings of As and first class honours. But they have one thing very special in them. They have a mission, to build a nation and uplift the lives of the people. Their hearts were in the right place. That may be the reason why many did not die super rich.

Today even MPs are super rich and ministers no need to say. In one term they have made it in life.

You see this mission in the new generation of leaders? Yes, they all said they are there to serve the people.

b said...

A: As soon as there is somebody who is competent to take the job, I should not be here. It’s better for Singapore. If I hang on indefinitely, it will become more complicated.’

This person is trained very well in giving politically correct answer. He will never tell you the truth lah. Perhaps he did not even know what is true cos he only knows what is the right thing to say. Almost everyone out there is selfish and greedy. I will also stay on and not retire since it is so easy to earn those astronomical salaries and allowances from taxpayers without having to do any real work.

b said...

The people buy iphones and the ministers buy islands. It is very sad that the people ,especially 60%, still do not understand how they think. We are sub humans in their eyes.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ "i-don't-fucking-get-it" RB:

>> after two PMs, nearly 20 years of mentoring, no one is good enough. What is the reason?

The reason is the maxim that excellence or perfection is not a destination. It is the process of getting better.

This is actually quite wise. If you are never satisfied, according to the theory, you'll always be pushing the limit. That's how Singapore keeps getting better and better, more rocking and more awesome as time goes on.

Will it end? Who knows? Who can tell the future? So IMO the best best is to MAX OUT what you can for your own SELF INTEREST.

How selfish are you today?