
Material Singapore kena slap, slap

The 5 day visit by Myanmar’s democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi ended yesterday with a confirmed slap slap on materialistic Singapore. Many Singaporeans must be squeezing to get up close with this lady from a Third World country, economically and materially, with a whole list of what Singapore can do for Myanmar. Come see this Singapore and that Singapore. Come see Orchard Road and Sentosa, Changi Airport, HDB flats…. We can build industrial parks for Myanmar, airports, sea ports, shopping centres, artificial gardens, artificial beaches and parks, and yes HDB flats. We can teach Myanmar, plenty of things, and plenty of things for Myanmar to learn from us.

Aung San Suu Kyi was more amused than anything. What is there to learn from Singapore except materialism, mad rush, rat race. She was quoted to say, ‘That made me think, what is work all about? What are human beings for? What are human lives for? The Singapore answer will be to work, work and work. Work is everything, work is pride and dignity.

To this lady of international fame for fighting for democracy and human rights, there is more to just work and money, and work and work. There is a life worth living for. The quality of life is not just about materialism. She conceded that there are things that Myanmar could learn from Singapore but definitely not to copy our model of work, work and work. Myanmar would want to walk its own path to find its own way and happiness.

Her parting shot to Singapore, ‘Perhaps Singapore could learn from us a more relaxed way of life. Perhaps warmer and closer family relationships. I think we have much to offer you, you come and find out.’ Oooh la lah… This must be shocking to many successful Singaporeans with a lot of cash to paste on their faces. This woman from Myanmar wanted to teach us? How can?

Aung San Suu Kyi lives a life to improve lives, for freedom and human rights. We live a life of materialism, money and work. We even have to pay the govt for visiting our parents or our friends in their HDB flats. How is that for building kampong spirit and building a warmer relationship with friends and dear ones? We pay for everything and thus have to work and work to pay and pay.

Well, it is a matter of opinion and expectation of life. We still want to pay that hundred or two hundred thousand bucks to the hospitals to keep us alive to 100 years when we are 90. We need to find more money to live to 100 years. Thank God there is this god sent Medishield Life to help the Singaporeans to live a good life.


Anonymous said...

I want to live long enuff to spit on the grave of a 90 year old grandfather.

Anonymous said...

your title is wrong lah.
It should be 'Material PAP kena slap, slap".
Singaporeans got so many material meh?

Anonymous said...

I got news for you, retirement age predicted to be raised to 70.
Happy toilet cleaning and table clearing - or your career of choice is selling tissues and collecting cardboard boxes. Solly busking not allowed.

Anonymous said...

All morally right Sinkies should blame themselves for working themselves to death.
Because they like to ask; what do I do if I dont work? They behave like they have NO FAMILY, SIBLING, FREN AND HOBBY.

Do Sinkies understand living?

Anonymous said...

"Do Sinkies understand living?"

We understand.
Does your boss at work understand that we don't want to work so hard?
Does PAP understand that we don't want to be spurred?

Why not you tell your boss lah?
Why not you tell PAP lah?
Tell us no use.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha, learn from Myanmar? Go little burma in peninsula plaza can liao. From basement to level 5! Every weekend laggi shiok! Got more things to learn n see. Basement many 1950s type deep fried dark soy sauce sampang fish with burmese beer to go with, low tables and short stools really rustic kampung flavour ironically in the heart of the city, just opp Supreme Court, behind Ministry of Finance Treasury Building, Raffles city, stone throw from Parliament House. Good idea for stressed out co-drivers to go there chilled out after "bruising verbal exchange" with the 93% Elitist Goliaths.

Anonymous said...

Our govt wants us to go back to kampong spirit in HDB flats. What ASSK was saying is that life is not just about work and work and material comfort. Material comfort is good, but not the only reason to live for. It is family and human relationship that are more impt than the iphone and ipad.

Anonymous said...

Every thing blame government but every time listen to government, then blame government again.
Singaporean all very clever never wrong themselves. So smart hor!

Anonymous said...

She got a point and at the right time.

We have been blind by the need to be successful that we forgot there is a life. A life that is very short. If you fail to take advantage when young, some of these are gone forever no matter how rich you become. Good advice!

Anonymous said...

They should bring her to the casino to impress her.

Anonymous said...

Well, why did she visit the F-1 race for.....To relax in a carbon dioxide / monoxide atmosphere...

What about the Rohingya people, she does not care for them.

Anonymous said...

Well, why did she visit the F-1 race for.....To relax in a carbon dioxide / monoxide atmosphere...

What about the Rohingya people, she does not care for them.

Anonymous said...

Not telling you la.

More like scolding you.

Get it?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

The best way to preserve democracy and human rights is to ensure the society is educated, productive and wealthy.

Every cuntry and its people get the government it deserves. The dumb motherfuckers in Burma -- once a jewel in the colonial British crown -- couldn't even get their shit together to throw off a corrupt, brutal military junta; the "legitimate" government in exile all this time.


I sense some kind of envy in Aung San Suu Kyi. In Myanmar people still shit in buckets and holes in the ground. Many have to leave to find employment elsewhere, praying to a non-existent Buddha-god for the "blessings" stored in his distended belly, to shoot out his asshole, and bathe the world in his watery divine shit, apparently "healing" the world in the process.

In Singapore, schoolchildren sport the latest iPhones, and people fork out 100k for a piece of paper called a "COE".

So, if you are wise, you will "salute" materialism. We live in a material world -- world made up of "stuff". So far, there has been no evidence (after 50,000 years of human civilization) to suggest that a supernatural world or realms exist.

Human life largely involves the organisation of "stuff" and the moving around of "material stuff" to achieve objectives necessary for life: like producing energy, food etc. etc.

So I have HI PRAISE for materialism. I also am very well aware, that at the end of the day, Aung San Suu Kyi is a politician, which means she is not to be trusted.

Anonymous said...

She must be impressed.

Anonymous said...

She cares for everybody under the Sky by telling You to live a meaningful life. Care for yrself, yr family, yr frens, yr neighbours and everyone else.
Dont just live with money and what money provide you.

Anonymous said...

A modern fable about success that Singaporeans can learn from. To immunize us from the PAP ideology.

A little story about a Mexican fisherman illustrates success in a simple life well lived.

A Little Story
The businessman was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The businessman complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. The Mexican replied only a little while.

The businessman then asked why he didn't stay out longer and catch more fish? The Mexican said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs.

The businessman then asked, but what do you do with the rest of your time? The Mexican fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take a siesta with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos; I have a full and busy life, señor."

The businessman scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and I could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats; eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats.
Instead of selling your catch to a middleman, you would sell directly to the processor and eventually open your own cannery.
You would control the product, processing and distribution.
You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually New York City where you would run your expanding enterprise."

The Mexican fisherman asked, "But señor, how long will this all take?" To which the businessman replied, "15-20 years."
"But what then, señor?" The businessman laughed and said, "That's the best part! When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich. You would make millions."

"Millions, señor? Then what?"
The businessman said, "Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take a siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos."

The fisherman, still smiling, looked up and said, "Isn't that what I'm doing right now?"

-Author Unknown

Anonymous said...

It seems to me there is a lot a lot of very very unhappy people out there.......Why...........

Our society is moving tooooooooooooo fast...... following the crowds.....chasing after everything........

Many are struggling....many are crying .....many are left behind.....

To the leaders...what is the use of being number one in a lot of areas when your people is very very unhappy and struggling ............

Slow down does not means no growth......

Slow down before it is too late ........

Anonymous said...

"Slow down before it is too late ........"

But I have to make my millions before you vote me out.
The biological clock is running out on grandfather.
Very soon, I will be exposed for being an incompetent bloodsucker.

Anonymous said...

Having spent half her life fighting for a cause, this woman is indeed wonderfullll!, and still able to be clear and not taken in with materialistic things.....remarkable, on question if she wanted to re-create what she have seen in her country, she repiled, "not re-create but learn".

Pls matilah, do you sleep with a knife under your pillow or what, geeeszeers give the dame a break, not many politicians are like her, she was and still is under the gun constantly, many would have chosen to walk away.....

Anonymous said...

@ 11.32 am Mageelah

??????///// So I have HI PRAISE for materialism /////??????!!!!!!

Matilahlism = Mentalism = Mageelahlism?

Ha ha ha

Pls continue, continue ........

Ha ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

There is a huge difference in being materialsitic and necessity, of course there is envy, after being lock up half her freaking life....would you not.
She didn't sell her ass for no kangaroo army to be what she is, for god sake.

Anonymous said...

Mati lah is wise to take every opportunity to enjoy living.
Imagine living when one loses the teeth, head turns white or bald, cannot hold the bladder and have difficulty moving bowels.
Even more regrettable is to lose virility while the brain is alive with all kind of fantasies.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> matilah, do you sleep with a knife under your pillow or what,

No need. I am a licensed gun owner ;-)

>> geeeszeers give the dame a break,

Why? She won't give us a break ;-)

For decades the bitch has been whining about "injustice", and yet the Burmese have no balls for self determination to throw out the corrupt junta. Instead cry cry like baby to the UN, rest of the world etc.

You and I are going to disagree, so here it goes: I don't respect her at all, and I think the Burmese people are wimps.

There. Go ahead. Disagree :-)


>> Mati lah is wise to take every opportunity to enjoy living.

It's not "wisdom". It's just common sense.

>> Even more regrettable is to lose virility while the brain is alive with all kind of fantasies.

Not so bad. These days you can have a reasonable fulfilling life even with physical disabilities. The worst one is when the brain goes -- eventually, if you live long enough, it will. When the brain goes, then it is truly GAME OVER.

Anonymous said...

Mother Nature always has the last laugh. Her slap on this myopic materialistic mob of sheeples and their sheeple-herds will be so hard they would not know what hit them. Baaaaa.

Anonymous said...

Actually hor, we can all retire and disappear gracefully, just that none of us willing to do that lah, perhaps only Matilah_Singapura and RedBean, but they just like to KPKBu a little.

Plus the government scare like shit that we all early retire like me and do fuck off, sitting around, talking cock with old farts, came up with ideas to let us go at meaningful pace and have our golden years really golden... bloody hell, all proposals to agencies and MPs like dropping shit into bottomless pit.... they all give you lips service only.... they need ideas to be proven first somewhere else or must come up from the top talents lah....

So we all still sit around and wait for CPF funds to be freed up... some clowns will go Batam, Balai, and some interesting islands to retire lah... who will want to stay in is rat race.

Me, already planned, this shit in Singapore can go on by this brainless top brains, they can continue to slave drive all that do not see the PICTURE... Lets all go to Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Bhutan, Palau and do nothing but continue to talk cock and sing song for the rest of my life.... ya, will keep my HDB to collect RENTAL.

Anonymous said...

Brain dead ot brainless suffers nothing.
Old and virile are the ones to suffer paying to give fun to others.

Anonymous said...

Well, all the courtesy and kindness campaigns and the promotion of graciousness in the past didn't work, so maybe all these intakes of NEW Singaporeans is an attempt to replace all the culturally rude, unkind and ungracious OLD Singaporeans.

Anonymous said...

@ 12.21 pm & 1.04 pm

Ha ha ha

There goes again ........

Someone talking to himself .......

Think IMH .........


Someone imagining himself to be the "Cock of the Ring" ......

Ha ha ha

Physically + mentally disabled .......

No worries. You have company somewhere ............. just that people are much older than you to reach that state.

Anonymous said...

But those Myanmars still want to come and work and live in materialistic Sinkieland what. And even become Sinkie citizens (vote PAP?) some more.

Why they did not listen to Aung San Su Kyi to be less materialistic and remain in Myanmar, you tell me lah?

Anonymous said...

That shows PAP govt is right to be materialistic lah. Or else why would foreign talents want to come to a place which is wrong, tio bo?

And why would 60% vote for a party which is wrong?

So what has Aung San Su kyi got to say about this?

oldhorse42 said...

ASSK is indeed an courageous and resilient lady. I admire her greatly for her fighting spirit and her survival skills.

Her fortune only took a turn for the better following US intervention.

She is an opposition leader in her country.Yet she made no attempt to talk to opposition leaders here, especially Sylvia Lim from WP.

Why did she choose to visit F1 races, like so many celebrities invited here to grace the occasion?

Anonymous said...

@ 1.43 pm

You seem to have got it quite wrong!

The campaign in the past sure worked like no known success on Earth --- think of the great Stop At 2 campaign.

It is so successful that the real talented, courteous and honest Singaporeans are on the way to join the dinosaurs in extinction.

That may explain the need to let in so many fake talents and scholars into our work places and universities

The said...

2 things ASSK slapped across to the PAP:
1) Keep your generals in the jungle.
2) Keep your materialism to yourself.

The said...

/// Matilah_Singapura said...
So, if you are wise, you will "salute" materialism. ///

Thank you, material girl, wise words indeed.

BTW, love your thongs.

Anonymous said...

@ THE 2.18 pm

Well said!

Anonymous said...

Could it be that someone or some people in power see the potential of ASSK coming to power in Burma one day in the near future?
In the Past, only the Junta Members were here.

Anonymous said...

PAP got use to being slapped all these years. They think we sayang them that is why we slap them. Sorry hor, this time is for real. The policies of inviting FTs to come and rob our jobs and housing are not going well with us. We are gonna to slap and kick you out of the house soon. Repent!

Anonymous said...

@ THE 2.18 pm

One word of caution.

Dun love thongs and ...... yes mangoes TOO MUCH!

Otherwise, some more bi-erection again. Low productivity at work after too much EMA. Waste tax payers money! Then by-election 3rd time. Waste even more tax payers money.

Anonymous said...

And they got a ex-cabinet minister cum ex-general and NOT an Incumbent minister to welcome/receive her.
How does she feels about it?

b said...

Maybe material is not the most important but it is definitely the second or third most important. Health and Family are the other more important ones. But the three FHM must work together just like the Trinity. One cannot do without the other. It is ok to pursue success but it must not be pursued just on it own. It must be pursue together with proper Family and Health measures to be substainable. A balance for the three will be the ideal state.

b said...

Smally harbors a lot of ill gotten gains for the enemies of ASSK. Myanmar people is supposed to be better off if not for those corrupted generals. If ASSK strikes a deal with usa, usa may even be tempted to strike smally to recover those monies for her so that they can be closed to their world number one enemy. She has to act ruthless, smart and quick in order to do that. Her urge for her people to go home may be a warning.

Anonymous said...

this chee by aung sang puki is the mirror image of kuan yew;

kuan yew is a traitor; claiming to be an interpreter of the japenis bastards during the ww2

aung sang puki put the illustrious name of her father to shame, selling her cunt to the white terrorists that her late father had fought to free Burma from!

b said...

'The policies of inviting FTs to come and rob our jobs and housing are not going well with us. '

- there are many policies not going well with us but unfortunately only affected the less than 50% group so there is nothing much we can do except to kpkb. More than 50% are happy with papaya policies so they voted them again and again. Most likely they are the people who have top jobs, live in big houses, drive nice big cars.

b said...


the real terrorists are the corrupted officials aka druglords, murderer generals. it is a matter of who is the lesser of two evils. Moreover, she has suffered a lot for her people. she can easily give up the dream of doing something for her people and enjoy life in uk with her family. but she opted for the difficult path. I do hope she can be the pm of myanmmar one day and prosecute all those druglords.

patriot said...

ASSK deserves the Greatest Respect for sacrifice of personal freedom and wellbeing.
She is loyal to her country, her fellow countrymen and her ethnic root.
Me wishes her good health and success.


Anonymous said...

It will not be surprising that George Yeo will stand for Next General Election for PAP.
And there could be many Sinkies voting for him if he does.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Actually it would be wrong to ascribe envy to just one person like Aung San Suu Ky.

Envy is a human trait, and it can have a positive function to motivate people. Like all emotions, they are not to be taken seriously.

You encounter it all the time: if you happen to have "more" stuff than other people, sooner or later a few of them will attempt to denigrate you and your accumulation of "stuff" -- by alluding that you are "materialistic" and therefore "unhappy" or "soul-less" or "greedy"...etc ad naseum. They might have a point, but at the end of the day it is none of their business what you own or how you live your life.

Like I said, I salute Singapore and its materialistic inhabitants. Material comforts are pleasures NORMAL PEOPLE -- i.e. people who don't carry a burden of unearned GUILT or useless word-salad, meaningless and untenable philosophy -- happy people who are the happiest minding their own damn business, who have earned the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of their successful enterprises, whatever they might be.

So what the fuck is Aung San Suu Ky KPKB about? Her background is upper middle class, she's traveled and lived all over the world, was fortunate enough to pursue her life as an academic...write books, give speeches to packed audiences, is the darling of the United Nations, Nobel Laureate. Oh my, she is a successful woman...

...so why then, shit on the success of others?

Aung San Suu Ky, you showed really bad form. Boo to you.

billy the kid said...

Lee ConYou also from upper middle class, travelled and lived all over the world but he never sacrificed for his people, instead he tried to con all of them into staying into a cramped lousy hdb flat, taking crowded public transport to work, unaffordable education and medical, insecure jobs etc while accumulating billions of assets and wealth. The people who attended his speech and buy his books are very different from the people who attended ASSK speech and buy her books. One batch is the thick skin bootlickers and another one batch is the people who still believe loyalty, truth and kindness still exists even if they are far fetched because of the existence of Lee Conyou type of people.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the "ha ha ha" brigade. Simpletons who cannot write in good, clear English. Speaks volumes for your first world education system.

Anonymous said...

Anon said... September 24, 2013 9:47 pm

Gotta love the "ha ha ha" brigade... cannot write in good, clear English. Speaks volumes for your first world education system.

ad hominem


virgo49 said...

F1 shown to the world. The Papies definitely wants the whole world to know who's who's here so as to gain credit fir their "achievements"

Anonymous said...

@ 10.35 pm

Obviously someone is a show off who bs here, bs there and always trying to show off his shit but in the wrong place of his system. He could not even put together a simple argument and need to go for a cheap shot but failed miserably. One cannot help but get reminded of a comic strip titled: Born Loser.

Ha ha ha

Pls continue your crap here and show the world the shit overflowing from the wrong place in your body.

Ha ha ha ha ha

Pls continue to do so as the way for an inferiority complex person to mentally make up is exist in fallacies. The tons of nonsense may be able to fool some not so educated and uninformed oldies.

Ha ha ha ha ha

But i suppose some does not mind cos to them it cost them nothing whether they are watching a clown providing attempted entertainments to some bored souls looking to while away their time.

Ha ha ha ha ha

In the end, many can't be bothered. Let someone live in his fallacies and imaginations. I suppose oldies with their life experiences can be magnanimous. I shall try to emulate them and ignore your existent. Just that i can't help saying that every time i see your comment, i just jump over. But u can continue to live in your fallacies of greatness. What u attempt can only fool some bored oldies but i suppose many don't bother anyway.

Once in a while, where time and fancy permits, pple would like to tell you how silly and pathetic u are. But otherwise, i suppose some do not mind that u are in rb blog here to create the "sight" & "buzz".

I hope u get paid well for what u r doing. At least rb get to have his kopi regularly.

Ha ha ha ha ha

But reward can come in many ways. It may exist in your fallacies.

Ha ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

The above comment is for the " benefit " of anon 9.47 pm. It is meant to be an elaboration of anon 10.35 pm comment // ad hominen //

Anonymous said...

Some days Matilah can be damn smart. Some days he can be damn stupid. Bi-polar surely.

Anonymous said...

Redbean pau, your blog attracts all kinds of looneys, and that includes me. It is just as funny and captivating as the Merry Melodies & Looney Tunes cartoon show from the 50s and 60s. Thank you, sir.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anon 10:01, no worry. We are looneys at times. As long as we return to sanity then it is alright. It would be good that the loonies will spend more time on the advertisements and buy me more kopi kau : )

And welcome to the blog, Billy the Kid.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 9.57 am

No body force u, u just admitted yrself.

Ha ha ha

But no worries. Just an on line discussion.

U "outwitted" some oldies and they took them in their strides.

Life is too precious to get into anything silly or lunatic, Mr "Smart Guy".

Anyhow, whether u r bi-polar, tri-polar or multi-polar or even a multitude, readers can judge for themselves.

Those hu r daft often think others r equally daft.

Ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

@ anon 10.01 am

Ad hominem

That's the second lowest level of debating skills.

U hv just sunk to the lowest level, via name calling.

Anonymous said...

Did ASSK meet up with MM?

b said...

The medishield life premium to be paid by all will most likely be used to extend the old man life and to clone him.

Anonymous said...

Then every cent is worth paying.
If he goes, he will take Sin
along with him.
May he be always around.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I doubt ASSK would want to me LKY. One jailed his opponents. ASSK was of the same fate, a victim in her country. Would it be funny and awkward if they met?